Security Guard’s Romance



2What? Huang Xing was surprised, but just as he was about to persuade Fu Jie to reconsider, Fu Zhenxin suddenly walked over and grabbed Fu Jie's arm, saying, "Sis, don't be so hasty. Let Director Huang write a detailed report first, then the company will have a meeting to study it."    0


Huang Xing quickly echoed: "Right, right, right. Investment is risky, so you have to be careful!"    


Fu Jie lingered, stroking her chin with a finger. Meeting? Research? By the time we make our decision, the others might have gotten the upper hand! If he said he would do it, he would do it. If he hesitated for just a minute, he might just lose 10 million! Last year, our group of Nokia V400 (alias) high imitation machines were held over and over again due to their weak willpower. The result was that they were taken advantage of by the Yu Chen Communication Company's Ma Lao San and left the factory a week earlier than us. Then, Old Ma and Old Third made eight million each, but our Xinyuan Company only makes less than a million out of the profits from drinking the soup. If we could get in front of Ma Ol 'Three and get the chance, then we could get some meat and Ma Ol' Three would have to drink some leftover soup! Thus, no matter what, he had to seize the initiative this time.    


Huang Xing could feel that Fu Jie's body was brimming with an unstoppable aura of a strong woman.    


This kind of aura was enough to make any man become infatuated or even fall for it. Most of the time, a beautiful woman with a little bit of power would be extremely charming and unstoppable.    


Hearing that Fu Jie had made up her mind, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but feel anxious. She knew what Fu Jie's decision meant. Currently, the Xinyuan Company had invested most of its funds into the development of the new computer. How could he still have the spare funds to invest in the conceptual phone? It was like a beautiful mirage, but in reality, it was just a mirage. It was like a beautiful mirage, but in reality, it was just like an illusion. Any slip in production and sales may lead to a loss of capital, and the company went bankrupt overnight.    


Although Huang Xing liked the way Fu Jie acted, this hasty decision put him in a dilemma. The concept of mobile phones, he was lying about the unintentional mention, the intention was to lie. Unexpectedly, this suggestion had won Fu Jie's approval. This decision didn't matter, as it would cost a huge sum of money. Hiring engineers, ordering parts and other steps, all need to reshuffle with a large amount of money. Furthermore, the appearance of a new machine would require a very long process, one year, or even several years, to be able to enter the market by opening up the relevant departments and sales channels. This meant that Fu Jie might lose the brand route she had just picked up and return her phone to its original shape of 'mountain stronghold' and 'high imitation'.    


He was like a gangster boss who had been working for a long time to become a leader. However, all of a sudden, he felt that the waters were too deep.    


After all, the brand machine has the disadvantage of the brand machine, a new machine from research and development to the market, it needs many steps, and also have to be approved and tested by the relevant departments. Because of those cumbersome inspection procedures, many new computers with good prospects had lost their market opportunities and missed out on the best opportunities. As a result, they were eliminated the moment they went public. Fu Jie decided to enter the conceptual machine market. If she wanted to seize the initiative, going along the brand route would be a dead end. Thus, this choice of hers, was equivalent to the bleaching of the underworld and had once again turned the tables.    


The dramatic part was that due to Huang Xing's unconscious suggestion, Fu Jie actually put up her utmost concentration and decided to stake everything on this bet. She said at once that she would fly back to Shenzhen tomorrow to find a few experienced engineers and begin designing the prototype.    


Furthermore, Fu Zhenxin even told Huang Xing to stay, and wrote out a detailed feasible plan and financing plan overnight.    


As a result, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin were both dumbfounded.    


Of course, they still hadn't realized what it meant to try.    


Fu Jie told Fu Zhenxin to go back and rest first. Today, she was going to have an all-nighter fight with Huang Xing to settle the issue of the new concept phone. Fu Zhenxin refused to give in and said she was willing to follow him to the end. Fu Jie said, "You can keep me company for the night. Tomorrow, no matter who manages the company, there will always be someone who is awake and clear-headed." Fu Zhenxin still wanted to stay, but Fu Jie directly beat her to it: If you can promise to come up with two solutions, then alright, let Huang Xing go back and rest. Fu Zhenxin was speechless and could only obediently go back to sleep. However, Fu Zhenxin couldn't sleep no matter how she lied on the bed. She was a little worried that a man and a woman being alone in the room would produce some sparks. While she was tossing and turning, Fu Zhenxin sent Huang Xing a text message: Do not pick any wildflowers at home, you can't even think about it.    


After Huang Xing received the message, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. He knew that Fu Zhenxin's so called 'wildflower' only referred to Fu Jie. This creepy little girl didn't trust him at all. But since he said it, Huang Xing was worried for himself.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but ask Huang Xing when she received the message: It's so late, who is still calling?    


Huang Xing didn't answer the question directly: It wasn't a phone call, it was a text message.    


Fu Jie said, "Oh?" Who would be so interested in texting you in the middle of the night?    


