Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Zhenxin didn't pursue the matter further and asked with interest, "Then when I compare myself to my sister, who is prettier?"     2


Huang Xing blurted out: "There is no comparison, we are not on the same level at all!"    


Fu Zhenxin said, Are you saying that she is better than me, or am I better than her? Amongst the two of us, who is the better one?    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "We were originally born from the same root, there's no need to rush it!" What's like being siblings? I say, you are both the most beautiful creatures in the world, examples of God's success in making men.    


I was born to my mother. Does it have anything to do with God? How about this, I ask in a different way. If my sister and I let you choose, who would you choose as your wife?    


Huang Xing raised his head and said, "Choose all of them." A first wife, a second wife.    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized, I'm talking business with you!    


Huang Xing said, I'm just giving you an honest answer. As the saying goes, "when I marry you, I will also marry your sister."    


Fu Zhenxin looked at Huang Xing with exasperation. She grabbed the chicken feet in Huang Xing's hands and waved her delicate little fist in front of his face: "Is this what you call being serious?" What do you mean... This is so infuriating, I can't even listen to a single word of the truth from you!    


That's the truth, Huang Xing explained. If I said I would choose you, I would have offended your sister. If I said I would choose your sister, you would probably kill me in the dark. So I had to take it all.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. "Why did you offend my sister?" Do you have anything to do with her? You said you didn't want to and wanted to hit on my sister. Let me tell you, my elder sister isn't an ordinary person. My elder sister has been loved since she was young, and others say that she is a goddess that descended from the heavens. From the time she was in school until now, her pursuers had been a group of business tycoons and official-looking men, but none of them had caught my sister's eye.    


I think so too. Your sister is the goddess of every man's heart.    


Fu Zhenxin continued to ask, "Is it also what you think?"    


Huang Xing expected that if he told the truth, he would be punished, so he said gently: The goddess belongs to everyone, only Fu Zhenxin belongs to me, Huang Xing.    


Fu Zhenxin smiled sweetly. You really know how to coax girls. Then let me ask you, am I better than your ex-wife, Zhao Xiaoran?    


Each has its own advantages, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Zhenxin glared at him. "She dumped you, yet you still …"    


Who can guarantee that you won't dump me in the future? People like me, Huang Xing, who has no money and no career, are born to be abandoned! It was fine if he was used to it.    


Fu Zhenxin took Huang Xing's arm. Don't worry, I won't be the second Zhao Xiaoran. As long as you don't change your heart for me, I won't leave you for the rest of my life.    


Huang Xing was deeply moved. He thought back to when Zhao Xiaoran, whom he had always loved, had said those kind words. He kissed Fu Zhenxin lightly on the forehead and said, Thank you, thank you for loving me wrongly.    


They drank a bottle of red wine, stood up, and walked by the river.    


This kind of feeling was very beautiful and cozy.    


The river breeze blew against his face, causing him to feel a sense of coolness and sweetness. Huang Xing felt that his spring had indeed come.    


That night, Fu Zhenxin had a good time. At half past ten, the two of them had no choice but to clean up the mess and extinguish the bonfire in preparation to drive back.    


After putting the items in the trunk, Fu Zhenxin put her arm around Huang Xing's neck and asked, "Are you happy today?"    


Happy, Huang Xing said. If... That made him even happier.    


Huang Xing took a glance at the spacious back seat of the car and suddenly, an evil thought appeared in his mind.    


If what? Fu Zhenxin asked.    


Huang Xing thought about it and said, "It's fine. I mean, I brought you out for my birthday."    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes lit up. "Really? Then it's a deal." I remember your birthday. I think there are more than 40 days left, right?    


Huang Xing thought that this girl was very meticulous.    


Sitting in the car, the sexy beauty beside him once again stirred up the ripples in Huang Xing's heart.    


On the way back, Fu Zhenxin hummed happily, as if she was still reminiscing about the feelings of the bath and the romance by the river.    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to ask: "Zhen Xin, let me ask you, why did you choose to drive this car out?" You can't leave your own car and you have to drive your sister.    


Fu Zhenxin blinked rapidly. This car has a lot of capacity and plenty of goods.    


Huang Xing had taken her down: "I'm afraid there must be some other reason?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, What other reason could there be?    


