Urban Strongest System

C109 Invincible System

C109 Invincible System

0s Description is the most urgent state of the situation.    


Luo Ning was currently wearing an R2 Battle Armor and there were too many cracks on his R1 Battle Armor. If he were to meet another opponent like Smiley Man, he would be in danger.    


Luo Ning climbed over the wall familiarly and activated his armor.    


The shape of the R2 Battle Armor was different from the R1 Battle Mecha. It was more sleek, without any sharp outline. The basic color was not black, and there was also a bright silver color.    


Luo Ning was impatient to get out of the mission, so he took out the unspeakably handsome chariot from the system.    


A pile of green numbers combined together, and the chariot appeared out of thin air to buy Luo Ning.    


"Wow!" Luo Ning couldn't help but praise him when he saw the item.    


There were not many people in this world who were more handsome than the pictures.    


Luo Ning's figure was reflected on the beautiful car.    


Luo Ning got on the chariot and gently turned the handle. The chariot then issued a deep sound, like a beast making a warning growl.    


As the chariot sped out onto the road, the low roar of the engine and the speed of the car attracted many people's attention.    


Luo Ning's helmet originally looked like the helmet of a motorcycle driver. In addition, his R2 armor had been changed into a racing suit, so everyone thought that Luo Ning was just a racer.    


The speed of the motorcycle was astonishing. Even the surveillance camera only managed to catch a glimpse of his shadow. He shuttled back and forth between the roads like a cheetah running recklessly in the wilderness.    


In less than ten minutes, Luo Ning arrived at his destination before he was satisfied.    


Luo Ning parked the car on the side of the road outside the black and white coffee shop. No one else could drive the car except for him.    


There were no lights on in the black and white coffee shop. On the glass door hung a sign that said "Close."    


With Luo Ning's thermal vision, he could see that there was someone inside who looked like Hei Ya.    


Not long later, the door opened automatically.    


Luo Ning looked up and quickly found the hidden very good pinhole camera.    


Just as Luo Ning walked in, another door opened and a bright white light shone from inside.    


Luo Ning glanced at the coffee shop. It was European style and there was French bread behind the glass counter.    


As soon as Luo Ning entered, Hei Ya said, "Cat and co. got some important news. There's an antibody in the Red Cavalry office. We need to rescue him."    


Hei Ya looked very worried.    


"Antibody? "What kind of antibody?" From what Hei Ya said, this antibody isn't a drug, it's a person.    


"Remember that neurotoxin? It's said that it's the only living experimental body, and all the poison in his body has disappeared. Because he's very special, Prof. Dushee still has it, so we need him. "    


It sounds like a very important mission, "Luo Ning said." What about the others? "Where's Lee Dao?"    


Don't worry, Cat and Jidian didn't leave anything behind. No one will know you're going for now, but the faster, the better.    


Luo Ning thought, "Catching someone off guard should not be a problem, and it's just saving them. As long as there's no enemy like Smiley Man, it should be very simple."    


Hei Ya went out to see Luo Ning's new car and said, "This car is not bad."    


Luo Ning said, "Thank you."    


And then "Buzz." With a clear sound, Luo Ning rode his chariot and rushed out like a cannonball. The starting speed was astonishing.    


Unfortunately, that chariot could only sit on one person. Otherwise, Hei Ya would also want to test the feeling of being as fast as lightning.    


Hei Ya sat in his car and sighed. He was clearly the same as the other people in the field, yet he couldn't even get a single sportscar. This treatment, made him the only one in the Black Sect.    


A few months ago, the Red Cavalry office building was already in ruins. The bottom three floors did not have any external walls, and only had stairs. Most of the upper floors were done.    


The office buildings were surrounded by walls with broken glass on them. The only entrance was guarded.    


Luo Ning used his thermal vision to look. There was a person in the room at the highest level. There were four people sitting outside the room. Judging from their hand movements, they were probably playing cards.    


There were also three people sitting downstairs, a total of seven people.    


The other side had fewer people than he had expected.    


There were broken glass walls everywhere. To Luo Ning, it was like nothing.    


Luo Ning entered with a light jump.    


Only after Luo Ning slipped in did Hei Ya arrive.    


Hei Ya saw that the security door was open and there was a man in a blue uniform inside.    


Hei Ya walked over and knocked on the window. The security guard, who was smirking foolishly at the screen of his phone, suddenly jumped in shock and raised his head.    


Then he looked at Hei Ya in surprise and asked with narrowed eyes, "Who are you? What's it for? "    


"Sorry to disturb you." Hei Ya smiled in a very honest and honest manner. He tried asking: "Excuse me, is there a shopping plaza nearby? How do I get there?"    


"You drive straight ahead, then turn left at the intersection and you'll be able to see it for a while." The security guard was not suspicious and replied with a straight face.    


"But there are many crossroads over there. Which one is it?" Can you point it out to me? " Hei Ya scratched his head in embarrassment, looking a little silly.    


The security guard seemed impatient. He exhaled and wanted to hurry up and send Hei Ya off, so he walked out of the security booth and walked in front of Hei Ya. He pointed to the intersection in front and said, "Do you see that intersection over there with the sidewalks? The first one in front …"    


Before the security guard could finish his sentence, Hei Ya had already grabbed the security guard's neck from behind. The security guard struggled hard for a short while before collapsing to the ground, choking.    


Hei Ya did not see Luo Ning's car, so he thought he had already entered.    


Hei Ya pulled the security guard into the security booth so that no one else could see him.    


There were surveillance cameras in the security booth, but only outside the walls. There were none inside the office building.    


Hei Ya decided to wait here for the situation to develop, and he would know as soon as someone was near.    


One of the new pieces of equipment that the R2 Battle Armor was equipped with was a terrain scanning robot. It was only the size of a mosquito, and it would be able to understand the terrain details in a short period of time.    


The result of this kind of topographic scanning is more precise than that of the helmets scanning system, and it can be used for remote topographic scanning, which makes up for the deficiency of the helmets scanning system.    


The silent robot flew upstairs. The infrared ray emitted from its head even penetrated the wall, and even if there was a dark room, it would be discovered after scanning.    


As the scan progressed, the 3D structure of the terrain appeared in front of Luo Ning's eyes.    


According to the results of the scan, the most suitable route was established by the system. Then, Luo Ning would be able to avoid all the surveillance and sneak in without anyone noticing.    


The system switched the bottom of the R2 Battle Armor into a cushion, minimizing Luo Ning's footsteps.    


In the dark space, Luo Ning saw a light shining through the gap between the door and door. The three of them were watching TV.    


Luo Ning decided to knock everyone out before saving them. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if he led the people to escape.    


Luo Ning walked over stealthily. In order to avoid making any noise, the system had set a route that was even refined to the point where the footsteps could be heard. Luo Ning had avoided all the objects that might make any noise on the ground.    


Luo Ning felt more and more that Krypton Gold System was invincible. He just had to lower his head and put his feet on the virtual footprints projected by the system.    


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