Urban Strongest System

C102 Prove Yourself

C102 Prove Yourself

1"Strange, all these years, Master Ming Jing has never tripped over a doorstep before. How did he fall down the street tonight?"    2


"Master Ming Jing is definitely going to leave. That's why he's reluctant to leave, so he's not focusing."    


"So does anyone know why Master Ming Jing wants to leave the Mindao Temple?"    


"I don't know."    


"I'm not sure."    




F * ck me! Master Ming Jing cursed. He propped himself up on the ground with both hands and lifted his face covered in dust. He felt a sharp pain in his nose and then he licked his lips. There was a salty taste in his mouth.    


It was a nosebleed!    


It was indeed not a good place to stay! Master Ming Jing knew that retribution was coming. Luo Ning's curse was coming! A bloody disaster!    


Master Ming Jing became increasingly nervous. He didn't know if he could safely leave this terrifying city and escape Luo Ning's clutches.    


Master Ming Jing felt very uneasy and went down the mountain overnight. On the way, he got kicked by his feet in panic and then rolled down.    


Master Ming Hui and the group of monks came to see Master Ming Jing off. When the sound of his footsteps gradually faded away, they were about to turn back when Master Ming Jing's screams suddenly came from the silent mountain.    


When everyone arrived, Master Ming Jing was lying in a pool of blood as he wailed in pain.    


Master Ming Jing was severely injured and hospitalized.    


Late at night, Luo Ning contacted all eyes news media anonymously. It was the largest news media in Zeng and if they were to report on it, it would not be a problem to publicize it.    


After receiving Luo Ning's anonymous phone call, the Editor-in-Chief of the mass news immediately summoned the staff all night and sent his best reporter, Jiang Qingyun, to the office.    


Jiang Qingyun was a typical straight and black haired beauty. She was a very famous journalist of the Internet and was also a signature journalist of the public news.    


Jiang Qingyun's excited mood had never stopped ever since she received the phone call. On the contrary, she was getting more and more excited.    


Ever since she had become a big reporter, Jiang Qingyun had been working for celebrities on the Eight Trigrams News program. It was very boring.    


After the mysterious person appeared, Jiang Qingyun became extremely interested in him and used all of her resources and methods to track him down, hoping that one day, she would be able to interview him.    


Tonight, this dream could finally be realized!    


Luo Ning's promised location was on a small road on the outskirts that no one would pass by in the middle of the night.    


This was the location selected by the system after analyzing the data. The probability of someone appearing here during this period of time was close to zero. Even if someone did pass by, the probability of them being an alcoholic was close to one hundred percent.    


A middle-sized van was parked by the side of the road. A few people got out of the van.    


Luo Ning looked over. After comparing the facial analysis with the online data, Luo Ning knew the reporter's identity.    


It was a very beautiful big sister!    


Jiang Qingyun was a goddess, even if she didn't use her pretty face filter. And because of her fitness and yoga training, her figure ratio was very good. She was a goddess in the news.    


Jiang Qingyun would not be allowed to go alone as the chief editor did not know the accuracy of the news.    


When Jiang Qingyun saw Luo Ning standing not far away, her heartbeat sped up. She seemed to have recovered the excitement she felt when she first left the field.    


Jiang Qingyun walked quickly towards Luo Ning, and Luo Ning also walked towards her.    


Luo Ning was quite tall, and with his armor, he looked sturdy.    


The silver-black armor had a bright metallic luster, giving off a feeling of science and technology in the future. It seemed like something that could only be created with the special effects of CG, yet was so real.    


"Hello, I'm Jiang Qingyun from the News Channel. How should I address you?" Jiang Qingyun's face was flushed from excitement.    


Oh my god! He's right here! He's standing right in front of me!    


This mysterious person who had long been completely red was now standing right in front of her. If it wasn't for Jiang Qingyun's mental fortitude, she would have fainted a long time ago.    


What Jiang Qingyun was sure of was that she had already taken down the hot search headlines for a few days or even longer.    


"Call me mysterious person, don't the internet call me that?" Luo Ning's uncle, Smoke Stub, was very attractive and magnetic.    


And it didn't sound like it was using a voice modulator at all.    


The voice of the mysterious person! Jiang Qingyun's heart was racing. She was the first reporter on the internet to record the voice of a mysterious person.    


Luo Ning obviously didn't know that any of his actions could make the entire internet go crazy.    


After all, the superhero from the movies had already saved the lives of Z City citizens three times.    


Luo Ning also quickly revealed his purpose of coming here. He asked Jiang Qingyun for her phone, which she did not hesitate to give to him.    


Luo Ning didn't need to manually operate the phone. Within two seconds, the system controlled Jiang Qingyun's phone.    


Jiang Qingyun saw that Luo Ning obviously didn't use his phone, but the light on his phone screen was constantly changing.    


Jiang Qingyun glanced back and immediately understood what the reporter meant. She focused her eyes and recorded this magical scene.    


Luo Ning returned the phone to Jiang Qingyun. Jiang Qingyun took a look and saw that it was an account number with the ID: Mystic person.    


"Could this be?" Jiang Qingyun looked up at Luo Ning with astonishment.    


"This is my personal account. There are too many impersonators on the internet, so I hope you can help me clarify this." Luo Ning said.    


Jiang Qingyun nodded her head and said, "No problem, no problem. But, how do I know that you are really a mysterious person?"    


Jiang Qingyun was a professional journalist. How could she let go of such a rare opportunity so easily?    


Luo Ning was already prepared. "Watch carefully."    


Luo Ning first took a few steps back, then jumped back. He did a somersault in the air and landed steadily on the ground.    


If she didn't see it with her own eyes, Jiang Qingyun would have thought that it was just a special effect. If it wasn't for the empty space around them, Jiang Qingyun would have thought that Luo Ning had a rope tied to his body.    


Luo Ning jumped more than ten meters high, three stories high, and the distance he jumped was about a hundred meters.    


This was definitely not something a human could do.    


The reporter with the video camera swallowed. His hands were trembling and his palms were covered in sweat. He did not want to miss a single detail.    


Then, Luo Ning rushed back. In just a few seconds, his speed was unbelievably fast.    


"How is it? Do you believe me now? " Luo Ning asked.    


Everyone was stunned, even the bodyguards at the back revealed a shocked expression.    


"I believe you..." Jiang Qingyun said in a daze.    


"Then I'll leave this matter to you." After saying that, before Jiang Qingyun could recover from her shock, Luo Ning had already run away.    


"Ai!" "Wait a moment!" When Jiang Qingyun regained her senses, Luo Ning had already disappeared into the distance. His speed was comparable to a car on a highway.    


Jiang Qingyun looked at Luo Ning's figure that had disappeared into the night, and mumbled in a low voice, "At least let me ask you a few questions before we go."    


However, Luo Ning's voice, the jump and sprint from Luo Ning, as well as Luo Ning's personal neck account, were more than enough!    


Tomorrow would be the moment when she, Jiang Qingyun, and everyone's eyes would be on the peak of the news!    


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