Sovereign to Immortality

C376 convergence attack

C376 convergence attack

4Yang Junshan had no choice but to put away the Pearl of Inheritance, and then took out a half foot long oval glass-like object from his storage bag.    


This object was one of the meteors that fell from the sky outside Yu City. However, when Yang Junshan dug it out from the ground, it was a half foot long oval rock covered in mud. After wiping off the mud on the surface, this piece of glass was the only thing left.    


At first, Yang Junshan thought that this piece of dark glass was the meteor that fell from the sky, but he soon realized that this was the glass that melted the earth when the meteor hit the ground with a high temperature. The real 'meteor' was probably covered by the glass.    


Yang Junshan had thought of smashing this piece of glass into pieces to take a peek at the true appearance of the treasure that had fallen from the sky. Yang Junshan had thought of smashing this piece of glass into pieces to take a peek at the true appearance of the treasure that had fallen from the sky.    


When he tried to pour his spiritual power into the black glass, it was like a clay ox entering the sea. Yang Junshan was a little disheartened and was about to stop the infusion of spiritual power, but at this moment, the glass emitted a yellow light which made Yang Junshan happy.    


However, after a while, there was still a layer of yellow light on the surface of the glass. It didn't change at all, but Yang Junshan's accumulated spiritual power was going to run out again.    


Helpless, Yang Junshan had to stop injecting his spiritual power into the glazed surface. When he was about to put the glazed surface away, he heard a sound and realized that the inky glaze seemed to have become purer. Although it was still inky, he could vaguely see a dark shadow in it.    


He thought that he should let Old Yang take a look at these two things. With Old Yang's current cultivation level, he might be able to take a look at these two treasures, but since Old Yang was in closed-door training right now, he probably wouldn't be able to come out for a year or so. He had no choice but to wait until after Old Yang came out.    


When Yang Junping saw his brother come down from the west mountain, he was so excited that he wanted to jump up to the sky. He couldn't wait to push everything he had to Yang Junshan.    


Unexpectedly, Yang Junshan said, "You still have to take responsibility for these things. I'm afraid I won't be in the village for some time."    


Yang Junping suddenly felt like he had lost his parents. He was in charge of the family and the things in the town, and he was not unfit to do it, but he was troubled by all kinds of things. He knew that these things couldn't be done by others, and could only be controlled by the three of them.    


In the end, he said, "A few days ago, the Qu Clan from Jiayu County left, and they used two magic tools to exchange most of the high grade spirit materials in the clan's treasury for the Blue Universe Stone. Yang Junping then told his brother what happened in the Desolate Land Town and the clan, and finally said," The Qu Clan's people from Jiayu County left, and they used two magic tools to exchange most of the high grade spirit materials they had stored in the clan.    


Yang Junshan nodded, and then heard Yang Junping say, "Oh, brother, there's one more thing. Bao Yu'er and the others have found traces of the Dream Yoga Guards in Qu Wushan."    


Yang Junshan suddenly raised his head and said, "Dream Yoga Guards?" How many people are they, what are they doing in Mt.    


Previously, Yang Junshan had received news that a group of Dream Yoga Guards had left the county's Heaven Shaking Courtyard, but after that, the pair seemed to have disappeared without a trace. He never expected that the tiger-girl who was hunting at Qu Wushan for her immortal spirit would meet Bao Yu'er.    


Yang Junping said, "There should only be one team of Dream Yoga guards. Even Fishy and the others only noticed it within a few seconds and didn't dare to get too close to it. Song Wei is the leader of that team, and Fishy is afraid of being found out."    


What were they doing hiding inside of Mt. Qu?    


The reason why Yang Junshan cared so much about this troop of Dream Yoga Guards was that if this troop of them could be used properly, they could even be compared with a cultivator of the Spiritual Realm. This kind of power was enough for Yang Junshan to not care at all.    


"Have there been any other movements by the magistrate court recently?"    


Yang Junping thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, but I heard from the county town that the magistrate Chen seemed to have been absent all this time. No one knows where he went."    


Yang Junshan asked curiously, "If Chen Zhenren is not here and Song Wei is not, then who is in charge of the matters in the county now?"    


Yang Junping sneered, "Which big or small power in Mengyu County isn't being controlled by the Chen County? If we don't open our doors at night, then we will at least have nothing to do with it!"    


Yang Junshan nodded and smiled, "That's true!"    


The night was charming. At this moment, Yang Junshan was standing on the peak of the western mountain looking up into the night sky. The peak of the western mountain was already shrouded in a fog, but as the builder of the village protection array, the fog would naturally disperse according to Yang Junshan's mood.    


In the days after they came out of seclusion, Yang Junshan would stand at the top of the western mountain every night looking up at the night sky. Standing at the top of the western mountain, he would stand at midnight.    


