Security Guard’s Romance



4Naturally, the passion that had been sealed for a long time could finally burst out without restraint. The two of them took a mandarin duck bath and soon got entangled on the bed.    


Passion in the storm, climb the peak, towering into the clouds.    


Then, Fu Zhenxin happily laid in Huang Xing's arms and discussed with him that after work tomorrow, they would have a picnic like last time. Huang Xing caressed Fu Zhenxin's hair and said, "Alright."    


With the beauty in his arms, Huang Xing quickly recovered and with Fu Zhenxin's tacit approval, entered the second battle. However, just as the battle started, Huang Xing's phone suddenly rang. Huang Xing wanted to reach out to take it, but Fu Zhenxin grabbed his arm, saying, don't worry about it.    


Huang Xing thought that was also true. How could an intense battle be stopped just because of a phone call?    


realised the severity of the situation, touched his phone and saw that it was actually Fu Jie calling!    


Hurriedly pressing the answer button, Fu Jie's sorrowful voice came out: Director Huang, you hurry up and come over, something's happened!    




Huang Xing asked anxiously: What's wrong, Director Fu?    


Fu Jie did not elaborate over the phone, but rather urged Huang Xing to hurry to the airport.    


Huang Xing realized that Fu Jie must have encountered a huge problem, otherwise he would not be so anxious. He grabbed his clothes and put them on. However, Fu Zhenxin felt very uncomfortable. He felt that his sister would find Huang Xing whenever she had something to say to herself. Unsatisfied, Fu Zhenxin called Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing saw that she was talking on the phone with the cat on the bed.    


Fu Zhenxin scoffed at Huang Xing, saying, "My sister."    


What? It was already too late for Huang Xing to snatch the phone away, as Fu Zhenxin had already talked to Fu Jie. Huang Xing thought, Fu Zhenxin was crazy, Fu Jie had just called her and she immediately replied. This way, Fu Jie would easily think of it.    


But in reality, the situation was much worse than Huang Xing had expected. Fu Zhenxin immediately scolded her: "Sister, what happened, do you really want to let Director Huang pass?"    


With these words, Huang Xing thought that this was bad. Asking this question was undoubtedly equivalent to telling Fu Jie some of his and Fu Zhenxin's secrets.    


But Fu Zhenxin didn't seem to have realized the severity of the problem, and continued to ask Fu Jie. Huang Xing touched Fu Zhenxin's arm, and whispered into her ear: Aunt, it's already midnight!    


Fu Zhenxin was full of energy as he spoke, and when he understood the meaning of Huang Xing's words, he could not help but break out in a cold sweat.    


Fu Jie asked from the side: Are you with Director Huang?    


Fu Zhenxin was so regretful that his intestines had turned green. Just now, he was so focused on denouncing his sister that he had forgotten that it was already close to midnight. Like this, it was not equivalent to admitting to being together with Huang Xing ? Fu Zhenxin tugged at his thigh as punishment. No, no, no, sister.    


Of course Fu Jie would not believe it, he quickly asked: "Then how do you know about it..."    


Fu Zhenxin stuck out his tongue, he did not know how to reply. Huang Xing suddenly came to a realization and asked Fu Zhenxin: "Little Director Fu, have you found the car key yet?" Fu Zhenxin was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood Huang Xing's intentions. He explained to Fu Jie: "About that, big sis, Director Huang also woke me up and told me to drive him there."    


Was the answer satisfactory? Fu Zhenxin rolled his eyes. While he was thinking, he sent a distress signal to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up, indicating that she didn't care.    


Who would have thought that Fu Jie would say: Forget it, Zhen Xin, don't come here anymore, it's so late and I can't be at ease even when you're driving, let the Director Huang call a taxi and come over.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned: Sis, what is it that I can't help you with? Do you really need me to do it?    


Fu Jie said: Alright, alright, stop talking nonsense, this is not something you can solve.    


Although Fu Zhenxin had his objections, he had no choice but to obey his sister's arrangement.    


When Huang Xing finished putting on his clothes and was preparing to go downstairs, Fu Zhenxin helped him to straighten his collar and said: "I really don't know what's wrong with my sister. It was the same last time, I wanted you to call a taxi to pick her up. I really doubt if my sister is going to fight with me for a man!    


Huang Xing was startled, then said: "What are you thinking, your sister can actually see eye to eye with me?"    


Fu Zhenxin caressed Huang Xing's face, pouted and said: Handsome and talented, who doesn't like it?    


Huang Xing pretended to be innocent: Are you talking about me? It sounds like your adjective has nothing to do with me.    


Fu Zhenxin scolded, it was stupid! He pushed Huang Xing a bit and said, you go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you at home.    


Huang Xing nodded and quickly went downstairs.    


He caught a taxi and rushed directly to Ji Nan Yao Wall Airport.    


Halfway there, Fu Jie sent a message: I'll be waiting for you in front of the bookstore on the first floor.    


After getting off the taxi, Huang Xing quickly entered the airport. When she found Fu Jie in front of the bookstore, she was playing with a toy on the car. But in reality, she did not look happy at all. The smile on her face was so stiff. If an unhappy person tried to coax a child to be happy, it would be difficult to achieve the effect of making the child happy. The child pushed the toy away and burst into tears. Huang Xing thought, the child was really pitiful, but Fu Jie was even more pitiful.    


Seeing that Huang Xing had arrived, Fu Jie's expression relaxed a little and said, You came rather quickly.    


Huang Xing walked over, and while taking the child, he asked: What exactly happened?    


Fu Jie frowned, he flung his arm and said. She stroked her hair and sat down, sighing. Shun Jing Street, my friend, is not my friend... Ji Dahai withdrew his funds.    