Huang Xing turned his head to look at the back seat and said with a smile, "This car has a lot of space, it's very suitable for..."    


Fu Zhenxin's face immediately flushed red as she scolded, "You evil bastard!" What are you thinking about in your head all day long? Can't you think about anything but these evil things?    


Huang Xing pretended to be innocent and said, "Did I say something? Are you so angry?" I mean, there's plenty of room for it, and it's comfortable.    


Fu Zhenxin gritted her teeth, wishing that she could take Huang Xing on the spot!    


But in reality, Fu Zhenxin did have a special intention when she switched cars with her elder sister. There was a lot of space in the Wagon. If it was very cold outside, they could lie side by side in the backseat. How blissful would it be if they embraced each other lovingly? Of course, even if there was something else, it would be fine. After all, he was already one of them. However, what he did not expect was that after a trip to the bathing pool, a lot of things had been done. The vast space of the Starlight Carriage had undoubtedly lost its original function. After all, Fu Zhenxin's weak body could not handle Huang Xing's torment anymore.    


When they returned to the residential area, Fu Zhenxin had just stepped out of the car when she couldn't help moaning in pain. Huang Xing quickly went over and supported her.    


Fu Zhenxin adjusted her posture, frowned, and said softly, "Can you be more gentle in the future? Don't be so rude!"    


Huang Xing said, "Of course, of course."    


Fu Zhenxinyang's face turned red as she scolded, "I hate you."    


The two of them snuggled together until they reached the door of the unit. Fu Zhenxin suddenly thought of something and said, "You wait for me below. I'll go up and get my car keys from my sister."    


Huang Xing asked in confusion, "Why do you want to change the key?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, You're so stupid. You have to take out the things in the trunk. Remember, if my sister asks, just say that you went to see a customer and don't let anything slip through your mouth. I don't want my sister to know about us yet.    


Huang Xing said, "Okay, go ahead."    


Watching as Fu Zhenxin went upstairs, Huang Xing took a cigarette and lingered around while exhaling smoke.    


His heart was still pounding as he recalled everything that had happened tonight. All of a sudden, he felt that he was a lucky guy. At that time, he lost Zhao Xiaoran, and he got Ouyang Mengjiao; Ouyang Mengjiao left mysteriously while he got Fu Zhenxin.    


While he was lost in thought, his phone suddenly rang.    


Huang Xing opened it and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He picked up the call and heard a familiar voice.    


This voice caused Huang Xing to be greatly shocked.    


It's her! Was it really her?    


Huang Xing was both surprised and surprised by this call.    


The person who called was actually Ouyang Mengjiao, who he hadn't seen for a long time. He didn't know why, but the moment he heard her voice, Huang Xing felt a special kind of excitement.    


Huang Xing was at a loss for words, "Meng Jiao, is it really you?" Where are you now?    


I'm still in Beijing, Wu said.    


Huang Xing asked: "What are you doing in Beijing?"    


Of course, there are important things to do, Ouyang Mengjiao said. How have you been while I was gone?    


Huang Xing said, "I guess so." Just tell me when you're coming back and what day's ticket you'll be picked up.    


Do you really miss me that much? Ouyang Mengjiao asked.    


Huang Xing said anxiously: "What are you talking about!" When you left, I thought I had done something wrong to make you angry. Meng Jiao, come back.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said, "I will definitely go back, but you have to wait patiently. I still have some things that I haven't finished taking care of." As soon as I'm done, I'll fly back to Jinan. Jinan, you planted a dream of mine.    


Huang Xing pursued: "What dream?"    


You'll know, Ouyang Mengjiao said. But not now.    


Huang Xing smiled wryly and said, "You're pretending to be mysterious too, aren't you?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: "Alright, I know you are still alive and well, so I am relieved." Don't call me. I use official language. When the time is right, I will take the initiative to contact you.    


Huang Xing said: Do you have to be so mysterious?    


Be more mysterious, Ouyang Mengjiao said. It's better for me if you treat me well. Maybe when we meet again...    


She faltered, but did not finish.    


Huang Xing always felt that Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to have changed a lot. Her tone was full of a strange air.    


The other side quickly hung up the phone. Huang Xing held his phone, while standing on the spot and thinking nonstop.    




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