Security Guard’s Romance



3Huang Xing stared at Fu Zhenxin with a vengeful look and snickered in his heart.    


Fu Zhenxin picked up the hem of her blouse and smiled. Twisting my clothes, I'll give you a chance for revenge.    


Huang Xing said, "You're real. Can I choose my own target?"    


By this time, the car had stopped steadily at the roadside. Fu Zhenxin hugged her arm and looked pitifully at Huang Xing as she said, "Where do you want to attack?"    


Huang Xing stared at Fu Zhenxin's butt evilly, stretched out a hand and gently twisted it, laughing and saying, "I want to twist my ass. It feels good and is elastic."    


Fu Zhenxin's face was red as she scolded, "Dirty, vulgar, shameless."    


Is he talking about me? Huang Xing asked.    


I hate it, Fu Zhenxin said. Not to mention you, is there anyone else in the car?    


Huang Xing laughed and said, an old man and wife, not even a joke, and even a shameless hat, I was really wronged.    


Fu Zhenxin snorted coldly. Who's your wife?    


That's an old man and a young wife. I'm a few years older than you!    


Fu Zhenxin said, Don't always take advantage of me! Your wife is Zhao Xiaoran, I just... But... Fu Zhenxin thought for a long time, but was unable to find a suitable position for herself.    


Little San? Lover? Third person? New love?    


These words didn't seem to be praise at all.    


When Huang Xing saw how Fu Zhenxin's face turned red from being suppressed by an adjective, he could not help but smile as he maliciously helped Fu Zhenxin out of her predicament. "You are just a passing cloud in my life."    


Fu Zhenxin frowned and reprimanded, "Why, in your heart, am I just a passerby?" Who do you think I am?    


Huang Xing smiled and said, "This is what I meant by saying it for you." Isn't that what you said?    


Fu Zhenxin scolded, "Hmph, men don't have good things. They're irresponsible!" Chasing a woman to bed was like passing clouds in the sky.    


Huang Xing added fuel to the fire: Do you hate it so much? What, do you want to marry me?    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened. You're shameless! Who said they would marry you? Who do you think you are, Liu Dehua or Guo Fucheng? Look at you, you look like an atomic bomb test facility, and you're not rich, and you don't know how to care for a woman, so why would I be willing to marry you!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but admire Fu Zhenxin's unique vision. In order to describe his appearance, she even used the atomic bomb test site as an adjective. He chuckled and felt even more that Fu Zhenxin was a naughty and adorable girl. It was a good way to relax after having a flirtatious exchange with her.    


Huang Xing grabbed Fu Zhenxin's soft hands and said with a smile, "Then what are you trying to do? You want me to take responsibility, yet you don't want to marry me. Isn't that contradictory?" How about you give me a suggestion? What should I do to you?    


Fu Zhenxin bit her lips lightly, smiled sweetly yet shyly, drew circles on Huang Xing's palm with her finger: "You should hold me in your hands and cherish me and care for me. If I want to eat bananas, you can peel them for me. If I want to eat apples, you can wash them for me and cut them for me." Beat my back and wash my feet, and cook and wash my clothes...    


How imaginative she is!    


I'd like to help, Huang Xing said with a smile.    


Do you know what kind of a character this is?    


Huang Xing blurted out, "Of course it is — ha-ha, this is an angry husband, a scared wife role."    


Fu Zhenxin corrected her harshly: Wrong! Let me tell you, this is actually a …    


She smiled mysteriously and looked at Huang Xing maliciously. "Actually, it's a slave's role!" I want you to be my slave and serve me every day. I want you to go east but you can't go west. I want you to eat fish and you can't eat prawns.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: What a wicked woman!    


While the two of them were in the midst of their lovemaking, they saw from afar, a traffic policeman wearing a night light uniform was walking towards them.    


Only then did Huang Xing walk out from the warm and ambiguous atmosphere. He reminded Fu Zhenxin that this wasn't the place to stop the car, the traffic police were coming to place a ticket!    


Fu Zhenxin was speechless. She quickly started the car and sped off.    


She purposely whistled past the traffic police officer, a special look of pride on her face. Hmph, these traffic police road bullies, in addition to billing, what else could they do?    


Second Miss Fu, how did the traffic police offend you? Even when they were lying down, they still got hit by your gun. Rectifying the traffic order was someone's responsibility. If there weren't any traffic police, how many accidents would happen on the streets in a day?    


Fu Zhenxin said, You're right. However, he was still unhappy about being fined and having his points deducted. Even if he was unhappy, he had to scold!    


Huang Xing was completely defeated by her. He gave her a thumbs up and said, "You're awesome!"    


The car moved on.    


According to the way Fu Zhenxin was driving, Huang Xing felt that she was about to head out of the city.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but ask, "Beauty, you can say it now. Where are you going? Why do I feel like you're in a hurry to find a place with no people and sell me out!"    


Fu Zhenxin's face brimmed with a special sense of pride. Just sit in your car and don't ask so much. I'm selling you? Haha, you wish for beauty, do you think you are a Tibetan mastiff? Shining you out for a dollar, will anyone want it?    


Seeing that Fu Zhenxin had dismissed him as worthless, Huang Xing did not hesitate to ask her: "Can you post it backwards?"    


