Security Guard’s Romance



4Fu Zhenxin tried her best to resist, but Huang Xing managed to succeed in the end with only half a shot. Huang Xing could not help but feel pity for her. Blow on that bloated place, Huang Xing said. Don't worry, you'll be fine in a few days. Fu Zhenxin said with a frown. "I'm not used to it yet. I'm not used to your ravages yet?" Huang Xingqiang emphasized that this was not destruction.    


Huang Xing sighed with emotion as he helped Fu Zhenxin put her clothes back on.    


To be exact, this little episode allowed Huang Xing to get to know Fu Zhenxin better.    


In fact, she seemed like an innocent little girl.    


After driving to the Xinyuan Company, everything went according to plan, including the roll call, military training, and then the various departments began their work for the day.    


According to Fu Jie's instructions, Huang Xing went to a few Communications City's and a large phone market to look for clues regarding the concept phone. As a matter of fact, this investigation only served to confirm the feasibility of the concept mobile phone plan. Conceptual mobile phones are rarely seen in the market. To put it bluntly, there are one or two models that are extremely rare and not sufficient for the climate to take shape. Huang Xing also used a consumer's point of view to probe this merchant who sold conceptual phones. They don't have any plans to mass produce conceptual machine at the moment, so they think that the risk is too big and might not be able to meet the market demand.    


At noon, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin went out for lunch. The two of them had different opinions. Fu Zhenxin wanted to eat beef noodles while Huang Xing wanted to eat rice noodles.    


In the end, Huang Xing still took up his style. He gave way and accompanied Fu Zhenxin to the food street to eat the plate noodles. The two of them sat down at the same food stall that they remembered vividly.    


Huang Xing clearly remembered that at that time, he could only look up at Fu Zhenxin. She was always being followed by Shan Dongyang, they always ate lunch together. That day, Shan Dongyang was eating a plate of noodles on this table. In order to kiss Fu Zhenxin's ass, he had to rush himself to give up the seat. Fu Zhenxin also came over to attack him with words. But he didn't expect that a few days later, he would instead have so many complicated conflicts with Fu Zhenxin, even obtaining her body and her heart.    


Two bowls of steaming hot beef noodles were carried up by the stall owner. Fu Zhenxin said, "Delicious!" and picked up her chopsticks to start eating. Huang Xing endured the humiliation and ate a few mouthfuls. He felt that he didn't have much appetite.    


At that moment, Fu Zhenxin's cell phone suddenly rang.    


She did not expect Shan Dongyang to suddenly call. Furthermore, Shan Dongyang also told her that he was almost at the food street.    


Fu Zhenxin had lost her appetite. She threw her chopsticks on the table and said to Huang Xing, "Let's go, I don't want to see him."    


What he had to face, Huang Xing said, still had to face. What's more, Shan Dongyang didn't offend you.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned, not yet offended? Huang Xing, you... Actually, right now, we are both under his watch. You stole his position, stole his limelight …    


Huang Xing added: "He even robbed his woman."    


Fu Zhenxin's face immediately flushed red. What nonsense are you spouting? Who is his woman?    


Huang Xing said tentatively, You were almost inseparable. Anyone could tell what their relationship was.    


Fu Zhenxin stared at him with eyes filled with grievance. "An illusion, this is definitely an illusion!" Huang Xing, you can't think like that! I really have nothing to do with him. If I must say so, I admit that I did have a certain amount of affection for him at the time. But at best, it was just a good impression.    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "I don't know about you guys. Only you guys know how far you've come."    


Fu Zhenxin said angrily, "Huang Xing, what do you mean by this?" Do you really want me to have something to do with him? If you must think this way, then I, Fu Zhenxin, have nothing to say!    


Seeing that Fu Zhenxin was getting anxious, Huang Xing tried to smooth things over. "What are you so anxious for? I'm just a little jealous." Luckily, I, Huang Xing, am blessed by the gods.    


Fu Zhenxin asked casually, "Were you already secretly in love with me at that time?"    


Huang Xing said, "It's not exactly a crush, but I really want to..."    


Fu Zhenxin scolded: Evil bastard! Don't you think of nothing but that?    


I didn't say that, Huang Xing said. I mean, I really want to be friends with you. In other words, I really want to be on your high horse. Perhaps one day, I, Huang Xing, will make a comeback.    


Fu Zhenxin had him on her side. "Am I to understand that you want to use me?"    


Just as Huang Xing wanted to reply, he saw a familiar figure quickly walking over.    


It was Shan Dongyang.    


He quickly walked in front of Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin. The expression on his face made Huang Xing feel that he didn't have good intentions.    


Fu Zhenxin wanted to pull Huang Xing away from the trouble zone, but was stopped by Shan Dongyang.    


Fu Zhenxin said with a frown.    


Shan Dongyang coldly snorted. Dog? You describe me as a dog? So, can I take it that Huang Xing is now your new adopted dog?    