Seeing Yang Junping running up from the bottom of the mountain, Yang Junshan knew that something was wrong, so he went up to him. He saw Yang Junshan holding a jade talisman and asked, "What happened?"    


Yang Jun waved the jade talisman in her hand and said, "I received news from Yu City. Didn't you tell the Heaven Shaking Sect to send a letter?"    


Yang Junshan slapped his forehead and said, "Give it to me!"    


Before he went into closed-door training, Yang Junshan had Yang Junping send someone to send a letter to Ouyang Xuling in Yu City. As Ouyang Xuling's good friend, he naturally wouldn't ignore the life and death of his friend even when he knew that a crisis was about to befall him.    


In his previous life, Ouyang Xuling did not meet with any calamities, and had quickly risen to fame as one of the three great talents of the cultivation world. However, this did not mean that Yang Junshan could just sit back and watch the matter unfold.    


Of course, Yang Junshan couldn't possibly explain everything in the letter. He was hinting that there might be a huge storm that would affect the cultivation world of Yuzhou, telling him to be careful.    


Yang Junshan held the jade talisman in his hand and immersed his Spiritual Sense into it. The contents of the talisman soon appeared in his mind. This was indeed Ouyang Xulin's reply.    


Ouyang Xinlin was the first to thank Yang Junshan for his warning, saying that he had gotten a better understanding of the situation around Yu County from the Heaven Shaking Sect. According to Yang Junshan's guess, Ouyang Xinlin also thought that there would be a great storm, but he was very confident that the Heaven Shaking Sect would win in this storm.    


Yang Junshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If it wasn't for his previous life, he wouldn't have believed that the number one sect in Yuzhou, which had existed for thousands of years, would be the first to fall victim to this storm.    


However, Yang Junshan was still able to find some useful information from Ouyang Xuling's reply. For example, the Heaven Shaking Sect was still arguing about whether or not Chen Ji should be punished severely, and that he should be sent out of Mengyu County and return to Hantian Peak to reflect on his actions. Yang Junshan then showed his sincerity to the powerful families in Yuzhou to calm his heart, and then joined them to resist the attacks from other sects in Yuzhou, and so on.    


Yang Junshan could only smile wryly. After the Heaven Shaking Sect had suppressed all the powerful forces in the Yutang area, all the powerful men had already left the Heaven Shaking Sect. How could they make peace with them just because they wanted to?    


It could only be said that a group of Heaven Shaking Sect members had been doing this for far too long because of the position of the number one sect in the Jade Province.    


Yang Junshan bitterly smiled and put away the jade talisman. He suddenly found Yang Junping staring at the night sky behind him with a face full of shock.    


Yang Junshan's heart sank. He suddenly turned around and saw that in the sky to the south, southwest, and southeast, there were several shooting stars flying through the night sky. They were flying towards the north.    


It's finally here!    


When Yang Junshan realized that the storm he had been waiting for had finally started, what he felt wasn't nervousness or fear, but instead, excitement that engulfed his entire body.    


One, two, three,..., seven!    


At this moment, the light from the southern horizon had already cut through more than half of the sky. The light that was unique to the seven cultivators had already passed over Mengyu County without stopping, heading towards the north. And in that direction, was the county city of Yuxian, where the Heaven Shaking Sect was located.    


"Brother, brother!" What … what is going on? "Could this be the Escape Technique of a cultivator in the Mortal Realm?"    


Yang Junping didn't know what to do. In his entire life, he had only met a cultivator of the Spiritual Master Stage twice. One time was when he met Daoist Master Chen Ji in Xishan Village, and the other time was when he met the azure-robed Daoist Master in the main mine of the Sunset Ridge.    


"Seven, seven Adepts, what are they planning to do?"    


What for? A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Yang Junshan's mouth. He looked at the seven streaks of light that had already reached the northern horizon, as if he could see the Heaven Shaking Peak through the void. Of course, the Heaven Shaking Sect would be destroyed.    


At the same time, it was unknown how many people in the six counties of Yu County had witnessed the magnificent scene of the light streaking through the night sky. The cultivation world of Jade State under the night sky seemed to have been ignited in that instant!    


Jinyu County, also had three streaks of light heading north; Morning Yu County, which was split by six streaks of light; Huaiyu County, which was in the sky; Siyu County, where there was even a streak of light rising from the ground as the four streaks of light swept across the horizon; and Jiayu County, which was in the same situation. When the five streaks of light arrived, there was also a streak of light rising from Jiayu County, which then converged with the five streaks of light and flew towards the Northeast Heaven Shaking Peak.    


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Chapter Two: Happy April Fool's Day!    


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