Fu Zhenxin giggled, shook her pretty little head, and used a humorous singing voice to answer Huang Xing's question: "Bring your savings and cash to my house instead …"    


After another twenty minutes or so, they were about to reach the Western Outer Ring.    


Huang Xing Dong looked around and was about to force Fu Zhenxin to confess to him. Where was he going? Fu Zhenxin suddenly said, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. Let me tell you our destination."    


Tell me! Huang Xing urged. Anxious me, if you don't tell me, I will treat you as a trafficker. They had travelled so far to the west. It would be very expensive to get more gas from this car. With one foot on the throttle, several roast ducks were gone.    


Fu Zhenxin looked straight ahead, her eyes full of longing. "I want to take you out and cheer you up," she said.    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What, you're cheering?" Didn't I just add it? The 300 yuan worth of oil was burnt off in such a short time?    


Fu Zhenxin laughed and scolded, "Is there something wrong with your ears?" I mean on an outing. The outskirts of the city. The tour of the game.    


Huang Xing was able to control his body according to his way of doing things: [You must have a problem with your brain. You didn't even eat dinner. You think you can come to the suburbs for a vacation?!] I said, Second Miss Fu, are you that bored?    


Don't call me Second Miss Fu. Am I stupid? [You are so unromantic!    


Huang Xing did not say anything else, but he had a feeling that Fu Zhenxin's performance today was a little strange. Changing cars with Fu Jie and going on an outing at night, was there some unspeakable conspiracy? Huang Xing immediately thought of Fu Zhenxin's words and his heart couldn't help but beat wildly.    


Could it be that she really wanted to find an open space with him and freely come here to the car shaking door?    


Thinking like this, Huang Xing felt that he was too dirty, always thinking that way. Fu Zhenxin had come to Fu Jie's house on the night she stayed at her house. If she hadn't been so preoccupied with Fu Jie, there wouldn't have been a scene of Fu Zhenxin's laughter, and it wouldn't have made this fierce little angel even more disgusted with her.    


But then again, if it weren't for that series of coincidences, there wouldn't be so many tragic and joyous stories between him and Fu Zhenxin. If it wasn't for the constant confrontation between Fu Zhenxin's hatred and gratitude in her heart, it would have been difficult for Fu Zhenxin to develop feelings for him, even to the point of giving herself to him.    


Huang Xing Bai pulled down the sun visor above his head in boredom. He checked his appearance in the mirror above and couldn't help but frown.    


In the afternoon, he led Sun Bo and Huang Hua to clean up the room, which was full of random things. Dust and dirt covered his entire body, and he had planned to shower and change his clothes the moment he got home from work, but Fu Zhenxin somehow took him to the suburbs.    


Fu Zhenxin seemed to see through Huang Xing's thoughts. She raised her head and said, "You've worked all afternoon and you're so dirty. There's a bath in front. Go in and take a bath first." There would be surprises after that.    


Huang Xing was shocked and asked: "You also wash?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, 'Beautiful! You are so evil. Where do you think you are all day?    


Huang Xing said to Fu Zhenxin: "I didn't say I would wash with you, you were the one thinking about evil."    


Fu Zhenxin's face turned red. "You …"    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "Yes, we should take a bath, but we didn't change our clothes. Isn't it a waste of time to do so?"    


Don't you see, Fu Zhenxin said, there's a clothing store next to the bathtub. This way, in order to save time, you can go ahead and wash. I'll buy it and send it in for you.    


Huang Xing said: You have to pay such a huge price to take a bath?    


As for the clothes, Fu Zhenxin emphasized, they are always too many. It's not like they can't be worn this time. Obedient, obedient child, will have good things.    


Huang Xing smiled and asked, "What good stuff?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, I've already said it before. There's a surprise!    


Huang Xing smiled evilly and said, "I'm afraid that apart from you committing yourself to me, there is nothing else that can surprise me."    


Little rogue, detestable! Fu Zhenxin scolded with a red face. She let go of her hand and started scratching and punishing Huang Xing. Huang Xing repeatedly said, "Drive your car well."    


After stopping in front of the bath, the two directly entered the hall and asked for a bathroom.    


Huang Xing alone went to No. 3 bath room, first sat on the bed to smoke a cigarette, then slowly took off his clothes, showering while letting the water into the bathtub. After the bathtub was filled, Huang Xing directly climbed into it and laid down flat on his back. He continuously breathed in and out, enjoying the pleasant feeling of being half floating.    


About ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door.    


It must have been Fu Zhenxin who bought the clothes and brought them over. This girl was such a clown!    


Huang Xing climbed out of the bathtub, walked to the door, and asked, "Who is it?"    


It's me!    


It was indeed Fu Zhenxin's voice.    


However, at this moment, Huang Xing was in a dilemma.    


In order to keep it a bit more mysterious, Huang Xing wrapped a towel around his body and carefully opened the door.    


A gust of fragrance came in from outside the door. Fu Zhenxin, carrying a handbag, pushed the door open and entered the room.    


Actually, Huang Xing originally thought that Fu Zhenxin would pass the clothes through the gap in the door, but unexpectedly, she walked into bath room without saying anything.    


Huang Xing was thinking, could it be that Fu Zhenxin had already planned to take a mandarin duck bath with him?    




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