Security Guard’s Romance



1Fu Zhenxin threw her clothes on the bed and turned around to look at Huang Xing.    3


bath room Li's hot air was still dancing in the air like a cloud mountain mist. It was as if he was in a strange realm of immortals. In this hazy field of vision, Fu Zhenxin was like an angel. As she approached Huang Xing, her face became clearer and clearer.    


Fu Zhenxin's face was a little red. She reached out her hand to touch Huang Xing's arm and said in an honest manner, 'Not bad, you look quite muscle.'    


I also want to see your line.    


Fu Zhenxin said with a smile, I don't have any lines.    


Huang Xing said, let's bathe together.    


Fu Zhenxin raised her eyebrows and asked, "Wash together?" No, that's not so good. How embarrassing!    


Huang Xing moved closer to Fu Zhenxin and was about to remove the buttons on her shirt when Fu Zhenxin reflexively reached out to stop him. She did not stop him and allowed him to do whatever he wanted with her. Huang Xing undid two buttons. On his snow-white neck, there was a luxurious necklace shining with a golden light. It made her skin look like a poem painting.    


Fu Zhenxin hugged her arms and stuck out her tongue shyly. It was a little cold.    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "With me here, will you still be cold?"    


Disgusting! Fu Zhenxin scolded with a smile, her face brimming with a trace of mischievousness.    


Huang Xing helped Fu Zhenxin to sit on the bed and helped her remove the High-heeled shoes.    


Seeing Huang Xing act so elegantly, Fu Zhenxin felt both happy and embarrassed so she urged him, "Your actions are too slow. By the time you're done helping me, I'll probably freeze to death."    


Huang Xing laughed. This is what you call beautiful frozen people.    


Seeing that there was no hope, Fu Zhenxin decided to do it herself.    


Huang Xing said, "I'm a good person. Let me help."    


Huang Xing looked at the shocking body and said: "So beautiful, so beautiful."    


Fu Zhenxin stroked Huang Xing's thigh with her toe a few times and said, All right, brother, don't be sad, take the time to bathe. We have to go on an outing later. Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes?    


Huang Xing shook his head.    


Fu Zhenxin thought for a moment. Then she said, "Then I'll give you five more minutes. I need twenty minutes to finish this." It's all your fault. Why are you cleaning up in the afternoon? Office Chief, do you need to do this sort of show. On the other hand, to bathe outside, would it be alright?    


Huang Xing stared at her and said, "No loss, no loss at all!"    


It's just a bath, don't think about anything else.    


Huang Xing said, "Don't think about anything else …" No wonder.    


Fu Zhenxin said, I'm going to get wet first. Huang Xing said, "I'll accompany you in the shower." You soak first, Fu Zhenxin said. Don't waste a pool of water.    


Huang Xing said in his heart, "What I want to soak in is not water, it's you." However, he had no choice but to temporarily restrain his emotions. He threw away the towel and lay down in the bathtub.    


Fu Zhenxin adjusted the combination of hot and cold water. Streams of water seeped through her hair and flowed through her entire body. A wave of heat wafted around her. Huang Xing was lying in the bathtub, but he wasn't in the mood to experience that sort of semi-floating feeling. Every movement she made was a type of beauty. Every drop of water that had washed over her body seemed to have been tainted with the spirit energy of a beautiful woman. On the clean and pure floor tiles, it flowed into a crystal clear melody.    


After washing herself for a while, she returned to the small bed and took a bottle of Body Soap from her purse. She gently stretched her limbs and began to spread it on her body.    


Huang Xing looked at her and said, "You even brought Body Soap when you went out?"    


Fu Zhenxin said that she had just bought it that day and forgot to leave it at home. It just so happens that it will be useful today.    


Huang Xing shamelessly tried to probe him out, "Let me help you rub your back?"    


No, Fu Zhenxin said.    


You can't reach it.    


Fu Zhenxin said, Who says it's not enough?    


Her soft little arm, as if it had been stripped of its bones, moved nimbly to her back and lightly applied the bath lotion.    


Huang Xing sighed in disappointment, scooped up a few handfuls of water and poured it on his head.    


Fu Zhenxin finished applying the shower gel and asked Huang Xing if he would like to use it. Huang Xing said, "I don't have that habit." Fu Zhenxin bent her body and threw the shower onto the bed. She began to wash her body under the shower.    


Huang Xing Bai hummed a few songs in boredom as he turned his body in the bathtub. He really couldn't take his anger anymore, so he directly jumped out of the bathtub and stood in front of Fu Zhenxin.    


Fu Zhenxin was frightened and instinctively took a step back.    


Huang Xing chased after Fu Zhenxin and supported her by her shoulders.    


Fu Zhenxin was squeezed into a corner and leaned her back against the white tile. She quickly moved her body forward but was firmly stuck to Huang Xing's body.    


Fu Zhenxin said, You're so evil.    


Huang Xing said with an evil smile, if not evil, then bad, if one day, in front of you, I do not evil, then what does that mean?    


Fu Zhenxin said with a smile. This means that you have changed your mind.    


Wrong, Huang Xing said. That means you've become an old woman.    


