Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C471 Single Room

C471 Single Room

1Wu Xu said very frankly, "Gu Xiaohui disliked that I was a useless person, so she proposed to divorce me. After we divorced, she chased me out and left the house, without a home..."     4


"Stop talking nonsense. I am not in the mood to listen to you talk about these things." Hsiao Yue's face darkened and asked, "Why did you hurt someone in Dihao Nightclub?"    


Wu Xu replied, "You also know that the last time I was injured by Shen Ao and others in the hospital, it was Ma Zhong and Zhang Mengmeng who took care of me in the ward. Tonight, I invited them to the Dihao Nightclub's entertainment hall to play. I didn't expect to meet Shen Ao and Lu Hu there.    


"In order to embarrass me, they brought a few bodyguards with them to tease Zhang Mengmeng and the girl who was with her. I had no choice but to fight with them. If we accidentally injured them, we would have retaliated in self-defense. But you arrested me for interrogation. What law did I commit? "    


This sentence really stumped Hsiao Yue.    


To be honest, she really did not want the person who was arrested here to be interrogated to be Wu Xu. It was Shen Ao who still had doubts about the death of Gu Yuming, Lei Ming, Zhang Xuezhong and Hou Guangsheng. However, she still couldn't find any evidence of his crime. If it wasn't for her superior's order... She really did not want to meddle in this matter!    


Hsiao Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "You have injured so many people in public. Is it not against the law?"    


Wu Xu put on an indifferent look and said, "Hsiao, since you think so, I have nothing to say. Anyway, I was worried that there was no place to go tonight, so you just lock me up. Anyway, you guys are in charge of food and accommodation here, it's better than me sleeping on the streets! "    


"Looks like you're quite good at finding places!" Hsiao Yue glanced at Wu Xu. Seeing that she could not get anything out of his mouth, she did not make things difficult for him.    


After the interrogation ended, Hsiao Yue immediately asked the police to bring Wu Xu to a single room in the detention center and lock him up.    


The single room was smaller and the light was darker. There was only a single bed inside. It was as narrow as the massage beds in the blind massage shops on the street, but it could be laid on top. It was not as comfortable as a massage bed. It was a hard bed. There was only a towel and a pillow on the bed.    


However, he was arrested because he injured Shen Ao and Lu Hu.    


As for a suspect who had injured the chairman of Lu's Mining Group, Lu Yunloong's son and the son of the chairman of Shen's Group, Shen Tianshun, he could enjoy such treatment. To be able to live in such a single room could be considered as living in a luxury suite in a hotel.    


A police officer unlocked the handcuffs for Wu Xu.    


Wu Xu felt that the place where the handcuffs had been handcuffed at was very painful. He raised his hand and shone it on the light bulb. He discovered that there were already a few streaks of blood on it. He was very unhappy.    


He remembered that he had been handcuffed by the police in the performance hall and had been arrested here. He made up his mind that he must catch the criminal evidence of Shen Ao and the others in the future and send them to prison.    


After the police left, Wu Xu and Yi laid on the bed.    


However, the moment he laid down, a group of mosquitoes flew over to greet him and had intimate contact with him.    


Perhaps it was because these little fellows were too enthusiastic, but they kept kissing Wu Xu's body, causing his entire body to itch and his skin to bleed.    


Under all kinds of helplessness, Wu Xu could only use force on them. He continuously slapped a few mosquitoes to death, but still could not stop their enthusiasm. He simply used his hand to drive them away.    


The single room was rather stuffy, so it made him panic.    


Wu Xu felt extremely irritated, and his heart felt as uncomfortable as a cat's paw. However, because he was caught in the performance hall and sent to the detention center, he suffered a lot of fright along the way.    


In addition, he was worried about Zhang Mengmeng and the others' safety, so he drank quite a bit of wine. He immediately felt exhausted, and his head felt a little dizzy. Not long after he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.    




After Wu Xu was taken away by the police in the police car, Zhang Mengmeng stood in a daze at the entrance of the Pacific Grand Hotel.    


She remembered that she and Tung Miao did not hesitate at all to bungee jumping in the entertainment hall in Dihao Nightclub and called a tattooed man, one after the other. Also, after Shen Ao and Lu Hu got entangled with each other, they accidentally injured those guys. Wu Xu was taken away by the police alone in order to protect them. He felt very sad in his heart.    


Zhang Mengmeng thought that what happened tonight was all because of her. If it wasn't for them having dinner in the Red Rose private room of the Rongcheng International Hotel, she would have asked Wu Xu to bring her and Tung Miao to the performance hall of Dihao Nightclub to have fun. Such a thing wouldn't have happened.    


Zhang Mengmeng felt a little sorry. Wu Xu was afraid that something would happen to him and was very worried about him. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.    




In a daze, a beautiful face appeared in front of Wu Xu's eyes.    


It was a little blurry. Was it Gu Xiaohui? Impossible! Because he had divorced Gu Xiaohui, Gu Xiaohui returned to her ex-boyfriend Ma Junhao's side.    


Was it Zhang Mengmeng? A little similar! She was swaying her body and waving her long hair, swaying in front of her eyes, dazzling herself.    


Her graceful figure was so charming!    


Wu Xu couldn't help but reach out and hug her. The beauty entered his embrace, and her beautiful eyes stared at him with tender feelings.    


Wu Xu couldn't help but lower his head and chase after her red lips.    


"Hehe, look at how anxious you are..." The beauty laughed and pushed Wu Xu away with force. She flipped him onto the bed and laid him on his back.    


Suddenly, an ear-piercing sound of a metal door could be heard.    


"Get up, hurry up!" A man's deafening shout came into Wu Xu's ears, but the beauty in his arms suddenly disappeared...    


Wu Xu felt weak all over his body. He tried to move his body, but he did not open his eyes. He mistakenly thought that it was the guy who ruined his good dream.    


"Did you hear that? Get up!" Someone pushed Wu Xu hard.    




Wu Xu almost rolled off the bed. He immediately screamed and sat up. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He saw two policemen in uniform standing in front of the bed.    


Only then did he remember that last night when he brought Zhang Mengmeng and Tung Miao to Dihao Nightclub's entertainment hall to drink and bungee jumping, he met Shen Ao and Lu Hu there.    


When he had a conflict with them, he had accidentally injured Shen Ao, Lu Hu, and the four bodyguards beside them. He had been arrested by the police and locked up in this single room.    


At this moment, a dazzling light shone through the iron window into the room, illuminating the room.    


Only then did Wu Xu realize that it was already dawn. He had been locked up here for an entire night. He had actually slept on a hard bed and had a beautiful dream.    


A policeman glared fiercely at Wu Xu and said somewhat impatiently, "What's wrong with you? Do you feel that sleeping here is more comfortable than sleeping in your home?"    


"I'm sorry, I overslept..." Recalling the scene in his dream, Wu Xu felt a little awkward.    


"Don't dawdle, come with us!" Another policeman said coldly.    


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