Security Guard’s Romance



2There was an advertisement in the middle of the movie. Fu Zhenxin sank down, stretched her arms, pursed her lips, and said, Advertising is so annoying.     3


Huang Xing agreed, "It's really annoying."    


Fu Zhenxin walked over with the support of the sofa and leaned on Huang Xing. She smiled and said, "Are you living well here?"    


Huang Xing felt that she asked a lot of questions, but he also nodded and replied, "Very good." Whenever I have the ability to buy my own house, that's enough.    


Fu Zhenxin put a hand on Huang Xing's shoulder and sighed with emotion. You can rest assured that you will have bread and milk. There will be cars, there will be houses, there will be wives...    


Huang Xing's face turned red. Bread and milk were easy to deal with. But in a society that is inflating every day like a pregnant woman, it's not easy to buy a car and buy a house! As for marrying a wife, that was even more difficult. Women these days were all very realistic. Without money, a house, a car, they were basically all bachelors. Wasn't Zhao Xiaoran a good example? Back then, he had naively believed that with love, there would be a home, and with love, there would be everything. But later on, I realized that without the support of the economy, love won't last long. Women these days were even more vain than money. No matter how young or handsome you are, no matter how hard you work on your bed, in the eyes of a woman, these things are just passing clouds. Only money and material things were eternal.    


Huang Xing sighed and said, "I don't have any hopes." When we have the capital and the conditions, we will consider the car and the house, and finally we will consider marrying a wife.    


You put your wife last? There was a saying, "Yun, build a family, build a family first, then build a business.    


Huang Xing said, "That's talking about the ancient era!" At present, the car and the house are the foundation to marry a wife, no car and no house, to marry a wife is a fantasy.    


Fu Zhenxin seemed to have thought of something and asked Huang Xing with her eyes wide open: "Oh yeah, let me ask you, are you really married?" I remember you telling me that Zhao Xiaoran... Haihua Shopping Center's Zhao Xiaoran, is she your ex-wife?    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Yes." But not his ex-wife.    


Why? Fu Zhenxin asked.    


Not yet, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Zhenxin said, That Zhao Xiaoran is indeed pretty pretty, but I have the feeling that she has some sort of demonic aura about her. Like a fox spirit... Pah pah pah! Look at what I'm saying. Don't be angry at what I'm saying.    


Huang Xing smiled wryly but didn't say anything.    


He was surprised that Fu Zhenxin would believe his words so easily. He remembered that the last time he went to Haihua Shopping Center, Huang Xing mentioned about his relationship with Zhao Xiaoran after the incident. At that time, Fu Zhenxin mocked herself harshly. In her opinion, how could a commoner like herself be worthy of Zhao Xiaoran's beautiful white-collar worker?    


After the advertisement, the movie continued. Fu Zhenxin suddenly looked down at the coffee table and looked up in disappointment. Wait a moment, I'll go to my sister and see if there are any snacks.    


She left gracefully. Huang Xing looked at his watch. It was already past 11, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.    


This was no wonder. With a beautiful woman accompanying him, no one would feel sleepy.    


The fragrance of Fu Zhenxin's perfume lingered on the sofa. Huang Xing glanced at the place where Fu Zhenxin had sat and saw a slight depression, which perfectly retracted the contours of her buttocks. Huang Xing thought it was funny and stood up as well. He looked at the seat he sat on before and felt that the outline was not as beautiful as the one Fu Zhenxin left behind.    


A few minutes later, Fu Zhenxin rushed back with two bottles of red wine and a few bags of vacuum food. Peanut seeds, country egg, phoenix claws. Wait a minute.    


Fu Zhenxin excitedly placed the food on the table, opened the glass with a stick, and poured wine into it while laughing. "My sister has a wine cabinet in her house, and it's full of imported red wine. Let's enjoy it while she's not here!"    


Huang Xing said, "That's not good, right?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, "What's wrong with that?" That's my sister! Come on, Star, have a drink first!    


The sound of 'Xing' made Huang Xing's goosebumps rise up. Huang Xing picked up his goblet, shook it gently and took a sip.    


Fu Zhenxin laughed and said, Hey, you know a lot about red wine, and you know how to shake it.    


I went to school with TV.    


As Fu Zhenxin spoke, she swirled the wine glass in her hand and leaned down to take a sniff. She praised the wine, it was so fragrant. He then poured the wine into his mouth, moistened it a few times, and gulped it down.    


The two of them clinked glasses and watched TV while eating the food in the bag on the coffee table. At the end of the movie, both of them drank up a bottle of red wine. Fu Zhenxin also thought to open another bottle, Huang Xing reached out to stop, said, don't drink, waste. Fu Zhenxin said with a slight frown, drinking is not a waste, drink and then go get, my sister's liquor cabinet is too many.    


Huang Xing couldn't beat her, so he could only submit.    


