Strongest War Chant

C149 Downhill

C149 Downhill

2Although the illusion technique of the Spirit King is not bad, it can only confuse a second or third grade demon spirit for a moment. A higher level battle isn't something that it can participate in.    


"Damn you, why is it so difficult to get a meal?" Wu Shuang's face was full of resentment as he played "Dragon Knight".    


Along with the appearance of the awe-inspiring illusory dragon knight, the countless flowing silver melodies on Wu Shuang's body quickly weaved together to form a set of dragon scale silver armor.    




His slender black hair flapped behind him, and three mighty Dragon Gun formed from the melody floated behind him.    


"Come, let me see your abilities." Wu Shuang was the first to make a move. With a wave of his hand, a Dragon Gun shot out and pierced a Human-Faced Vulture with a hum. It then exploded on its body in the air.    


The Solitary Falcon fell to the ground while wailing in pain. It did not die, but half of its body was still shattered because of this.    


From Wu Shuang shooting the Dragon Gun to the Human-Faced Vultures falling, it only took a blink of an eye, and this also started the beginning of both sides' attacks.    


With the sound of the man-faced vultures' coughing, all of them flapped their wings crazily, bringing up gusts of wind and blades of wind, whizzing towards Wu Shuang.    


Wu Shuang didn't check for a while, and was sent rolling by the fierce wind. Even the roasted meat on the fire fell to the ground and rolled into the forest.    


"Your sister, my barbecue!" Wu Shuang cried out in grief. His fingers clenched into a fist as he punched at the incoming wind blades.    


With a instantaneous explosion, a golden-scaled dragon head that was surrounded by a melody scattered the wind blade in front of it, but it also exhausted all of its strength and exploded. Wu Shuang took the opportunity to rush out of the storm formed by the wind blades.    


The crackling sound of wind blades fell onto his Defensive Arts Formation like rain drops. Amidst the unbearable sound of teeth grinding, numerous black and red wind blades struck out at the same time.    


The next second, the two man-faced vultures facing Wu Shuang suddenly opened their mouths and spat out three or four lumps of fishy mucus. The mucus fell down shakily and under the instigation of the gale, it actually increased along with the wind and turned into a large mucus net.    


"Didn't your mother tell you not to spit on the spot?" Wu Shuang suddenly stopped, and at the same time that he jumped backwards, he threw a Dragon Gun heavily towards one of the man-faced vultures.    


This Man-Faced Eagle flapped its wings and flew high, easily dodging the Dragon Gun's attack, but unexpectedly, the sound of wind breaking came from behind, and it was pierced through by the Dragon Gun in one go, becoming the first dead bird.    


With Wu Shuang's successful attack, the pressure immediately lessened by a lot. There were only four man-faced vultures left in the air and he was left with a Dragon Gun. His Heavenly Sound Energy was maintained at more than 50%, but his body was still weak.    


The man-faced vultures seemed to have realized that the wind blades couldn't do anything to Wu Shuang, so they all pulled up their bodies. Suddenly, the space between their eyebrows split open, revealing a vertical pupil.    


Sssii! *    


The scorching heat rays crossed each other, the air was filled with the smell of burning flesh, the ground was also filled with ravines, Wu Shuang retreated, and the Defensive Arts Formation on his body exploded with a cracking sound.    


"It's too passive, these human faced vultures are flying so high, other than Dragon Gun s, it's not enough for them." Wu Shuang was extremely annoyed. He looked at the Human-Faced Vultures in the sky and growled, "Get the hell down."    


As his voice fell, the war song "Anxiety" began to play. Along with the sudden rise and fall of the tune, countless disorderly notes began to gather above the head of the Human-faced Vulture, forming a face that seemed to be laughing but also crying.    


He opened and closed his mouth, as streams of melody spewed out and stabbed into the minds of these human faced vultures like knives.    


Cough cough cough!    


The man-faced vulture wailed as he fell to the ground like a drunkard.    


Wu Shuang took the chance to rush up, and with a punch, he killed one man-faced vulture after another. The last human-faced vulture flapped its wings, wanting to fly, but it was suddenly pierced through by a wandering Five-claw Golden Dragon and its body fell to the ground.    


"These damn bastards, they really make people worry."    


Wu Shuang dismissed the effects of Dragon Knight and rushed into the woods where the roasted meat disappeared without a second to gather the materials. He saw a Swordteeth wolf pouncing on a large part of the meat and blood between its teeth.    


Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, the Swordteeth wolf vigilantly raised its head and constantly let out warning howls from its throat.    


"Why are you being so fierce? You've already eaten the meat, do you still want to bite me?" Wu Shuang was flustered and exasperated. He punched a nearby tree, and the sound of the dragon claw suddenly exploding was heard. Kacha! It was as if the tree was being broken at the waist.    


The Swordteeth Wolf suddenly jumped away, but was not hit by the tree. Its amber eyes looked at Wu Shuang in surprise. It took a few steps back and entered the forest.    


"Disappointed." Wu Shuang rubbed his shriveled up belly, turned around and went back to the lake. He tidied up the useful stuff, then threw a few energy pills into his mouth. After collecting the materials, he turned around and walked down the mountain.    


On the way down the mountain, Wu Shuang and the Spirit King walked in a winding forest. Under the moonlight, the air was wet and cold. As they walked on the thick fallen leaves, it felt like they were stepping on a blanket.    


Wu Shuang raised his head and took a look at the intersecting branches and the Steeled Arm Ape roaring above him. He muttered: "These monkeys are too evil, they couldn't beat me and ran up a tree. With such a big commotion, I wonder how many Demon Beast would be attracted to it."    


Wu Shuang said as he played "Ice Arrows" and "Black Icicle Spikes". As the three Divine Talisman s coiled around him, they formed a melody as they danced in the air. Then, they started to gather music.    


"Get down here." Wu Shuang took out the "Pillar of Confinement" from his waist. As he continuously waved it, the notes transformed into ice arrows and large pieces of melody icicles, shooting towards the Steeled Arm Ape on the tree like a machine gun.    




The Steeled Arm Ape immediately panicked when it was attacked. Although there were only a few hits, most of them were so scared that they jumped up and down, shaking their branches non-stop.    


For a time, frost and the leaves of the Iron Armed Apes fell to the ground. There were even two or three miserable shrieks mixed in the middle of them, and the scene was extremely chaotic.    




At this moment, a loud and clear ape cry rang out. The previously restless Steeled Arm Apes instantly quieted down, as if they had been struck by a spell. They didn't even dare to breathe loudly.    


Bang!" The next moment, a slender figure descended from the tree. He was around 1.8 meters tall with long black fur and had a fierce monkey face. He turned out to be a high level ape type demon spirit.    


On its shoulder was a naked, blood-stained woman. The woman's face was buried in her long hair like a waterfall, and her figure was sexy and plump. If one ignored the crisscrossing wounds on her body that were still dripping with blood, she was indeed a peerless beauty.    


"Level one demon spirit — Black Wind Ape." Wu Shuang frowned. When he saw the woman on the shoulder of the Black Wind Ape, he was immediately shocked, "Sister Susu?"    


"Why is Susu here? Did something happen to Boss Fei..." Wu Shuang's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't have time to think too much about it. Now that Susu had fallen into the hands of the Black Wind Ape, a moment of carelessness could cause her death.    


"Spirit King." Wu Shuang growled, "Use all your strength to confuse the Black Wind Apes, help me save them …"    


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