Security Guard’s Romance



1Young and insensible, pursuit of vanity, this is a life each person has to go through a part of the journey. Huang Xing remembered that when he first entered middle school and just graduated, he was also very vain. At that time, the thing he was most worried about was his ragged parents coming to the school to visit him. He even thought that they were the ones who made him unable to raise his head in front of his classmates. When students talk about their parents' occupation, they are embarrassed to say that their parents are farmers. Blaming the injustice of fate, blaming the parents for their incompetence, blaming the fact that they were not born in a big city, born in a noble clan.     1


But with age, these old rebellious and vanity, have become a kind of growth of the past. He began to understand the hardships of his parents and the beauty of his hometown. He began to use his hands to try to change the current situation and change poverty.    


Huang Xing felt that Wu Qianqian was probably not wrong. She was just young, just vain. She was now aware of her mistake and was trying to get along with her former classmates and friends. Otherwise, she wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to invite him out of the mountain to help her organize this alumni gathering. Because of this understanding, Huang Xing felt the pressure that Wu Qianqian was under. After all, she was a public figure and a celebrity. It was precisely because of this that so many people would scold and despise her for her reckless actions.    


All of a sudden, Huang Xing thought of a lot of things.    


But Fu Zhenxin was on the side, fanning the flames. Did you see that? Now you realize what Wu Qianqian really looks like, right?    


Huang Xing frowned and said, "This is not Wu Qianqian's true face."    


Fu Zhenxin said, Not yet? Actually, I didn't expect Wu Qianqian to be such a person. However, after she came back at noon today, the higher-ups took a look around randomly and found out that Wu Qianqian had been scolded to this extent in this forum. At the very least, her image in my heart was ruined.    


Huang Xing felt that he could not say anything more, but there was a voice in his heart reminding him that he had to help Wu Qianqian.    


With a special mood, Huang Xing walked out of the office and went downstairs to the first floor. He dialed Wu Qianqian's number near the window. He didn't know why he was calling, but he knew that Wu Qianqian needed help and comfort.    


Waiting for the other side to answer, Huang Xing said: Old classmate, I understand.    


What do you understand? Wu Qianqian asked.    


I know something about you, Huang Xing said.    


Wu Qianqian was silent for a moment before she said with a wry smile, "It's best if you knew in advance!" Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you. Actually, I'm just an ungrateful prodigal daughter.    


I never said I wouldn't help you, Huang Xing said. I'm happy for you.    


Wu Qianqian said, Ironic, right?    


No, Huang Xingqiang said. I understand your feelings. Who hasn't made mistakes, who hasn't been vain? You were able to get me to help you organize the alumni association to prove that you really wanted to make up for the mistakes you made that year. There's really no reason why I shouldn't help you.    


Wu Qianqian said in surprise, "Ah?" Do you really think so?    


Yes, said Huang Xing.    


Thank you, thank you! Wu Qianqian said gratefully. To tell you the truth, Huang Xing, these two years, I have been for my past childish behavior, reflective. I loathe my birth, loathe my parents, loathe the countryside where I was born and raised. I even changed my name and referred to my place of origin as Qingdao. Now think about it. What have I done? Actually, I once found two good classmates and asked them to help me organize this year's alumni association. I wanted to apologize, apologize, and confess to my past mistakes in front of my classmates and friends. However, none of my classmates were willing to help me. In their eyes, I was just an ungrateful and despicable person. In order to pursue fame and profit, I would do anything. So after I met you, it was as if I saw a glimmer of hope. I wanted you to use your influence in the school to organize the alumni association, and then I would stand up at the right time and apologize to the students and teachers. I really do owe my hometown and my family too much. I want to atone for my sins, to pay for my youth.    


Don't worry, I'll do my best to help you, Huang Xing said. Send me the group number. Give me the names of the classmates and teachers you want to invite.    


Wu Qianqian said excitedly, "Good, good." I'll send it to you this afternoon.    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "Alright."    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing still couldn't calm down for a long time.    


There were still a lot of doubts that remained unanswered.    


At 2: 30 in the afternoon, Li Rong and Chu Yinan, who had been informed to come to the company for the second round of examinations, came to the company one after the other.    


Huang Xing gave the two of them a thorough and detailed second round of examinations. He gained a deeper understanding of them. But to be honest, the two of them had good conditions and were very outstanding. Huang Xing couldn't decide the victor for them. Helpless, Huang Xing could only decide to leave this final problem to Fu Jie. At the same time, Huang Xing also reminded the two candidates to prepare a red heart with both hands. Those who failed could consider taking into account the position of management in the Marketing Department Sect.    


At the end of the day, Fu Zhenxin called to tell him that she was having dinner with the head of the company, so he could take a taxi home.    


Huang Xing, of course, was reluctant to take a taxi. It would take at least 15 yuan to get from the company to the residential complex. Instead, it would be more convenient and more economical to take the bus.    


Just as he was about to go downstairs, he saw a beautiful girl suddenly coming towards him from the corridor.    