Actually, Huang Xing didn't know that the reason Fu Zhenxin could indulge herself so much tonight, drink wine and sing songs, was to a large extent due to Shan Dongyang. For a long time now, Fu Zhenxin had been full of longing and even adoration for Shan Dongyang. Even though Shan Dongyang did not have a lot of prestige in the company and all sorts of rumors were spread to Fu Zhenxin's ears, she had always been tolerant, supportive and supportive of Shan Dongyang in her thoughts and actions. It was only when Shan Dongyang ran away that night that Fu Zhenxin finally came to her senses and saw through Shan Dongyang's true appearance. He was not as good as he thought he was. For his own safety, he could abandon his family and friends. This kind of person, no matter how capable he was, was not worth trusting or relying on.    


To see through a person was equivalent to harming one's heart. For women, this was a choice that was both painful and gratifying.    


In Fu Zhenxin's heart, Huang Xing and Shan Dongyang are two kinds of people. Fu Zhenxin had made Huang Xing into an idle character who had no other choice. After a few incidents, she had even labeled him as a 'hooligan'. Under this label, no matter how outstanding or outstanding Huang Xing's performance was, it still wouldn't enter Fu Zhenxin's eyes. It wasn't until after the incident in the city that Fu Zhenxin's impression of Huang Xing improved, and she reconsidered all her previous conflicts and disputes. In fact, since then, Huang Xing had undergone a great shift in Fu Zhenxin's mind, and his image had been reversed. However, even though Huang Xing had saved his life and preserved his chastity and reputation, the impression he had in his heart was still far from being as deep as Shan Dongyang.    


Until this KTV incident, the two's labels and definitions had a strong chemical change in Fu Zhenxin's heart. This matter finally made Fu Zhenxin understand that the person who she could truly rely on was not Shan Dongyang, but Huang Xing. The person who could truly contribute greatly to the Xinyuan Company and had hopes of leading the Xinyuan Company forward steadily was also Huang Xing. Shan Dongyang was outstanding because when he just arrived at the company, he displayed some martial arts in Fu Jie's office and made a heroic definition in everyone's mind. And the facts proved that he was not as outstanding as he had imagined.    


Huang Xing read out some specific meaning from Fu Zhenxin's smile.    


She had always been concealing the bitterness in her heart.    


After two bottles of red wine, the redness on Fu Zhenxin's face deepened and her eyes started to darken.    


Perhaps she was drunk; perhaps she was just using this method to release her inner sorrow.    


Fu Zhenxinping spread her legs and sat down on the sofa. Huang Xing poured her a cup of tea.    


Fu Zhenxin took a sip and said, Bitter.    


Huang Xing could tell that what she was sipping was not tea, but emotions and life.    


Fu Zhenxin narrowed her eyes and aimlessly switched channels with the remote control. Huang Xing said, "You must be tired. If you're tired, then sleep for a while." Fu Zhenxin waved her hand and said, "I'm not sleepy. I'm still full of energy."    


Seeing Fu Zhenxin sitting diagonally beside him like a mermaid, Huang Xing couldn't be sleepy even if he wanted to. It was already the middle of the night. It was hard for a man and a woman to not let their imaginations run wild when they were alone in the room with the help of alcohol. At such a close distance, Fu Zhenxin's delicate little feet seemed to touch the ground right in front of her thighs. So beautiful.    


On the other hand, because of the alcohol, Fu Zhenxin had unknowingly started to doze off. The remote control fell to the ground with a thud, startling Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing looked at her in silence. Her sleeping posture was very elegant, and her breathing was soft and fresh. It was a small mouth that was slightly open, and two pure white teeth were faintly discernible. Flat belly, exposed a little delicate skin, can see the navel side of the corner. Like a rose in a crystal.    


Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. When he thought back to the chatty city, he almost wanted Fu Zhenxin's body. He could still see it clearly.    


Huang Xing sighed inwardly, but reluctantly walked to his bedroom and brought a blanket.    


He was afraid she would catch cold. Gently he covered Fu Zhenxin with the blanket. A flash of wickedness in his mind prompted him to touch her calves and feet with his hand as he stretched the corner of the blanket. That feeling of warmth made Huang Xing shudder.    


After an unknown period of time, Fu Zhenxin finally woke up with a hazy expression and said, "Water."    


Huang Xing handed the water over. Fu Zhenxin shook her blurry head and said with a frown, "Eh, I'm asleep?" How did I fall asleep?    


You're tired. Why don't you go to the bedroom?    


Fu Zhenxin was stunned for a moment. In, in your bedroom here?    


Huang Xing blushed and said, You can also go back to your bedroom. Decide for yourself.    


Fu Zhenxin pulled the blanket out of her body and held out a hand. Huang Xing gave her a hand and pulled Fu Zhenxin's soft hand, helping her to sit up slowly.    


After waking up for a while, Fu Zhenxin drank a cup of tea and said, "I'm going to my bedroom to sleep for a while."    


Huang Xing said, "Okay, you go first."    


To be exact, he hadn't expected Fu Zhenxin to stay behind.    




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