Huang Xing said perfunctorily: The Great Fuyuan Supermarket is having a special sale tomorrow and sent a text message. I don't know how they got my cell phone number, but I'm not a member of Great Fortune.    


It must be from the telecom operator, Wu said. It's very normal, we got Telemarketer's information from the operator as well. In this day and age, as long as it was for the sake of benefits, even their own parents might betray them.    


Huang Xing tentatively asked, "You think so too?"    


Fu Jie quickly shook her head. What nonsense are you talking about! I was just sighing. Alright, Director Huang, let's cut to the chase and quickly draft a plan. We have to get out tonight. We'll discuss it together and make a decision.    


Huang Xing complained in his heart. Huang Xing never expected Fu Jie to be so interested in the new concept of mobile phones. Perhaps this was indeed attractive enough for a strong woman like Fu Jie. If this list was done well, the company's strength might increase several times, perhaps even dozens of times. In other words, if they failed, the company might not be able to recover and might even die. For the company, this choice was a venture capital investment, but for Huang Xing, it was equally risky. After all, the new concept of cell phone was something Huang Xing accidentally revealed just now. If the investment failed, he would become the biggest sinner of the Xinyuan Company.    


In order to be prudent, Huang Xing advised Fu Jie not to be too impulsive before drafting the plan. Fu Jie went on and on about the future of the grand blueprint, and the fate of the company and the mobile revolution deeply linked.    


Fu Jie said, once the company rises, you, Director Huang, will be the biggest contributor. When that happens, I will give you a portion of the company's shares.    


But have you thought of a way out? Once …    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing and said, "There's no way out." You can't leave yourself too much of a way out. The more escape routes there were, the less bold they would be and the less bold they would be. Director Huang, just do as I say. Fine, it's your credit. Defeat, it's Fu Jie's. Now the company has just changed from a shanzhai brand, urgently need to add fuel to the fire.    


Huang Xing put forward his own view: "But Director Fu, have you thought about it? The new concept of mobile phones are simply unable to be made into a brand machine in a short period of time. They can only do speculative business." If we hang up the 'Xin Fang' sign and find out about it, then all of the rivers and mountains that we worked so hard for will all be buried.    


Fu Jie sighed and said, There's no other way! Do the sticker. After this round of betting, the company's days would be much easier! If we can make 10 million on this list, we'll plan to raise money to go public. Director Huang, when the time comes, you will be the company's elder, the leader of the upper echelons. Believe me, you can walk as far as your heart is big. At most, I, Fu Jie, will start from the beginning!    


Seeing how determined Fu Jie was, Huang Xing was speechless.    


Fu Jie went into the bedroom and brought out a Dell notebook, which she placed in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing created a new word document and wrote the words' New Concept Mobile Investment Plan 'on it.    


Fu Jie sat beside Huang Xing and personally poured a glass of water for him. "Oh yeah, don't announce this matter to the company for the time being. There are too many people talking about this in the communications industry, so we might be able to increase our competitors."    


Huang Xing nodded. I understand.    


While Huang Xing was thinking and writing, Fu Jie started wandering around the living room with her arms crossed.    


But in reality, with the peerless beauty Fu Jie wandering in front of him, it was hard for Huang Xing to concentrate on writing the plan with 100% concentration. Thus, the process of writing his plan was actually to secretly observe the beautiful process. Fu Jie had a serious expression on her face, giving off a unique charm. A pair of ordinary looking slippers was actually playing the most beautiful tune in the world. Huang Xing was sometimes enchanted by the scene, and unnaturally, he thought of some evil scenes that had happened in the past. For a time, his mind was not at ease. An hour had passed and he had only written about a hundred words.    


Fu Jie checked the progress and decided that at this rate, it would be a fantasy to finish writing out two proposals by tomorrow morning. She wanted to urge Huang Xing, but she was worried that the more she urged, the more counterproductive it would be, so she gave up.    


In the process, Fu Jie became Huang Xing's orderly, pouring water to make tea, and peeling apples to peel bananas. Enjoying this kind of treatment, Huang Xing was overwhelmed by the favor. He felt that if he didn't help Fu Jie complete these two tasks properly, it would be a blasphemy to her for taking good care of her. Huang Xing tried his best to concentrate on writing as much as he could. Unknowingly, it really worked. A draft investment plan gradually took shape. Then he began to read it through from beginning to end, revising it word for word. When he finished revising the last line, Huang Xing couldn't help but yawn and stretch his arms. Who would have thought that this activity wouldn't matter? Huang Xing felt as if his head had touched something soft.    


A burst of fragrance that would make one's mind go into chaos came assaulting over. Only then did Huang Xing realize that Fu Jie had been silently staring behind him. Her hair was almost at his ear and was a little itchy. Huang Xing speculated from where Fu Jie was standing that when he stretched out earlier, he had touched Fu Jie's chest. His face instantly turned warm, and he felt as if his entire body was being injected with 10000 volts of high-voltage electricity.    




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