Supreme King In City

C1965 Sea of Fire

C1965 Sea of Fire

4"Hu Chi!"    4


Chu Hee and the Little Golden Dragon entered the Geocentric Prison at almost the same time, and they only felt a ball of flames rush towards them, as if it was going to burn all of their hair.    


This state made Chu Hee and the Little Golden Dragon unable to stay calm. Immediately, they merged into one, and the golden dragon directly turned into a golden light, completely merging into Chu Hee's body. A kind of unreasonable strength directly attacked the flame in front of him.    


All of the power exploded out and the flames instantly extinguished quite a bit, turning into a vacuum zone. Chu Hee calmed down a little and was able to clearly see everything around him.    


The surroundings were still a sea of fire, but every type of flame seemed to reveal a faint azure color. The azure blue flames carried a type of devouring power, obviously much stronger than the Strength of Flame outside!    


Even though Chu Hee had activated the Primal Chaos Fire Source that he had, he could still feel his body being surrounded by the flames as if he was on top of charcoal. The excruciating pain made him unable to calm down.    


"Little Hee, the flames here at least have the power of the Primal Chaos Fire Source. If we were to completely take back the Chaos Fire, it might not be that easy!"    


The golden dragon had already sent a sound transmission to Chu Hee, as if it could already identify the origins of the Strength of Flame.    


Chu Hee was also able to feel the difference. His gaze was serious as he guarded against everything around him. From his palm, Spiritual Force s kept whizzing out. He tried his best to break through all the incoming Strength of Flame s!    


However, looking at the situation they were in, with their current situation, they could only barely defend themselves. It would not be easy to find the Chaos Fire's essence fire from the flames!    


"Since there is power of control within the Geocentric Prison, there is naturally an enormous suppression towards Chaos Fire as well. Although these flames are indeed strong, they are far from being as strong as the Primal Chaos Fire Source that I control. Furthermore, with all of our powers merged together, there is still a glimmer of hope! "    


Chu Hee, on the other hand, was extremely calm. The Perceptual Strength had already spread out under his control, and the light seemed to have covered everything, searching for the source of the Chaos Fire from within the flames!    


They all knew in their hearts that it was extremely difficult for Chaos Fire to be controlled, but if they could find the origin of the Chaos Fire's essence, then everything would become much easier!    


As long as one could control the origin of the essence, then it was equivalent to controlling the Chaos Fire. But even so, wanting to obtain the origin of the essence, one would still need to pay a huge price, and it might not even be easy!    


Chu Hee's strong Perceptual Strength was wrapped by the blue colored flames and formed a powerful attacking force that quickly spread and searched within the flames.    


This Geocentric Prison was not that big, and with Chu Hee's probing, he quickly found the origin of the Chaos Fire's essence. At the center of the gathering of the flames, there was also a ball of blue-green flame that was like a candle flame. Although it was burning slowly and without any movement, the terrifying power that it was emitting, even Chu Hee's Perceptual Strength, immediately dissipated as if it was hit by an attack.    


"It looks like there's going to be a tough battle coming up!"    


Since Chu Hee's Perceptual Strength had already found the source of this Essence, there was no longer any reservation. Both of his fists were swung out fiercely, wanting to create a channel in this sea of fire.    


A powerful force charged forward recklessly. Although the flames in front of them possessed the same level of power, they were unable to withstand the attacks from Chu Hee and the others after Chu Hee and the others had completely merged with them. In the sea of fire, the flames were forcibly separated into two sides, while Chu Hee's figure slowly moved forward.    


Even though he could feel that their location was not too far away from the origin of the essence, it would still take them some time to reach such a speed!    


There seemed to be a tiny thread in the boundless sea of fire, forming a golden channel that was different in color from the flame. Although the passage was extremely narrow, and Chu Hee was moving slowly like a tiny ant, the sea of fire that filled the sky was still unable to swallow him!    


Chu Hee walked towards the center of the flame bit by bit. Although he was staggering, every step he took seemed to have a unique stubbornness, as if no amount of power could stop him!    


As he went deeper and deeper, it was as if a faint flame was burning around his body. Even his hair seemed to be fluttering from the flame's power. However, a layer of golden light was protecting the top of his head, preventing the flames from harming him at all …    


Chu Hee silently walked forward, but his face was twisted and in pain. Although his body wasn't directly burnt by the flames, a kind of intense pain deeply stimulated all of his senses, making him want to scream out in rage at any moment! Although this urge was suppressed by him and a trace of clarity still remained in Chu Hee's mind, he knew that this road was indeed extremely difficult. Whether or not he could reach the end all depended on his will!    


It was as if all his defenses had turned into instinct, and even though the Little Golden Dragon was wrapped around his arm, that gold light seemed to be flickering non-stop. Even though it had already dimmed down by a lot, it still did not have any intention of extinguishing. Obviously, under Chu Hee's influence, the Little Golden Dragon also seemed to have an absolute willpower. It did not change at all and continued to form its final line of defense!    


At the end, Chu Hee seemed to be completely burnt by the flames, turning into a man made of fire. Step by step, he merged with each other and approached the blue flame in the middle.    


Chu Hee's eyes seemed to emit a violent power. That sharp light seemed to be able to cut a part of the flames in front of him. He could clearly see the bluish-blue ball of fire, and he extended his hand to grab at the bluish-blue ball of fire!    


Success or failure depended on it in one move. If he could control the origin of the Chaos Fire, it meant that he could control the Chaos Fire s within the Geocentric Prison as well. This sea of flames would be under his control, and only then would he have the true strength to break out from the Geocentric Prison!    


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