Urban Strongest System

C181 Press Conferences(1)

C181 Press Conferences(1)

2Nie Zhenwei introduced the two of them, "Young Master, Hee Mengdia, the CEO of the company."     4


"Xiaodie, this is Master Luo Ning."    


Hee Mengdia had seen Luo Ning before, even though they looked like two people now. According to her memory, Luo Ning was only 18 years old, why did he look so mature?    


Hee Mengdia bowed to Luo Ning with doubt in her eyes. "Hello, Young Master."    


Hee Mengdia hadn't had a job for half a year, but she still received a monthly salary of one million because Luo Jin trusted her and Nie Zhenwei told her to wait for a while. When the time came, the company would need her help to re-operate.    


Hee Mengdia thought it would be a long wait, because she knew the future successor would be Luo Ning, and Luo Ning would need a long time to grow up.    


So when she received Nie Zhenwei's call yesterday, Hee Mengdia was very surprised. Isn't it too early to let Luo Ning take over the company?    


No one knew the company's affairs better than Hee Mengdia. With the company's unbelievable amount of funds, as well as Zhang Bing, Zheng Guangshan, and Wang Zhi's support, it wouldn't be a problem to maintain it for a few years.    


Therefore, the reason Nie Zhenwei wanted to restart the company at this time was definitely not because the company was in a crisis.    


Hee Mengdia opened a thick folder and started explaining about the company to Luo Ning.    


Luo Ning didn't know much about economics and business, but he could understand what Hee Mengdia said.    


Luo Ning did not know that this was because Nie Zhenwei had told Hee Mengdia in advance.    


"Young master is the same as old master, he might not understand the business and economic aspects of the company, so please make it as easy and easy as you can."    


Therefore, Hee Mengdia's first impression of Luo Ning was that he was also a prodigy, no?    


Hee Mengdia had no idea about the technology of the products and the systems in the company building. It was just like how Luo Jin didn't understand the operating mode of the company back then.    


The front was fine, but Luo Ning only barely understood what was going on. However, when he heard that the company's annual profit was trillions, he was shocked. Wasn't this almost as good as the oil company?    


The company's net profit was almost 100 billion.    


Companies are not just income from products, they are also income from investing in other well-known companies.    


"This is a company that has worked with us before and still has a contract." Hee Mengdia passed a piece of paper to Luo Ning.    


Luo Ning took a look. This is too much!    


Luo Ning wanted to ask if it was still too late to regret.    


He felt that if he were to handle the company's affairs, he would not have the time to guard the world as a mysterious person.    


"The foreign ministry of these companies will be responsible for the negotiation. Except for a few important decisions that require the young master's permission, I can handle any other matters. Of course, this is only when the young master gives me authority."    


"Your rights are the same as before, the company's affairs are up to you." Luo Ning believed in Hee Mengdia's ability.    


Hee Mengdia nodded. She didn't feel too surprised, because if Luo Ning was really like Luo Jin, then she could handle most of the company's affairs.    


"This is the speech I wrote for Young Master. If you can't think of anything to say during the press conference this afternoon, you can refer to it. There are also some questions and answers that the reporters might want to ask."    


Luo Ning began to understand why Luo Jin placed so much importance on Hee Mengdia. Hee Mengdia was efficient, thoughtful and capable. In the industry, she should be a rare talent.    


Luo Ning glanced at the script, the system had recorded down everything.    


Within ten seconds, Luo Ning put down the script.    


"Did I write it?" Hee Mengdia asked.    


"Ah?" "Oh, no." Luo Ning said, "I've finished reading it."    


"Then did you remember everything?" Hee Mengdia looked at the side of Luo Ning's handsome face in disbelief.    


Luo Ning nodded and humbly replied, "More or less."    


Another monster with extraordinary memory. Hee Mengdia thought that Luo Jin's memory was also terrifying. Could it be that scientific researchers all have such terrifying memory?    


"Thank you for your hard work. Please take care of me in the future." Luo Ning took the initiative to extend his hand towards Hee Mengdia.    


Hee Mengdia quickly shook Luo Ning's hand.    


Luo Ning's hands were very soft and warm, like a girl's hands.    


There was still some time before 12 o'clock. Luo Ning left the office and took the elevator to the basement. He needed to study the system's stuff.    


Firstly, it was the security system. For a high-tech company like New Century, security was extremely important.    


Luo Ning thought of the fingerprint lock on the office door. Then, he would record the fingerprints of all employees in the system, set the fingerprint detection on the door, and add the fingerprint scanning function on the elevator button.    


What if a customer comes to the company with an appointment?    


Luo Ning frowned and then quickly relaxed.    


Then design another subsystem, a special channel for non-employees, and use your face to identify them.    


Luo Ning also thought of a company's internal communication system, which would distribute a Bluetooth headset to all employees of the company. The headset would connect the terminal and mobile phone, dial through the phone, and the terminal would be transferred.    


This way, people in the company can just type in a set of short numbers on their mobile phone systems and get in touch with the person they need right away.    


This way, the office efficiency should increase a bit, right? Luo Ning was thinking like this. He would improve it according to the effects.    


Then there was the network system. The faster the office network, the better.    


Luo Ning wrote down the functions he needed and then designed the development system based on the functions.    


Unknowingly, it was already 12 o'clock. Zhang Bing and Wang Zhi, the two people who were living in Z City, had arrived early. Even Zheng Guangshan, who arrived late by plane, was only two minutes late.    


"Uncle Nie." Zhang Bing, Wang Zhi and Zheng Guangshan said in unison.    


Nie Zhenwei was older than the other three and had followed Luo Jin's butler for many years, so Zhang Bing and the others respectfully called him Uncle Nie.    


When Zhang Bing and the others saw Luo Ning, they were all shocked. Luo Ning still had the same demeanor as Luo Jin did in those years after he put on the suit.    


She had the same handsomeness, the same elegance, the same elegance, the same delicate features, the same long neck, and the same demoness beauty.    


If he had long hair, he would probably be an extremely beautiful woman in uniform.    


"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zheng, Uncle Wang." Luo Ning greeted them one by one. It could be said that Luo Ning had forgotten the new year as they had a harmonious relationship.    


At this moment, Yan Feng drove up. Luo Han was in the car too.    


Hearing that Luo Ning was about to restart New Century company, Yan Feng was completely shocked. Luo Han's astonishment was not one bit inferior to Yan Feng's.    


Seeing Luo Han getting off the sports car, Wang Zhi smiled and asked Zheng Guangshan, "You didn't give me that car, did you?"    


Zheng Guangshan pretended to be cold as he raised his eyebrows. Ao Guanshan arrogantly said, "What else?"    


… ….    


Luo Han hurriedly walked over. Yan Feng was still standing at the door. His head was over 90 degrees and he couldn't see the top of the building.    


Of course, Yan Feng knew what kind of company New Century Corporation was, so he also knew what it meant for Luo Ning to restart the company.    


This meant that Luo Ning was going to inherit this company.    


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