Disgusting! Fu Zhenxin patted Huang Xing's chest a few times and said, "Do you really expect me to become an old woman like this?" Hmph, I'm much younger than you. When you become an old man with a bunch of white beards, I'll still be a young woman at the prime of my life.    


Huang Xing said, I'm afraid it's not a young woman of the prime age, rather it's a lonely young woman.    


What do you mean?    


Huang Xing said, "I'm getting old, so of course you have to be a widow."    


Fu Zhenxin laughed and scolded, "Why should I be widowed when you are old?" You're not the only man in the world. Hmph, thinking too much.    


Huang Xing said, "But I'm your first man."    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened as her face flushed red. "You …" Who said that, no.    


Huang Xing said with a smile, "Don't tell me that you coincidentally..." To tell you the truth, I already have that sheet.    


What? Fu Zhenxin was momentarily stunned. So evil!    


Huang Xing embraced Fu Zhenxin instantly, feeling the special scent on her body. The temperature and humidity were both there, both moving and emotional at the same time. To be exact, ever since that warm day, Huang Xing could feel Fu Zhenxin's happiness more and more. Her happiness wasn't just limited to the bed. Her happiness was always present everywhere. Huang Xing kissed her wet hair deeply. He really wanted to let this beautiful woman spend the rest of his life with him. He was a responsible person. Even though the person who made him the most excited in the world was Fu Jie, he felt that it was just a dream and not very realistic. He should grasp this moment, this kind and naughty, yet passionate and beautiful girl in front of him.    


No, although Fu Zhenxin was young, she should not be called a girl anymore. Because that day, he had already made her a real woman.    


Fu Zhenxin drew circles on Huang Xing's back with her hands and suddenly asked, "Do you really want to marry me?"    


Huang Xing kissed her snow-white neck: As long as you are willing to marry, I dare to.    


Fu Zhenxin complained, "Hmph, you make it sound like you're just being righteous, as though I can't get married anymore and will only be relying on you." Let me tell you, my mom, dad, and sister, they have high hopes for me. If they knew that I was with a poor, silly kid like you, I would have died a miserable death.    


Huang Xing said: How high, higher than the sky? In any case, these weren't important anymore. Since the raw rice was already cooked to ripen, they could eat it if they wanted to. If they didn't like it, they could just pour it away. At most, I'll find another beauty to cook for me. There are many beauties in this world, and it's not just you, Fu Zhenxin!    


Fu Zhenxin pounded her head and stamped her feet on Huang Xing's chest. Tell me honestly, do you really think so?    


Huang Xing raised his right hand and said seriously: "I swear to God..."    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened.    


Huang Xing paused for a moment and then said: "I really want to marry Fu Zhenxin."    


Fu Zhenxin heaved a sigh of relief, but then she suddenly shrugged her delicate and beautiful shoulders playfully. "I'm still young."    


Huang Xing looked at her breasts and said mysteriously, "It's not small anymore. The size has reached the standard."    


Fu Zhenxin frowned in anger. She opened her cherry lips and bit fiercely at Huang Xing's arm. "Nonsense! I won't let you change your hoodlum style!"    


Huang Xing looked down and saw a clear oval-shaped bite mark on his arm.    


It hurt, but Huang Xing didn't show it. Instead, he deliberately looked at the teeth marks closer, praising them, "Good teeth!" He was biting so well! Look at the neat rows of teeth marks, two, three, four …    


Fu Zhenxin saw that Huang Xing's arm was bitten so red that it almost bled. She couldn't help but blame herself. A woman's mentality was something that even she herself could not fathom. Fu Zhenxin could not understand why she had to bite down so hard just now. She only knew that the reason why she bit him was not because she was teasing him about her chest. Instead, it was because of an indescribable force that caused her to have the urge to bite someone. A woman is a strange, superior animal. She loves a man, and she wants to leave her mark and mark on his body: I am the one who planted this tree, I am the one who planted this road, if you want to cut down my tree, you have to take your life first.    


Fu Zhenxin's bite probably had something similar going on in her mind.    


However, she was very surprised. Huang Xing was clearly on the verge of bleeding. Not only did he not cry out in pain, he even had the mood to joke around with her.    


What a man! Fu Zhenxin looked at the row of teeth marks with a pained expression and blew on them, saying, "You really don't hurt, even if I were to bite you, it would hurt."    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "It really doesn't hurt. How about we also bite it on the other arm, at least to match it."    


I don't want to bite your arm anymore. There are bones in your arm. I want to... Bite here! Fu Zhenxin smiled evilly, gently lifted her heels, raised her head and kissed Huang Xing's mouth.    


Huang Xing was flattered and punished.    


They kissed for a long time.    


Fu Zhenxin took a deep breath. Laughing, he really did practice lung capacity!    


Then let's practice a bit more! Huang Xing secretly used all his strength to kiss her again in the same way.    


Was this a kind of love?    


This time, after the kiss, Huang Xing started to take a step forward.    


Fu Zhenxin said, can you be more honest?    


There's no stopping it, it's already done.    


Fu Zhenxin blushed once again.    




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