Urban Strongest System

C75 Infantile Trick

C75 Infantile Trick

3In the afternoon, after school, Luo Ning walked on the school path alone. He soon noticed an unusual gaze. The super sixth sense made him very alert.     1


Luo Ning stopped and turned around slowly. There was no one behind him, but through his glasses, Luo Ning could clearly see the group of people hiding behind the wall. Mo Zihao and Luo Tian were among them.    


"What are these guys trying to do now?" Luo Ning was puzzled.    


Luo Ning continued to walk forward.    


Mo Zihao took out his phone and whispered: "Begin implementing plan A."    


Luo Tian leaned out half of his body, pointed the camera in his hand at Luo Ning and started recording.    


Suddenly, a soccer ball rolled towards Luo Ning. Luo Ning was still wondering what these guys were going to do, so it turned out to be like this.    


Today, Faang Jianshan had just made those weird rules for Luo Ning, and it was taken advantage of by Luo Tian's group.    


As long as Luo Ning's foot can touch the ball twice, he can say goodbye to Luo Ning completely! Those who fought against Luo Ning looked at the football that was about to hit Luo Ning's right foot with incomparable excitement.    


Luo Ning was really convinced by that bunch of guys. Who would fall for his trick? With a stride, Luo Ning managed to roll away the football from between his feet.    


Mo Zihao gritted his teeth, "Damn, plan B! "Go!"    


A soccer ball slowly rolled towards Luo Ning. Then a few people stood in the distance and shouted to Luo Ning: "Buddy, please kick the ball over here. Thank you."    


Luo Tian thought Luo Ning would kick him subconsciously. The camera in his hand trembled in excitement as his plan was about to succeed.    


What Luo Ning did next surprised them greatly. Luo Ning picked up the soccer ball and threw it at Luo Ning. Then, he continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.    


Luo Ning suddenly felt that this road seemed to be exceptionally long today.    


Luo Ning could still feel the malicious gazes behind him, which meant that those people were still following him. He sighed gloomily and muttered, "What other tricks do they have up their sleeves?"    


Mo Zihao held his phone tightly and said while holding back his anger: "Plan C! Throw it at me! "    


Luo Ning's attention was focused behind him, so when several people rushed out from in front of him and threw a soccer ball at him, he panicked a little.    


When the football hit Luo Ning, it was neither painful nor itchy. On the other hand, Luo Ning's feet had never played football before.    


Luo Ning looked at the few people in front of him coldly. Those people were immediately trembling in fear. This was the god of death, Luo Ning!    


Luo Ning didn't care about it. After all, these tricks were too childish. If it was true, then Luo Ning felt that his IQ was on the same level as theirs.    


The three plans that Mo Zihao had hastily made all failed. With a glimmer of hope, he asked Luo Tian, who was in charge of recording, "Did you get anything useful?"    


Luo Tian played the video back and his eyes lit up, "Look, Luo Ning's foot touched a soccer ball. Does this count as a kick?"    


Then, everyone fell into a short silence. Mo Zihao said, "It seems like it was too reluctant. Let's go back and discuss further."    


After the malicious intent disappeared, Luo Ning was relieved. Those people really did do whatever they wanted. They actually wanted to use those kind of school rules to deal with him.    


In the evening, in a basement near Long Stop Street, a sneaky figure lightly knocked on the door.    


That person was the man with the cigarette that scared the hell out of Luo Ning not long ago.    


"Puppies? "Come in." As soon as the gatekeeper saw that it was him, he undid the chain that was attached to the metal door.    


The basement room was dark. Two yellow chandeliers glowed eerily on the ceiling, and there was a faint smell of smoke in the damp air. There was a silver square table with three menacing men smoking cigarettes and playing cards.    


When the puppy saw the person sitting in the middle, it was as if it saw its backer. It quickly walked over, it was its boss, he just came back this afternoon, and the dog couldn't wait to tell its boss about the grievances it suffered last night.    


The eldest had a green tiger tattooed on the left side of his face, which he called "Elder Brother Hu." Elder Brother Hu wore two gold rings on his thumb, his nails were yellow and black, his hair was disheveled as if it had not been washed for days, and there was a scar on the right side of his eye.    


Elder Brother Hu's mouth twitched, revealing his rotten black teeth. He only had two cards left in his hand.    


Elder Brother Hu raised his eyes and looked at the other two proudly. Then, he slammed the cards onto the table.    


"Blast Wang!"    


Seeing that the fight was over, the little mutt immediately went forward and began to complain, "Big brother, we got someone to do it!"    




"Someone did it!"    


"Who did it?" Elder Brother Hu slammed the table with all his might, causing the cards to fly into the air.    


"I don't know."    


"Where is he?" Elder Brother Hu's expression turned uglier and uglier.    


"I don't know either."    


Elder Brother Hu turned around and stared at the puppy with a stern expression.    


The little mutt felt guilty, so he lowered his head and said aggrievedly, "That guy even said that the street is his territory. He doesn't even put you in his eyes."    


"Damn!" So arrogant? "    


Elder Brother Hu shouted, "What are you standing there for? Go get him for me! I'd like to see who dares to touch my people with no regards for their lives. "    


The puppy was so excited that he immediately set off for the long stop.    


That's why everyone was willing to follow him. Besides his ruthlessness, Elder Brother Hu was able to dominate a side because he had a secret weapon that any boss would see go away!    


Elder Brother Hu said that he used to be a member of an organization, but he was fired because he violated the rules. At the beginning, they didn't believe him, but when Elder Brother Hu took out that thing, they believed him.    


A year ago, Elder Brother Hu became the new boss of this place. He was domineering and had no scruples, even if there was something he had to deal with, it would be his lackeys who would take care of it.    


The puppies gathered a group of people, but the sea of people was vast. Where could they go to find a armored warrior?    


The little dog was quite quick-witted, leading people to Xia Yu's restaurant.    


Xia Yu had thought that these people were already scared of being beaten up yesterday, but who would have thought that they would come again.    


The puppy angrily took a chair and sat down. It glared at Xia Yu and said, "Call that guy over here last night. If not, I'll smash this damn place of yours!"    


The people around the puppy stopped looking at Xia Yu when they saw her.    


Xia Yu was dressed in very simple and fashionable clothes, appearing completely different from the other girls around. The most important thing was that she was very pretty, with a good figure. She was not much different from the female anchors on the live broadcast who could make their blood boil.    


Xia Yu also wanted to know that person! She also wanted to get in touch with that person! The problem was that she didn't even know the man from last night, let alone know if she could get in touch with him.    


At this moment, Luo Ning was still reciting. Suddenly, a surveillance picture appeared in front of his glasses. It was the restaurant from last night. It didn't seem right to see the situation inside.    


"The relevant personnel seem to have received their revenge." the instructor said.    


Luo Ning used this as an excuse to go to the toilet, then sneaked out of the school and immediately rushed towards the direction of the long stop street.    


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