Security Guard’s Romance



4The star sector was a very high-end residential area. The moment the two of them entered the district, they could feel that this district was different from the others.     3


Wu Qianqian lived on the 11th floor and took the elevator up. Huang Xing directly rang the doorbell.    


A few seconds later, the door opened. Wu Qianqian, who was wearing a fashionable red dress, unexpectedly shook hands with Huang Xing. "Hey old classmate, I was just about to pay you a visit. Why did you call me here?"    


Huang Xing smiled and said, "What, you don't welcome me?"    


Wu Qianqian said, Welcome, of course! It didn't matter who went there!    


Only then did she gradually realize that Huang Xing wasn't alone, he even brought a beauty with him. She knew this beauty. She was Fu Jie's younger sister, Fu Zhenxin.    


Fu Zhenxin didn't miss the opportunity to extend her hand. "Hello, Miss Wu!"    


Wu Qianqian held her hand and laughed. "It's little sister Zhen Xin!" Come on, come on in!    


Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but be surprised when they were invited into the house. What a big house!    


It was actually a duplex. The huge living room was around 70 to 80 square meters wide. Although there was no electricity in the sky, there was still a noble light reflecting off of it. In the corner of the living room, a beautiful spiral staircase led up to the second floor. What a beautiful villa!    


Seated on the sofa, Fu Zhenxin looked around in surprise and couldn't help but say, "Miss Wu's house is so big, it must be more than 300 yuan, right?"    


Wu Qianqian smiled as she made tea for Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin. I bought it early, so it's not too expensive. The main reason is that the developer is my friend from the Hongxing Real Estate. If you want to buy a house, I can say hello to my friend.    


You live alone? Fu Zhenxin asked casually.    


I'm alone. However, living alone in such a large house was completely empty. If I'd had another choice, I wouldn't have bought such a big house.    


Hearing Wu Qianqian's words, Huang Xing felt a great deal of pressure. The word "house" came out of Wu Qianqian's mouth so easily. In this society where inflation ran faster than Cao Cao, how many people struggled to buy a house? Wu Qianqian, a television host, actually had such a luxurious double. It was more than 300 square meters. Besides being envious and jealous, most of them were thinking about the social situation. According to the current prices and the overall location of the Star District, it should be around five or six thousand square meters, or nearly two million square meters. In addition to the tax and decoration, it would be impossible to enter without 2.5 million yuan.    


Huang Xing could see that Fu Zhenxin's face was also brimming with a special light. A house and a car were two major pursuits in a person's life. Fu Zhenxin had always felt that her elder sister's three one-hundred-square-meter houses in Jinan were already extremely precious and worthy of being called a large family. However, when he came to Wu Qianqian's house today, he realized that he was just a frog in the well that was watching the sky.    


However, Wu Qianqian continued, "It's a coincidence that you guys came here today. Actually, I haven't been living here very often. I just came to stay for a while now and then." I'm at the Spring City Square and I have a double, but it's not as big as this one. It's about two hundred square meters. I've been living there a lot lately.    




Wasn't this clearly showing how rich he was!    


On the wall of the house, there were several sets of beautiful and elegant calligraphy and paintings, further confirming Wu Qianqian's hobby from the front. Fu Zhenxin heaved a sigh of relief. She stood up and walked to the wall, admiring the calligraphy and painting on it. Huang Xing also followed along, pretending to understand as he nodded, praising the beauty of the calligraphy and painting. When Wu Qianqian saw that the two of them also loved calligraphy and painting, she couldn't help but get excited. She passionately told Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing about the authors and origins of the calligraphy and painting on the wall. Seeing that the time was right, Fu Zhenxin fished out the script she prepared beforehand and handed it over to Wu Qianqian. However, Huang Xing received it and smiled at Wu Qianqian: "I didn't expect Miss Wu to be so knowledgeable about calligraphy and painting. We also have a set of script in our hands, why don't you help us appraise it and see if it's worth collecting!"    


Fu Zhenxin was surprised by Huang Xing's actions. These words were obviously a greeting gift for Wu Qianqian. Why did he have to behave like that?    


Taking the scroll back to the tea table and spreading it out, Wu Qianqian carefully read through it, her face showing that she was pleasantly surprised. This is the work of a calligrapher at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The author's name is Luo Shunqing, and he is also considered a royal relative. His works were passed down through the ages. Although the price was not heaven-defying, it had doubled in the last two years. If it was last year, such a word could only be sold for three to five thousand yuan, but this year, such a word could be sold for at least ten or twenty thousand yuan. Therefore, this calligraphy could be counted as a treasured item worth collecting. Perhaps after a few years, the price could be increased by ten times or even twenty times.    


Her words actually matched Li Rong's words.    


Hearing this praise, Fu Zhenxin's face couldn't help but reveal an expression of pleasant surprise. She whispered into Huang Xing's ear, "You got lucky?"    


Huang Xing nodded slightly.    


Wu Qianqian's knowledge of the words was not limited to that. She read them through word by word, and then added, This writer of the royal family loves the new one, and his calligraphy is domineering, integrated, and at ease. We can even sense through his words the psychology and the heart of this late artist, and between his lines, the helplessness of the years of the reign of the Great Qing, and the fierce desire of the strong in the depths of his heart. In my opinion, his work is actually no less than those of those great calligraphers who sell thousands or tens of thousands of square feet. What he lacked now was a story, or a little hype. You must treasure such a good item. Perhaps one day, these words can be exchanged for a house, a villa.    


