Security Guard’s Romance



0There were almost twenty people gathered in this unremarkable corner.    


The one who was being watched was a man who was dressed like a laborer. This man had laid out a set of words on the ground. It was a rather old set of words, and there were even some dirt and stains on it that had yet to be removed. Next to the words was a rusty metal box.    


All the onlookers were discussing and praising the old calligraphy. Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin realized that the old calligraphy that was originally placed on the ground was actually Wang Xizhi's real work in the midst of everyone's discussion. The man who looked like a laborer carefully sat down and protected the calligraphy. He also sorrowfully recounted how he had discovered the calligraphy, and why he had sold it at such a low price. The man turned out to be a clay brick worker who had dug out a bowl-thick parasol tree with another worker during a demolition operation. However, he did not expect to find a corroded metal box after digging five to six deep. He opened the box and saw a very old word scroll. The word scroll had the name 'Wang Xizhi' printed on it. Because they were worried that there would be too many troubles, and because they were in a difficult situation, the two of them decided to sell the ancient characters that they had unintentionally unearthed as soon as possible. Just like this, he left the scene, bringing along the instructions from his fellow worker, and came to the cultural market, hoping that someone would be able to see and buy this painting, so that he could resolve his urgent situation.    


The migrant worker also said that he had a son who was in college and needed money. It would be difficult for him to gather enough money for his son's tuition and living expenses. In desperation, he wanted his son to quit school. But when he stumbled upon the words, he rekindled his responsibility as a father. In order to raise some money for his son to go to school, he negotiated with his fellow workers to sell the calligraphy as soon as possible. The price was eight thousand yuan, not a penny less. He hoped to meet an expert in this field, who would be able to recognize treasure with his eyes and buy his own treasure. He must be grateful for the kindness of his benefactors on behalf of his fellow workers and family.    


Speaking of emotions, the migrant worker could not help but shed tears. Judging from his clothes, he did indeed look very old and distressed. His face was covered in wrinkles, and he clearly looked like he had gone through many hardships. A pair of yellow rubber boots with a gash on them was covered in mud. Such an image alone could not help but be pitiful. In addition to his family's misery, the onlookers were even more moved. Even Fu Zhenxin's eyes started to shine brightly. She squatted down and carefully read the words, then said to Huang Xing, "It really is Wang Xizhi's work!"    


Huang Xing said, did not have the signature of 'Wang Xizhi', it must be Wang Xizhi's real work! Do you know how much Wang Xizhi's words are worth?    


Fu Zhenxin looked at the laborer and said, "This uncle definitely won't lie to us!" Uncle, do you think these words were really dug out from the ground?    


Huang Xing thought to himself, to think that you're the vice president of the company, believing in others so easily. But honestly speaking, looking at this laborer's appearance, Huang Xing couldn't help but think of his own rural father. His face and body were filled with the hardships of life and the desolation of life. His deep and experienced eyes were clearly sunken. At least, just from the appearance alone, Huang Xing did have an inexplicable feeling of intimacy towards this laborer.    


The laborer spoke in a dialect with a Lunan accent: My girl, we can't lie about this. As a man, we must speak our conscience. The words were dug up by us when we were digging the sycamores. Look, I didn't even have time to pat the dirt off my body, and I still have this box with the calligraphy on it. I'm not an expert and I don't understand calligraphy and painting. I'm not sure if this is Wang Xizhi's real work or not. I only know that old things are definitely worth some money, right? If it wasn't for the lack of money in my family, I would definitely have saved it properly and asked an expert to appraise it. We don't have any culture, but we know how to protect it, right?    


At this time, one of the onlookers said: Even if this wasn't Wang Xizhi's real work, even if it was a copy from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was still worth a lot of money! Ai, it's a pity that I didn't bring any money with me today, otherwise I would have taken it down on the spot! It was only eight thousand yuan, it was worth it! Brother, why don't you come with me to my house and I'll give you the money.    


I don't know you, and I don't dare to come to your house. If you want it, think of something else.    


Another onlooker expressed his opinion: If this is really Wang Xizhi's work, then it is a priceless treasure! Wang Xizhi was a saint in the history of calligraphy in China. It was said that a few years ago, at an auction, his calligraphy piece was sold for tens of millions! In my opinion, eight thousand yuan is worth it even if it is a gamble!    


Someone else said: Right, right! Just you wait, I'll go back and get the money! Just you wait, don't sell it!    


For a moment, the surrounding crowd was clearly restless. Almost everyone was stupid enough to want to buy it. Under this atmosphere, Fu Zhenxin was a little tempted. She carefully examined the words and the three words "Wang Xizhi" on it made her heart pound. Although she didn't know much about painting, the name 'Wang Xizhi' was indeed a golden signboard. This legendary figure, recorded in high school and university textbooks, was a legend of the calligraphy world in Chinese history. Moreover, Fu Zhenxin also thought that her elder sister had always been complaining that her work was too rough to satisfy her. If she were to buy Wang Xizhi's work with eight thousand yuan, it would definitely surprise the proud Wu Qianqian, indirectly gaining her elder sister's approval and praise. Thinking up to this point, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in her heart.    


