Security Guard’s Romance



1An urgent ringtone suddenly rang at this moment.    


However, Fu Zhenxin was in no mood to care about this. She just ignored the ringing sound. However, that annoying ringtone sounded a third time.    


Fu Zhenxin, who had initially been ignoring him, realized that this was probably an urgent call. There must be something urgent going on, otherwise, why would they call frequently in the middle of the night? Helpless, he could only move his body and ask Huang Xing to leave temporarily. She gave Huang Xing a shove and said, I'm going to answer the phone.    


Huang Xing couldn't bear to retreat. He stretched his body, touched Fu Zhenxin's shirt and took out the phone.    


Huang Xing said, answer it. How do you expect me to deal with it? Ye Zichen reached out his hand to push Huang Xing again, then received the phone.    


It was already difficult for Huang Xing to retreat from Fu Zhenxin now that the situation had developed to this point. He was afraid that he would be injured halfway through this. Huang Xing only slowed down his actions and waited for Fu Zhenxin to finish her call.    


But when Fu Zhenxin received the phone, she looked at the screen and immediately turned pale with fright.    


It's my sister! Fu Zhenxin didn't dare to pick up the call. She was worried that the shocking scene between her and Huang Xing would be transmitted through the phone.    


Huang Xing was also stunned for a moment and urged, "Answer it, answer it."    


Come down, come down! This time, Fu Zhenxin was truly anxious, and she fiercely twisted her body.    


Huang Xing had no choice but to dismount.    


Fu Zhenxin pulled a blanket from the side and covered herself with it. Only then did she gain a bit of courage and pressed the 'answer' button.    


Fu Jie's anxious voice came over the phone, "Zhen Xin, what are you doing? Why haven't you answered the phone in such a long time?"    


Fu Zhenxin explained in panic, My sister, I was just taking a shower and I didn't hear the phone. I just washed up and I --    


Fu Jie interrupted her. Okay, okay, now drive to the airport and send me a document. The file was in my study, a yellow leather folder. It said... Aiya, I forgot what was written on it. It's just a brown paper bag, so hurry and bring it over. I'm boarding in less than fifty minutes. Hurry up.    


Why are you in such a hurry? Or I'll hand it to you tomorrow, or I'll type it out...    


Fu Jie said anxiously, "Stop talking nonsense. I'm about to use it." There's no time to explain it to you. Oh yeah, I'm worried about you coming out alone tonight. How about this, let Director Huang come with you. I'll call him. Remember, be fast, be fast!    


Fu Zhenxin said, "Alright, I understand. I'll go right now!"    


Seeing this, Huang Xing was surprisingly disappointed. Blaming to the heavens, he couldn't help but hope for the plum to stop thirsty.    


Huang Xing grabbed his clothes and wanted to put them on, but he felt strangely unwilling. A good show had just begun when it quickly ended.    


In the blink of an eye, Fu Zhenxin had fully dressed and stepped onto the High-heeled shoes s. Seeing that Huang Xing was still in a daze, he quickly urged him: "Hold on tight, what are you waiting for?"    


Huang Xing wanted to boldly ask if he could still do the sequel when he returned from the airport, but he felt it was ridiculous and could only put on his clothes one by one sadly.    


Fu Zhenxin hastily combed her hair with her hands, then stepped onto the High-heeled shoes and walked out. Huang Xing followed behind her. Looking at her familiar yet unfamiliar back, Huang Xing really couldn't relate her to that crystal clear and perfect body just now. Even though he knew that it was all real, he suddenly felt like he was in a dream.    


Huang Xing followed Fu Zhenxin to the opposite door, Fu Jie's house. After searching for a while in the study, they finally found the kraft paper bag. Fu Zhenxin handed it to Huang Xing and said, "I'm going to go to the toilet and get the key. You can close the door and wait for me downstairs."    


Huang Xing said, "Okay."    


Holding this brown paper bag that had ruined his and Fu Zhenxin's plans, Huang Xing really wanted to tear it into pieces. This night's fun had all been ruined by it.    


Huang Xing cursed and started to descend the stairs.    


As soon as they got downstairs, they heard the sound of high-frequency footsteps. In just a short while, Fu Zhenxin had already caught up with them.    


Huang Xing said, "You're really fast." Fu Zhenxin took the brown paper bag and hurried off.    


Get in the car and start. Under Fu Zhenxin's guidance, the car quickly got on the highway. It only took them twenty minutes to drive all the way to the airport in the western suburbs of Jinan.    


Fu Jie paced back and forth, waiting anxiously. Seeing that the two of them had arrived, a look of pleasant surprise flitted across her face as she ran forward to welcome them. Fu Zhenxin handed her the paper bag, Fu Jie said, This is it! It's too late. Be careful when you're on the way. I have to get ready to board the plane.    


After sending Fu Jie into the security passage, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin started to walk outside.    


Just as they arrived at the entrance, Fu Zhenxin suddenly asked, "Are you hungry? I'll treat you to a midnight snack."    


Sure, I'm a little hungry.    


After entering the airport, they both ordered a set meal. While eating, Huang Xing received a text from Fu Jie: "I'll be counting on you to run the company properly these few days."    


Huang Xing replied with one word: "Ok."    


After dinner, he drove back.    


