Security Guard’s Romance



4Cao Aidang coughed lightly and pressed the cigarette back into the ashtray, saying, "Xiao Lin, I actually don't want you to go." But you know, the company has its own system, the Director Huang is a demeaning person, and personnel are under his control. There's nothing I can do. Don't worry, Director Huang had a talk with me just now and I suggested that we settle the bill properly. Director Huang also agreed to this request.    


Huang Xing kept having the feeling that what he said was a little strange.    


A bit of empty air.    


Qi Xiaolin stared at Huang Xing with teary eyes as he begged for help: Director Huang is begging you, open your mouth and let me stay.    


Huang Xing sighed in his heart, thinking that Qi Xiaolin's mental strength was too strong. Under normal circumstances, after such a thing happened, no one would have the face to continue staying in the company.    


Cao Aidang asked Huang Xing: Director Huang, what do you think?    


Cao Aidang's tone was so gentle that it immediately caused him to be wary. The sensitive him felt that Cao Aidang was hiding a knife behind his smile. Slightly deducing the situation, it was not hard to understand Cao Aidang's sinister intentions. This guy wanted to be both a small child and a memorial archway. Fu Jie wanted Cao Aidang to persuade him to back off, but Cao Aidang used a few euphemistic words to shift the final decision to him. He wanted to be a good person in front of Qi Xiaolin, to persuade him to back off.    


Huang Xing finally realized that Fu Jie not allowing himself to get involved in this matter was a form of protection for him. This Cao Aidang was too scheming, if he came forward to persuade Qi Xiaolin to back off, then he would be in trouble. Qi Xiaolin might hate himself for the rest of his life. But as for Cao Aidang, after he grew tired of playing with Qi Xiaolin, and then used his own hands to drive him out of the company, he could immediately look for his next target. To Cao Aidang, not only did he not lose anything, he would also make Qi Xiaolin feel grateful towards him. He felt that he had been trying to think of a way to catch him and help him.    


Understanding this point, Huang Xing could be considered to have understood Fu Jie's intentions. Of course, he couldn't fall for Cao Aidang's trap, so he said to Cao Aidang: Cao Manager, Director Fu has already relinquished the authority, I will leave this matter for you to handle.    


Qi Xiaolin was startled, and his eyes immediately lit up with a kind of divine light of hope.    


Cao Aidang coldly snorted. What a joke! You are the Office Chief, you are the one in charge of personnel.    


Huang Xing wanted to say, if you want me to deal with it, the first person I want to deal with is you. However, he had no choice but to play with this scheming old veteran of the workplace: Cao Manager, this is a matter of your department, Director Fu does not wish to widen the scope of the matter. And you also reported this to the Director Fu, didn't you? You have the final say in this matter.    


Cao Aidang's face turned ashen, he did not dare look straight into Qi Xiaolin's pleading eyes. But it was not hard to tell that Cao Aidang was in a dilemma. To him, persuading Qi Xiaolin to retreat was inevitable, but Fu Jie had given him a chance and the price for doing so was throwing the car away. He felt that this was a good thing for him. Originally, he wanted to borrow Huang Xing's hands to persuade him to back off. Like this, he became a good person and brought a big problem to himself. To him, a woman like Qi Xiaolin was like a passing cloud to him. He would play with her occasionally, and after feeling nothing new, she would become worthless to him. This matter just happened to suit his thoughts. But unexpectedly, Huang Xing seemed to have sensed his little scheme, and threw the difficult problem back at him.    


Helpless, Cao Aidang could only bear with the humiliation and say to Qi Xiaolin: Xiao Lin, I really am powerless in this matter. So, you pack your things, I'll have the finance settle your salary, and tonight I'll set up a table for you to see you off.    


Qi Xiaolin seemed to understand a bit of the truth as he asked again: "Cao Manager, you were the one that chased me away, right?    


Cao Aidang laughed awkwardly: How is that possible! Don't you understand? I was poached by the Director Huang to the Director Fu, I really can't hurt you!    


Seeing that Cao Aidang had placed the blame on Fu Jie, Huang Xing could not help but interject, "Cao Manager, I remember Director Fu told me that she has already given you the authority to handle this matter."    


Huang Xing was returning the favor back to him. Indeed, when it came to Fu Jie, he would inevitably become the victim. Cao Aidang's roots were deep, so Fu Jie did not dare to touch him for a while, and could only throw him to the ground. But to see Cao Aidang holding a dung bowl and going about with it, pushing away all his responsibilities, this was obviously a little too unreasonable. After all, Cao Aidang was the main culprit and the person involved in this matter. He should be grateful that the Director Fu was able to keep him here. But he still had to use this matter to create a memorial archway to pretend to be a good person, and also use this matter to splash dirty water on Director Fu and Huang Xing.    


Cao Aidang was so angry that his face turned ashen. He had already seen the truth from Qi Xiaolin's expression.    


In this stalemate, Cao Aidang was forced to use a strict method to pass the order: Qi Xiaolin, the situation is already like this, you have to leave, if not leave, you have to leave. The only thing I can get for you is to settle your salary. I can assure you of that!    


Qi Xiaolin's attitude was very firm, and he immediately refuted: "If you want to leave, then follow me! It's not my fault alone! Why should I be the only one to leave?    


Cao Aidang slammed the table and stood up: You want to compete with me? I'm a senior member of the company and the manager of one of them. The company would rather fire 10 of you, than to touch even one of me, Cao Aidang!    


Qi Xiaolin said: That's not fair! Anyway, I won't accept it!    


