Security Guard’s Romance



2Don't try to be brave, I'll help you.     4


Huang Xing said, "No way."    


I'm not even afraid of you, what are you afraid of? Now, you must put all immoral thoughts out of your head. Don't worry, I will close my eyes and not look at you.    


She reached out a hand and stopped in front of Huang Xing. Huang Xing felt that her hands were trembling.    


That's right, it was too difficult for her!    


Huang Xing said, "Why don't you go next door and get a man."    


Fu Zhenxin hit her head in realization and said, "Eh, why didn't I think of that?" Good idea! Just hold on a little longer!    


Huang Xing agreed on the surface, but he was already on the verge of bursting out of the dike.    


Fu Zhenxin turned around and was about to go get someone, but when she was about to leave the bathroom, she suddenly heard Huang Xing moan softly. When he turned around to look, he was already squatting down.    


From the looks of it, he could not hold on any longer!    


Fu Zhenxin was in a dilemma!    


What should I do, what should I do?    


Within a second, Fu Zhenxin had a complicated mental struggle in her heart.    


He was really going all out this time!    


There was no time for Fu Zhenxin to overthink Huang Xing's predicament.    


Fu Zhenxin clenched her teeth, rolled up her sleeves and helped Huang Xing to come over. She reached out her hand to help him unzip the zipper.    


Her hands were still trembling. She closed her eyes, not looking in this direction. However, the color of her hand had also changed due to embarrassment.    


How awkward and dramatic this scene was!    


A wave of heartfelt comfort and comfort washed away most of his shyness. Although Fu Zhenxin had no prior experience of doing so, she still had to shake her head twice to get rid of the excess urine according to the normal procedure. When she heard the faint sound of the falling water, she hurriedly retracted her hand as she felt that she had accomplished her task.    


Who would have thought that just like that, a few drops of urine brushed against the back of her hand?    


Fu Zhenxin felt a chill on her hands. She couldn't help but look at the wetness on her hands as she thought that she had been so embarrassed today!    


Fu Zhenxin quickly turned on the tap as if it was a conditioned reflex. She wanted to soap herself and wash up, but she was worried that it would hurt Huang Xing's self-esteem. She merely gave it a symbolic rinse.    


Afterwards, Fu Zhenxin helped Huang Xing back to the bed. Due to what happened just now, the two of them were very embarrassed.    


Fu Zhenxin was startled by her actions. She was a young maiden, yet she helped a man … If this were to spread out, wouldn't it ruin his entire life's reputation? However, it was strange that he was willing to bear the enormous psychological pressure to help her just now. She felt that this was a form of spiritual comfort. After all, Huang Xing was injured in order to protect himself.    


At this moment, Fu Zhenxin's heart experienced a tremendous change. Huang Xing, who was always hated to the bone, completely disappeared from his heart and turned into a hero.    


Indeed, recalling what happened last night, Fu Zhenxin was so moved that she wanted to cry. Previously, he had forcefully pushed all the responsibility of releasing spring light onto Huang Xing. How reckless and childish was he? Recalling the scene where he walked in front of Huang Xing, he felt that Huang Xing was extremely innocent. Moreover, it was this man that he disliked that protected him from harm, both physically and mentally. He should learn to be grateful, learn to print.    


After a while, the nurse came back and changed the bottle. Fu Zhenxin guarded Huang Xing affectionately and kept asking questions.    


At around ten in the morning, Fu Jie rushed over. After understanding the situation and making sure that Huang Xing was fine, he left in peace. Before leaving, he repeatedly told Fu Zhenxin that he must take good care of Huang Xing.    


As noon approached, Fu Zhenxin was about to go out to buy food. However, when she opened the door, she bumped into someone.    


It was Shan Dongyang!    


Seeing Shan Dongyang, Fu Zhenxin's heart was in turmoil.    


At this moment, she wished she could slap his face hard. This person had once become Fu Zhenxin's most dependable man. She was even addicted to his power and handsomeness, treating him as the best candidate to be her boyfriend. But after what happened last night, she realized that she was wrong! She had overestimated him!    


Fu Zhenxin said indignantly, Good dogs don't block the way.    


Shan Dongyang spread his arms in front of Fu Zhenxin, "Zhen Xin, listen to me …"    


Fu Zhenxin interrupted him. You didn't call her 'Zhen Xin'! Shan Dongyang, go away!    


Shan Dongyang eagerly explained: Last night, actually, actually... It's not what you think! You misunderstood me! When have I, Shan Dongyang, ever been a coward? Just say that when I first entered the company, didn't I settle the matter that happened to Elder Director Fu? Am I afraid? Last night I...    


Fu Zhenxin interrupted him again: "Shan Dongyang, are you done yet?" I don't have time to listen to you recite!    


