Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing said: I've already brought you back, what's there to be worried about?    


Suddenly, Li Rong took half a step forward and stuck close to Huang Xing. Both of his hands strangely and mysteriously hooked onto Huang Xing's neck, staring at him deeply: Big Brother Huang, stay here. And --    


Huang Xing could feel the auras being emitted from her mouth. It was a very refreshing feeling, and there was even a hint of alcohol in it. Huang Xing twisted his neck, not daring to believe that Li Rong's arm was wrapped around it so easily.    


Huang Xing said. Li Rong, listen to me. Today, I really, really cannot stay.    


Huang Xing gave himself a shot of strength in his heart! At this moment, he had basically understood that ever since he had agreed to the meal with Li Rong, he had already entered the trap that Li Rong had set, and was incapable of extricating himself. Before this, Huang Xing had heard quite a bit about the unwritten rules of the workplace. But when he experienced it for himself, he was at a loss. This year is 2008, the global financial tsunami. Finding a good job is like looking for a moon or a needle in a haystack. This Li Rong was obviously the type to overlook the secular world. In order to obtain the position of 'Assistant to the General Manager', she had really put in a lot of effort and produced two chess pieces in succession. Perhaps it was to make her job more secure, she did not even hesitate to throw out the third chess piece - the beauty trap.    


To be exact, this was Huang Xing's first time encountering such a situation.    


Huang Xing did not dare to speculate further, if this petite Li Rong had used her trump card for some benefits before. But right now, Huang Xing really felt that he couldn't take it anymore.    


Huang Xing argued again and again in his heart: Is this a good thing or a bad thing?    


Li Rong saw the knot in Huang Xing's heart and he took a step forward.    


Huang Xing controlled, controlled, controlled again.    


But when Li Rong took the initiative to attack from under his chin with her burning lips, Huang Xing completely lost control.    


There were no more words to communicate, only the wild release of each other.    


But in reality, this entanglement between Huang Xing and himself, was basically a transaction.    


The end of the song did not mean the end of the trade.    


Or rather, this was only part of the deposit that Party B had made in advance.    


Huang Xing had overdrawn his power in this transaction, and at the same time, overdrawn the so-called fairness and justice that he had in the depths of his heart.    


After the excitement, Li Rong reclined in the arms of the Yellow River, while Huang Xing leaned on the bed and lit up a cigarette, smoking and savoring the aftertaste, enjoying and regretting it at the same time.    


At the moment, Yellow Star was in a rather complicated mood. He never thought that he would be so weak. The human brain often has several thinking points, from different thinking points to different problems, with different answers. As a man, what was his greatest sense of accomplishment? Money, no doubt about it. Beautiful women. Winning money can make a man feel at ease; winning a woman can make a man happy. Joy and ease merged together, and that became conquest. There are many things in a person's life that need to be conquered, such as how much money you can conquer in exchange for power and status; how many women you can conquer, and also the corresponding sense of accomplishment and physical comfort.    


Therefore, looking at the desire to conquer men, Huang Xing felt that he should be proud. At least, the position of Office Chief gave him the chance to conquer women.    


But looking at it from an ethical point of view, Huang Xing felt an abnormal sour feeling in his heart. When I am close to someone else's wife and girlfriend, I am content; but when other people are close to their own wife?    


The natural cycle has created a mysterious and contradictory world, and has also created the complex psychological and psychological feelings of mankind.    


More than ten minutes later, Li Rong finished dressing in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing also started to wear one, while wearing the other, he sized up Li Rong who was standing by the side of the bed. He knew her like the back of his hand, but in that moment, why did he seem so unfamiliar?    


Big Brother Huang, I will depend on you!    


Huang Xing was really not used to her overly straightforward manner. On her face, was an imposing manner that was "natural". It was as if he was hinting with his expression that he should hurry up and do things for me!    


An inexplicable feeling of sadness rose in Huang Xing's heart. This feeling of sadness drifted away with the wind.    


Seeing that Huang Xing did not reply, Li Rong took the initiative to stick close to him, and used his finger to draw circles on Huang Xing's chest: If you hear that there is no Big Brother Huang, my future and fate are in your hands, Big Brother Huang!    


