Security Guard’s Romance



2After that, Fu Jie told Huang Xing to rest for a while, she had to find her friends in Shenzhen to see if she could get some money out of them. Although she did not hold much hope, Ji Dahai's sudden change in plans left her no choice but to treat it as if it was a miracle.    


Huang Xing wanted to accompany Fu Jie, but Fu Jie refused him.    


Actually, there were only three simple and crude dorms: one was for male employees, one was for Female Employee, and the remaining one was Fu Jie's office and bedroom. Of course, Fu Jie's office was rather simple. A desk and a small bed were the two biggest assets he had here.    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing to lie down and rest in his bedroom. She sent for Engineer Xiao Wang to bring the child back to him, and after sitting in Office room, she turned on her computer and typed on the keyboard a few times. Then, she dragged her exhausted body and left.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie really had perseverance. After taking this flight for so long, as a woman, how could she not be tired? However, Huang Xing was indeed tired. When she reached the bedroom, she would immediately yawn when she saw the bed. Fu Jie's bedroom and her desk were separated by a temporary wall made of a triplex.    


This bedroom was very simple and crude. There was only a shabby but clean Simmons' bed, plus a table and a cabinet. The cabinet and the table were also very old. There was no air-conditioning in the room, not even any electrical equipment. It could be seen how high Fu Jie's standards were for saving money, and the weather in Shenzhen was much hotter than in Jinan City. Huang Xing was already sweating a little, so he took off his shirt and pants, only wearing a pair of boxers. "Unfold the neatly folded sheet over the top of the head, covering the lower abdomen and vital areas.    


Although he was tired, Huang Xing found it hard to sleep. Fu Jie did not sleep that night and continued working non-stop. She was a man, yet she was sleeping soundly in her room ? How could he feel at ease?    


After an unknown period of time, Fu Jie finally returned with hurried footsteps, and he reflexively sat up.    


Judging from Fu Jie's expression and appearance, she had once again returned empty-handed.    


She sat on the bed and stroked her slightly messy hair. Huang Xing didn't have the heart to ask further. He wanted to comfort her, but he was worried that this comfort would coincidentally touch Fu Jie's wounds.    


Fu Jie hung his bag on the chair, trying his best to suppress his pain and said to Huang Xing: If you rest a bit longer, I have already booked a plane ticket back.    


Huang Xing said, I can't sleep, so why don't you rest? You tell me the time, and I'll call you later.    


Fu Jie said with a wry smile. I can't sleep either. I only have a week. If I don't raise five million, the company will go bankrupt. I've already made the worst of it. If I really can't get any more money, then I'll have to sell half of the company's business, and maybe even ? Even selling out the long term return of wireless public service, the concept of mobile phones we have no way back, to do to do to the end.    


Huang Xing suddenly felt a strong wave of remorse, and said apologetically: "It's all my fault. I was the one who mentioned the concept phone, otherwise you wouldn't have...    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing: "What does this have to do with you, I'm the one who insisted on doing it." I don't regret it now, at least I tried. What I regret is that I have wrongly trusted Ji Dahai, which caused the problem with the chain of funds. I feel that I have let down the employees of Xinyuan Company. If not, I would have to transfer to three customer service centers, three sales stalls, and even five years of repaying money with a wireless phone ? This means that the company will have a lot of staff in customer service centers that will have to be laid off. I'm a sinner.    


Not necessarily, Huang Xing said. Even at this point, we can redeploy the employees at the sales and customer service center back to headquarters for a short period of time to make a phone call and make a transition. "When our concept of a mobile phone makes a profit, we can also take over more business and buy back the store and customer service center.    


Fu Jie said: It's easy to say, but it's very difficult to do.    


Huang Xing said. Maybe we have a way to raise some money.    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up: What method do you have?    


Huang Xing said: Our company has a few hundred employees, we can hold a meeting and call for everyone to invest in the company, each person is equal to fifteen thousand, and that number should be enough.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly and shook his head: Director Huang, you think too easily! The employees of our company have yet to reach that realization.    


Huang Xing said: Then we still have to give it a try!    


Fu Jie sighed and said: "I don't have high hopes, this is something that is impossible to achieve ?" Fantasy.    


Huang Xing did not say anything else, but under this situation, he still decided to give it a try. He didn't want to watch Fu Jie get so tired and in so much pain. He wanted to help her out of her predicament.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to put on his clothes and get off the bed, Fu Jie's body suddenly tilted to the side and fell into his embrace.    


Huang Xing was shocked.    


She was too tired to take a nap and fell asleep.    


Seeing Fu Jie's beautiful and slightly haggard appearance, Huang Xing's heart ached, he truly wanted to share all the difficulties for her.    


Huang Xing lightly embraced Fu Jie's shoulders. He was certain that they were not robbing while the flames were burning. He just wanted to use this method to give her some warmth, to give her a form of support.    


Huang Xing carefully observed the peerless beauty in his arms. Her panting sound was a little rough, proof that she was really tired. A weak woman shouldered the heavy responsibility of a company and was beaten black and blue by the five million yuan. She was so pitiful.    


Not knowing how much time had passed, Fu Jie's lips lightly moved. Huang Xing thought that she would wake up, but she started to talk in her sleep.    


