Security Guard’s Romance



1Fu Jie thought for a moment, then said, It's easy. This Li Rong is worthy of being your assistant. As for that Chu Yinan, I think we can use her as a reserve officer. It would be best if he gave her a fake job to stabilize her heart. When the time was ripe, he could arrange for her to work alone as a department or lead a team.    1


Huang Xing was stunned and quickly replied, "Director Fu, this isn't quite right, isn't it?" Li Rong …    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing. You, as the director, have more trivial work to do, such as administration, management, recruitment, logistics, and many other temporary tasks. You can't manage them all by yourself, so Li Rong should be assigned to you as your assistant. This would solve the problem of her position and not disappoint her too much.    


Huang Xing forced a smile and said, "But..." But Li Rong applied for Assistant to the General Manager, I'm afraid she won't be willing to be my assistant to a junior chairman.    


Sofia frowned. That depends on your ability to work! What, Office Chief, do you think that officer is too young? I'm using you as the company's second-in-command, and Fu Zhenxin has to listen to you on a lot of principled issues. By the way, when that example's Power Bar catalog is finished, I'll hold a meeting to give you more authority and work authority. Remind me when the time comes.    


Huang Xing probed, "Director Fu, can we discuss this matter regarding Li Rong's post a little more?"    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing's First Army: Director Huang, why are you bickering with me? I just said that she wasn't suitable to be my assistant, not because of her abilities, but because of her experience. What I need is an assistant who can interact with the people in the government and the shopping mall. Li Rong has no experience in this field, so it is very difficult to control this assistant. What you need is an assistant. One of them will help you fill out the documents and help you get hired at the job fair. These things can be learned from your work. Maybe one day you will lead her into the path of the world and become a disciple, and I will take her with me and try her out.    


When Huang Xing heard Fu Jie's words, he felt that it wasn't a loss at all. It was a stopgap plan. Well, Director Fu, I'll let them know later.    


Fu Jie nodded. However, you must remember one principle. I assigned Li Rong to you, not just to help you share your work. You still have to nurture her, hone her, and prepare the company for the long run.    


I understand, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie said, "It's good that you understand. Just do your best."    


After Fu Jie finished speaking, she sat down on the swivel chair with relief. She slightly shook her body and half-closed her eyes to pinch the bridge of her nose.    


Huang Xing knew that Fu Jie had already used her body language to order them to leave, so he wanted to leave. But as soon as he reached the door, he remembered that he had forgotten to ask. She returned to her desk and asked Fu Jie, "Director Fu, about your assistant …"    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing and said while half-opened her eyes, "Let's put it on hold for now." The person I want seems to be someone I can meet by chance and not ask for.    


Walking out of Director Fu's office, Huang Xing was still in a daze.    


This was simply a coincidence. He had recruited an assistant for Fu Jie, but now he had actually recruited an assistant under his tutelage.    


Is this a good thing or a bad thing?    


After returning to his office, Huang Xing sat down and thought about how he should notify Li Rong and Chu Yinan so that they wouldn't be too disappointed with such an outcome.    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing called Chu Yinan first.    


Waiting for the other side to answer, Huang Xing said, "Little Chu, the company's results are out. Director Fu suddenly decided to not use the assistant for now."    


Chu Yinan was shocked. So I really lost.    


It's not that I failed, it's that there's a new opportunity. Director Fu thinks highly of you, she wants you to become Deputy Manager in Marketing department one, train hard, and she might give you a heavy responsibility in the future.    


Chu Yinan said, Is that so? Then I … Not bad, at least he was a small manager.    


Huang Xing smiled and said, "This manager is not small." Do you know how many employees there are in the Marketing department one? More than a hundred. During this period of time, the company will continue to recruit new people. The staff of the Marketing department one will soon surpass 200 or even 300 or 500. When the time comes, you'll be like a general commanding an army.    


Chu Yinan said, "Director Huang, it's not as exaggerated as you say. However, I'm willing to give it a try."    


Huang Xing said, "Alright." So, come over tomorrow afternoon and fill in the paperwork. Then you go to one and familiarize yourself with the environment.    


Chu Yinan said, "Yes."    


After hanging up, Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.    


Shortly after, Huang Xing took advantage of the victory to give Li Rong a call.    


Just like before, Huang Xing directly told the result to Li Rong, saying that Director Fu didn't want to use an assistant for now.    


Li Rong felt as if she was struck by lightning when she heard the news.    


On the other side of the phone, Li Rong kept asking why.    


Huang Xing's words were pale and he didn't know how to comfort her. All of a sudden, Li Rong's tone became abnormally impulsive, as if her aura was going to swallow up the entire world.    


It took her a long time to calm down, but she still didn't give up and asked Huang Xing: "Are you joking with me?"    


