Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C660 Repent

C660 Repent

4After sending Chu Batian off, Du Qiang returned to the living room of the villa. He stared at the famous wine on the table, puzzled.     4


"Loong Fei is really unpredictable. Is he really doing well?"    


Du Qiang knew that the reason why Chu Batian was so polite to him was because he had a deep relationship with Loong Fei.    


Thinking back to what he had done, Du Qiang felt ashamed. After all, he had looked down on Loong Fei in the first place. He looked down on Loong Aotian, who was still a farmer in Qingshan Town.    


However, Loong Fei did not care about his past grudges. He had always treated him as his uncle. For Du Juaner's happiness, even Chu Batian was not afraid of offending him.    


Compared to the generous style of the Long family, Du Qiang felt ashamed of himself. If he had known that Loong Fei was so young and promising, he would not have acted so rashly to cancel the engagement.    


But now that things had come to this, Du Qiang knew that no matter what he said, it would not help because it was already too late for him to regret it.    


"What? Dad! Is what you said true?"    


Du Juaner immediately felt happy when she heard that she did not need to marry Chu Han. After all, she had never thought of marrying Chu Han.    


However, she knew that there was nothing she could do even if she did not want to. After all, Chu Batian's power was too strong. Even her father could only watch helplessly as she destroyed her happiness.    


"Of course it's true. Also, I'm going to be the district chief of Luofu Region tomorrow!"    


Du Qiang nodded. He was also excited in his heart. He had been feeling uneasy until he received the letter of appointment. He realized that Chu Batian was telling the truth.    


"Dad! Congratulations! "It seems like we are really lucky, but my daughter doesn't understand why Chu Batian suddenly changed his mind and treated us so well."    


Du Juaner was happy but also confused. After all, she knew very well that Chu Batian forced her father to agree to marry her to Chu Han.    


"That's right! I did not expect Chu Batian to be so polite to us, but I know that it was all because of Loong Fei!"    


Du Qiang was happy, but he would never forget that it was all because of Loong Fei. If it wasn't for Loong Fei, he wouldn't have been respected by Chu Batian.    


"Because of Loong Fei? Could it be that he really went to find Chu Batian and helped us out?"    


Du Juaner did not expect that she could choose her own life again because of Loong Fei's help.    


"Yes, it's him! Back then, we really misjudged him. I also did not expect that he would have such great ability!"    


Du Qiang said with regret. Although he did not know what Loong Fei was doing now, from Chu Batian's performance, Loong Fei was undoubtedly more powerful than Chu Batian.    


"I really didn't expect that he would help us when we treat him like this!"    


Du Juaner also felt incomparably guilty. Thinking back to the first time Loong Fei met her, she did not even look at him properly.    


"Juaner, when we meet Loong Fei in the future, we have to be polite to him. No matter what, his father and I are sworn brothers! Now that I know I was wrong, I will go and apologize to Brother Long later!"    


Du Qiang said in shame. He thought back to twenty years ago. If Loong Aotian had not risked his life to save him on the battlefield, he was afraid that he would have died on the battlefield. There would be a chance for him to live to this day.    


However, Du Qiang was blinded by benefits. He had lost his mind and even did something ungrateful. Now, he finally knew how to repent.    


"Dad! I know! Don't worry. When I see him again, I will definitely thank him in person!"    


Du Juaner also felt guilty. In the morning, Loong Fei took the initiative to help her, but because of her arrogance, she did not show Loong Fei any good feelings.    


"Juaner, if there is a chance, I am saying that even if there is a chance, I hope you can keep Loong Fei and marry him. It is not shameful at all!"    


Du Qiang said with a bit of imagination. After all, in his opinion, Loong Fei could be said to have risen above everyone else. Even Chu Batian was afraid of him. How awe-inspiring was that?    


"Dad, you can't force your feelings. Don't mention it anymore!"    


Du Juaner tried to persuade him, but she was very sure of Loong Fei in her heart. Loong Fei was indeed a good man.    


"No wonder Lu Xueyao would be his girlfriend. It seems like I really made a mistake back then."    


Du Juaner guessed in her heart. Thinking that Loong Fei was very outstanding, it was reasonable for Lu Xueyao, such a beautiful school flower, to fall in love with him.    


Just when Du Qiang changed his view of Loong Fei, he even wanted to find an opportunity to repay Loong Fei's kindness. However, Loong Fei did not give him a chance.    


Three days later, it was time for Loong Fei to leave the Jinghai City and head to the Combat God Academy. Even Loong Fei didn't expect that he would return to the Jinghai City. In less than half a year, he would have to leave his hometown.    


"Loong Fei, are you really going to leave?"    


Lu Xueyao said reluctantly. Although Loong Fei had promised to come back soon, she did not want to be separated from Loong Fei for a moment.    


"Yes. When the time comes, we will naturally leave. But don't worry, I will come back soon."    


Loong Fei comforted her. However, he did not know when he could come back and see the beautiful girl in front of him.    


"Loong Fei is going to study. Don't be so sad. Besides, technology is so advanced now. It won't be easy to meet her."    


Mo Shuang also tried to persuade him. What she said was not wrong at all. With the development of modern technology, meeting them was just a matter of minutes.    


"That's right. I'm going to learn. It's not like I'm going to war on the front lines. Why do I feel so sad?"    


Loong Fei agreed, but he knew that going to the War God Academy of Black Eagle Organization was no different than going to the front line to fight a war.    


"Loong Fei, don't you want us to take you to the airport?"    


Lin Yichun was also reluctant to part with Loong Fei. Although she was prepared to part ways with Loong Fei, she did not expect this moment to come so quickly.    


"No need. I am not a three-year-old. I need you guys to trouble me!"    


Loong Fei waved his hand and said disapprovingly, but he hoped Lin Yichun and Lu Xueyao could see him off.    


However, this trip to the War God Academy could be considered a secret operation, so Loong Fei would not let them send him off.    


"Mo Shuang, I'll leave them to you. Remember to protect them and send them to the Battle Dragon Team base as soon as possible."    


Before leaving, Loong Fei called Mo Shuang aside and instructed her.    


"I know. I really didn't know you would worry about them like this. If you say you don't like them, I won't believe you!"    


Mo Shuang nodded. She knew what Loong Fei was going to do next would affect the safety of the country. So she would do her best to help Loong Fei take care of everything.    


"You must also be careful. I hope that when I return to the Battle Dragon Team, you can personally welcome my return!"    


Loong Fei smiled proudly. After all, when he returned to the Battle Dragon Team, it would be the time for him to become the captain again and regain his honor.    


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