Security Guard’s Romance



4Her mother obviously did not believe Fu Jie's words. With Fu Jie's method of confession, no one would believe him even if they heard it.    


On the other hand, Fu Zhenxin was a little jealous of her sister's joke. Of course, she did not take her sister's words seriously, so she added fuel to the fire: "Auntie, who do you think is more similar to your son's girlfriend than me and my sister?    


Her disturbance made Fu Jie, who was originally acting in an unreal manner, suddenly look like he was wearing a shirt over his head.    


Fu Jie glared at Fu Zhenxin fiercely, saying, "Fu Zhenxin, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm serious now."    


Fu Zhenxin was not to be outdone: Is there anyone who would coax their aunt to be happy like this?    


Fu Jie was a little crazy, but he had no choice but to pretend to be friendly.    


Huang's mother put down the chopsticks in his hand and said calmly: Alright Fu Jie, Zhen Xin, I know what you two are thinking, you want to comfort me. This child, Xing'er, has been spoiled by me since childhood. Even after such a big incident, she was still hiding it from me. If it wasn't for the fact that you all took me over, I wouldn't have known about it.    


Huang Xing hurriedly said: Mom, let's not talk about Zhao Xiaoran anymore. From now on, she has nothing to do with you.    


Huang's mother sighed, stood up, and turned to enter the bedroom.    


Fu Jie took the opportunity to criticize Fu Zhenxin softly and said, didn't you see that I was acting with my aunt so that she wouldn't be too sad? Yet, you made me expose you all of a sudden!    


Fu Zhenxin was startled for a moment. She said, Sis, what you mean is that you want to comfort Auntie by pretending to be Director Huang's girlfriend?    


Fu Jie said, of course. At least Auntie would feel better this way.    


Fu Zhenxin said that it would be better for her to just pass off as me.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly and said, You are acting? Come on, how old are you, grown up?    


Fu Zhenxin almost knocked his head against the wall as he argued, "Sis, you keep treating me like a child. I'm already 22, what year do you think is going to happen?" If it were India, I would be a grandmother now! Do you know that in some parts of India you can get married at the age of seven or eight?    


Fu Jie 'oh', and said, you're already 22, why do I keep feeling like you're a little kid?    


Fu Zhenxin puffed his chest up, as though he was using this tall and lofty object to confirm the fact that he was already an adult.    


Thus, under Fu Zhenxin's insistence, the situation took a dramatic turn for the worse. Fu Zhenxin took Huang Xing's arm, and casually brought him into the bedroom, standing in front of Huang Xing's mother.    


Seeing this, Huang's mother was startled: "You guys are ?."    


Fu Zhenxin tilted her pretty head and laughed: "Auntie, actually, I am your son's girlfriend. My sister was just joking with you!"    


Huang's mother laughed bitterly and said: "You guys are confusing me!" Xing'er, what is going on?    


Huang Xing didn't know how to reply.    


Fu Zhenxin took the initiative and said: Auntie, it's like this. Huang Xing and I are in the same office. I am the Deputy CEO, he is the Office Chief. We worked very well together, and then gradually... Hehe, you understand. I think Huang Xing is a kind and talented person. You don't know, a lot of our company's plans and materials were written by him. There were also a lot of talented people who were recruited by him. Actually, we had been discussing this entire time, wanting to go home and see you and Uncle. However, Huang Xing was afraid that the matter regarding Zhao Xiaoran would affect you too much, and since you were unable to accept it for a while, we ended up running aground.    


Fu Zhenxin said a lot in one breath, Huang's mother was stunned when he heard it, and Huang Xing was also confused when he heard it. [What kind of strategy is this girl playing with?]    


When the Huang's mother heard Fu Zhenxin's vivid narration, he kept glancing at Huang Xing, with the intention of indirectly confirming the truth in his words. Huang Xing tried his best to appear calm and collected.    


After Fu Zhenxin spoke for a long time, he pushed Huang Xing's arm and said, "You go out first, I'll have a talk with Auntie in private."    


Huang Xing did as he was told. Actually, he had long felt ashamed to face his mother.    


He wasn't good at deceit, and his mind had been tangled up just a moment ago. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be even more exposed.    


Huang Xing returned to the living room and saw Fu Jie sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Huang Xing also sat down, but discovered that Fu Jie's expression was a little strange. She took a big gulp of tea, then said with a smile: Fu Zhenxin's acting is really similar, isn't it? If I had known this would happen, I would have chosen her as your girlfriend.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie's smile was forced, but he was unable to understand what kind of mentality she had. Huang Xing wanted to say that the character in my dreams is you. But he couldn't muster up the courage to say it out loud.    


Fu Jie continued: Now, this is the only way. I'll let Fu Zhenxin pretend to be my girlfriend for a bit, and when you find the real one, I will tell Aunty about it.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "I'm worried that I'll be found out before I reveal my trump card." Whether my mother believed him or not was another matter.    


