Supreme King In City

C168 Big Trouble

C168 Big Trouble

3Chu Hee read the letter three times, and when all the contents in his heart made Chu Hee completely understand, his face turned serious as he muttered to himself: "This is really troublesome!"     1


This letter was personally written by Chen Shuang, one of the main marshals, and his goal was to eliminate Chu Group Group and kill Chu Hee! He would directly kill his opponent in the growth stage!    


Obviously, this Chen Shuai was the backer of General Jiang and was very dissatisfied with Chu Hee using Jiang Ping to establish his own reputation. Although he didn't do anything obvious before, deep down, he wanted to kill Chu Hee!    


If it wasn't because of this accident, Chu Hee would never know that there was such a strong threat hidden in this case!    


Although a general held an extraordinary status within the empire, in Chu Hee's opinion, with his current strength, even if he killed a general, it would not cause too much trouble. At least after killing Jiang Ping, he could solve all the problems. However, he didn't expect that there would be such a big problem hidden in this case!    


The strength a general possessed was merely on the surface. The strength they possessed was only the low-level Body of Spirit Tempering of cultivators. But a marshal was different!    


In the entire empire, a commander-in-chief was equivalent to a powerful cultivator. According to Chu Hee's previous investigations, it could be roughly guessed that the strength of the four commander-in-chiefs were all at the True Body realm! Although he had now entered the realm of Body of Spirit Tempering level 8, in front of a True Body level expert, he was like a baby that could be casually crushed by them!    


If they did not care about their status and directly attacked him, he would not be able to resist at all! After all, he did not have any background or influence right now. He did not have any backing that the four great marshals were afraid of! Therefore, there were two entirely different situations to deal with a marshal and a general!    


Thus, this discovery was very timely. If it wasn't for his habit of collecting the storage spirit artifacts of these cultivators, he probably wouldn't have discovered this secret at all! Even Jiang Cheng didn't use the name of Chen Shuang to intimidate him! If he hadn't discovered it himself, they would still be in the dark!    


Chu Hee looked through his storage jade bracelet of holding once again. However, he didn't find anything useful in his jade bracelet of holding. It was as if his jade bracelet was poorer than Jiang Feng's! Of course, there was still some money inside. However, these things were not of much use to Chu Hee! At least it didn't have too much temptation!    


After a simple look, Chu Hee kept everything back. He had not noticed Marshal Chen's movements before, but now that he realized something like this, he had to respond as soon as possible! After all, there was no mistake in preparing beforehand!    


"Xiaojian, I'll give this Jiang Cheng's storage bracelet to you!" I see that you don't have any storage treasures, and this thing is suitable for girls to wear in the first place! "    


Chu Hee walked out of the room with the bracelet of holding. After seeing Xiaojian, he directly passed the bracelet of holding to him.    


Xiaojian was slightly surprised, but he was overjoyed after being stunned! She had always thought that she was someone saved by Chu Hee, so she had never dared to ask for anything. Although she was extremely envious of those storage spirit artifacts, she had never imagined that Chu Hee could give her one, much less thought that Chu Hee would take this matter to heart! So this surprise came as a surprise!    


"Help me take care of my parents at home and contact Xiaoshan as soon as possible. Don't go out randomly during this period of time, lest some accident happens!"    


Chu Hee instructed Xiaojian before disappearing from the spot. Back then, he had made an agreement with Elder Qian to support each other. Now that something like this had occurred, in order to prevent any unforeseen events, he had to make them take action as well! After all, not every one of the four marshals shared the same heart as Chen Shuai! What's more, Elder Qian and Jiang Ping were not on good terms. The reason why Elder Qian was able to fall out with Jiang Ping was probably not because of him, but because of someone behind his back! And his backer, was the person who restricted Chen Shuang!    


If this big trouble wasn't solved, Chu Hee wouldn't be able to relax no matter what. After all, the commander-in-chiefs of an empire were against them and they had no background. As long as the commander-in-chief casually nodded and gave some instructions, it would bring them countless troubles! Chu Hee did not want to be caught in this vicious circle, he had to find someone to restrain him, so that he would not dare to act against him or the Chu Group Group. That was the most important thing!    


Once he grows up to his full strength and possesses great power that even the marshal is afraid of, Chu Hee will no longer be afraid of him! It didn't matter what attitude they had! After all, he already had the strength to be on par with them. Even if they wanted to take action, they would need to be fearful!    


For Chu Hee, the trade-off wasn't that hard to make!    


Xiaojian's heart was moved. Although he was curious, he did not ask much when he saw Chu Hee walking in such a hurry. She understood that something must have happened to make Chu Hee act like this. Otherwise, according to Chu Hee's usual disposition, he would not be in such a hurry, and would appear to be a little nervous!    


After Chu Hee opened his villa, he rushed straight to the Qian Family's courtyard. Although he was strong enough to barge into the Qian Family, he still stopped in front of the Chu Family Courtyard. He didn't make any movements, and only reported to the guards like a normal person, telling them to go report it!    


Although he didn't know how much power the Qian Family possessed, Chu Hee could feel that they were able to maintain their current status not only because of their power, but also because of the presence of a strong presence in this compound! It was a power that was not weaker than his own!    


It was obvious that each of these noble families had a hand in cultivating immortality! Under normal circumstances, these cultivators wouldn't be willing to act rashly. However, if a powerful cultivator invaded the clan, they definitely wouldn't ignore it! Therefore, if he were to forcefully barge in at this time, it would result in some unnecessary misunderstandings. After all, they had merely cooperated a little before and did not have much relationship with each other! Furthermore, no matter what happened, Chu Hee would never believe that they could be friends forever!    


In the world of cultivators, any friendship was hypocritical, and involved more than anything else!    


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