He returned to the district tiredly. When they went upstairs, Huang Xing's heart couldn't help but start pounding again. In fact, in the car, he had been thinking about the question of whether he would be able to continue each other's passion when he came back.    


But in reality, the answer was heartlessly revealed at Fu Zhenxin's door. Fu Zhenxin stopped walking and said that she would sleep early.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Zhenxin with an almost pleading expression and said, "Go up and watch TV for a while?"    


Fu Zhenxin blushed. "I'm tired, so I won't watch anymore." See you tomorrow.    


Huang Xing complained in his heart. He watched helplessly as Fu Zhenxin entered the room, waving goodbye to himself.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh as he walked upstairs dejectedly. He took a cigarette and looked back at the surging scene. It was hard to get out of the intense regret.    


When he returned to his bedroom, the traces of his bed were still there. This proved that his intimate contact with Fu Zhenxin was not an illusion. But when people go to empty buildings, who can comfort their passion that hasn't passed yet? Huang Xing sat on the bed, unable to bear to destroy the traces of where he had stayed with Fu Zhenxin. Looking back on the whole scene, Huang Xing felt it was both comical and dramatic. Was there still a chance to deduce the distant truth?    


He lay flat on the bed in his clothes, unable to get rid of his lust.    


A night of sweet dreams.    


The next morning, Fu Zhenxin knocked on the door early.    


Huang Xing quickly put on his clothes, opened his phone to see that it was already 7 o'clock. After she opened the door, Fu Zhenxin frowned and complained, "Why did it take so long to open?" Still sleeping?    


Huang Xing scratched his head and said, "Yesterday, I was physically and mentally exhausted. I slept to death."    


An indescribable shyness appeared on Fu Zhenxin's face.    


To be exact, they were both a little awkward when they met in the morning.    


How could he not be embarrassed?    


Huang Xing quickly finished washing up and the two of them drove back to the company. Having eaten fast food in Gindelli, it was just about time for the roll call.    


Huang Xing held the register as he finished his name and started his military training. Fu Zhenxin had been standing by the door, watching with rapt attention, arms crossed, deep in thought.    


After the military training, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin returned to the office together.    


Fu Zhenxin got a report from Finance Manager and sat at her desk, frowning as she studied it.    


Huang Xing thought about the job Fu Jie asked him to do before she left: recruitment. Thus, he turned on his computer and searched out a few talent markets' phone numbers. After making a phone call and asking around, he decided to go to the talent markets in Li City for a try on weekends.    


After booking the booth, Huang Xing started to design the 'Recruitment Summary'.    


Then Huang Xing found an advertising agency and simply made a portable display board out of recruitment. When he returned to the company, it was already noon.    


Huang Xing didn't go upstairs. He left the display board at the corner of the reception desk downstairs for the time being and called Fu Zhenxin to come down for lunch.    


Fu Zhenxin didn't say a word throughout the meal. Huang Xing thought, what happened last night actually made Fu Zhenxin, who was originally quite outgoing and lively, turn into a gentle and quiet girl. Toward the end of the meal, Liu and Wu discussed hiring and offered to let Wu accompany them to the talent market for the weekend. Fu Zhenxin declined, saying that there was a weekend social meetup and she couldn't go because she had to eat with a person in charge at a mobile company. Huang Xing helplessly sighed. Fu Zhenxin suggested that Cao Aidang could be allowed to go with her. Cao Manager was experienced in this area and had been in charge of recruitment for a period of time.    


Huang Xing thought that this was the only thing he could do at the moment.    


In the afternoon, Huang Xing told Cao Aidang about this matter, Cao Aidang said, happy to help.    


Saturday, 7: 30 AM.    


Huang Xing arrived at the talent market early on the bus. The door wasn't open yet, and there were a dozen or so employees gathered outside. Huang Xing bought a roasted sweet potato and a bottle of mineral water and gulped down a few mouthfuls.    


At 7: 50, Cao Aidang still hadn't arrived. Huang Xing panicked a little and called over.    


There was a traffic jam on the road, Cao Aidang said.    


Huang Xing said, for such an important matter, why not give it some thought?    


Cao Aidang said, "What do you mean in advance?" It's only a few minutes! Opening the door at eight o'clock, those who wanted to apply and those who wanted to apply would not be able to come until after nine o'clock.    


After hanging up, the talent market opened. The recruitment team who were waiting at the entrance began to register there and then went upstairs to look for their booth. This was Huang Xing's first time here, so he wasn't too sure about the process, so he followed suit. After taking a look, he saw a booth with the words' Xinyuan Company 'written on it on a piece of white paper. The booth was simple, with one table and two chairs.    


After setting up the exhibition board, Huang Xing sat down and let out a sigh of relief.    


After scanning around a few times, Huang Xing immediately found a serious problem: he didn't prepare the 'job registration forms'.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be anxious as he cursed himself for being careless. It was too late to make such a thing, but what should he do? Just as he felt helpless, he saw a pretty girl stop in front of his booth.    


The girl was in her twenties, wearing a white shirt and black pants. He also had a blue rope around his neck and a work permit with the words' Richemont Talent Market Customer Manager 'written on it. She held a stack of things in her hand, and politely said to Huang Xing: "Excuse me, are you Xinyuan Company's Director Huang?"    


Huang Xing quickly said, I am.    




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