Legend of Sword King



2Cheng Qing froze for a moment. Zhao E's cheeks were flushed, and her fair skin was as red as an apple. She exuded an enchanting heat and charm that made one want to take a bite out of her.    


As she spoke, a wisp of green fell from her face. There were even a few beads of sweat that sprinkled onto her slender neck that was as white as snow.    


"What's wrong, kid? Are you scared this time?" The corner of Zhao E Mei's mouth slightly moved, and a smile that was even more beautiful than the sunset appeared on her face. When she didn't use her charm technique to appear charming, it actually gave her a natural charm.    


Chen Qing lightly sat on the bed and slowly bent over.    


Their faces got closer and closer. Cheng Qing could already feel the hot air blowing on his face, and it felt very comfortable.    


Staring at her beautiful face that was just inches away from him was like looking at a piece of work of art, not missing a single detail.    


Zhao Yimei was still able to control herself at first, but she soon became uncomfortable. She slightly tilted her head, and her delicate body twisted uneasily. A faintly discernible sound came from her throat.    


Cheng Qing's delicate body was burning, and she couldn't help but tremble. Without any hesitation, she lowered her head and gently kissed Zhao E's red lips.    


"… …"    


The morning sun shone through the window and onto Cheng Qing's sharp face.    


He opened his eyes and gently picked up Zhao E's arm, which was resting on his chest, and slowly put it under the bed. Zhao E, whose hair covered most of her face, still had an unshed blush on her cheeks. Her legs were wrapped in sweat, giving her an indescribably beautiful appearance.    


Looking at Zhao E Mei who was sleeping like a baby on her side, Cheng Qing couldn't help but let out a gentle smile.    


When Zhao Yimei woke up, it was already late in the morning. She leaned up against the bed, the sunlight shining on her caused her to be unable to open her eyes.    


Placing his hand on his forehead, he was surprised to see that Cheng Qing had already brought in food and placed it in front of the table. Seeing that she had woken up, the other party revealed a smile that was even more dazzling than sunlight: "I was just about to call you … You leaked it in the spring. "    


Zhao E was still lost in that dazzling smile when she suddenly heard Cheng Qing's teasing. She looked down and quickly retreated, screaming as she grabbed the bedsheet and covered her chest.    


Cheng Qing laughed, "It's time to wake up, you lazy cat."    


Zhao E glared at Cheng Qing, then gritted her teeth and yelled, "Turn around!"    


Cheng Qing shrugged, but did as he was told. When Zhao E was dressed, Cheng Qing gestured to the washbasin. "I've already prepared some water for you. Hurry up and clean up. I'm very hungry."    


Zhao E walked in front of the wooden frame with awkward steps. She reached out her hand to test the temperature, and found that it was actually warm. Her heart was filled with boundless warmth. She had never imagined that this young fellow would be so considerate towards others.    


How could a person of his age possibly know the difficulty of a woman's words?    


Zhao Yimei turned her head to look at Cheng Qing, who was sitting at the side of the table. In the sunlight, no matter how she looked, the youth seemed to be pleasing to the eye. There was an intoxicating charm about him, and Zhao Hu-mei knew that it was a sense of security.    


However, after hearing Cheng Qing's words, Zhao E glared at him and said, "You only know how to eat. You were reincarnated by a hungry ghost?"    


Cheng Qing cried out, "I've been tired all night, how can I not be hungry?"    


Zhao E was so embarrassed that she wanted to strangle this bastard.    


After breakfast, Cheng Qing and Zhao E Mei left together.    




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