Sovereign to Immortality

C519 refining qi

C519 refining qi

2Although Liu Qiu and Jing Yuan were surprised, each of them had their own methods. The two of them naturally did not say much, but they had a deeper understanding of the strength displayed by Yang Junshan.    


At this time, the three of them had already flew into the beautiful halo shrouded by the aurora light. Each of them occupied a radius of about three miles, and once things changed, the three of them could coordinate with each other immediately.    


At this moment, the aurora light in the sky had not detected any other cultivators rushing over. The three of them should be the first batch of good luck, so naturally they would be able to seize the initiative.    


Without saying a word, Daoist Master Liu Qiu brought out a jade bottle that was specifically used to collect the Power of the Heavens and the Earth. Then, she began to use a sacred art to take out the Primary Magnetic Force that was hidden in this piece of Aurora, and he put it into the jade bottle.    


At the same time, the Pure Yuan Spirit did not hesitate, but he was not as anxious as Liu Qiu. First, a stream of astral energy flashed across his body on Monday, and then a trace of disappointment appeared on his face.    


After confirming that the aurora was indeed the Dual Polarity Origin Divine Light, Yang Junshan just needed to cast it out, forming a light curtain around his body. Then, the aurora that covered the surrounding area immediately swarmed in like a cat smelling the fishy smell, clearing out the surrounding aurora light in a radius of a few hundred feet. Looking up from the ground, it was as if someone had dug a piece out of the originally colorful sky.    


The commotion caused by Yang Junshan's attack scared Liu Qiu and Jing Yuan, but the two of them were people who knew what was good for themselves, and seeing the scene behind them, they naturally knew that this was a phenomenon that occurred only when the cultivation ability and the Dual Polarity Original Gale had reached the pinnacle, and could not help but have a trace of envy in their eyes.    


One must know that after a cultivator succeeds in cultivating a sacred art, its power depends to a large extent on the fusion with the natural strength of the heavens and earth. This degree of compatibility is also related to the cultivator's own cultivation technique, and the inner strength of the cultivator's body is extremely high.    


Even though some cultivators were able to find the Great Celestial Force, which was the most compatible with their own techniques, they weren't able to raise the power of their techniques to the limit due to various reasons.    


However, the phenomenon that Yang Junshan's fusion of the Dual Polarity Origin Strengthening Technique had displayed, showed that Yang Junshan's supernatural power had already reached the peak of its compatibility with the Yuan Power of the Heaven and Earth.    


Sage Pure Yuan was obviously more knowledgeable. When he saw the screen of light surrounding Yang Junshan, thinking of his status in Yuzhou, he suddenly thought of a sacred art and blurted out, "Magnetic Treasure Light Technique?"    


The reason was because the cultivators of the Heaven Shaking Sect were also frequent visitors to and from the extreme north ice plains. However, at that time, the Heaven Shaking Sect was the number one sect in the Jade Province, so if they wanted to enter the extreme north ice plains, they would naturally have to deal with the number one sect, the Snow Wind Sword Sect.    


Not mentioning Liu Qiu and Pure Yuan Spirit's admiration for Yang Junshan's precious technique, in the beginning, Yang Junshan was clearly caught unawares by the influx of the Dual Polarity Origin Aura, which almost caused his Yuan Magneton Divine Art to crumble.    


One had to know that the cultivation of the magnetic light technique was incomparable to other divine abilities. Other divine abilities could be successfully cultivated even without the use of astral refinement, while astral refinement was only an increase in the power of the divine ability itself. It did not directly affect the divine ability itself.    


On the other hand, the magnetic treasure light technique was not the same. Refining the Power of the Heavens and the Earth was the key to increasing the power of the ability, and it was also the basis to whether or not he could master it.    


Once Yang Junshan broke down his sacred art due to the influx of Dual Polarity Origin Energy, it would cause a backlash. Yang Junshan would probably fail in his attempt to master the [Primary Magnetic Treasure Light Technique] within a short period of time.    


Fortunately, Yang Junshan had an extremely keen spiritual sense. Within a limited range, his control over the situation and the handling of danger far surpassed other cultivators of the same cultivation level.    


Almost in an instant, Yang Junshan unhesitatingly used the True Divine Art in his dantian, directly blocking the barrier that was on the verge of collapsing. With the cooperation of his spiritual consciousness, he formed a filtering net in front of the screen of magnetic spirit light, and after purifying the two purest polar magnetic force in the light and merging it with the magnetic spirit energy, after going through the refinement technique of the magnetic precious light technique, he began to increase the power of his original ability bit by bit, turning it towards the realm of his precious technique.    


Once the Aurora Light gushed out from the depths of the ice field, although it was originally the Dual Polarity Origin Strengthening, it contained too many impurities. If these auras were allowed to refine the Divine Light, the abilities of the Magnetic Birth Technique could be cultivated, but its might would naturally be reduced as well.    


In reality, cultivators who practiced the magnetic golden light technique and chose to advance using the Dual Polarity Yuangang would have a seventy to eighty percent chance of stopping their cultivation due to the initial breakthrough, or they might not even be able to reach the Great Perfection Stage.    