Shan Dongyang put his hand on Fu Zhenxin's shoulder. Fu Zhenxin shook her head and said, "Take your stinky hand away!"    


Shan Dongyang frowned and said, "Zhen Xin, listen to me!" Last night, that was... I'm not a deserter! I left because I wanted to lure those people away. Who would've thought that they wouldn't chase me? Doesn't this mean … Chastity, please believe me when I say that you misunderstood me, a special officer of the First Lieutenant of the Republic. My starting point is to better protect you!    


Fu Zhenxin could not help but sneer as she rushed over. Protect us? Shan Dongyang, do you treat me as a three year old child? You still have the nerve to say that you are a Party member or a special forces soldier? You are a deserter!    


Shan Dongyang stressed: "I'm not!" This is... It's a tactic, you understand? There are so many people on the other side, and they are all drunk. If we were to fight head on, we would definitely be injured. That's why I thought of running away, to lure them away. I didn't expect that they, they didn't chase me. This —    


Fu Zhenxin said, Forget it! I don't blame you. I can't blame you for that. Escaping is human instinct, I understand. You can go!    


You can't do this to me!    


Fu Zhenxin suddenly shouted, "Scram!"    


Shan Dongyang's body shuddered slightly as he turned around and left in a sorry state.    


Looking at Shan Dongyang's back, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but shake her head. She muttered to herself, "I, Fu Zhenxin, have misjudged him." I misjudged two people …    


Under the careful care of Fu Zhenxin, Huang Xing's body recovered very quickly. Two days later, the discharge procedures were completed.    


Huang Xing drove Huang Xing to the door of the rental apartment in a red Chinese car. Huang Xing didn't want Fu Zhenxin to see his small and hard living quarters, so he told her to go straight back to the company. However, Fu Zhenxin insisted on sending the Buddha to the West and sent Huang Xing inside.    


Fu Zhenxin was stupefied the moment she entered the room.    


She didn't think that Huang Xing would live in a dark corner that was only ten square meters. A strong sense of bitterness involuntarily arose.    


Huang Xing said, laughing at little Director Fu.    


Fu Zhenxin sighed lightly and said, no matter what, you are a high ranking official in the Xinyuan Company, how can you live in this kind of place?    


Huang Xing said, "It's good, save money." How much space could one person occupy?    


Fu Zhenxin thought for a moment. "Wait a moment," she said.    


Without waiting for Huang Xing to react, Fu Zhenxin walked out of the room as she fished out her phone.    


Huang Xing followed him out in confusion, but he saw that Fu Zhenxin had already reached the main door and was pacing while making a phone call.    


Just as he was about to go to the tap to wash his face, he saw the man next door sneakily walk out of the room. He glanced at Fu Zhenxin who was making a phone call from afar and smiled at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing frowned. What nonsense are you spouting!    


The man next door twisted his waist and said, "You really know how to find things. They're all so beautiful." As far as I know, this is the third one, right? Let me tell you, this is great, very upright, very beautiful!    


Huang Xing scolded, "Is that all you have in mind?"    


The man next door laughed. All right, brother, who doesn't know who? There is no secret between us. I've never beaten you in the night. I just don't know how strong your new girlfriend is at night.    


Huang Xing glared at him: Shut your stinky mouth!    


Then he turned around and went back into the house.    


The man next door was baffled. As far as he was concerned, the events of the night were already known to each other. It was no longer a secret. The soundproofing of the walls was so poor that the sounds of male and female love had long since become accompaniment to each other's night. After countless exchanges, Huang Xing and him reached a special tacit understanding. It was as if they were sharing hardships and hardships together.    


At this moment, Huang Xing's heart was full of sorrows after the man next door made fun of him. Ouyang Mengjiao had been gone for a while, but Huang Xing's heart was strangely empty without her. There were too many memories in this small room. But at the moment, other than these memories, Huang Xing could not find any other happiness in reality.    


Dear Meng Jiao, where did you go?    


Of course, Huang Xing also thought of his ex-wife Zhao Xiaoran, that extremely vain woman.    


It had been a long time since there was news of her, she must be living a good life, that Chengsheng Group Office Chief Huang Jinjiang, must have given her a lot of things that he couldn't give her.    


However, Zhao Xiaoran hadn't urged herself to go through with the divorce procedures recently. The feeling of being suspended in the air was rather uncomfortable. According to national law, she was still his legal wife until the divorce was formalized. However, he couldn't do anything in the face of his wife's threat. There was no doubt that there was no longer any possibility or need to redeem himself and Zhao Xiaoran. What this vain woman had left him was only pain and bitterness.    


After a while, Fu Zhenxin came back to the room with excitement on her face. She grabbed Huang Xing's arm and excitedly said: "Come, pack up and come to stay with me!"    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What?"    




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