Huang Xing said, "Can you joke with me?"    


Li Rong said, In other words, I don't have a chance, do I?    


Not really, Huang Xing said. Actually, Director Fu meant to keep you at work in Xinyuan Company.    


Li Rong coldly snorted. Let me be Telemarketer, right? I'm sorry, I can't do it. Director Huang, I really didn't think that... It looks like you, as the director, aren't very well-liked in front of the boss either.    


Huang Xing didn't expect Li Rong to have such an expression after knowing the result. Originally, he still felt guilty, but he immediately found a strand of reason to comfort himself in Li Rong's grumbling. Judging from this alone, Li Rong was indeed not suitable to be Fu Jie's assistant. How could a person who couldn't even control his own emotions face such a complicated shopping mall and government? It was clear that Li Rong was a very realistic person. She was the typical representative of many people in this society. In order to achieve her goal, she did not hesitate to use all of her resources, including her appearance. However, once she failed to achieve her goal, she would immediately be unable to control herself and reveal a vicious expression.    


However, Huang Xing still explained: "This has nothing to do with being unfavoured. Director Fu wants you to exercise in other positions. Perhaps one day, when you are mature, you will have the opportunity to be her assistant."    


Li Rong gave a wry smile. Exercise? The dog ate the conscience of your employers. In order to keep people alive, you have to go to the bottom floor to exercise. Who would believe it! My cousin is one of them. She was hired by the manager, but the unit said she needs to be familiar with the situation at the grassroots level before being promoted. My cousin believed it, so she did it, and the result was that she was stunned for over a year. Let alone promoting her, she even … Forget it, why am I telling you this? Director Huang, I want to tell you something. A unit that uses deceptive methods to recruit employees will not have a good ending!    


Seeing that Li Rong's words were getting more and more sarcastic, Huang Xing felt both helpless and regretful. As the saying goes, all living things are always gentle and kind to you on the surface, even giving their bodies to you. But when you usurp the other party's interests, she will unabashedly reveal her true colors. In her eyes, there was only herself, only benefits. But at the same time, Huang Xing was also considering, had he really taken over the other party's interests? If there was such a thing, it would at most be that meal, and that vague yet passive rule. He had always harbored resentment towards this kind of operation, but because he owed her, Huang Xing had always spared no effort to help Li Rong defeat her competitor. However, the result was out of everyone's expectation. Fu Jie had actually rejected two competitors, turning Assistant to the General Manager's position into ashes.    


Huang Xing felt that this might be a good thing. At the very least, based on Li Rong's current performance, she couldn't be Fu Jie's assistant at all. She became an assistant, a blasphemy to Fu Jie.    


However, the situation was still getting worse and worse. Huang Xing didn't rush to tell Li Rong that Fu Jie wanted her to be her assistant in order to test her further and see her reaction. Unexpectedly, it was as if a forest had been ignited, causing Huang Xing's face to turn completely red. Obviously, Li Rong felt wronged by her own sacrifice. She wishfully believed that Assistant to the General Manager's laurel crown was almost on her head due to her sacrifice. Unexpectedly, Huang Xing told himself that all of this had turned into a bubble.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was silent, Li Rong asked again: "Tell me the truth, is it, is it that Chu Yinan got this position?"    


No, Huang Xing said. I arranged for her to train and train in Marketing department one.    


Li Rong sneered again. Exercise again? You really know how to trick people, acting like you're exercising, sigh. Don't you think it's unfair to us, the sharp-witted job-seekers, to do this?    


Don't always think that others are unfair to you, Wu said. If you were a dragon, I would never let you be a worm. But if you were an insect, you couldn't make a dragon out of your makeup. After Director Fu and I discussed Chu Yinan's matter, we gave her a position of Deputy Manager. She will be coming to work tomorrow afternoon.    


Li Rong was stunned. What? Did she become Deputy Manager? Not this time... Wasn't she arranged to be Telemarketer?    


Of course not, Huang Xing said. Actually, Director Fu and I also have high hopes for you. What Director Fu means is, first, let me make you my assistant. Right now, the company lacks several departments, and the HR department has always been empty. Director Fu asked you to help me pick up the personnel work. Once the time was right, you might be able to take on the role on your own, or you might even have the chance to become Director Fu's assistant. But since there is so much mistrust in your company, I think you must be disdainful of being my assistant. Although I am very sorry, I still wish you well, and hope you can find a satisfactory job, a satisfactory employer.    


Actually, at this moment, through Li Rong's series of reactions, Huang Xing felt that even if she became his assistant, he would still have to worry about her in the future.    


He originally thought that this would be a form of comfort for Li Rong, but after listening to her reaction, he decided against it.    




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