Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C79 Identity Confidential

C79 Identity Confidential

4When Loong Fei said this, a trace of killing intent unconsciously appeared on his face. However, it was already late and there was not enough light in the car, so Liu Suyun did not notice the killing intent on Loong Fei's face.    


Compared to Sunn Bing, Loong Fei had once faced a truly ruthless character. Those international drug lords who killed people like flies, those mercenaries who could do anything for money, were not a hundred or even a thousand times more ruthless than Sunn Bing.    


However, in Loong Fei's eyes, these people could not be considered ruthless. Therefore, there was no need to mention Sunn Bing, who was in the underworld.    


"You really have a big tone. What did you do in the past? "    


Hearing Loong Fei's arrogant words, Liu Suyun really had an illusion. That was Loong Fei's temperament. It was almost the same as Lu Wenshan twenty years ago.    


Back then, when Lu Wenshan first made a name for himself in Jinghai City, he relied on his fearless and domineering aura. After twenty years, many rich and powerful people would feel fear when they heard the name Lu Wenshan.    


"He is a soldier, and he is a logistics soldier who raises pigs. I didn't know he had the courage to say such things."    


Lu Xueyao said first. Although Loong Fei's identity was very ordinary, the more ordinary he was, the more Lu Xueyao felt that Loong Fei was extremely arrogant. This kind of arrogant look was especially manly.    


"He is a narcissist. Grandma Wang is boasting about herself. She thinks so highly of herself. It is as if nothing in the world can trouble him and no one can make him afraid."    


Lin Yichun agreed with Loong Fei. At the beginning, she was very disgusted by Loong Fei's self-righteous attitude.    


But for some reason, after these two days of interaction, she had gradually accepted Loong Fei like this. It was because she realized that Loong Fei dared to be so arrogant because he indeed had his own abilities.    


"A soldier? No wonder you are so skilled. But judging from your skills, you shouldn't be just a logistics soldier who feeds pigs, right?"    


Liu Suyun was an experienced woman, so she was very suspicious of Loong Fei's identity. After all, a pig soldier was not that powerful.    


"He is really just a logistics soldier who raises pigs. It's just that other than raising pigs, I also practice martial arts in order to become a true defense soldier one day."    


However, he knew in his heart that he was not just a logistics soldier who feeds pigs, but a famous Ultimate Soldier King in Huaxia.    


In eight years, Loong Fei had turned from a young man to a Ultimate Soldier King. Only Loong Fei himself knew how difficult it was, and he should be grateful to his father, Loong Aotian.    


If it wasn't for his stubborn temper, if it wasn't to prove to his father that he wasn't useless, he would at most be an ordinary border guard.    


Thinking back to the bitterness and bitterness of the past eight years, Loong Fei felt that his efforts were worth it, especially at the moment when he obtained the military medal. There was nothing to replace the glory of protecting the country.    


"I didn't expect you to be so ambitious. What about you now? Why don't you stay in the Defense Division?"    


Liu Suyun praised. She was also very concerned about Loong Fei's current situation. After all, in her eyes, Loong Fei was Lu Xueyao's boyfriend. She would naturally help Lu Wenshan observe Loong Fei and check for Lu Xueyao.    


"Sigh! There's no helping it. It's all tears. I don't really know how to raise pigs. So I retired from the army. I just returned to Jinghai City!"    


Loong Fei pretended to sigh and said. However, he knew in his heart that he was the Ultimate Soldier King of Battle Dragon Team. He would never tell anyone about his identity, not even his parents.    


"Has he retired? What do you plan to do now?"    


Liu Suyun asked with concern. When she thought of Loong Fei's good skills, she immediately had an idea. That was to train Loong Fei and let him work for her. Maybe he could become her left and right arms.    


"I'm just waiting for work. I don't know what to do."    


Loong Fei hurriedly said because he did not want Liu Suyun to know that he was Lin Yichun's bodyguard. After all, that would expose Lin Yichun's identity.    


"Waiting for work? Then have you thought about what you want to do?"    


When Liu Suyun heard that Loong Fei was waiting for work, she was immediately delighted because she had found a way to solve the problem of Sunn Bing.    


"Hehe! I haven't thought about it yet, but I've heard people say that I'm handsome, so if I really can't find a job, I can go and be a male model. I believe there will be a rich woman or something like me!"    


Loong Fei smiled proudly and his words made Lin Yichun and Lu Xueyao immediately roll their eyes. They thought that this kid actually dared to make such a joke in front of Ms. Hua.    


"Haha, can you still be a little more promising? With your skills, you can do anything but be a male model. Could it be that you are willing to spend a woman's money?"    


Liu Suyun knew that Loong Fei was joking, but she said it bluntly because she did not like beating around the bush and would say anything.    


"Ms. Hua, spending a woman's money is also a kind of ability. If possible, I can't wait to spend a woman's money every day!"    


When Loong Fei said this, Lin Yichun felt a wave of disdain in her heart because she felt that Loong Fei would definitely dare to spend a woman's money. The one million that her father gave him was less than a day and he already spent more than a hundred thousand. She did not even see his heart ache.    


"To be honest, Loong Fei, are you interested in working with me? I guarantee that you will have a very high income."    


Liu Suyun naturally did not believe that a man with a sense of justice like Loong Fei would really be a male model. However, she agreed with Loong Fei's words. If Loong Fei really wanted to be a male model, he would not have to worry about not having money to eat.    


"Really? Ms. Hua, what can I do with you? Do you want me to be a male model at your Crown Entertainment Club?"    


Loong Fei said with interest because he knew there were male models in the Crown Club in the underground bar.    


And the team of models in the Crown Entertainment Club. There were about forty to fifty of them, and these male models were all under Ms. Hua's jurisdiction.    


"Go to my place and be a male model. Aren't you afraid of stealing my boys' rice bowls? I asked you to work with me, so I naturally have other things to do."    


Liu Suyun thought about asking Loong Fei to work for her, so she had already decided what she wanted Loong Fei to do. However, since Loong Fei did not agree, she naturally would not say the exact details.    


"Other things? What is it?"    


Loong Fei guessed and asked. In fact, he had a guess in his heart. Could it be that she wanted him to be a hired thug? Usually, a woman like Liu Suyun did not have many hired thugs around her. No one would believe it if they told others.    


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