Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Zhenxin explained, You forget? My sister has three houses, she lives in one, I live in one, and there's one that's empty. I talked it over with my sister and she agreed to let you have the empty house.    


Huang Xing was flattered. This — this isn't a good idea, is it?    


Fu Zhenxin said, What's wrong with that! It was empty anyway. Come, come, I'll help you pack your things. It seems like you don't have much, as the trunk of my car can be opened.    


Seeing that Fu Zhenxin started to lay down on the bed to tidy up the bedding, Huang Xing felt a wave of gratitude towards her. In fact, when he had been protecting Fu Zhenxin that night, he hadn't thought to curry favor with her or improve their relationship. It was just a human instinct. Unexpectedly, from then on, Fu Zhenxin treated him so warmly and kindly. Recalling how Fu Zhenxin had made things difficult for him earlier on, it was as if there was a world of difference between her and the considerate Fu Zhenxin now.    


Fu Zhenxin helped Huang Xing clean up the items on the bed while bending her waist. From time to time, she would stretch out her hands to pinch the seams of Huang Xing's buttocks. This kind of tight and sexy atmosphere made Huang Xing's blood boil. Admittedly, Little Director Fu in front of him was also a character that could topple all living things. At that moment, Huang Xing had an impulse to go up and hug Fu Zhenxin. This impulse was not only a response to the temptation of the opposite sex, but more importantly, it was an intense gratitude towards Fu Zhenxin.    


Everything happened so suddenly, Huang Xing still couldn't believe that the reality was so realistic.    


Still, Huang Xing asked, Little Director Fu, is that okay? In fact, I live here pretty good, work is convenient, close, a few steps.    


Fu Zhenxin paused, tugging at her butt with one hand and swinging the other gently across her chest. It's more convenient for you to go to work over there. My sister and I both have a car, and you'll be taking us to work by car in the future, isn't that good? At least for meals, we can just come along and don't need you to pay for them. Don't worry, as long as I, Fu Zhenxin, am here, my sister won't dare to bully you!    


Huang Xing was stunned, thinking what a dramatic scene this was. When Fu Jie had arranged for him to stay in her empty house, Fu Zhenxin had no intention of leaving without him. Fu Zhenxin had always been the one making things difficult for him, while Fu Jie had always been helping him. Yet, at this moment, Fu Zhenxin actually said such a thing. Wasn't this hilarious?    


But funny.    


With a flattered heart, Huang Xing went to live in the empty house opposite Fu Jie's door.    


The conditions had improved more than a hundred times. Even though it was under someone else's roof, Huang Xing had a deep impression of the kindness and sensibility in Fu Zhenxin's heart.    


It was a very strange feeling.    


Two days later.    


Under the care and care of the Fu sisters, Huang Xing's body had basically recovered to its original state.    


Time to go to work!    


Huang Xing didn't expect that he would receive an unprecedented treatment when he went to work on the first day after getting injured.    


Downstairs, in front of the parking lot, Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin were both trying to get Huang Xing to ride in their own car. Huang Xing stood there for a long time, wanting to split himself in two.    


However, in the end, Fu Jie still adopted a more stylish attitude. Huang Xing got into Fu Zhenxin's car and followed behind Fu Jie's car as they drove to the company. In Huang Xing's memory, Fu sisters rarely had any precedents of going to the company together.    


This time, Fu Jie personally took out the list of names.    


After the roll call, Fu Jie solemnly announced two things: First, the company had opened a large mobile phone market in the middle of the city, and in order to let the market go into business as soon as possible, the company assigned Office Chief and Shan Dongyang to personally take charge of the sales, supervise and guide the sales; secondly, Central Television had set up a basic program, and a month later, they would be recording the 'Power of role models' series in Jinan. After much effort, the Xinyuan Company managed to obtain a sponsorship spot. This is a fairly good publicity opportunity, the office Deputy Director Huang Xing is fully responsible for the overall deployment of this work, and the accompanying publicity.    


The announcement of these two events caused a huge sensation within the company.    


Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that Fu Jie's transfer of Shan Dongyang to the market was actually to 'The Right to Drink and Release of Soldiers', and to remove Shan Dongyang's administration and management authority from the headquarters in a disguised manner. As for Huang Xing's task, although it didn't seem like a change in personnel on the surface, in reality, it replaced Shan Dongyang in an intangible manner, fully exercising Office Chief's authority.    


Huang Xing understood in his heart that the reason he won this time was largely because of his character.    


That afternoon, Fu Jie received a fax from the 'The Power of the role model' program team. She immediately passed this fax information to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but turn pale with fright when he saw this.    


Oh my god!    


How could this be?    


To be exact, this fax had recorded the time, sequence, and process of the 'Power of the role model' program team in great detail.    


The part that was closely related to the Xinyuan Company was the sixth process: Recognition of advanced individuals.    


In this process, the six advanced individuals will be recommended by the relevant departments to make advance reports and receive recognition and interviews. Immediately after that, the sponsor companies came on stage one by one to give donations or donations to advanced individuals and units. This segment was also the most important part of the sponsorship company's advertising campaign. The program's viewership ratings were very high at Central TV. It was not easy to get such an opportunity, requiring a large amount of connections and financial resources. The sponsorship proposal for the Xinyuan Company had been initially finalized in this document, and it was for two Jetta official vehicles.    


