Almighty System

C222 Competing to Become the Sect Leader

C222 Competing to Become the Sect Leader

1As soon as he left the danger zone, Du Dapeng immediately switched to another clone. What a joke! It was better for him not to risk his own life! Body Changing Talisman! Indeed, he had ten incredible life-saving techniques. Du Dapeng was not polite at all. He directly refined a large pile and distributed it to the people he cared about.     1


At this time, in the Martial Artist Wonderland, the Devil Sect suddenly wanted to run for the Sect Master position. This was really surprising. Du Dapeng and his brothers... Of course, they all knew about it. It was just for strategic considerations. There were still many things that Du Dapeng had yet to reveal. After all, today was different from the past.    


In the Heavenly Beast Forest, Du Dapeng was like a clone. One was in the outermost region, the other was in the deepest region, desperately trying to get out, and the outermost region was desperately trying to get in!    


This made Du Dapeng Yidam, who was in the Small Spirit Heaven, feel a little funny. "Mother, have you entered the Heavenly Beast Forest?"    


"No. Your father failed his tribulation, but he didn't really die. It was only after nine days of normal life that his consciousness fell into a state of chaos. After he finished explaining your matter, he was brought back to the Ancestral Court by Heavenly Beast Forest. As for me, I will quietly bring you to Cloud City. As for the rest of the matters... You know!"    


Liehshan Yunxia said as she held her son in her arms again. These days... She always liked to hug Du Dapeng, as if she was afraid that her son would disappear in the next moment. Poor parents in the world, after twenty years of separation, they would meet again. Her son already had enough strength to dominate the world.    


However, in the eyes of her parents, no matter how much she grew up, she would always be a child. As for Du Dapeng, he had lived two lives, and he was close to forty years old. Only then did he finally understand the feeling of having a mother. He felt that... This feeling was very good. He had to hold on to this feeling.    


And at this time, Du Dapeng's clone in the outer perimeter of Heavenly Beast Forest actually ran into a human!    


This made him feel very surprised. This place was about to enter the depths of the forest, but there was still a human here. Something was not right. He immediately concealed his figure and quietly approached. It was actually a small group of twelve people!    


This small team was the same as the adventure team that Du Dapeng saw in the outer region. It was the same beast skin skirt. Its dark and shiny skin made it look very valiant. However, there was a dark red tattoo on their upper left arm!    


It was an abstract hill and there was a ferocious tiger head on top of the hill!    


"What organization is this? I've never seen this symbol before."    


The small team was led by two large men in the middle stage of the Dao Slashing Stage. The rest were in the early stage of the Dao Slashing Stage. There were also a few people in the late stage of the Dao Sense Stage, such a strong team... Yet, they were able to act so secretively. This caused Du Dapeng to feel puzzled. He instinctively felt that there was something strange about this small team.    


"Big Brother, what do you think Lord Beast God is? What Divine Beast bloodline is he looking for? Can't he just go and capture that Du Dapeng? He has the Bi'an bloodline! "    


One of the leaders seemed to be a little impatient and started to complain. This made the big brother he was talking about frown, Are you stupid?    


Who was that Du Dapeng?    


Can an ordinary person catch him?    


Furthermore, as Hu Xiaotian's grandson, Heavenly Beast Forest would definitely keep an eye on him. Who would dare to catch him?    


That would make the Heavenly Beast Forest go completely crazy!    




The other burly man seemed to have failed to meet his expectations. He actually gave his younger brother an explosive chestplate. "Although we are going to seize the Divine Beast's bloodline, we are going in this time. Will the Divine Beast's bloodline be easily captured? It's already considered not bad to be able to catch a person with chaotic consciousness and barely manage to save his life! "    


" Big Brother's words are also very reasonable. But, aren't all those whose consciousness is in chaos concentrated in the deepest part? Are we really going to dive into the deepest part?"    


The twelve of them walked carefully in the small group. The two leaders talked in low voices, which scared Du Dapeng, who was in the middle of the table, to the point that he broke out in cold sweat!    


Someone was plotting against him?    


Also, according to what they said, Heavenly Beast Forest had been watching him all this time. That person from Heavenly Beast Forest?    


Who was it?    


Since this small group was going to enter the deepest part of the island, why not follow them in the dark?    


When Du Dapeng's clone made up his mind, the other clone that had just left the formation encountered a big problem. There were too many Ferocious Beasts!    


He had just left the formation, and after flying for ten miles, he actually ran into over a hundred Ferocious Beasts. The lowest cultivation base among them was at the Dao Listening Early Period!    


These Ferocious Beasts attacked whenever they saw someone, and when they saw other Ferocious Beast, they attacked as well. It was as if all those who entered their territory were treated as enemies. This forced Du Dapeng to be careful. He could feel it. Some of the places were hiding Dao Slashing Peak Great Perfection Ferocious Beast!    


Even if it was his true self, he could only use the Three Body Technique to turn himself into three. Three Dao Listening Middle Period warriors would definitely die if they were to fight a Dao Slashing Peak Great Perfection warrior!    


"There's something strange!"    


Du Dapeng muttered to himself and concealed his figure. He wanted to take a rough look, and it would be best if he could encounter a demon beast. He could see how his father was doing, but he never thought... He had walked for a few days and got lost... He could not tell the direction at all!    


