Security Guard’s Romance



1A trace of panic flashed across Fu Jie's face. She quickly stopped and asked Huang Xing, is it Wu Qianqian?    


Huang Xing took out his phone to check, it really was her. He nodded and pressed the 'Answer' button. Wu Qianqian's sweet laughter came from the other side. "Haha, old classmate, come over to my place after you finish your meal. I'll entertain you well."    


Huang Xing was surprised: "No, no." By the way, are we not well-received tonight, so you --    


Wu Qianqian said, What are you thinking about? I have a very important venue tonight. I'll do it in about an hour, and then... Well, I'll pick you up in an hour.    


Huang Xing didn't know what to do with Wu Qianqian's kindness.    


Huang Xing said, "Why don't I invite you another day?"    


Wu Qianqian said, What did you ask me for? How about this, old classmate, I know it's your celebratory feast today, so you, the chairman, must drink a few more cups. Then come over to my place another day. I have something very important to discuss with you.    


Huang Xing pursued: "What is it?"    


Something very important, Wu Qianqian said mysteriously. I helped you this time, so you have to help me.    


Huang Xing said, "If you don't say anything, how can I help you?"    


Wu Qianqian said: "It's a long story. Let's talk about it in detail another day."    


Huang Xing said: "Alright, let's keep in touch."    


After hanging up, Fu Jie came over to ask, what did Wu Qianqian say? Huang Xing said, "It's fine, she wants me to do something for her." Fu Jie asked, What's the matter? Huang Xing shook his head and didn't say anything for now.    


Actually, Huang Xing was also curious, what could he do to help Wu Qianqian?    


Or could it be that she was on top, and what could a small private employee do for her?    


After returning to the private room, Fu Jie brought Huang Xing to the various tables to toast the managers. The atmosphere in the winery was quite lively.    


At the end of the day, Fu Zhenxin suggested to Fu Jie that they take a break after dinner.    


In front of all the managers, of course, Fu Jie couldn't be too stingy, so she nodded in agreement.    


After that, Fu Jie called Huang Xing out and gave him a thousand yuan. He said that he had matters to attend to and that the matter of singing tonight would be specifically arranged by him.    


Actually, Huang Xing didn't like karaoke too much either, but Fu Jie trusted him, so she couldn't shirk it from him. After Fu Jie left, Huang Xing brought the managers, who were already drunk, to the nearby Yi Yang KTV and booked two private rooms.    


Huang Xing didn't order a single song, he just sat in the corner smoking and drinking beer.    


All sorts of voices came out one after another. The explosive music was about to burst his eardrums. All the managers rushed to sing at the same time. It was a lively scene of hundreds of people clamoring over each other.    


The manager of the Nokia Customer Service, Wang Yaxuan was a young lady with an outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament. What was even rarer was that she had a naturally good voice, like the sound of nature. But as the saying goes, good flowers don't bloom often. The more of a singing master, the more he knows how to keep a low profile and be modest. After just two songs, he stopped showing his head and sat on the sofa to clink glasses with Huang Xing.    


Wang Yaxuan said, Director Huang, why don't you open your singing throat?    


I can't sing well.    


Wang Yaxuan said, modestly. But singing at a KTV was indeed meaningless, the atmosphere was too chaotic. I don't really want to sing it anyway.    


Huang Xing smiled perfunctorily.    


Wang Yaxuan suggested, Why don't we go for a walk? Look at this inside, smoke is curling up, choking and panicking.    


Huang Xing also felt the same way. After pondering for a moment, he nodded and stood up.    


The two of them left the KTV and strolled around the streets.    


Actually, other than working interactions, Huang Xing and Wang Yaxuan did not have much personal contact. Therefore, walking side by side, Huang Xing felt a little restrained. On the other hand, Wang Yaxuan was generous and decent. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Huang Xing and lightly waved her hand back and forth, knocking against him a few times. Huang Xing realized that he wanted to put some distance between him and Wang Yaxuan, but Wang Yaxuan would come closer very soon. Perhaps, Wang Yaxuan had a strong sense of reliance. No matter who she walked with, she would always be close to them. Huang Xing was slightly touched by this.    


