Security Guard’s Romance



1However, just as he was thinking that, the door to the room was pushed open and the waiter came in carrying a beer, saying that it was ordered by the girl just now.    


Huang Xing told the waiter to return the beer, but the waiter hesitated and didn't know what to do. At that moment, Li Rong came back. As soon as she came in, she had the waiter open all six bottles of beer. Huang Xing quickly went up to stop him, but the waiter's hands were so quick that in a matter of moments, he had already opened four bottles of beer.    


Huang Xing could only accept his fate.    


Another hour passed.    


Li Rong had actually drunk quite a bit, to the point where her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. Huang Xing was also a bit smug.    


However, the more he was in this state, the more he felt that he hadn't had enough to drink. He still wanted to drink more. Li Rong continued to point out more points, but was stopped by Huang Xing. Huang Xing thought to himself, "We can't drink anymore. Something big will happen!"    


Li Rong didn't insist. She sat on the stool and drank a few cups of tea. Perhaps it was the effect of the alcohol, Li Rong raised her teacup and clinked it with Huang Xing, saying, Director Huang, there's another meaning, I didn't express it just now. Actually, I've never seen your CEO before. I don't even know her gender. If I had to choose, I would rather choose to be your assistant. Hehe, Director Huang, just take me in.    


Huang Xing felt that this Li Rong was really not a small matter. She had clearly drunk too much. Even her drunken speech had made people feel comfortable. Although Huang Xing also drank a lot, he understood that the reason why Li Rong said this wasn't because she wanted to be his assistant. She was just using this phrase to flatter him, making him angry.    


I don't have that luck.    


Li Rong said, even if I could really become Assistant to the General Manager, I would definitely treat you as me, my best teacher, my good friend. I can't forget you.    


Huang Xing quickly said, his words were too heavy. Now, I still have the same line, a red heart with two hands to prepare.    


Li Rong asked. What else does Director Huang want me to prepare?    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned. What she said could be taken as a drunk and unintentional remark. But at the same time, it can also lead to a deeper meaning, which is to say, I've already expressed my intentions. Director Huang, can't you make a decision?    


Of course, Huang Xing was too lazy to read more. Sometimes, when he read more, it would become ambiguous.    


But in reality, Huang Xing also felt that Li Rong was determined to win. It could be seen that Li Rong was not good at drinking, but today she had opened up her heart and fought 360 rounds with him. A delicate little girl actually accompanied him to drink half a catty of white wine and three bottles of beer. This was undoubtedly a huge challenge. Then, what was the reason for Li Rong's reckless drinking with an adult man like him?    


The reason was simple. For work, for survival.    


For that matter, it wasn't just him who was going to bleed today. Li Rong had also lost a lot of blood, regardless of anything else. The two hundred yuan of money was a huge amount of money for Huang Xing. In order to work and survive, Li Rong had spent a lot of money trying to compete with Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing still felt that he lost by one move after all.    


He had originally thought that Li Rong's invitation this time would be reversed due to him expressing his gratitude to her on behalf of the company. He had thought that Li Rong's invitation would be reversed due to him expressing his gratitude to her on behalf of the company. But she didn't expect that in order to increase the competition, Li Rong would not hesitate to drink with her. Wine was in itself a form of communication. Li Rong, with her delicate body, used her astonishing alcohol tolerance to convey another meaning to Wu Tie. In this regard, Huang Xing's heart was in a dilemma as he watched Li Rong drink until her eyes became blurry. With her drinking tonight, Wu would be embarrassed to turn a blind eye to her bid. It was because she had used up all her resources.    


What made Huang Xing even more surprised was that when he secretly went to the front desk to check out the bill in the name of the bathroom, he found out that Li Rong had already buried the bill herself when she was asking for the bottles of beer.    


As a result, Huang Xing felt that his psychological defenses had been captured by Li Rong.    


Originally, he thought he could reject Li Rong's bribe, making him, Office Chief, fair and square. Unexpectedly, Li Rongqi's move had given him a lot of psychological pressure.    


But in reality, Huang Xing would never have thought that the chess pieces in Li Rong's hands weren't limited to only the two pieces, the treat and the drink.    


In order to win Assistant to the General Manager's position successfully, Li Rong put forth all her resources.    


As Huang Xing drank, Li Rong swayed uncontrollably. As soon as she stepped out of the door, Li Rong spat on the lawn outside.    


Huang Xing helped her to take out a stack of tissues from her bag and wiped the corner of her mouth. Li Rong walked to her QQ and grabbed her keys to get in the car. Huang Xing held her back and said, 'Take a taxi and leave, you drank too much!'    


I didn't drink too much. I'm wide awake. Let's go, Big Brother Huang, I'll drive you.    


Huang Xing thought, with your condition, how could I dare to let you drive me? I'm afraid that if I sit in your car, I'll go straight to the gates of hell.    


Huang Xing supported Li Rong, who couldn't even stand steadily, to an intersection in front of them. Then, he waved to stop a taxi. But this was the rush hour for taxi traffic, and most of the taxis were full of people. After waiting for over ten minutes, an empty car finally arrived.    


Huang Xing helped Li Rong to the car. The driver asked, Where to? Huang Xing pointed at Li Rong and said, "Take her home first." There's got to be a place for you to take me home. Where do you want me to pull you to if you don't tell me?    


Huang Xing moved closer to Li Rong and asked, Where do you live?    


