Security Guard’s Romance



0It was shocking, and its aura pierced through the rainbow.    


At the end of the song, Fu Zhenxin snuggled into Huang Xing's arms like a cicada, her body still trembling slightly. She said, "You really are an outstanding warrior."    


Hearing this praise, Huang Xing was shocked. This kind of praise had appeared in Ouyang Mengjiao's mouth many times before. It seemed that women liked to describe him as a soldier when they praised him for his bravery.    


Huang Xing felt a surge of longing as he thought of Ouyang Mengjiao. This kind of longing definitely wasn't limited to just some aspects. It was more due to the fact that it missed her kindness towards him. In Huang Xing's heart, Ouyang Mengjiao was a mysterious and beautiful girl. Her youth and vitality, her enthusiasm and understanding, were all deeply engraved in Huang Xing's memory. But now, she seemed to have suddenly vanished from the world without a trace. Just leave a vague note and disappear into your own life.    


She was a mystery. He didn't know when he would be able to unravel the mystery.    


However, Huang Xing had a vague feeling that Ouyang Mengjiao would appear again. In her own life, she wasn't as simple as a fleeting moment.    


Fu Zhenxin saw that Huang Xing was preoccupied with something, so she reached out her finger to scratch his chest: "What are you thinking about?"    


Huang Xing woke up from his thoughts: nothing was on his mind, he was just thinking about the past.    


Fu Zhenxin said, "She seems to be deeply moved." You must not be thinking of good things. You are... Such an evil fellow!    


Huang Xing laughed and said, Same here.    


Fu Zhenxin glanced at the bathtub. She took the opportunity to stand up, turned on the shower, washed herself, and then walked to the bathtub. She raised one foot and was about to step into the bathtub when she suddenly let out a painful groan.    


Huang Xing didn't have time to think as he rushed over to support her. Seeing her pained expression, Huang Xing asked in confusion: "What happened?"    


It hurts, Fu Zhenxin said.    


Where does it hurt?    


Fu Zhenxin's face turned red: It hurts everywhere! It's all your fault. It's not gentle at all.    


Huang Xing finally understood what was going on and started to blame himself. He was too focused on charging that he didn't take into account that her body was so delicate. How could she withstand such a strong impact?    


With the support of Huang Xing, Fu Zhenxin finally got into the bathtub with great difficulty. She laid down with her body and the muscles at the corner of her mouth were still twitching. She wanted to reach out and comfort the pain, but she felt too much inconvenience and had to fight it. She gently stirred the water in the bathtub and slowly rubbed it on her body. She didn't forget to reproach Huang Xing: It's all your fault! Last... Last day... From then on, I was in constant pain. I recovered my strength two days ago, but you … What to do, what to do. Anyone who wants you to be their husband will be tortured to death every day.    


Huang Xing felt sorry for her. He glanced at her body and said with concern: "Let me see, I'll help you blow it."    


Fu Zhenxin's face was burning with anger. No way! You have no good intentions!    


Huang Xing discussed with her and said, "Can I go in and get a bubble?" Fu Zhenxin leaned to the side. How could there be two people in such a small place? 'Space is like toothpaste, 'Mr. Liu said.' As long as you squeeze, there will always be a place.'    


Fu Zhenxin half-heartedly welcomed Huang Xing into the bathtub. The two of them were facing each other, barely able to face each other face to face. However, neither side was able to move flexibly.    


Fu Zhenxin said with a wry smile. It's stuck. What are we doing, stuck in here.    


'I like the feeling, 'Mr. Liu said.    


Fu Zhenxin said, "Stop messing around, I really, really can't do it anymore."    


No, don't worry.    


The two of them held each other in the bathtub for a long time, until they felt a little tired and it was difficult to breathe, then they decided to separate. With Huang Xing's help, Fu Zhenxin finally sat up and sat on the edge of the bathtub. Her water dripped onto the ground, playing a melodious melody.    


After a long while, Huang Xing reluctantly got out of the bathtub and held Fu Zhenxin's arm, bringing her out as well.    


At this moment, there were three heavy knocks on the bathroom door.    


Fu Zhenxin was shocked. She had a special instinct as she immediately jumped onto Huang Xing's body.    


Could it be the police?    


For a moment, Fu Zhenxin had the same thought. Prior to this, she had heard that in many places for bathing, sheep would be hung with dog meat, accompanied by young ladies who would accompany them in a mandarin duck bath, serving clients with a dragon. Every year, the Public Security Bureau would carry out several 'clean air' operations, and through reports from the masses or scouting out information, they would lock in the target, then carry out surprise raids and arrest for illegal acts. Could it be that he had coincidentally made it today?    


In just a second, Fu Zhenxin's brain seemed to explode, and many guesses and imaginations came one after another.    


