Security Guard’s Romance



4Huang Xing thought that he couldn't let Li Rong spend money on this meal, otherwise, it would be unfair to Chu Yinan. However, taking into account that he wasn't too generous, Huang Xing specially picked a few dishes that were more practical, such as mashed potatoes and boiled peanuts.     4


Seeing this, Li Rong simply took the menu and said, "Director Huang, you are so petty!" How about two hard dishes, a Boiled Fish? And a plate of fried shrimp and a Chinese sturgeon...    


Huang Xing's face was covered in sweat as he quickly said, "Don't!" Just order two homemade dishes    


No, it's a waste.    


Li Rong glanced at the menu as she said, Then you can't make me too stingy. How about this, let's call the one you just ordered, call another Boiled Fish, a plate of fish-flavored shredded meat, and another one … He would first order these, then order more when there wasn't enough.    


Just when Huang Xing wanted to say too much, Li Rong waved the menu and called the waiter over, reporting the order.    


Huang Xing complained in his heart, you are giving me a lot of blood!    


Logically speaking, the reason he invited Li Rong to this disguised banquet was to thank her for helping to choose a calligraphy and painting. This is official business, and the prescribed expenses can be accounted for. However, Huang Xing was one of those people who didn't like reporting accounts. He always felt that reporting accounts was like being a thief, requiring the strict approval of the Finance Department and Fu Jie's signature. But then again, he had just been promoted to Deputy Director, so he was indeed short on money. The 100 yuan of money for a meal was enough for him to live on for a week.    


After weighing the pros and cons again and again, Huang Xing came up with a compromise. He called Fu Zhenxin and asked her to join him. That way, he could transfer the difficult problem of settling accounts to Fu Zhenxin. Fu Zhenxin was the company's second boss, Fu Jie's sister. There was nothing wrong with not reporting the money.    


However, things did not go as he wished. The moment Huang Xing picked up the phone, Li Rong asked: "Who is Director Huang trying to call?"    


Huang Xing said matter-of-factly, For little Director Fu.    


Li Rong frowned and complained, "Director Huang, you are a disloyal person. He invited you to a meal out of goodwill, yet you asked others to come and join in."    


Huang Xing smiled wryly, thinking that it was not convenient to tell Li Rong about such things, so he put down his cell phone. I'm not complaining about you. Hehe, I just think that it's the best atmosphere for us to have dinner together. As for little Lili, I'll ask her out alone one day. She should be even younger than me, right? To be a vice president at such a young age, I must actively learn from her.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, "Good girl, you crafty little girl." In just a few sentences, you brought the topic to the other side of the world. Huang Xing said as he opened the tableware, "I think she is about the same age as you. She is the boss's sister."    


Li Rong was shocked. That's right. It would be better to have a good brother than to study physics and mathematics.    


She joked as she took over Huang Xing's cutlery. After opening the plastic seal, she handed it back to Huang Xing.    


The boss of the company is a woman.    


Li Rong said again, 'Ah,' and said in surprise, 'That's better than having a good sister. Hehe, no wonder you call her little Director Fu. However, the surname 'Fu' was quite a loser. Regardless of whether it was the Director or the Deputy Director, they were both called 'Vice Director Fu'. This was a huge loss.    


Huang Xing agreed.    


After Li Rong opened the tableware, she busily poured half a cup of water into a teapot and rinsed the two sets of tableware separately. Then he poured them each a cup of tea.    


Huang Xing thought, this girl is quite meticulous.    


Li Rong seemed to have thought of something and asked anxiously, "Oh right, Director Huang, what do you drink?"    


Huang Xing said, "Why don't we drink some tea?"    


Li Rong shook her head vehemently. If you don't listen to me, I'll drink a glass of white wine with you, then I'll drink a beer, and you can also drink white wine.    


Huang Xing said, You dare to drive and drink?    


Li Rong smiled. Driving a car is not allowed (driving a car is not allowed to drink), except in exceptional circumstances. Don't worry, I'm good at driving, at most...    


She didn't finish her sentence, but stood up and walked out of the room. She went to the front desk and got a bottle of white wine.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but grumble when he saw that Li Rong was holding a bottle of Lai Mao. However, even though it hurt, he couldn't help but pretend to be warm. Li Rong opened the glass of white wine and poured a full cup for Huang Xing. Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart. What he drank was not wine, but money. It looked like he was definitely going to bleed a lot tonight.    


Li Rong poured herself a third, giggled and said, "I'm a girl, Director Huang let me order. I'll drink less."    


Huang Xing said: "If you can't drink, then don't force yourself."    


Actually, what Wu meant was, you drive the car and try not to drink, I can understand that. However, Li Rong understood that if she wanted to drink it, she would have to drink it openly. If she couldn't drink it, she wouldn't drink a drop. When Li Rong heard Huang Xing's words, she simply took the white wine over and replenished two-thirds of the liquor for herself. She said, "That should be enough, Director Huang. I'll drink as much as you want. I'll risk my life to accompany you."    


Huang Xing realized that Li Rong must have misunderstood him, so he quickly said, "What are you doing?!" You have to drive in a while, drink as little or as little as possible.    


At this time, the waiter happened to bring the first dish, Fried kidneys.    


