Naruto: One-click 999



3"Gentlemen, now that you have understood your fault in depth, you have repented for it. I believe that the four generations of Hokage and Whirlwind Nine Hinai, the two heroes, and the one after them will all choose to forgive you two. "     3


"But …"    


Hearing the first part of Xiao Tian's speech, the villagers who were kneeling down on one knee felt relieved.    


However, the latter half of his words caused everyone's heart to tighten. At the same time, they all felt a little lost.    


What was this new elder doing now?    


"We will never forgive the culprit that blinded everyone's eyes, who tried to split his Konoha and caused chaos and caused the death of our Hokage!"    


"Sinner should be punished!"    


Not good!    


After hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Chakra in Danzou's body was ready to release it at any time.    


Even though it would be difficult for him to explain himself to everyone else after this, he would even have to lower his head to that fellow, Ape Fei, for a long time.    


But compared to the fate of losing all his reputation and becoming completely unlucky in his place in the Hokage …    


Danzou could afford the price!    


However, just when Danzou was thinking that, the clan heads of the three great clans, who were kneeling down, stood up at the same time.    


At the same time, the Chakra in their bodies started to revolve, indicating their positions and goals very clearly!    


"These three guys …"    


The moment Uchiha Tsugaku, Rising Sun Football and Luojia Zhi Wei stood up, the veins on Danzou's forehead continuously bulged as he turned his head to glare at Xiao Tian, who was standing in front of him.    


It was the shuriken that he had hidden under his sleeve. He was prepared to take action against Xiao Tian if things went wrong, but now he had no choice but to give up.    


After all, if it was one on one, no matter how low the chances of success were, it did not mean that there was no chance of success.    


But now, if it was Xiao Tian, in addition to Konoha, there was also the head of the two strongest families and the Oily Girl Family.    


And Sarutobi Hiruzen, who could stand by Xiao Tian's side at any time. At that time, he would probably be one versus five.    


How could he possibly win this battle!?    


This bastard, just how much preparation did he make to cripple me tonight!    


He was just an outdated guy, how could he have such strong influence!?    


Xiao Tian didn't care at all about Danzou's actions because there was no need at all.    


The next moment, Xiao Tian turned around and pointed at Danzou.    


"The culprit is him!"    


"Root, Danzou!"    


"Xiao Tian, you …"    


Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen had already made some guesses in his heart when he heard that Xiao Tian had really attacked Danzou under the watchful eyes of the crowd, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was somewhat conflicted.    


He was weighing the pros and cons.    


This was a contest between the leader of the root and the leader of the elders. As a Hokage, if he were to intervene and help any side, the other side would definitely suffer a crushing defeat after today.    


After all, splitting Konoha and causing chaos to cause the death of Hokage, regardless of which rule it was, it was a crime that would completely ruin a person's reputation.    


Under normal circumstances, he should be a peacemaker now.    


However, Xiao Tian was on the side of this matter.    


This fellow was simply an existence that came out of nowhere. Moreover, his strength was extremely frightening …    


He couldn't stop this battle!    


At most, he could only clean their butts afterwards.    


Thinking about this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but have a headache.    


However, a thought had now appeared in his heart as well.    


If Xiao Tian replaced Danzou as the leader, then what would happen to the Konoha?    




Towards Xiao Tian's words, Danzou waved his hand and coldly shouted, directly denying it.    


Are you kidding? You want him to confess?    


That was impossible!    




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