Where to? Go sing. Big Brother Huang, I'm going to ask you to sing!    


Huang Xing thought to himself, why is singing so popular these days? Huang Xing said anxiously, No. I'll take you straight home and have a good rest.    


The driver got impatient and could not help but scold, "What the hell are you two singing about? Why are you making a girl drink so much? You even forgot about your own home." I don't have time to waste with you.    


Master, please wait a moment, I will ask. Huang Xing continued to ask about Li Rong's residence after saying that.    


With great effort, Li Rong finally managed to utter two words: Party Manor.    


With a general direction in mind, the driver accelerated and drove off without a second word. Huang Xing continued to ask Li Rong for more details about where she lived in the car. Li Rong mumbled and hesitated for a long time.    


There were many people on the road, and it took almost forty minutes for the taxi to reach the vicinity of the Party Manor. The driver stopped the car and said to the two of them, Get out of the car and find your own house. The Party Manor is not a small place, so you'll have to rely on your legs for the rest of your work. However, don't wander around outside. The Public Security Bureau will beat you up and often check your ID card at night.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, "Why does this taxi driver waste so much time on nonsense?"    


The fare was thirty-eight, and Huang Xing, who felt sorry for her, called her mother. Huang Xing thought that he had suffered a huge loss today. He still had to bring Li Rong around to find her home, and he didn't know when he would be able to find her.    


Li Rong leaned drowsily in her arms, muttering something nonstop. Huang Xing asked a few more times, but still couldn't get a definite answer. Helpless, Huang Xing thought of an impossible solution. He took out Li Rong's cell phone from his bag, looked at the recent call logs, and contacted a friend that Li Rong often contacted to get information about Li Rong's place.    


However, as soon as she took out her phone, Li Rong snatched it back.    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile, "I'll use it first."    


Why are you using my phone? It's not like you don't have one. Big Brother Huang, I'm warning you, peeking at someone's phone is illegal, this is a violation of privacy!    


Huang Xing thought that at this moment, you are quite clear-headed!    


Walking aimlessly through a street, looking at the cars and pedestrians on the road, they all swarmed back to their own homes, each looking for their own mom, Huang Xing felt strangely conflicted. Logically speaking, accompanying a beautiful woman on a road was a very romantic affair. However, Huang Xing couldn't be romantic no matter how hard he tried. The key point was that he had unknowingly violated the rules and had been bribed by Li Rong. "Not only bribe himself, but make himself like a headless fly, looking everywhere for a home.    


His heart was tired. Huang Xing helped Li Rong to sit on a bamboo chair beside a bus stop.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, "My dear lady, why don't you hurry up and wake up!"    


After about ten minutes of sitting down, Li Rong began to take out her cell phone and randomly press a few buttons. Huang Xing tried to communicate with her. Li Rong, think carefully. How far is this place from where you live?    


Li Rong answered vaguely: Higher than the sky, farther than the heart.    


Huang Xing was getting a bit anxious: "What are you pretending to be a poet? Tell me, how are we going to get away?"    


Li Rong smiled hesitantly. Suddenly, she stood up and pulled Huang Xing's arm, saying, "Big Brother Huang, come with me."    


Huang Xing asked tentatively: "You know how to get home?"    


Li Rong touched her chest and said in a very profound tone, "Home, in the heart."    


Huang Xing kicked the ground in a hurry, thinking that something big had happened to him today!    


The cool breeze blew by, bringing with it a unique autumn scent. Under the guidance of Li Rong, Huang Xing crossed several streets and arrived at a less bustling street.    


There was a house at the intersection. The loud music made the whole street drunk. Walking on the empty street, Huang Xing felt that he and Li Rong were like two lonely ghosts, he didn't know where to go. Both sides of the street were two-storey or three-storey houses. Most of the shops were closed, and there were only some entertainment and leisure areas. Three open-air billiards tables were set up in front of a billiard club. Seven or eight men were waving their billiards with great interest. The crisp sound of the balls hitting echoed in the hall. Both sides of the street lamps were glowing.    


Li Rong said, "Big Brother Huang, how about we play two pool games?" How skilled are you?    


Huang Xing said, not interested. Right now, my biggest interest is to send you home.    


Li Rong suddenly said, "No rush, my home is right in front!"    


What? Huang Xing was shocked. It was unknown if Li Rong had suddenly woken up, or if she had been pretending to be ignorant all this time.    


Following Li Rong's directions, Huang Xing walked forward with her and entered a residential area with a majority of two-story residential areas. This time, Li Rong had found her residence accurately.    


The house was not big. It was a room and a room, and in total, it was only about thirty square meters. However, although it was small, it had everything. There was a small bathroom, a small balcony, and a small living room. Everything was arranged neatly.    


After sending Li Rong home, Huang Xing finally felt relieved. Huang Xing sat down and drank a few cups of tea. After calming himself down, he prepared to leave.    


But Li Rong didn't let him. She said that if he stayed for a while longer, there were still some things that he had yet to consult with Big Brother Huang about.    


It's getting late, so I need to rest early.    


Li Rong suddenly stood in front of Huang Xing and shook her hair, releasing a fragrant scent, "Big Brother Huang, you drank quite a lot tonight, so it's not safe for you to go back." I'm worried.    


Huang Xing was suddenly stunned. Even though there was still a bit of alcohol in her body, Li Rong's words had a huge impact on Huang Xing's nerves.    


What did she mean?    


Was he hinting at himself to stay with her?    




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