Security Guard’s Romance



0Not long after, Fu Zhenxin took back the keys to her Chinese car and swapped the things in the trunk. After she was done, she mischievously kissed Huang Xing's face and said, "If I don't take action now, I won't have the chance to, I'll give you one." Huang Xing felt that this kiss was even cooler than the spring breeze. He wanted to treat them courteously, but was stopped by Fu Zhenxin's hand. "Enough, don't be so bored to death." Huang Xing said that it was due to the treatment of others after all. I'll keep it, Fu Zhenxin said. I'll keep it later. Huang Xing laughed and said, "That's fine too, but when the time comes, you'll have to pay with interest."    


Fu Zhenxin walked in front and still couldn't change her old habit. From time to time, she would pull her butt with her hand. Huang Xing watched from behind and savored her smooth and sexy butt. For a moment, he couldn't help but have evil thoughts.    


The two of them went straight to Fu Jie's house and pressed the doorbell. The melodious sound of slippers suddenly stopped at the door.    


Although it was only a slight sound of the slippers scraping against the floor, the sound still entered Huang Xing's ears. Huang Xing couldn't help but shudder as he imagined Fu Jie's shocking appearance.    


After Fu Jie opened the door, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin walked in.    


When he looked up to see Fu Jie, Huang Xing was stunned for a moment. She was wearing a suit of cotton colored pajamas embroidered with hearts and five stars. These pyjamas looked very ordinary, but were no longer ordinary when worn on her body. Huang Xing glanced at it and felt that it really fit the proverb 'A beauty is edible'. Her hair was let loose, covering her ears in a very smooth manner. A few strands of hair brushed against the corners of her mouth, adding to her sexiness. As Huang Xing was admiring her peerless figure in a prostrating posture, Fu Jie suddenly said, "Director Huang, don't be so formal, I'm also too lazy to change my clothes."    


Huang Xing said in his heart. But on the surface, she smiled and said, "Director Fu is different from everyone else."    


Fu Zhenxin turned her head and glared at Huang Xing as she mumbled something. Huang Xing deduced from the way she mouthed it that she meant: You are the only one who knows how to kiss ass.    


Fu Jie invited Huang Xing to sit down and instructed Fu Zhenxin to get some coffee. Fu Zhenxin pouted and said, "Sis, you are too cruel. Are you my blood sister?" Fu Jie said, look at you get used to it, pour a cup of coffee all resentful!    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa nervously. After changing his posture several times, he felt uncomfortable. In the end, he put his hands on his knees and sat up straight.    


Why are you sitting so formally, like a soldier?    


Huang Xing said, already very relaxed.    


Fu Jie took a book from the side and flipped through a few pages aimlessly. What did you get for the evening?    


Huang Xing complained in his heart. He thought that his biggest gain at night was having a romantic time with Fu Zhenxin in the suburbs. But this sort of thing naturally couldn't be told to Fu Jie, so she said perfunctorily, "The harvest is quite good tonight." That manager can really drink... Did I control it, or did I drink a little too much?    


Fu Jie frowned and smiled bitterly. "I'm not asking you that." I mean, about the cooperation, did they have any intentions?    


Huang Xing's face was flushed red. He wanted to continue lying, but he felt that his words were feeble and he didn't even have the courage to speak anymore. He suddenly felt that deceiving Fu Jie was too much for him.    


At this time, Fu Zhenxin came over with a cup of coffee and helped Wu Tie up. She said, "Of course, it's only a little. The next step is to see how sincere we are!" Tonight, Director Huang did a great job. He told them about the company's situation and products, adding extra details. They all felt that they could consider cooperating. That Old Wei had several cellphones sold in Ji Nan, so he could be considered a rather capable guy. He also talked to us about the direction of the communications industry and gave us a few pertinent suggestions for a pluralistic approach that could go further in areas such as laptops, USB drives and printers.     


Fu Zhenxin's words made Huang Xing a little guilty. Huang Xing tried his best not to show it on his face and pretended to be a person who knew what was going on as he agreed, "Yes, yes." That Manager Wei still has a bit of strategic vision. Actually, his most pertinent suggestion to me is to expand the channel and brand it, and at the same time, to find a new way to develop a communication product that pursues personality and fashion. For example, concept phone, tablet computer. At present, the concept mobile phones are still empty in the domestic market. We can treat this as a way to break through and produce a few new concept mobile phones, such as car keys, watches, matchboxes, rouge boxes, and they can all become the shape of conceptual machine. People were used to using the common mobile phones in the market. The appearance of the mobile phones would definitely be able to satisfy a large number of young consumers.    


Fu Zhenxin was stunned after hearing that. She thought that her lie was perfect, but she didn't expect Huang Xing to tell her the business opportunity after lying. She put one of her hands behind her back and quietly made a "v" gesture towards Huang Xing. She thought to herself, "Huang Xing, you're so talented!"    


Fu Zhenxin praised Huang Xing's words and said: "Who is this manager? He has a unique vision." Why don't I ask him to talk to me in person some other day? I'd like to hear his views on the development of the communications industry, first of all in order to be able to cooperate. Tell me, what is the name of this manager and what his main occupation is. If you have his business card, just give me one.    