However, Yang Junshan had been able to resist the impact of the original astral energy at the beginning. Although the speed of refining astral energy was greatly reduced, he was still able to refine the purest and most flawless of the two polar magnetic primary astral energies.    


However, this way, the speed of cultivating the sacred art would be greatly reduced. Moreover, the amount of Primary Magnetic Force required in the process of cultivating would be extremely large, so much that the Aurora's eruption this time would not be able to meet the requirements for upgrading his sacred art.    


Furthermore, Yang Junshan was not the only one collecting the Original Highland in this aurora field. Furthermore, no one would disturb him in the middle of the earth, and they might even disrupt his cultivation process.    


Just as the three of them were collecting and refining the Primary Magnetic Force in the Aurora, it only took them about ten minutes to have another cultivator of the Celestial Realm drive the light over.    


However, seeing that Yang Junshan and the other two were standing in tacit understanding and the Aurora Belt that had covered a radius of ten miles, the person naturally did not fight with them. Instead, he found another place where no one else was, and also started to collect the Power of the Heavens and the Earth from the jade bottles.    


Very soon, other cultivators hurried over, but with the Aurora Belt providing enough space for the people who came to collect the Rangers of Heaven and Earth, naturally no one would easily start a dispute, and only needed to hurry up to collect the Rangers of Heaven and Earth.    


Seeing this, Yang Junshan and the other two people also began to gather and refine the Power of the Heavens and the Earth. Yang Junshan and the other two people also started to gather and refine the Power of the Heaven and the Earth.    


However, because he was able to filter out the primordial energy to an extremely pure extent, in reality, a large amount of the impure Aurora was wasted on him. This caused the other cultivators to feel greatly pained.    


Yang Junshan's actions finally attracted the dissatisfaction of the other cultivators, one of them shouted towards Yang Junshan, "That cultivator Wa, if you refine the Yuangang, even if you don't waste all of the Aurora Belt, you might not be able to successfully cultivate the sacred art. It must be known that it is not easy for everyone to find the Dual Polar Magnetic Birth Shield in the depths of the icy plains, so don't do too much!"    


Yang Junshan heard the warning from the cultivator's words, but he could only bitterly smile. In fact, that cultivator was right, all the cultivators that had entered the Aurora Belt to collect the original energy had stopped, and this piece of light was completely refined by him alone, so it was really impossible for him to successfully cultivate the magnetic light technique.    


However, that Constellation Realm cultivator could see that Yang Junshan was in cahoots with Liu Qiu and Jing Yuan. Even if the three of them were to work together, he wouldn't dare to provoke them even if he reached the level of Qi Condensation, so even though he warned, he didn't take any further action.    


The collection of Primary Waves continued. After a while, the area of light had shrunk to half of its original size after being collected and refined by a few cultivators. Moreover, the originally dense and gorgeous light had become dim because of the thinning out.    


Seeing that Yang Junshan didn't pay attention to his previous warning, the Qi Condensation cultivator acted as if he was still acting of his own accord, wasting the Primary ang energy to cultivate in an extremely exaggerated manner, which naturally made him very unhappy. He directly rode Du Guang to the three of them and said, "The three of you, especially this cultivator, are you too excessive in what you have done. You have already collected enough Origin Highland, please leave now!"    


The Pure Yuan Spirit said, "This Primary Magnetic Waves is ownerless, we will just rely on our own methods to collect it. As for what methods we use to collect it, and what does it have to do with others, does Sir not mind that you meddle too much?"    


Just as Sage Pure Yuan Spirit finished speaking, he saw that the cultivator that had followed closely behind the three of them was already standing behind the Qi Condensation cultivator, and said, "I see that fellow is right, the three of you are the first to arrive. I believe that you have collected enough Yuangang, so why don't you leave, and give us a chance to collect it."    


Liu Qiu glared at the three of them and was about to speak when she heard a few other people not too far away say with dissatisfaction, "What you say is, you three should just leave. The explosion of this Primary Magnetic Force is not easy, you can't all waste it, you have to give me a chance to collect it, no?"    


Liu Qiu opened her mouth and realized that the three of them had angered the masses by Yang Junshan's refinement of the Yuangang Energy. She could not help but cast a glance at Yang Junshan with a hint of dissatisfaction and complaint.    


Liu Qiu's gaze did not hide from the Conclave Realm cultivator, she secretly thought to herself that the three of them were not in the same group in the first place, so this was much easier. Liu Qiu's gaze did not hide from the Constellation Realm cultivator, and secretly thought to herself, Could it be that the three of them were not in the same group in the first place, this would be much easier?    


Hearing this, the other immortals all agreed. The appearance of this Aurora Belt and the collection of the Original Waves of Light had always been relying on their own means. It was just that this time, Yang Junshan's methods were way too excessive in their eyes.    


Yang Junshan was naturally not a fool, he knew that the two of them were actually trying to force him to retreat, so he was about to open his mouth to speak, but right at this moment, a sharp cry pierced through the howling astral wind, causing all of the cultivators present to have a great change in expression.    


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