The two chatted about work and life. After a few rounds on the road, they returned to KTV.    


However, when they were walking up the stairs, as Wang Yaxuan was wearing a High-heeled shoes, she did not manage to walk steadily and fell down.    


Huang Xing was quick. He wanted to hold her hand, but he failed. In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing hugged Wang Yaxuan. Wang Yaxuan, panicked, righted her center of gravity.    


At this moment, Huang Xing felt that he was holding two soft balls. He could not help but blush and quickly withdrew his hand.    


Wang Yaxuan's face reddened as she lowered her head and said, "Thank you."    


Huang Xing reminded Zhang Tie with a fake voice, that he should wear fewer High-heeled shoes s at work.    


Wang Yaxuan said, "I know Director Huang."    


Huang Xing was about to walk in, but Wang Yaxuan just stood there. Huang Xing turned around and looked at her. He smiled and said, "What? You fell and you don't dare to walk?"    


No, no, no. I don't want to go up. How about I just take a taxi home.    


Huang Xing said, "Alright." Then be careful on your way.    


Wang Yaxuan nodded and said, You too. It was over early and he rested early.    


As Huang Xing watched Wang Yaxuan get a taxi and head east, he quickly walked to the second floor. At this moment, the box he was in was already empty.    


The managers are all gone?    


When he called Cao Aidang, he found out that all the managers had gone to his house to play mahjong.    


Huang Xing went to the other room and saw that most of the people had already left. There were only two people who were singing to each other affectionately.    


It was Fu Zhenxin and Shan Dongyang.    


The two of them seemed to be very engrossed in it.    


Huang Xing couldn't bear to disturb him and went back to his room. At that moment, the waiter came to clean up the place.    


Huang Xing frowned and said that he still hadn't checked out. The waiter said, Didn't everyone leave already? Huang Xing said, "Am I leaving?" The waiter said impatiently, Then I'm sorry, you sing well, have fun.    


After the waiter left, Huang Xing shut the room door tightly and started having fun by himself with the microphone.    


Twenty minutes later, when Huang Xing was tired of singing, he sat on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth.    


Suddenly, a wave of curses came from outside.    


Huang Xing stood up, opened the door and looked outside. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.    


It turned out to be Fu Zhenxin from the neighboring room. She was on her way back to her room after going to the toilet when she was interrupted by a drunken playboy. That man was obviously drunk to the point of forcing Fu Zhenxin to accompany him in his room to sing. How could Fu Zhenxin be willing to let him go? She scolded the man until his head was covered in dog blood. However, the man still refused to give up and continued to hold onto Fu Zhenxin.    


Nowadays, there was no lack of these guys who would lose their temper whenever they saw a beauty.    


Huang Xing did not have much time to think, he immediately rushed out to help Fu Zhenxin.    


At this moment, a figure rushed out from the box like a chivalrous hero.    


Shan Dongyang walked in front of the two aggressively, and without saying anything, he grabbed the intertwined man's collar and forcefully threw him three to four meters away.    


Fu Zhenxin was once again impressed by Shan Dongyang's excellent skills. She scolded the beaten man, "You don't even know your last name after drinking a bit of cat piss, do you?" Hurry up and get out of here!    


The man who was beaten stared angrily at Shan Dongyang. He felt that he had lost face, so he rolled up his sleeves and charged over.    


Of course, Shan Dongyang was not someone who was easy to deal with. He immediately kicked Shan Dongyang before he could get close.    


In an instant, that provocative man flew back again.    


Fu Zhenxin clapped her hands and cheered.    


Shan Dongyang rubbed the tip of his nose imposingly, patted Fu Zhenxin's shoulder and walked into the room.    


Only then did Fu Zhenxin notice Huang Xing's existence.    


After being stunned for a moment, Fu Zhenxin asked, "Eh, Director Huang, you still haven't left?"    