At this moment, Du Dapeng's First Clone had already begun a great battle. Except for Du Dapeng himself, the competition for the position of the Devil Sect's Sect Master had begun. Liu Yihang, Dao Slashing Late Period, Gongyang Wuhui and Gongyang Wuhen. They were all at the great circle of the Mid Severing Dao, and there was also someone called Nangong Qing. He was Devil Dao Nangong's son, and he also had a Dao Slashing Late Period cultivation base!    


Du Dapeng had already analyzed the situation of these four opponents. In addition, in the arena, they had to fight in the same batch. He was not worried about anything. Du Dapeng was confident that he would be invincible in the same stage. Even the intermediate stage Dao Execution Liu Zhenyu had been turned into an old fool by him. He really didn't have anything to be afraid of.    


On this day, in the entire Martial Artist Wonderland, all the reputable people... Most of them were invited to attend the ceremony. In fact, it was Devil Dao Nangong who wanted to give Du Dapeng an identity, giving him the chance to fight for the position of Alliance Chief. Of course, Nangong understood this matter very well.    


In other words, if Du Dapeng met Nangong Qing, even if Nangong Qing wanted to go easy on him, he would still want Du Dapeng to win. But, it was just Brother Gongyang?    


It was hard to say. They were all elders of the Devil Sect, and they had contributed a lot to the establishment of the Devil Sect. As for Liu Yihang?    


He wanted to kill Du Dapeng and then kill him as soon as possible!    


Liu Yihang was Six Dao Devil Lord's biological son. Devil Dao Nangong had said that he would protect him, so of course he wouldn't kill him personally to curry favor with Du Dapeng. As for Du Dapeng, he didn't need Devil Dao Nangong's help. Of course, he had to take revenge himself!    


"Dong! Dong! Boom!"    


At dusk, the war drums rang nine times. In the Martial Practice Field of the Devil Sect. There was a hubbub of voices, and representatives from all sides had arrived. Among them, there were some legendary figures, two arenas, and five contestants. When the crowd noticed Du Dapeng's appearance, they couldn't help but be shocked. Martial artists! The people from the association were here to compete for the position of Sect Master of the Devil Sect?    


Not to mention the fact that almost everyone was not calm, there were even some respectable seniors. All of them had angry expressions on their faces. Nangong Shangren even scolded them directly, "Brat Dapeng? You are a member of the Martial Artist Association, but you are here to participate in the election for the Sect Master of Devil Sect. Are you betraying the Martial Artist Union? "    


"Haha! Seniors, don't blame the Fellow Daoist! I have a deep grudge with the Six Paths, and the child of the Six Paths... In the Devil Sect, however, Sect Leader Nangong of the Devil Sect... He doesn't want to go against the rules and hand over Liu Yihang, but he doesn't want to make things difficult for me either... I was eager to take revenge, so I decided to join the Devil Sect! This is my declaration to withdraw from the guild! "    


Du Dapeng threw out a beast skin scroll with a smile. He no longer paid attention to the reaction of the people from the Martial Artist Guild. He was really not afraid of anything.    


It was naturally impossible for an organization to join as they wished. It was just that the binding force came from the Human Clan Alliance. Now that the alliance had no leader, who would come and attack Du Dapeng?    


Was he tired of living?    


"Haha ~ ~ ~"    


Different from the dissatisfaction of the people from the Martial Artist Union, many people from the Devil Sect were laughing out loud. Who in the Martial Artist Wonderland did not know about Du Dapeng's power and influence?    


Which one of them didn't know?    


With such an expert joining the Devil Sect, the status of the Devil Sect had skyrocketed!    


"Humph! The so-called righteous path must have fallen completely. How could it allow the Devil Sect to openly recruit its people? What a huge joke! Hahahaha... "    


A grey haired old man, who was as thin as firewood, actually started to laugh in an exaggerated manner in the end. Du Dapeng recognized it. That old monster was called Meng Dejiu. He was the grand elder of the Corpse Refining Sect, who had achieved the great circle of Dao Execution for many years. He was also able to control all kinds of ghosts, evil and powerful!    


"Meng Dejiu? He really knows how to name himself!"    


Du Dapeng could only silently curse. In the previous world, there really was a person called Meng Dejiu!    


"Hmph! Brat Du! If you join the Devil Sect, you might as well join my Puppet Sect! I heard that you are very rich, and you also have some attainments in the field of puppets. Why don't we work together and build an army of Psychic Puppets? When the time comes, you can send out all your Nine Thousand Clones. We can even destroy the Devil Sect, let alone a mere 61 Airlines. "    


To Du Dapeng's surprise, a strange old monster had openly recruited him. This made him feel strange. That old monster also had the cultivation base of Dao Slashing Peak Great Perfection, but it was just him?    


He was truly a monster. He had a shiny bald head, a normal right arm, and a left leg, but his left arm and left leg were bronze!    


"I think this is the legendary senior who defeated thousands of hands?"    


Du Dapeng respectfully bowed to the old monster. The old monster immediately beamed with joy. "What's wrong? You have been moved?"    




The reaction of Thousand Hands made Du Dapeng not know whether to laugh or cry. "If I become the Sect Master of Devil Sect and join the Puppet Sect, won't you just let me become the Sect Master?"    




Meng Dejiu was startled when he saw Du Dapeng's shameless smile. "You are young and frivolous. I like it. If you join the Corpse Refining Sect, I will guarantee that you will become the Sect Master!"    




Seeing that Du Dapeng was flirting with a group of crooked people, the faces of the people from the Martial Artist Union turned ugly. Some of them even roared with disdain, "Shameless!"    


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