Naruto: One-click 999



3"…"     2


While Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Rock Village, as well as the famous residences behind them started to move, Xiao Tian was teaching the four little fellows in the village.    


In front of him, Naruto clasped his hands together and directly threw a spiral ball of light towards the tree in the courtyard.    


"Watch me, Wind Escape Technique, Spiral Pill!"    




However, just as Naruto's spiral pill was about to hit the tree, a wall appeared out of thin air and blocked Naruto's attack.    


At the same time, a figure lazily lied on top and looked down at Naruto.    


"Its power is not bad, but it's still not stable enough. Continue to practice. Today, give me another 1000 pills."    


"One, one thousand?"    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Naruto's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.    


Although his sealed Chakra had been unsealed not long ago, the original Chakra and the nine tailed Chakra were enough for him to have the confidence to train at a high level.    


However, to poke a thousand spiraling pills a day, wasn't that a bit too difficult?    


Just as Naruto was thinking this, Hyuga Hinata, who was sitting on the other side, suddenly sat on the ground.    


"Oh, I'm so tired …"    


"What's wrong?"    


Xiao Tian watched Hyuga Hinata calmly waving her palm towards Tie Zhu.    


Hyuga Hinata answered his question honestly.    


"Master Xiao Tian, I-I can't do it anymore."    


"Get up."    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Hyuga Hinata's face instantly turned extremely ugly. She opened her mouth and was about to plead with Xiao Tian.    


"Master Xiao Tian, I really …"    


However, the result wasn't that good.    


"I told you to get up and continue. Of course, you can choose to give up and leave as you wish. "    




Seeing that Xiao Tian was scolding Hyuga Hinata, Naruto could not stand up straight. He quickly opened his mouth to ask Hinata to take a rest.    




"Mind your own business."    


Just as Naruto opened his mouth, a rock spike suddenly appeared under his feet. Furthermore, a palm condensed at the end of the spike and directly sent him flying.    


"Your Highness Naruto!"    


Hyuga Hinata panicked when she saw Naruto fly away.    


Towards this, Naruto merely smiled at her.    


"Hinata, I'm fine."    


"Your Highness Naruto couldn't match it. It's all because I'm too useless …"    


Seeing that Hyuga Hinata was about to cry, Naruto gently touched his head.    


"It's fine. Hinata has always been a strong girl. I believe that."    


"Your Highness Naruto."    


"Cough, cough."    


Just as Naruto and Hyuga Hinata were about to kiss, Xiao Tian, who was beside them, coughed dryly.    


Seeing this, Naruto hurriedly bowed and apologized to Xiao Tian.    


"Teacher, I was wrong, I shouldn't have split myself during training. I-I voluntarily added 100 spiraling pills as punishment!"    


"I, I am willing to add another hundred punches to train."    


These two little fellows …    


Honestly speaking, Xiao Tian was very satisfied with Naruto and Hyuga Hinata taking the initiative to admit their wrongs. However, he would not admit the two of them directly at this time.    


Because he knew very well what that would bring them.    


Pride! Too willful!    


"Naruto and five hundred more spiraling pills, Hinata and five hundred more iron pillar strikes."    






Upon hearing Xiao Tian's words, Naruto and Hyuga Hinata, who were sparring with each other, were dumbfounded.    


No matter how hard and soft their teachers were, they wouldn't be able to eat them!    


"What are you still standing there for? Or perhaps, the two of you want to have a feast? "    




A thousand times a meal?    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Naruto and Hyuga Hinata immediately felt that something was wrong.    


If they did, they probably wouldn't even need to eat dinner and would just turn into a midnight snack.    


Thinking about this, Naruto and Hyuga Hinata didn't waste any more time talking. They turned around and went back to their training place to start again.    


Xiao Tian nodded slightly when he saw this.    


With Naruto's released Chakra, coupled with the powerful regenerative abilities of his Whirlpool Clan's bloodline, it was impossible for him to get fifteen hundred Spiral Pills in one day.    


As long as that brat Naruto was serious, he would be fine with 3000 a day!    


As for the princess of Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hinata.    


Although it was said that the talent was slightly worse than the Rising Sun Ning, as long as the difference was not like the distance between heaven and earth, and he was willing to work hard.    


Xiao Tian was still confident that he could pull her closer to him in the near future.    


Thinking of this, Xiao Tian shifted his attention to the two people left in the courtyard.    


The geniuses of this generation in the Hyuga Clan, would face the light of day!    


Patriarch of Uchiha Clan, son of Uchiha Tsugaku, younger brother of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke!    


The training for Ri Xiang Ning's side was about the same as Hyuga Hinata's, but it had slightly improved.    


He struck out with his palm, carrying a heavy weight!    


Although this method was very old-fashioned, it was extremely useful for Ninja who specialized in body transformation.    


As long as he improved a little more, Xiao Tian could send this kid to Mr Chen and let him teach in his place.    


Of course, from time to time, he would have his clone fight him and give suggestions.    


After all, he needed to teach too many little guys now.    


If not for Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, accompanying Terumi Mei, they would have been looking for a way to use the Chakra perfectly.    


I'm afraid Xiao Tian will have a headache right now.    


After all, there were too many of these little fellows who had yet to finish their apprenticeship. This was a very troublesome matter to deal with.    


Thinking of this, Xiao Tian's gaze moved to the last little fellow in the courtyard.    


Uchiha, Sasuke!    


Under his command, the Uchiha, Sasuke, was currently practicing the sword techniques with the Pheasant Grass Sword in his hand.    


Beside him, there were also charred wooden stakes.    


Obviously, Xiao Tian had focused Sasuke's training of Uchiha on fire escape and sword arts.    


After all, Uchiha's innate talent was effective, and was unable to reach the level of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.    


Oh yeah, in terms of learning on paper, Sasuke is a pretty good kid.    


However, that was all. What Xiao Tian paid attention to was not this kind of result, but true personal ability!    


Thus, Xiao Tian didn't ask for the other party to immediately walk his own path.    


If an individual's ability was not that outstanding, then he would have to undergo basic training.    


Thinking about that, Xiao Tian covered his forehead.    


"This kid, what kind of path will he walk in the future …?" This is really a headache. "    




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