It was actually Chu Yinan, who had just finished her second round of examinations.    


Chu Yinan called out 'Director Huang' and walked up to him.    


Huang Xing asked: "Why aren't you home yet?"    


Chu Yinan said, "Director Huang, let's celebrate tonight. Let's have a meal together."    


Only then did Huang Xing realize Chu Yinan's intention. No, no, no, said Huang Xing. I have things to do at night.    


Chu Yinan was a little disappointed. She pouted and said, "Look, Director Huang, I've been waiting here for more than an hour and can eat anywhere. We'll just eat a little. I just want to take this opportunity to study well with you."    


Huang Xing laughed: "What are you learning from me? I have to learn from you." To tell you the truth, I only went to high school.    


Chu Yinan said, "Then Director Huang is even stronger!" What I am learning from you is social experience and ability to work. You're not that stingy, are you?    


I can't see that, Huang Xing thought. At the moment, Assistant to the General Manager's position had basically locked onto Chu Yinan and Li Rong. For most job seekers, this was undoubtedly a rare opportunity. Li Rong and Chu Yinan both wanted to fight for this opportunity with all their might. Therefore, if Huang Xing nodded, it would be tantamount to taking Chu Yinan's side indirectly.    


Huang Xing picked up a cigarette and said, "It's not stingy, it's really too late to smoke."    


Chu Yinan asked with a smile, "When is Director Huang free?"    


Huang Xing answered ambiguously: When I'm free, of course I'm free. Little Chu, go home and be careful on the road.    


When Chu Yinan saw Huang Xing's order to leave, she could not keep pestering him. She could only bid farewell to Huang Xing and stomped down the stairs in disappointment.    


Just then, a Female Employee from Marketing Department walked over with a satchel on her back. She smiled and said to Huang Xing: Director Huang, why don't we go if someone is treating us to a meal?    


Do you mean that I should learn to be a rice bucket?    


Female Employee giggled. I wouldn't dare.    


Huang Xing was worried that he would meet Chu Yinan again downstairs, so he purposely stood at the corridor for a while longer, watching the employees of the company as they went home one by one. Huang Xing went downstairs slowly after he guessed that Chu Yinan had left.    


Just as he was about to walk towards the bus stop, his cell phone suddenly rang. Huang Xing thought it was Fu Zhenxin calling. He took out his phone and saw that it was from Li Rong! Huang Xing thought that these two girls were quite knowledgeable about the unspoken rules of the workplace, and they both wanted to leave something for future use.    


After answering the phone, Li Rong said, "Director Huang, it's Li Rong. I want to invite you to dinner tonight, you must come."    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "Oh, Li Rong, I really don't have time for this today."    


Li Rong grumbled in good will, "Director Huang, you are not loyal!" Hmph, the moment you summoned me in the morning, I ran over like a rabbit. I only wanted to treat you to a meal, you just had to beat around the bush!    


Huang Xing was rendered speechless by her.    


Seeing that their first battle had been won, Li Rong added: "But I believe Director Huang isn't that kind of person. He shouldn't be so high up in the sky that he won't let anyone near him, right?" I've already booked a hotel. We'll go straight over.    


Huang Xing thought that this girl's eloquence was amazing. After this round, he would be directly defeated.    


Although it was hard to refuse this dinner, Huang Xing still wanted to keep a hand in it, so he said, How about this, I'll ask you. You helped me and little Director Fu this morning, and I thank you on behalf of the company.    


Li Rong smiled and said, "This is even better. Hehe, get in the car, Director Huang."    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. Then, he heard a crisp sound of a flute coming from the side of the road.    


Huang Xing looked carefully and saw that the sound came from a Chery QQ.    


Just as she was about to confirm, Li Rong walked out of the QQ and greeted Huang Xing from a distance: Director Huang, I'm here.    


Huang Xing walked over in a few steps. Li Rong respectfully let Huang Xing get in the car. The space in the car was a bit small, so Huang Xing adjusted the seat back, but it was still a bit narrow when he adjusted it to the maximum. Li Rong saw Huang Xing's embarrassment and laughed. "Little girl's car is not suitable for big shots like you.    


Huang Xing stopped debugging and laughed. It's good to have a car, I don't even have a bike.    


Li Rong said, That's because you don't want to buy a car. It's like you're trying to get something out of your head. The richer you are, the more stingy you become. I bought the QQ and did the staging anyway, mainly because it was convenient to go out. At least, not with the bus.    


It's convenient, Huang Xing said. By the way, why didn't I see you driving over this morning?    


I parked my car outside in the parking lot. Besides, you're too busy looking at calligraphy and paintings to pay attention to me. Heh heh.    


Li Rong said as she started the car and drove away.    


Huang Xing thought, this girl's eloquence is really sharp, there are so many reasons, in terms of eloquence, I am not her match. However, there was no doubt that her aggressive tone was very pleasing. She seemed a little different from the others.    


To the Spring Sun Restaurant.    


After sitting down in the room, Li Rong held onto the menu and asked Huang Xing to order.    




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