Huang Xing complained repeatedly. He thought that this manager didn't even exist and was a character invented. He had only wanted to cover up tonight's affair with Fu Zhenxin, so he came up with this lie. Unexpectedly, the lie was so lifelike that it could lead to a hidden danger.    


Huang Xing didn't dare look at Fu Jie, but tilted his head and said, Okay, okay, let little Lilly introduce him to you some other day.    


Fu Zhenxin glared angrily at Huang Xing, thinking to herself, "You've really pushed this problem onto me." However, he still smiled and said, "This small matter needs you to do it yourself. We just need to follow up a little bit." As for the concept of mobile phones, I feel that Director Huang's line of thought is more mature than this manager's. Rather than talking to him, it would be better to let Director Huang draft out a feasible plan for us to study it.    


Huang Xing was surprised, thinking that he had really underestimated Fu Zhenxin. This girl looked innocent on the surface, but she did know how to shirk responsibility. In a blink of an eye, she threw the problem back at him.    


Fu Jie glanced at Huang Xing. After a moment of thought, she said, "Director Huang, tell me about it." If we really want to operate the concept of mobile phones, what is the odds? Where was the key point?    


Just then, when he anxiously threw out the conceptual machine's question, he was suddenly struck with inspiration and wanted to lie. However, he hadn't thought that the lie would lead to a big topic regarding business strategy and investment. The concept of mobile phones was a general concept at the time. Very few in the market. Nowadays, the market was occupied by a large number of village, three yards of water and goods. Many half-dead branded machines had suffered a strong impact, and were even in danger of defying the rules. After all, the prices of the three yards of mountain village and the aquatic products had a unique advantage. They could be sold for a reasonable amount of money, but any communication company with a bit of strength, or even the front of a shop could sell for a full amount of money. To take a simple example, a brand phone with a market price of about 1,000 yuan would cost only 300 to 400 yuan, or even less. With the continuous update of the knockoff technology, the cost compression and quality improvement of the knockoff mobile phone also keep pace with the times. The cost of a two-card phone with a camera head can be controlled to within a hundred yuan. Moreover, in the whole country, Shenzhen and other special administrative regions as the main production base of the mountain manufacturers, such as bamboo shoots after the rain, in the communications industry, they have played a large role, a share of the spoonful. Shan Zhai products, in recent years swept the whole country, occupying more than half of the market share. The relevant authorities had no choice but to turn a blind eye to such a thriving affair.    


All in all, the current communication market was nearing saturation point. If you want to gain a foothold in this industry, you have to innovate, you have to find a way out. Huang Xing's understanding of conceptual machine s, was also when he went to the Xinyuan Company's marketplace to inspect it a few days ago, and saw the only phone in the entire market. It was a wristwatch style miniature mobile phone. Its appearance was no different from a normal electronic watch. The advantage was that it was completely new and convenient to carry. This chance encounter did give Huang Xing a sudden inspiration, but it was not mature yet. Huang Xing is thinking, if the mobile phone made peanut, car, car keys, pen, lighter, cigarette case and other small objects shape, can certainly have a large number of young people and the pursuit of fashion. Of course, this thought was just a fleeting flash through his mind, and did not form into an official train of thought.    


Now, in order to make a complete lie, Huang Xing borrowed the chicken to lay the egg. He wanted to use this premature train of thought to get away with it, but to his surprise, Fu Jie was actually interested in this idea.    


Faced with Fu Jie's question, Huang Xing summoned up the courage to sum up a few points: I think, do the concept of mobile phone, the possibility of winning or losing. For the good of it, the market was indeed rare at the moment. It was an emerging thing and could indeed garner the favor of a large group of people. Especially the fashion and personality of boys and girls. As long as he grasped the opportunity and made his move as soon as possible, he would definitely be able to earn the first barrel of gold. But then again, the concept of mobile phones requires small shapes, fine workmanship, and the production of components is a tough test. A lot of people buy the concept of mobile phones with a 'play' attitude, rather than using it. Therefore, the price should be controlled properly, which requires that the cost of each cell phone should be controlled to a relatively harsh level. But in fact, the concept of small cell phones, because of the fine parts and workmanship, has unwittingly increased the cost of spending. So I think, the key to the success of the concept of mobile phones have two points, one is to seize the initiative, and the other is to control the cost. From the looks of it, the concept phone may seem empty, but I have seen it before in Communications City. This proves that there are already manufacturers that have started to develop and produce conceptual machine, and whoever launches the market and takes the initiative would win by 50%. The remaining 50% was for the cost and price battles.    


Huang Xing didn't think that he could say this much in one breath. He didn't know if he could get away with this impromptu speech. However, after some careful consideration, he realized that his own analysis and judgment were quite convincing. From this point of view, his own business strategy and emerging things sensitivity is not low.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly as she carefully digested Huang Xing's thoughts. Then, she suddenly slapped her thigh and stood up: "Okay, I'll do it!"    




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