Li Rong carefully picked up her glass and brought it up to Huang Xing. I'm not with you when you drink, that's rude. Come, Director Huang, this little girl would like to toast you. Thank you for your kindness towards me. Thank you for choosing me among so many job seekers. Oh right, there's also that girl from Northeast China.    


Huang Xing raised his wine glass and said, "It's not that I picked you, it's that I think your comprehensive ability is pretty good. It's very suitable for you to train in Assistant to the General Manager's position."    


Li Rong tilted her pretty head and smiled adorably. "That's mainly in your perception!"    


After she finished speaking, Li Rong lowered her head and took a big gulp, repeatedly clucking her tongue and stirring the wind.    


Huang Xing also took a sip and reminded Jiang Zhengkai again that they shouldn't drink anymore. It wasn't a good habit for girls to drink alcohol.    


Li Rong, on the other hand, had become the general of Huang Xing: Who said that? Director Huang, isn't your gender too strong? Men are people, and women are also people. Why should men drink, but not women? You're seriously sexist!    


Huang Xing was unable to reply to her sharp tongue.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to take a sip with his chopsticks, Li Rong placed the chopsticks into Huang Xing's plate, smiling as she said, "Director Huang eats more food."    


Huang Xing took back the chopsticks that he had stuck out and picked up a handful of the plate s. After eating it, he felt that the taste was very unique. Next, Li Rong picked up another pair of chopsticks and served it to Huang Xing. Huang Xing suddenly thought, "These two chopsticks, can they be considered as bribes?"    


The dishes were served one after another. The quantity was quite large as they filled up the entire table.    


Li Rong did not hesitate to toast Huang Xing. In a blink of an eye, their cups had been emptied.    


Li Rong's face was flushed red, and she spoke with even more cleverness than before as she chattered in succession. Huang Xing thought that this girl would be a waste of her talent if she didn't become a host. To a certain extent, Li Rong was simply a beauty of the mortal world. Her beauty was overflowing with her appearance. However, her cuteness came from her bones. Strangely enough, even if she were to force you into the army, even if she were to make you turn red from embarrassment, instead of feeling rude, you would instead feel very warm and cordial. When she laughed, there was a spring air about her, and even if she gave you a casual look, you would unnaturally believe that this was the smartest girl in the world.    


Li Rong's open and innocent personality made Huang Xing think of a character in the ancient costume TV series "The Heroic Couple of the Divine Eagle": Guo Xiangguo (Li Qihong's version).    


As the second glass of wine filled up, a bottle of wine happened to have been cleaned. Li Rong held the cup and said with a smile, "Director Huang, do we drink for a year or for half a year?"    


Huang Xing was stunned: "What do you mean?"    


Li Rong said, One year, that is to say, twelve sips of this wine. Six sips, of course, in half a year.    


Huang Xing was even more surprised: You know all this?    


Li Rong smiled. "My dad often invited people to our house to drink. I learned from listening in. Today, we're using all our money on you." Come on, Director Huang, let's go for a month.    


The more Huang Xing thought about Li Rong, the more he was worried that she would have too much to drink, so he took a big gulp, half a full cup. He originally wanted to make room for half a cup of wine to help him drink Li Rong's wine. If this girl drank too much, he really wouldn't be able to explain himself. Unexpectedly, when Li Rong saw Huang Xing finish half of the cup in one gulp, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Director Huang, you're so awesome! You drank it all in one gulp for half a year!" Oh my god!    


Huang Xing thought that he had scared her this time, so he took the opportunity to serve her a cup of wine. Who would have thought that Li Rong would actually raise her goblet and drink half of the goblet of wine with such force?    


This time, it was Li Rong who scared Huang Xing! Huang Xing thought, this Li Rong must be serious, right?    


Huang Xing felt that he couldn't let Li Rong drink anymore. If he continued to drink, there would be trouble. So she took the initiative to take Li Rong's glass and said, Don't drink Li Rong, I'll drink for you.    


Li Rong, however, snatched the cup back with the help of the booze. Director Huang, I'm going to drink with you.    


Huang Xing tried to persuade her again and again, but Li Rong refused to back down.    


Helpless, Huang Xing told Li Rong to finish the last half cup and serve the dishes.    


Li Rong shook her head violently. No. This is just far from here. I want more beer to drink, and I haven't expressed my feelings yet.    


Huang Xing smiled wryly and said, "Who told you that beer can be used as an antidote?"    


Anyway, every time my dad drinks white wine, he drinks a few more beers, which makes him even more energetic. "I think this should be called 'using wine to make wine, and using poison to fight poison.'    


Huang Xing was completely impressed by her logic ability. He wanted to immediately kneel down and kowtow three times. What Confucius culture, Mencius culture, are all floating clouds. Li Rong was what was called culture. Wine culture. Huang Xing picked up a few dishes with his chopsticks and said: "Since there's no poison, then we don't need to get rid of it." Besides, there was no need to drink alcohol.    


Li Rong also picked up a few more dishes and said, "Then let's have a drink. Let's have a beer and dilute the alcohol content."    


Huang Xing realized that he was not a match for Li Rong in theory, so he didn't refute her anymore. After a while, Li Rong stood up and said, Excuse me, let's go to the bathroom.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but break out in cold sweat when he saw her body start to sway. Watching as Li Rong walked out of the room, Huang Xing took a cigarette and started to think about how to deal with the situation.    


In short, there was one principle: no more drinking!    




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