Huang Xing was startled: "What do you mean?    


Fu Jie explained dejectedly. My most trusted friend, Ji Dahai, originally said that he would give us 5 million, but in the end, he just called and said that he couldn't do it. He is me... I didn't expect him to do this to me, to cut me in the nick of time. This five million is very important to us, and it concerns the success or failure of our entire concept of mobile phones. Back then when he was at his lowest point in the valley, it was I who pulled him along, resulting in his current achievements. But he didn't expect that ? I've always thought of him as my only trusted friend in business, but he...    


Fu Jie's logic was in chaos, his words incoherent, his words incoherent.    


Huang Xing asked tentatively: "Without these 5 million, do we have no way of controlling it?"    


Fu Jie frowned: It's very difficult. The concept of five million was part of the plan. All that I have to do is to split the money, my mortgage money and all that money that I squeezed out from the finance have already been invested. Now, all that's left is Ji Dahai's five million, and we need to do the channel. Without those five million, it would be equivalent to ? It was the equivalent of a newly bought car that couldn't be fueled and was equivalent to a waste product. It's not the right metaphor, but that's the way it is. Ji Dahai, that bastard, had actually blocked our retreat path.    


In Huang Xing's impression, Fu Jie never swore, but today was an exception. This proves that the problem is serious.    


Huang Xing said: This five million, could it be that Ji Dahai did not call you back?    


Fu Jie said: I believe him too much! At the time, he agreed, but when I went to check the account, I found out that the five million was still missing. Call him. He said he couldn't afford the five million. I, Fu Jie, have been a businessman for so many years, I have always been as cautious as a cat. But I didn't think that Ji Dahai would disrespect me. You may not know our relationship, but that would mean... How should I put it, it's the kind of friendship that is very intimate and has been through thick and thin together. I've helped him a lot, and he has also helped me a lot. But he didn't expect that this time ? Even Ji Dahai is unreliable, I don't believe that I can trust anyone in the future.    


From Fu Jie's words, Huang Xing could sense how close the relationship between Fu Jie and this so-called Ji Dahai was. He was not qualified to ask about the reason for Ji Dahai's withdrawal of funds, and was not qualified to understand the conflict between the two of them. He only wanted to comfort the injured Fu Jie and help her settle the problem.    


But consolation was easy, and solving problems was hard. Five million was an astronomical figure.    


Fu Jie fiercely pulled on his own hair and said to Huang Xing: Director Huang, I have a short circuit in my brain now. Can you help me think of a way to get 5 million?    


Huang Xing wanted to say, you can't even do it, how can I do it? Therefore, he sat down with the child in his arms and comforted Fu Jie: Director Fu, don't be anxious. We'll slowly think of a way. This five million isn't really that urgent, right? Think about it, who else can give me a hand?    


Fu Jie shook his head: There's no more. I always thought that in the business world, I only have Ji Dahai as my friend. Now I know, I, Fu Jie, actually don't have a single friend. Even if it was especially good, no one would dare to casually take out so much money to spend. Money was something that hurt one's feelings.    


Huang Xing had never seen Fu Jie so hurt and conflicted, he could not bear to do such a thing. But he felt helpless.    


Huang Xing said: Should I let little Director Fu help think of a way?    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: Fu Zhenxin? She is my sister, and we have similar relationships. Where can she go to find a solution?    


Huang Xing thought, then he, a small worker like Huang Xing, had even less of a way to go about it. But he could not say this. Although he still could not understand, how Fu Jie could have thought of him when he was in a difficult situation, and got him to come over and discuss. Was she seeking some kind of comfort, or did she really trust herself?    


Huang Xing could not find an answer.    


But he didn't want Fu Jie to be in such a bad mood. Seeing her in such a miserable state, Huang Xing felt the same pain in his heart.    


Just as Huang Xing was thinking of how to comfort Fu Jie, he suddenly felt a soft little hand being held in his own hands. This small hand gently grabbed with force, causing Huang Xing to feel helpless. She was also a woman, and when she faced difficulties and problems, she needed a broad shoulder to lean on. Huang Xing released a hand and gently held onto the back of Fu Jie's hand, then said: "Director Fu, I wonder if we can compress our investment a bit, and use the money that we have yet to use to reasonably budget it." Or reduce the first phase of investment, look at the market response. Maybe Ji Dahai withdrawing isn't entirely a bad thing, so we can take this opportunity to avoid the risk.    


Fu Jie anxiously emphasized: "I just said that I have already thrown myself in, there is no way out." What we have to do now is not to adjust our budget, but how we can raise five million!    


Huang Xing reminded them: "You can ask Deng Guanghui, he is the company's representative.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: Do you think a person like Deng Guanghui who strives to have quality of life will have any savings? If he could earn 10,000 and spend 20,000 to drive a famous car while wearing a famous brand, where would he get the money from?    


Huang Xing thought that it was true, looks like Fu Jie had already seen through Deng Guanghui.    


However, Huang Xing felt that his strength was insufficient. Fu Jie came looking for him, and it was as if he was looking for a rock. He didn't have any money, much less money.    


This may be just trust and reliance.    


Just as Fu Jie was overwhelmed with anxiety, the child suddenly groaned and cried, struggling in Huang Xing's embrace.    


Fu Jie said, maybe he did it again, but he then took out a small urine sample from his small luggage, and wanted to take the child to the bathroom to change.    


However, Huang Xing took the piss from Fu Jie's hands, and said, "I'll go."    


Fu Jie gratefully nodded and said, "Thank you, but remember to gently wipe the child's butt. The child's butt is very tender, so it's easy to get hurt."    


Huang Xing said. Rest assured Director Fu, I will.    


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