No, said Huang Xing. I came out when you heard the commotion just now, but it seems like there are a lot of other people that came out to protect you.    


The moment he said that, Huang Xing felt that his words were weird. Not to mention others, even he himself could feel that there was a certain level of jealousy and dissatisfaction in those words. Even jealousy.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned slightly and smiled unnaturally. He couldn't help but pinch his butt.    


This slight movement reminded Huang Xing of his experiences on the journey to Chat City.    


To be exact, in the entire world, perhaps only he himself understood the true reason behind Fu Zhenxin's constant attempts to pinch his butt.    


Shan Dongyang proudly stuck out his chest and said arrogantly: "He dares to bully Zhen Xin, he's courting death!" Beating him up was considered light!    


Single Director, keep a low profile, Fu Zhenxin said.    


However, at this moment, intense and hurried footsteps were getting closer and closer.    


Judging from this scene, it seemed as if the floor tiles of the corridor were about to split apart.    


Killing intent. Could this be the legendary killing intent?    


In an instant, a dozen or so drunken men came rushing out from the aisle in front of them.    


All of them looked like fiends.    


The young master who had been flirting with Fu Zhenxin was walking at the front.    


Seeing this scene, Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.    


Huang Xing was no exception.    


In the time of crisis, a figure stood in front of Fu Zhenxin, protecting her.    


Fu Zhenxin thought it was Shan Dongyang and only after a glance did she realize it was Huang Xing. Fu Zhenxin knew that Huang Xing was not good at fighting, so she couldn't help but use her pleading eyes to look for Shan Dongyang's figure.    


However, Shan Dongyang had disappeared.    


A dozen men instantly surrounded Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin.    


Fu Zhenxin was so anxious that her face turned red. However, because of the alcohol, these men charged forward without a care in the world, violently attacking the two of them. Fu Zhenxin was so frightened that she covered her head with her hands and hid in a corner.    


At this moment, how could Huang Xing not know the consequences of resisting? But being in a sense of justice and responsibility to protect the weak multiplied his strength.    


However, the enemy had so many people and even Shan Dongyang, an expert at fighting in a scattered battle, ran far away. How could he even contend against him?    


He was going all out!    


Huang Xing steeled his heart and used his body to block Fu Zhenxin, who was cowering in a corner of the wall.    


His punches and kicks were like raindrops that bloomed on his body. However, Huang Xing didn't care about the pain as he used his body to form a wall of steel to protect the weak Fu Zhenxin.    


These people kept cursing and beating Fu Zhenxin, but the young master who was flirting with Fu Zhenxin was even more satisfied. He stepped forward and wanted to slap Huang Xing. Huang Xing used his last remaining strength to grab the young master's wrist and slapped him.    


The young master was angry and angry at the same time, he swung his fist and punched towards Huang Xing's head.    


Huang Xing, who was almost exhausted, couldn't dodge this punch. His fist landed on the bridge of his nose, and fresh blood flowed from it.    


The young master's face was full of the joy of revenge. He reached out his hand to grab Fu Zhenxin's arm and sneered sinisterly, "You have to come with me today and apologize to your father." Otherwise …    


Huang Xing tried his best to hug Fu Zhenxin, not letting the young master succeed.    


The Young Master kicked Huang Xing's legs. Huang Xing cried out and was forced to let go.    


However, Huang Xing still used his last bit of strength and shouted at the young master: Let her go!    


The young master was furious, "I'm not letting go, I'm not letting go!"    


Huang Xing scolded: "You, you all are too shameless!" You are breaking the law!     1


The young master snorted disdainfully and said, "I'm committing a crime today, what about it?"    


Ye Zichen turned around, grabbed Huang Xing's collar and stretched out his hand in the air.    


The alcohol reek hovered in the air. Only then did Huang Xing feel that his entire body was sore. He didn't even have the strength to stand up.    


As a result, when the young master's fist was about to land on him again, his body tensed up and then loosened up again, fainting on the spot.    




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