Legend of Sword King



4"Yang Ruoxi? "Yang Ruoxi from the small pavilion?" Qin Zong Quan sat on his teacher's chair as he coldly looked at his subordinate reporting to him. He seemed to be deep in thought, "What ability does she have to be able to kill my son?"    0


The underling carefully reported: "According to Commander Qin Biao, during this period of time, there would often be a young man appearing by Yang Ruoxi's side. It's just that his age of sixteen or seventeen years old is already at the third level of the Xumi Stage."    


Qin Zong Quan frowned slightly: "What background does this youth have?"    


The subordinate said: "For the time being, Commander Qin Biao has not found out. However, Commander Qin Biao said that it is likely that Yang Ruoxi has already left the Spirit Martial County. From the looks of it, she seems to be heading towards us.    


"Qi Lianshan?" Qin Zong Quan's face darkened, his voice suddenly became stern: "Pass down the order, search Liushi Town, if you see Yang Ruoxi, immediately send out the signal!"    


His underling's expression turned cold and he hurriedly passed down the order.    


Qin Zong Quan stood up and looked outside the door with his hands behind his back, coldly snorting: "If you really come to Liu Xi Town, then you really are looking for a place with broken iron shoes. If you get them, then I will cut you all into pieces without any effort!"    


The reason that Qin Zong Quan appeared in Liu Xi Town was because he had made a mistake when trading with the wolfwalker. He had come to see Aruba, the powerful figure of the wolfwalker. It was just that he did not expect Qin Tianyu to be killed the moment he straightened out the deal with Dulin. The next time Dulin appeared at the trading center, no one from the Qin Clan would appear.    


This infuriated Aruba, who sent someone to denounce Qin ZongQuan and ask him if he was incapable of continuing his dealings with the Great Wolf God's warriors. If the Qin family didn't have this ability, the warrior of the Great Wolf God wouldn't mind changing targets.    


These past few days, Qin Zong Quan had been extremely angry. After Aruba became angry, the chances of him meeting him had already become very slim. This could potentially delay a big matter. Qin Zong Quan's son had died first, and the matter that he was managing now had been affected. It was easy to imagine how much hatred he had for Yang Ruoxi and Chen Qing.    


After Cheng Qing and Yang Ruoxi walked out of Liu Xi Town, they suddenly felt a little strange, so he turned around to take a look. There were many aggressive cultivators on the streets. They would check the pedestrians around, especially the female cultivators.    


Judging from his clothes, he seemed like a member of the Qin family.    


Cheng Qing furrowed his brows. He didn't know that Qin Zong Quan was in Liu Xi Town, but he was keenly aware of the unusualness of the situation.    


"What are you looking at?" Yang Ruoxi asked curiously when she saw Cheng Qing still looking backwards with a thoughtful expression.    


Cheng Qing slowly withdrew his gaze. He had a vague feeling that the cultivators who were investigating the people in Liu Xi Town were coming for him and Yang Ruoxi. This kind of intuition wasn't developed without reason, it was cultivated through the experiences of life and death in Cheng Qing's previous life.    


However, how could there be a member of the Qin family in Liuxi Town, knowing that he and Yang Ruoxi were here? Cheng Qing quickened his pace, and kept his distance from the city gate with Yang Ruoxi. He asked: "How much do you know about Qin Biao?"    


Cheng Qing and Yang Ruoxi had killed Qin Tianyu, and Qin Biao had followed them all the way to Chicken Cry Street, forcing the two of them to leave the city and rush to Qi Lianshan. Chen Qing and Yang Ruoxi had killed Qin Tianyu, and Qin Biao had followed them all the way to Chicken Cry Street, forcing the two of them to leave the city and rush to Qi Lianshan.    


Speaking of Qin Biao, Yang Ruoxi had a serious expression on her face, "This Qin Biao is not simple. The latest information that my people have found indicates that he is very good at tracking assassinations, and has the ability to lock in his target from a hundred miles away. However, the specifics are as to what secret technique you have cultivated. Because the time it takes to uncover it is still too short, you have yet to find out. "    




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