Huang Xing did not hear what she said clearly, but seeing her frowning, he guessed that it must not be a good dream. It was unknown what kind of mental state he was in, Huang Xing suddenly kissed her forehead lightly, but this kiss did not have any intention of taking advantage of her situation or molesting her, he only wanted to use this method to give her a form of comfort. Who would have thought that this kiss would wake Fu Jie up. Fu Jie's eyes were wide open as he looked at Huang Xing. He did not know what to do and asked: "Huang, Director Huang, what are you doing?"    


Huang Xing reflexively let go of Fu Jie. His body shook and Huang Xing quickly grabbed her shoulders. Huang Xing realized that she had acted on impulse and quickly said, "Earlier, you fell asleep while talking to me. You, you were too tired, so I was always your pillow."    


Fu Jie frowned, then rubbed his eyes and said shyly: I'm sorry.    


Huang Xing grabbed Fu Jie's hand and said: Director Fu, you should rest.    


Fu Jie shook his head with his eyes closed: No, no, I can't rest. There's no money. Sleep is a crime to me. Oh right, let's see what time it is. We have to hurry back.    


Huang Xing said the time and he heaved a sigh of relief. "I just had a dream." I dreamt that the company was bankrupt and that my employees were out of work, gathering at the door to ask for wages... That's why we can't lose this time. We can't afford to lose! Because our responsibility is the fate of hundreds of people. And the customer service center and rebate I told you about. I thought about it, there were too many employees involved that they couldn't afford to hurt. Just like you said, for the sake of my, Fu Jie's, business ambitions, I have to sacrifice so many people's interests, I cannot bear it.    


Huang Xing didn't know why Fu Jie's thoughts would make such a 180 degree change, but this change didn't bring Huang Xing any surprises. What Huang Xing was most concerned about right now was whether the company could survive this. If he wanted to pass this trial, the key was to raise that annoying five million! Five million wasn't an astronomical amount of money to Fu Jie before he made his concept phone. But now it's different. The figure seems so far away. Huang Xing lightly patted Fu Jie's hands and said: Director Fu, there will be a way.    


Fu Jie clenched his teeth and said: "If it's really no good, let's go borrow money!"    


Huang Xing was startled and quickly replied, "The loan sharks are a bottomless pit!" Moreover, the interest rate was several times higher than that of the bank. It was five million, and the interest rate was at least one or two million a year. When converted to a day, it would be close to 10,000! Add in the bank's mortgage, and you'll be overwhelmed by the debt.    


Fu Jie asked: Tell me, do we have any other way?    


Huang Xing sighed deeply.    


Pale, he felt, any words were powerless.    


He asked himself, what could he help Fu Jie with?    


An hour later, Fu Jie gathered all the personnel of the Shenzhen branch and held a small meeting. Then, he took a taxi with Huang Xing to the airport.    


The first thing he did when he returned to Jinan was to make a loan. Fu Jie drove Huang Xing and found many investment companies to ask about the loan matters. However, all the loans needed a guarantee, and Fu Jie had already mortgaged everything he could guarantee to the bank. After that, they found a guarantee company. The interest and rebates were shockingly high, Huang Xing pulled Fu Jie's hand and did not let her sign on it. He knew that once the agreement was signed, Fu Jie would admit how huge the pressure was. The facts had proven that lending from the investment company was no longer an option. Fu Jie once again thought of usurping from a higher interest. She knew a few loan sharks, but they were usually on the side of the underworld.    


Ignoring Huang Xing's persuasion, Fu Jie insisted on going to see a usurer called Er Hei. However, after some discussion, the other party had only agreed to lend 500,000 yuan to him and had even offered a 5% interest rate. This was obviously taking advantage of the situation. The impulsive Fu Jie felt that he could raise as much as he could. He wanted to agree, but was stopped by Huang Xing.    


After a few hours, there was a feeling of helplessness.    


The already exhausted Fu Jie brought Huang Xing to a tavern. He drank one cup after another until the sky turned dark.    


The next morning, Xinyuan Company.    


After Huang Xing finished counting, he found that Fu Jie was not in his office. He asked Fu Zhenxin and Fu Zhenxin said that she had gone out. Huang Xing asked where he went. Fu Zhenxin said that they probably went to Shun Jing Street.    


When he mentioned Shun Jing Street, Huang Xing's head immediately buzzed. He would naturally think of Ji Dahai, the crafty villain who had set a trap for Fu Jie and wanted to take advantage of the situation to rob him. Huang Xing called Fu Jie again and again, but Fu Jie never picked up. Huang Xing realized the seriousness of the situation.    


Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but go up and ask when he saw Huang Xing frantically making calls like he was an ant on a hot pan. Huang Xing was burning with anxiety. He said to Fu Zhenxin, Go and catch your sister and bring her back immediately!    


Fu Zhenxin did not understand and asked: "Why?"    


Huang Xing felt that he could no longer hide that matter, and so he told Fu Zhenxin about it.    


Fu Zhenxin turned pale with fright when he heard it. "Does that mean my sister is really going to give it up for these five million ?" No way, I have to get into a trap for five million...    


Huang Xing urged: Go quickly, if you're late, it might be too late.    


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