However, what shocked Huang Xing was that among the more advanced members of the 'power of role models', the name 'Huang Jinjiang' had actually appeared!    


This was undoubtedly another huge blow to Huang Xing's body and mind. When Huang Xing saw this name among the names, he first thought that there might have been a double name. Was Huang Jinjiang not the same as Huang Jinjiang?    


But after seeing the words "XXX Chengsheng Group", there were no more coincidences to choose from.    


In a fit of anger, Huang Xing almost kneaded the fax in his hand into a ball.    


I really don't understand, how can a leader of a state-owned enterprise like Huang Jinjiang be evaluated as advanced? It was ridiculous!    


Recalling the past, countless emotions surged in his heart.    


However, upon looking at the fax, Huang Xing was even more shocked! When the sponsors arrived, the person in charge of the Xinyuan Company actually handed over the keys of the two official cars to the XXX Chengsheng Group's Office Chief, Huang Jinjiang, and gave his acceptance speech and a congratulatory speech.    


Was the heavens deliberately making fun of him?    


After weighing the pros and cons again, Huang Xing came to Fu Jie's office.    


When Fu Jie saw Huang Xing's ashen face, she couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong, Director Huang? Where's the discomfort?"    


Huang Xing shook his head slightly, bit his lips and said: "Director Fu, tell me, who in Xinyuan Company is going to be the main character for this recording of Central TV's program?"    


Of course it's you. The reason I asked you to do this with all your power is also because I want you to represent the Xinyuan Company. I don't worry about what you do. Because when the time comes, I might go to Shenzhen to catch up on the progress of the new machine and research and development of the new machine.    


Huang Xing retorted: "In other words, I am the one who will be appearing for all the segments related to the Xinyuan Company?"    


Fu Jie was very surprised that Huang Xing would ask such a question. She couldn't help but say, "Director Huang, what's wrong with you? Of course it's up to you to come out." Are you not satisfied with the work I have arranged?    


Huang Xing was at a loss for a moment before breaking out into a cold sweat. He was hesitating. Should he tell Fu Jie about the conflict between him and Huang Jinjiang? If he told her, he would just be a poor guy with a green hat. However, if he did not say it, how could he face that hypocrite Huang Jinjiang when he was on the same stage as him?    


Huang Xing stammered, No, no. Director Fu, can someone else do it?    


Fu Jie frowned. Why? I don't believe that you, Huang Xing, would even turn down a job like this. This was a good opportunity.    


Huang Xing explained, "It's not that I don't want to do it, it's just that..."    


But what?    


Huang Xing sighed, turned around to look at the ashtray on the guest table and said, Director Fu, can I smoke a cigarette?    


Fu Jie nodded in surprise and said, "Sure." But you have to tell me.    


Okay, Director Fu, I'll tell you everything.    


Huang Xing took out his cigarette as he took an ashtray and lit it up.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly as she looked at Huang Xing. It was only after he had taken four or five puffs of cigarette smoke did she let out a sigh and said, "There's someone at this event that I don't want to see."    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. She took the fax table from Huang Xing and asked while looking at it: "Who is it?"    


Huang Xing squeezed out a name through his teeth: Huang Jinjiang. Chengsheng Group Office Chief.    


Fu Jie happened to notice the name and asked, Why, you know him. Why don't you want to see him, between you...    


Huang Xing did not know how to open the mouth, and did not know how to describe his many disputes with Huang Jinjiang. In the midst of his messy thoughts, Huang Xing said: "Chengsheng Group is one of my old security units. I'm a security officer sent over by the Security Company."    


Fu Jie smiled bitterly. "Just because of that?"    


Huang Xing said, "Director Fu, listen to me."    


Fu Jie nodded. Okay, go ahead. I'm listening.    


Huang Xing clenched his fists and leaned on the table. He continued, "Huang Jinjiang oversaw the security of the Chengsheng Group and valued me greatly. He also proposed to the Security Company that I become the security squad leader." I have always treated Huang Jinjiang as a bole in my life, respecting him and thanking him. But I don't know, the reason why he treats me so well is because he wants to cover it up.    


Fu Jie took the opportunity to ask, "Why is that?"    


Huang Xing tried it over and over again before blurting out, "Because he gave me a green hat!"    


Fu Jie couldn't help but be shocked. "What?" You mean...    


Huang Xing explained, "Yes." At that time, the security team kept saying that Huang Jinjiang had a young lover. I, Huang Xing, am grateful to Huang Jinjiang, and I still think about defending him, or even sealing his mouth. However, I never thought that Huang Jinjiang's mother would be my legal wife.    


Fu Jie was so shocked that she stopped halfway to catch up. You, you're married?    


Huang Xing replied with some anger: "I never hide that I'm married." The company file form, I filled in is also 'married', I wonder why Director Fu still has such a question?    


Fu Jie quickly said, "Oh, this, it's very likely that I didn't pay too much attention to the file." According to what you said, this Huang Jinjiang is really outrageous! How terrible does this society become when the bao lover becomes an unwritten rule? Director Huang, I understand your feelings. But as a bystander, I think you should get out of your grief. My advice is that you face it bravely. Be brave to your enemies and your enemies. Not cowering, or fear, or fear.    


Fu Jie's words stabbed right into Huang Xing's heart.    




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