Invincible Son-in-law

C120 Xiao Ge's Brain Got Wet from the Rain

C120 Xiao Ge's Brain Got Wet from the Rain

1This beautiful girl was Qin Feiya. When she heard Silly Girl call her that again, she actually did not get angry. Instead, she nodded her head and still smiled very sweetly, "Yes, I got a little rain."    3


Xiao Ge immediately felt relieved, "No wonder. You really got your brain spoiled by the rain."    


"Damn Xiao Ge, you are the one whose brain got wet by the rain!" Qin Feiya glared at Xiao Ge. "Hey, come in quickly!"    


Xiao Ge walked in and closed the door. "Silly Girl, if your brain is not damaged, why are you smiling so happily?"    


"I am happy. What do you care?" Qin Feiya snorted and turned around to walk into the villa.    


"There is definitely a problem." Xiao Ge muttered to himself and followed.    


After entering the living room of the villa, Xiao Ge looked around and did not see Qin Ruoxi. He found that the decoration of the villa was quite good. Although it was not luxurious, it gave people a warm and comfortable feeling.    


"Hey, follow me!" Qin Feiya shouted at Xiao Ge and then walked to the second floor.    


"What are you doing?" Xiao Ge followed her up the stairs, but he was a little confused. "Where is Ms Ruoxi?"    


"Mom is preparing lunch in the kitchen. She told us not to disturb her. I'll take you to your room first." Qin Feiya said as she took out a string of keys and passed it to Xiao Ge. " These are the keys to our door and your room. Take them first!"    


Xiao Ge did not hesitate at all and immediately took the key. Although he did not intend to stay here, he had the key. It meant that he could come at any time, even if he appeared in Qin Ruoxi's room in the middle of the night. He could also find a proper reason.    


He went to the second floor and made a turn. Qin Feiya stopped at the door of a room.    


"This is your room. Open the door!" Qin Feiya said to Xiao Ge.    


Xiao Ge pushed the door open and found the door was locked. He took out the key he had just gotten, opened the door, and walked in.    


He saw a very big round bed in front of him. It was obviously a bedroom. But this bedroom was quite big, even bigger than the entire apartment in Ningcheng University. There was a computer in the corner, and on the wall hung a large television of at least 50 inches. In addition, there was also a very large closet and a small sofa. Next to the sofa, there was also a small coffee table.    


He opened the closet, but there was a small door leading to a bathroom inside. Looking at the big bathtub in the bathroom, Xiao Ge had the urge to stay there. He looked into the mirror and then said to himself, "I am getting more and more handsome!"    


At this moment, Qin Feiya's voice came from outside. "Huh? Damn Xiao Ge, was this your childhood? I couldn't tell that you were quite cute when you were young. Why are you so ugly now?"    


" Silly Girl, your appreciation level is really the same as your IQ. It's too bad! " Xiao Ge casually said, but then he felt a little strange. "How do you know that I was very cute when I was young?"    


After walking out of the bathroom, Xiao Ge looked at Qin Feiya and immediately knew the answer. On the wall over there, there were dozens of photos. Two of them were very big, and they were placed side by side. One of them was his current appearance, and the other was... It was actually Qin Feiya's appearance. Around these two big photos, 36 smaller photos were pasted into a heart shape.    


In these 36 photos, there were 18 pictures of Xiao Ge and Qin Feiya. Under each picture, the age was indicated. It happened to be from one year old to 18 years old, and one every year.    


"I'm still the prettiest when I was young!" Qin Feiya looked at her own photos and was a little proud.    


"It may not be good when you are young, so you are not beautiful now." Xiao Ge casually replied.    


"You are the one who is young. You were so cute when you were young. Now you are so annoying!" Qin Feiya retorted. She pointed at the picture of Xiao Ge when he was one year old. "Look, you are so cute at this time. Huh? What's on your neck? It looks like a key, and it's shining with golden light! "    


" That's a gold key. " Xiao Ge looked emotional. "I am the legendary man who was born with a gold key!"    


"Tsk, what gold key, copper key!" Qin Feiya looked like she did not believe him, and then she started to complain again. "Why did Mom post our photos like this? I don't know when she did it. I didn't even see it when I came in last time. No wonder she locked the room. "    


"This room was originally very good, and I almost wanted to stay here. However, after seeing these photos, I'm determined not to stay here anymore. " Xiao Ge shook his head. "Every day when I look at your photos and sleep, I will definitely have nightmares."    


"Hmph, I will let you have nightmares every night. Becoming a demon in your dreams will scare you to death!" Qin Feiya glared at Xiao Ge fiercely and secretly gritted her teeth in her heart. This damn hooligan was still so detestable. In the future, she must punish him properly!    


"Forget about being a demon, I like pretty female demons." Xiao Ge casually said.    


"Hey, the black circle on your left hand, is it a bracelet?" Qin Feiya was still studying Xiao Ge's photo when she suddenly exclaimed. She was very surprised. "It's so strange. You wore a bracelet when you were one year old. It looked to be the right size. Why is it still the same size when you were nineteen?"    


"You don't even understand this?" Xiao Ge looked at Qin Feiya. "It is really worthy of Silly Girl!"    


"Then what do you think is going on?" Qin Feiya asked angrily.    


"It's very simple. The bracelet will also grow!" Xiao Ge said casually.    


"Bullsh * t. The bracelet is not human. How can it grow?" Qin Feiya finally could not stand it anymore. This damn Xiao Ge really hated it all the time. Before seeing this guy, she was quite happy because she felt that she could mess with this guy. But after seeing this guy for less than a few minutes, she was once again annoyed by this guy and couldn't be happy anymore.    


"Silly Girl, have you never heard that everything has a spirit? The bracelet is not a human, but it can also grow." Xiao Ge's body fell backwards and laid on the round bed. "Wu, this bed is really soft!"    


"You make it sound weird. I think you are suitable to be a fraud!" Qin Feiya glared at Xiao Ge. "Hey, get up. I will bring you around to familiarize yourself with this place. Otherwise, you will run around!"    


Xiao Ge immediately jumped up from the bed. It was necessary to familiarize himself with this place. When the time came, he could run around aimlessly. For example, he could accidentally run into Qin Ruoxi's room.    


Ten minutes later, Xiao Ge, who had already found out Qin Ruoxi's bedroom location as he wished, followed Qin Feiya back to the living room on the first floor. He found that Qin Ruoxi had already walked out of the kitchen and looked a little anxious.    


"Xiao Ge, Yaya, you guys stay at home and play for a while. I have something to do and need to go out for a while." Seeing the two of them, Qin Ruoxi immediately said.    


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