Huang Xing laughed, "Is it that exaggerated?"    


Of course! Wu Qianqian said confidently. To tell you the truth, those few sets of calligraphy and paintings in my living room weren't worth much when I dug them up. However, after a few years, their value had increased by more than ten times. Antiques and calligraphy had always flourished in the world of collectibles because they had a huge room for appreciation. "If you can one day pick up a rare item at a low price, it might keep you free for the rest of your life!    


Huang Xing carefully rolled up the words. He noticed that Wu Qianqian's eyes were still scanning up there, and he guessed that she must have found him these words, so he was a little reluctant to part with it. This precisely served the desired purpose.    


First it was her taste, admiration, regret, and later it was a pleasant surprise.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to pass this word to Wu Qianqian and tell her the truth. "Miss Wu, this word is actually a greeting gift for you from me and Little Director Fu, representing Fu Jie Director Fu." Please accept.    


What? Wu Qianqian was surprised and her face lit up. "It's for me?"    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Wu Qianqian laughed and said, "You guys are really particular about Director Fu!" Since it's for me, then I won't be polite. You guys go back and tell Director Fu that I like it, thank her.    


Fu Zhenxin finally understood Huang Xing's cunning intention in trying to keep this a secret. The reason why he gave the calligraphy piece to Wu Qianqian was to indirectly test how much she liked this calligraphy piece. Moreover, suspensors often achieve unexpected results. For example, if someone counted money in front of you and you were dazzled by the piles of yuan piled up in front of you, you would definitely be thinking, how great would it be if this money were yours? But as you look at the wad of money enviously, the other party gives it to you for free and tells you that you deserve it. This kind of gift, after having been sold for a long time, was naturally more effective than a direct gift. It could make one feel overjoyed or even grateful.    


Wu Qianqian couldn't help but put away the words and suggested that she should try her best at noon.    


No need to trouble Miss Wu. I have something to take care of at noon.    


Wu Qianqianli offered a few words, but Fu Zhenxin still refused. Helplessly, Wu Qianqian didn't insist.    


After sitting for a while, Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing said their goodbyes. Wu Qianqian walked to the door and suddenly said to Fu Zhenxin, "Little Sister Zhen Xin, why don't you go back first by yourself. I'll leave Huang Xing alone." You know, we're high school classmates.    


Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing were stunned for a moment.    


Fu Zhenxin looked troubled as she said, "Director Huang still has an interview mission in the afternoon." How about, I let Director Huang come by himself another day?    


Her words caused Wu Qianqian and Huang Xing to be stunned for a moment.    


Wu Qianqian smiled and said, "Little sister Zhen Xin, don't worry. I will definitely send him to the company by 2 PM."    


Although Fu Zhenxin was a hundred times unwilling to let Huang Xing have too much interaction with this charming female host, she couldn't show it too clearly. Therefore, she tentatively said, "Sis Wu, how about this? I'll treat you to lunch at noon. Let's go to Yonghe Soy Milk for a quick meal." After eating, Huang Xing and I went straight back to the company. That way, Sis Wu wouldn't need to drive him again.    


Wu Qianqian smiled as she looked at Fu Zhenxin: "Didn't you just say that there would be a social meetup at noon? Hehe, don't worry, I will keep my promise. I definitely won't let Huang Xing delay his work." You can go back to work if you have something to do. I promise I'll let you see Huang Xing in his office before 2pm.    


When Fu Zhenxin saw that the other party had tactfully ordered her to leave, although she was unhappy in her heart, she forced a smile. "That's good too!" Then you guys go ahead and chat, I'll go back first!    


Wu Qianqian said, "Don't send her off. Slow down."    


Fu Zhenxin nodded and looked at Huang Xing thoughtfully. Then, she quickly walked to the elevator and pressed the button.    


Huang Xing felt a strong jealousy from her reaction.    


It was precisely because Huang Xing noticed this that he suddenly suggested to Wu Qianqian: I'll send Fu Zhenxin off!    


Wu Qianqian laughed, "She's such a big girl, why would she need you to send her off?" you -- you know, between you --    


Huang Xing sighed with emotion at how accurate Wu Qianqian's judgement was. Although she didn't make it clear, from her expression, it was as if she had already read more from Fu Zhenxin's every move. Huang Xing said, "Old classmate, what are you thinking about? Fu Zhenxin is my superior, my boss." Between us is the relationship between boss and employee.    


Wu Qianqian shook her head as she courteously invited Huang Xing to sit down. "I'm afraid it's not that simple," she said. Old classmate, first sit down a cup of tea, in a moment I call for the dishes to come up. Without outsiders, we don't have to go out to eat, do you?    


Huang Xing knew that what Wu Qianqian did was a form of self-protection. She was, after all, a public figure. It would be troublesome if she went out, so she had to disguise herself. Otherwise, many people would recognize her. So Huang Xing nodded and said, "Then it's simpler."    


Wu Qianqian said, "Alright." Then, he used his phone to dial a number to give some instructions.    


While sipping his tea, Huang Xing tried to guess Wu Qianqian's intention to keep him.    




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