Hearing this, Huang Xing became angry. However, taking into account that he was not a match for Shan Dongyang, Huang Xing felt that the conflict should be eased as much as possible and they should continue to plan for the long term. So he suppressed his anger and said to Shan Dongyang, "Single Director, keep some virtue under your breath."    


Shan Dongyang scolded, "Scram! There's no one here for you to interrupt!"    


Fu Zhenxin said angrily, "Shan Dongyang, what are you trying to do?" Are you crazy?    


I'm not crazy. He glanced at Huang Xing and said, Little Director Fu, I want to ask you a few questions.    


Fu Zhenxin said impatiently, You ask, I'm listening.    


Shan Dongyang raised his head at Huang Xing, indicating for him to retreat first. Huang Xing pretended not to understand and stood still.    


Shan Dongyang saw the situation, so he directly said something.    


Fu Zhenxin suddenly pulled Huang Xing's arm, coldly snorted at Shan Dongyang and said, "Why?" Alright, didn't you want to ask me a few questions? Let me answer them, and you can see if I'm right. What you want to ask is, first, when will you be able to transfer back to the company? second, why do I keep not answering your phone? I can answer you right now, but don't worry about it when you get back to the company. If you can't do it, you can just work at the store and leave. The company won't owe you a single cent. As for me not answering your phone, I think you know better than anyone that I have never had the thought of being your girlfriend. Please don't misunderstand.    


Shan Dongyang was clearly excited. He frowned and said, "Little Director Fu, could it be that just because of what happened that day at the KTV, you beat me to death?"    


Fu Zhenxin coldly snorted and said, "You are a commando, who can beat you to death?" Shan Dongyang, what's wrong is not sweet. We are not on the same boat, and what happened to KTV is only one of them. I don't want to say what kind of person you are, but I don't think it's right for you. It's not really the right thing to say at a time like this, but I'd like to wake you up.    


Shan Dongyang said anxiously, "Wake up?" You want me to wake up? When I first came to the company, it was you who brought me to a very high position. I had been working hard for the company, but because of this Huang Xing, you suddenly threw me down from the sky. It's not fair to me!    


Fu Zhenxin turned her head to look at Huang Xing. Director Huang was able to stand at today's position because of his own hard work. It had nothing to do with me. I even used to trip him up and stop him from getting a foothold in the company. But then I thought I was wrong. I couldn't put my personal grudge with him, maybe not exactly a grudge, above work and corporate interests. You might as well compare your ability and character with Director Huang. Other than having a tougher fist, what else can you compare to Huang Xing? Ask yourself, since you came to the company, the company has been how you, like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless, you are like a military officer, no no no, you are. You're always using the army to run the company. What's the company like? The military and the company were two different concepts!    


Fu Zhenxinro listed a bunch of Shan Dongyang's crimes, Shan Dongyang became angry from embarrassment and shouted: "I understand, I understand!" You and Fu Jie are using me! When I put the company on the right track and my ability is squeezed dry, you will kick me away and let others enjoy it!    


Fu Zhenxin sneered, "You are a petty person!" Ability, what ability do you have? The ability to fight? You can't even manage a small marketplace, and you want to transfer back to the company?    


Little Director Fu, I didn't expect you to be such a person! Well, in that case, I, Shan Dongyang, will do the letter, and I will go on working at the store, but sooner or later you will regret what you have done.    


Fu Zhenxin hugged her arm and said, "Okay, I'll wait for this day to come."    


Shan Dongyang stared at Huang Xing with a special expression and said, "I'm not sure who the winner is yet."    


Yes, I've never admitted that I was the winner. But at least I can beat you. Single Director, you are too impetuous.    


Wait and see! Shan Dongyang said as he found a seat and sat down. Then he shouted at the top of his lungs: "A bowl of noodles!"    


Fu Zhenxin did not miss the opportunity to tell Huang Xing to leave this troublesome place. Without looking back, the two of them started their journey back to the company. After walking a few hundred meters, Fu Zhenxin looked back and saw that Shan Dongyang didn't catch up with them. She then touched her chest and let out a sigh of relief.    


It looks like Shan Dongyang hasn't given up on you yet.    


Don't mention him! I was very glad for my choice. At that time, I was indeed a mystery to the local people. Shan Dongyang is not my type.    


However, I can hear that you have a slight hatred for him. The words you said a moment ago, you didn't mean to drive him away, but purposely provoked him to lie down and let him have a taste of his courage.    


I should give him a chance. At least, I don't want him to be so miserable in society.    


Huang Xing knew that the relationship between Fu Zhenxin and Shan Dongyang had been very delicate. Although it hadn't been as close as the relationship between him and Fu Zhenxin, there was still a certain amount of affection and trust between them. Even as a friend or colleague, Fu Zhenxin didn't want to beat Shan Dongyang to death, so she used an exciting method to get Shan Dongyang to cheer up.    




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