Then hurry up and find a real one! Our company has so many female executives, Female Employee, don't tell me none of them are worthy? Before Huang Xing could reply, Fu Jie quickly added, "That's not right. Ordinary employees and the junior executives. You don't even like them. I think you have a very high opinion of her. You are the second in the company, so you should at least find a girlfriend who has a certain career and common language. You must also consider your future development.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie's words were very strange, she used the second sentence to reject her first sentence. According to her words, in the entire Xinyuan Company, perhaps only Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin could meet this standard. But strictly speaking, Fu Zhenxin only laid eggs using a chicken. What she had was not a career, but a big sister with a career. In that case, Fu Jie's words could only lock onto one person, and that would be herself. Huang Xing thought, could it be that Fu Jie was hinting at him? But after thinking about it again, how could this be possible? Fu Jie had always been a high and mighty being, and it was impossible for her to have any presumptuous thoughts about herself. On the contrary, he, on the other hand, was filled with fantasies and lewd thoughts towards Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing said: No office romance is allowed in the company. Even if I have that kind of evil heart, I don't have that kind of courage.    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up as he laughed and said, "Can I understand that? Actually, you have your own people you like in the company, but because of the company's rules, you never dared to touch the yellow line, right?"    


Huang Xing wanted to say that this person was you. However, he could not say it out loud. He was afraid that his presumptuous actions would desecrate the beauty in front of him.    


Huang Xing replied: How dare you! How could I dare you? Director Fu, stop joking with me!    


Fu Jie emphasized: Who's joking with you? How about this, you tell me the truth, do you or do you not have it? If there's anyone I can specialize in, or if you like, I can get her out of headquarters so that it's not against company discipline. I'm willing to help you become the Red Lady.    


Huang Xing said: There really isn't any. Even if there were...    


Fu Jie said: See, there must have been a leak? The child is already asleep. The image that Fu Zhenxin acted as, for her to continue pretending, to do the work of an aunt, should we go for a walk?    


Huang Xing nodded his head in anticipation: Let's go. Walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to ninety-nine.    


The moment he stood up, Huang Xing suddenly felt that what he had just said was a bit out of the ordinary, and a bit too vulgar.    


The two of them went down the stairs and Huang Xing followed behind them. She watched as Fu Jie walked with loud footsteps and played the beautiful music step by step. That beautiful figure was deeply intoxicating to him.    


Walking in the neighborhood with Fu Jie, Huang Xing felt a lot of pressure. He didn't know why, but even though he was deeply trusted by Fu Jie and even though he moved to Fu Jie's house to live, he still felt that there was a kind of unknown gap between this noble and strong woman and himself. This gap in status made Huang Xing feel a sense of inferiority every time he saw Fu Jie.    


Passing by a shop in the small district, Fu Jie went in to buy two bottles of cola and gave one bottle to Huang Xing. Then the two of them walked out of the district.    


After walking for a while, the two of them said very little. After sitting down on a chair in a small park, Fu Jie drank a mouthful of Coke and broke the silence.    


Huang Xing said: Not bad. It will be better if Assistant Li comes over to help me.    


Fu Jie held the cola in one hand and played with the cap of the bottle with the other: I still need to learn how to decompress myself. At night you can often come out for a walk and a breath of fresh air.    


Huang Xing nodded and said: "Then the Director Fu ? Huang Xing wanted to say that Director Fu, you accompany me for more walks in the future, but the moment the words came to his mouth, he choked back and hurriedly made a detour: Then, Director Fu, you also have the habit of coming out for a walk at night, right?    


Fu Jie laughed and said: There is! We can go out together in the future.    


Huang Xing froze for a moment, thinking that this roundabout way, there were actually unexpected rewards. Huang Xing quickly said: Good, that's good. In fact, Director Fu feels that the pressure on you is greater than anyone else, but you never show it so easily.    


Fu Jie raised his head: Oh, really? This might be a form of motivation. When I open my eyes every day and think about how hundreds of people in the company need to earn money to support their families and rely on the company for food, I know I can't stop. They believe in the company and work for the company, I, Fu Jie will definitely not let them down. Only by making the company bigger and stronger can I make my employee's life more secure. In fact, when I started my business, I stood at a very low angle and always thought about how I could make money and achieve something. This kind of excessive ego, let me fall into a kind of special predicament. I don't believe in anyone. I don't have anyone to rely on. I don't have anyone to trust. Later on, I gradually understood that only by putting the goal further away and standing at a higher angle can you make money and have a good ending for those who work with you, and let them see hope. That way, the company will be able to make a big and strong move. That was why the company received all the bonuses and year-end dividends. In the blink of an eye, another year had passed. He really hoped that this phone could help the company earn an extra profit. This way, the company's managers would each receive at least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan in dividends. Of course, you also have your share.    


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