Huang Xing said: Your fate is in your own hands.    


Li Rong thoughtfully opened his palms and looked, frowning: "Big Brother Huang, don't lie to me, I really need this job!    


She started to bring up this job again and again, mentioning the position of 'Assistant to the General Manager'. Huang Xing wanted to change the topic, but she quickly changed the topic back. Huang Xing understood in her heart that she had to make herself give Yue Shuang a promise that would let her feel at ease if she used all of her resources.    


Huang Xing kept asking himself, could this promise be given?    


This could be given, but the result was unpredictable. After accepting Li Rong's bribe, even if it was on the account that Li Rong did not hesitate to donate, Huang Xing would definitely spoil his own interests this time. Right now, he had two ways of helping Li Rong have a better chance of obtaining the position of 'Assistant to the General Manager'. The first was to directly withhold competitors Chu Yinan's resume and not report it to Fu Jie, or to only report it to Li Rong himself, or to choose a few less qualified people to accompany Li Rong and let Li Rong stand out; the second was to try his best to recommend Li Rong in front of him, in order to increase the gap between Li Rong and Chu Yinan, and increase Li Rong's success rate.    


However, in actuality, both of these methods belonged to the category of favouritism and malpractice. Huang Xing had always strived for fairness. Like this, the heroic name that he had been pursuing would be destroyed, and he would even be condemned forever on the surface.    


After a moment of hesitation, Huang Xing told Li Rong: "Don't worry, I will do my best to help you."    


With things having progressed to this point, Huang Xing could only submit.    


Li Rong sat on the bedside as he leisurely put on his socks and shoes. Huang Xing could no longer find the slightest trace of drunkenness on her face.    


It was only then that Huang Xing realized that maybe Li Rong had only acted once and gotten him drunk, luring him into the huge net she had meticulously designed step by step. It is not easy to be an official in an official's office; it is equally not easy to be an official in the office. Perhaps it was just an accident and he had been drawn into the unwritten rules and was unable to extricate himself.    


After a while, Huang Xing's phone suddenly rang. Taking out his phone, he saw that it was actually Fu Jie calling.    


Fu Jie said that she had already flown back from Shenzhen.    


The moment he heard this news, Huang Xing's heart thumped loudly. He knew what it meant to him when Fu Jie returned.    


Cang Bai powerlessly said goodbye to Li Rong. Huang Xing got a taxi and directly returned to the small district.    


suddenly felt that everything that had happened between him and Li Rong tonight, had desecrated Fu Jie's trust towards him, had desecrated the authority in his hands, and had let down Li Rong's rival, Chu Yinan.    


In the small district, on the ground floor of the car park, Huang Xing saw Fu Jie's PvP car with just a glance.    


To be exact, Fu Jie's return this time around had undoubtedly placed Huang Xing in a dilemma. Of course, this kind of predicament couldn't be blamed on others. He could only blame himself for thinking too simply.    


As if he was a thief, Huang Xing soullessly went up the stairs.    


Just as he was about to open the door with the key, the room next door suddenly creaked open. A fragrant smell instantly filled the corridor.    


It was Fu Jie.    


She was wearing a simple one-piece dress, which made her look very elegant and charming.    


Huang Xing laughed awkwardly and said, Director Fu, when did you come back?    


Fu Jie opened the door wider: Come in to talk.    


Huang Xing followed Fu Jie into her room. He saw a mini red lady's password box at the corner and guessed that Fu Jie must have contacted him right after he got off the plane. He didn't even have time to organize his things.    


Fu Jie sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking very serious. No matter how much Huang Xing tried to comfort himself, he was unable to straighten his body. As a result, he was like a robot, facing Fu Jie face to face. Fu Jie poured a cup of water for himself, picked up the cup and asked: Where did you go at night, and why are you back so late?    


Huang Xing faltered and lied, "I ?" After having dinner with his classmates.    


Fu Jie continued to ask: "You went to sing?"    


Huang Xing shook his head.    


Fu Jie did not pursue the topic further, instead, he brought up the topic of work: Tell me about your work during this period, how's the company's situation.    


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