It was no wonder. As Fu Jie's own sister, ever since she had become the vice president of the company, she had become almost useless in the eyes of her elder sister. No matter what it was that his sister liked to do with him, the number of things that he had done and could receive his sister's praise could be counted on one's fingers. Although she could understand her sister's eagerness, no one wanted to live with complaints and reprimands every day. In this regard, Fu Zhenxin has been trying hard to change herself, to improve herself, to meet her sister's expectations. This time, his sister wanted him and Huang Xing to pay a visit to Wu Qianqian's home. Whether they could successfully complete this mission was Fu Zhenxin's most urgent secret. Besides, Fu Zhenxin knew her sister's business. She had always been grateful to her old customers and those who had helped the company. She was a person who knew how to repay people. Wu Qianqian helped the Xinyuan Company garner a lot of popularity during the event, which resulted in a series of good results. Fu Jie had always been deeply moved by her kindness. Moreover, as the Xinyuan Company develops, there will be more and more chances to work together with Wu Qianqian. Thus, the meaning of this visit is quite important.    


It was because of this mentality that Fu Zhenxin thought this was a godsend opportunity when she saw the painting. Just as that person had said, even if this wasn't Wang Xizhi's real work, judging from its appearance, it must have been copied by the ancients and its value was equally high. At the very least, it was still an ancient character. At this point, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but closely examine the words and appraise them word by word. The more she appraised them, the more realistic they seemed and the more she felt they were of great value. The surrounding discussions and praises were endless. There were even two or three people who expressed that they wanted to go home and withdraw the money, so that the laborers would leave their words.    


Driven by her longing and impulse, Fu Zhenxin touched her purse. The twenty thousand yuan in cash was precisely for the purpose of finding calligraphy and paintings.    


Seeing that Fu Zhenxin could no longer hold it back, Huang Xing quickly pulled her aside.    


Huang Xing said, "I can't buy it first. Let's wait for Li Rong to come."    


Fu Zhenxin said anxiously. When she got the word, she would definitely be bought by someone else.    


'I think it's too sudden, maybe it's a scam, 'Mr. Liu said.    


Fu Zhenxin said, how did you become so naughty? Picking up the loot, have you heard of it? This was a commonly used term in the world of antiques. We paid eight thousand dollars for that today. Even if we don't give it to Wu Qianqian, if we keep it for ourselves, the value will rise rapidly. In this day and age, popular culture, calligraphy, paintings, antiques, etc.    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile. However, I feel that the possibility of this calligraphy piece being authentic is less than one in a thousand!    


Fu Zhenxin said, Tsk! Look at this simple laborer, does he look like a liar? If you look at these words again, and that iron box with those words, I feel that we have picked up a big mistake today!    


Huang Xing said that it was fine if he didn't pick up the loophole, but the risk was too high.    


I don't think there's any risk. Well, I, Fu Zhenxin, have a good eye for people. This old laborer looks like a real person and doesn't know how to lie.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, You think people are accurate? Back then you viewed Shan Dongyang as a gold jade and I, Huang Xing, as a piece of dung. But now, aren't you going to use the Great Universal Dimensional Shift to completely change positions? I'm afraid there's no time for you to judge.    


Just at this moment, another big brother, who looked like a laborer, hurriedly ran over. His body was also covered in dust, and he gave off a simple and unadorned aura. The laborer ran up to the civilian who was watching and bent down to pick up the words. The laborer who was squatting on the ground said, "Lao Wang, what are you doing? Why are you here?" The laborer called Lao Wang panted heavily and said, "I'm not selling this word Lao Li, I can't sell this word. Our boss said this word is at least worth a few million!" He also said, let's get the word back, he wants it, he'll pay two million!    


From the looks of it, this laborer Lao Wang was the worker friend mentioned by Lao Li.    


Lao Li covered his words, not letting Lao Wang succeed: "You actually believe in the boss's words?" He still owes us a year's wages! He's lying to us, don't even think about getting a single cent from him!    


Lao Wang said urgently: "Listen to me. Lao Wang, the boss said, give this painting to him, he will pay us both off." He also gave us two million yuan. Two million was enough for us to go back to our hometown and buy another place to stay.    


I don't believe him! Lao Li said. Who knew what tricks he was playing. Lao Wang, it's better if you're more realistic. Both my two kids and I urgently need money to go to school. If we sell this word, we can change it into cash and use it for us. Don't you understand the boss? Eating people without spitting out their bones, taking a penny from his hands, that is even harder than taking his life! Let's take the words back and fall into his trap!    




These two labourers refused to give in to each other.    


Huang Xing felt that the two were playing out of place. He was skeptical before, but now he was sure that it was a carefully planned trap. Most of the people watching were their accomplices. However, the simple Fu Zhenxin became even more excited because of this worker friend's arrival. She was even more convinced that the words on the ground were a true treasure. At this time, the surrounding people began to bid. Some people immediately took out a stack of money, wanting to immediately sell it. However, there were people who raised the price to 9000, while others added 9500 …    


Lao Li did not know what to do. He looked at the people who were competing to buy it and did not know who to sell it to.    




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