She was frightened. She wondered how could she be so unlucky. The first time she went out to bathe with a man, she actually encountered a police inspection. How embarrassing would it be? Moreover, if this matter was spread out, how could he and Huang Xing face anyone else?    


Fu Zhenxin's face was ashen as she thought about it. She wished she could find a hole to hide in.    


But in reality, the situation was not as Fu Zhenxin had imagined. As Huang Xing walked to the door, he asked who it was. A burst of clear prompts came from outside the door: Time is up, if you can't finish washing then you'll get extra money!    


So it was like this! It was actually a bath worker, who came over to remind them of the time.    


A false alarm.    


Indeed, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin had been indulging themselves in bath room Li for a while, unconsciously diluting the concept of time.    


Fu Zhenxin let out a small breath of relief and said, "It scared me!"    




After walking out of bath room, Fu Zhenxin suddenly felt her face turn red as she passed by the front desk. She felt that there was something wrong with the woman at the front desk when she looked at her. It was no wonder that the people with low intelligence would know what was going to happen if she and Huang Xing took a mandarin duck bath in bath room Li. Therefore, Fu Zhenxin felt guilty in her heart. She felt that everyone in the bath was looking at her and mocking her.    


Outside, a gust of cold wind blew against her face, causing Fu Zhenxin to shudder uncontrollably. Huang Xing put his arm around her shoulders, hoping that this method would temporarily bring her a little bit of warmth. Sitting in the car, Fu Zhenxin started the engine, but was slow to start. Some complicated thoughts instantly invaded her mind and she could not get rid of them.    


Huang Xing said, let's go and have a meal first. I'm really hungry. A bit of physical exhaustion.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned as she scolded, "Are you crazy, Huang Xing? Why are you making fun of me when you're already here? Hmph!"    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile. When have I ever been happy with you? What, can't you even say that you're hungry? Aren't you being too domineering?    


It's not that! Fu Zhenxin stressed. You just said that you overused your physical strength, so it's obvious that you're... Forget it, forget it. I definitely won't fall for your trick so easily next time. I should not have brought you out to bathe.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, just who was tricked by whom? However, he did not argue with her. He was surprisingly enlightened in his heart as well. It was inconceivable to think about it with Fu Zhenxin, a little beauty that could topple cities and topple nations. This was a type of inexhaustible pleasure. Closing one's eyes, there was an endless amount of aftertaste. Men are born to conquer, conquer the world, conquer women. Every conquest was a complete transformation and experience. It was as if his entire life had been elevated to a whole new level.    


At this time, it was already very dark. The time on the navigation system's screen was 19: 20.    


Fu Zhenxin sat quietly in the driver's seat for a while before putting on her seat belt, taking out the small circular mirror she carried with her, and carefully adjusting her hair.    


The car continued on, and after about twenty minutes, they arrived at a deserted corner. It was actually a bit of an exaggeration to say that they were barbarians. The area was filled with farmland and crops. The distance between the village and the village was very far, and there was a relatively thin space scattered here and there. Under the cover of the night, the fields of corn were arranged in a neat formation, like a troop of soldiers waiting for their leader's inspection. When the wind blew, the sound of rustling was like the sound of clapping and chanting. Fu Zhenxin opened the window halfway and smelled the strong scent of harvest, as well as the unique scent of the fields.    


Huang Xing's family lived in the countryside, so he was not surprised by the scene in the suburbs. He looked outside and smiled.    


Fu Zhenxin turned her head to look at him, then looked at him and said, What does the harvest have to do with you?    


It's a big deal, Huang Xingqiang said. Food is the root of the people, the root of the nation. Eight hundred million farmers across the country, the biggest hope, is that the weather is smooth, harvest.    


Fu Zhenxin said, "Alright, let's stop singing!" What are you trying to show off for, now I'm going to give you a mission.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Fu Zhenxin pulled slowly to the side of the road and said, Go to the fields and pick some fresh corn.    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What?"    


Eat it, Fu Zhenxin said. The fresh corn was delicious as it roasted. It was very fragrant.    


If you want to eat it, you can buy it. But he definitely could not steal it. Don't even mention having a bad conscience, if they were caught, they would go to jail! Stealing a single corn was the same as stealing 10,000 yuan.    


Fu Zhenxin stuck out her tongue. Look at what you're saying, it's quite scary. Forget it, I was just on the spur of the moment. I suddenly craved the corn and wanted to have a taste of a picnic, raise the fire, and roast two corncob to eat. It would be called sweet.    


Huang Xing asked: You brought me here today for a picnic?    


Fu Zhenxin shook her head. Of course not!    


Huang Xing continued to ask: "What are you doing then?"    


Fu Zhenxin didn't reply. Instead, she added more gas and drove on.    


The car drove up to the Yellow River Dam and directly onto the North Shop Floating Bridge. Still want to cross the bridge? I found a very romantic place.    




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