Cao Aidang said: Even if you don't submit, you still have to submit! The most painful person is still you, Qi Xiaolin, not me, Cao Aidang!    


You ? you are shameless and despicable! Are you treating me like a piece of toilet paper?    


Seeing that the flames of war were burning hotter and hotter, Huang Xing was worried that it would spread to himself. Hence, he chose to retreat and said to Cao Aidang: I still have matters with the Cao Manager, so I will not get involved with your department's matters.    


Cao Aidang gnashed his teeth in anger, thinking to himself, when did Huang Xing become so tactful?    


Walking out of Cao Aidang's office, Huang Xing suddenly had a feeling of schadenfreude. With the matter in such a state, no matter what the outcome was, it would be enough for Cao Aidang to take a bite out of it. Who told this fellow to be so reckless and unscrupulous?    


Just then, Fu Zhenxin called him and asked why he hadn't come downstairs yet. Huang Xing said, Right away.    


After working hard for the entire day, Huang Xing finally finished eating at night and was sitting on the sofa, napping and watching TV. Fu Jie had already used the time of the day to change the room. Before she left, she even cleaned up her living room and bedroom, not leaving a single trace of the little guy behind.    


When it was about 9 o'clock in the evening, Fu Jie sent a message to Huang Xing, telling him to go over there for a bit.    


Huang Xing knocked on the door and entered Fu Jie's room. Seeing Fu Jie's smiling face, Huang Xing felt that spring had arrived.    


Fu Jie told Huang Xing that the child's eczema had disappeared.    


Huang Xing was overjoyed, the stone in his heart had finally dropped to the ground.    


Fu Jie held the child and let Huang Xing sit down. When it came to the miraculous effects of the Sand Country, Fu Jie was even more sure of Huang Xing's mother's ability to give birth, thinking that powerful warriors were indeed hiding amongst the commoners. Therefore, after Fu Jie praised her greatly, she mentioned again that she wanted to invite Huang Xing's mother to help look after the child together.    


Thinking about how Fu Jie had been tired from being tormented by the child all day, with her eyes blood-red, Huang Xing really wanted to fulfill her wish and ask her mother to help her solve this problem. But Huang Xing's concern was that once his mother came over, the matter between him and Zhao Xiaoran would definitely be made public. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to his mother.    


Fu Jie understood Huang Xing's concerns, and after being agitated for a while, he said: Weren't you just worried about the matter between you and Zhao Xiaoran, that's easy. If Aunt knew about your matters, you can tell her, I'm your new girlfriend.    


Huang Xing was startled, and thought that this was a good idea.    


But it's not exactly good. Unless he could put on a show.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was still hesitating, Fu Jie said, "If it really doesn't work, I'll tell Auntie, okay?"    


With special sympathy, Huang Xing was still conflicted and dialed his mother's number. He briefly told her about the situation, but who knew that his mother would actually happily agree to it? This surprised Huang Xing.    


Maybe, mother was looking forward to her grandson's wish. Even though he wasn't his own grandson, he still looked kind and amiable.    


Like this, although Huang Xing was conflicted, he was actually very excited. Early morning of the second day, Fu Jie let Huang Xing carry the child and followed him to invite the Huang's mother out. Huang Xing felt that this matter had already become so chaotic that he couldn't control it.    


The result was that Huang Xing's mother was indeed taken over.    


Fu Jie treated the Huang's mother very well. When she just arrived, she immediately drove her around the market and bought a few sets of clothes for her. She treated the Huang's mother like her own mother.    


Although the progress on Qi Xiaolin's matter had some ups and downs, but with Cao Aidang's use of both soft and hard methods, he still managed to persuade him to leave. But after that, Cao Aidang looked extremely haggard.    


When Huang Xing returned from work in the afternoon, his mother took advantage of the time when everyone was having dinner together and mentioned Zhao Xiaoran.    


Huang Xing felt that paper could not contain fire. Under Fu Jie's hints, he reported everything to his mother in detail. The Huang's mother heard and touched his forehead, he was extremely anxious, even scolding Huang Xing for being unfilial, and running away with his wife.    


Fu Jie tried to smooth things over for Huang Xing by the side. He said that it was not Huang Xing's fault, but Zhao Xiaoran's ambition was too big.    


Huang's mother sighed and said, such a good child, how could he do such an outrageous thing? Xing'er, you're so worried about me and your dad. You're already so old, you won't be able to find a wife anymore!    


Huang Xing lowered his head in silence, thinking that the fuse had finally been ignited.    


Fu Jie gave Huang's mother a mouthful of food and said: Aunty, you can't think like this. Other than Zhao Xiaoran, is there really no one else that can enter your eyes? Furthermore, Director Huang has both the appearance and ability, are you worrying about not being able to find a girlfriend?    


Huang Xing thought, Director Fu, you do not mean what you say. Before I brought Mother here, you actually said that you wanted to play the part of my girlfriend. Why did he suddenly go back on his words?    


At this time, Fu Zhenxin also added: "My sister is right!" Our company has many Female Employee s, any one of them is stronger than Zhao Xiaoran! You don't need to worry about Director Huang's matters. I promise you, it won't be long before you pick up your grandson.    


The Huang's mother sighed and said, "You guys know how to comfort people."    


Fu Jie laughed: "Auntie is not comforting you." If I were to tell you that I am your son's current girlfriend, would you accept me?    


Huang Xing's face immediately flushed red, thinking that Fu Jie's way of confessing was indeed a little unnatural.    


It seemed like she wasn't very good at acting.    


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