Sovereign to Immortality

C387 witchcraft continued

C387 witchcraft continued

2The Vatican County did not actually border on Yu County, therefore, the influence area of the Vatican Sect did not directly conflict with the Heaven Shaking Sect. This time, when Jiang Tao returned from Heaven Shaking Peak, he would have to pass through Morning Yu County, then pass through Tan Xi County, which was Tan Xi County.    


One of the reasons why Spiritual Master Jiang Tao was so eager to return to the sect was because the Heaven-Shaking Peak had reaped a huge harvest on his own. He was confident that, together with his many years of accumulation and accumulation, he had a high chance of advancing to the Great Constellation Realm, which he had spied on for a long time.    


The other man from the Damascus Seal Faction had fallen on the Heaven-Shaking Peak. Right now, she was alone and wounded, and was the target of a few people with ulterior motives. Not to mention the fact that the old man from the Tan Xi Sect had always been crafty and cunning; if he had discovered the secret of her identity, he would have rushed forward to kill him without a care in the world.    


In fact, before entering Chenyu County, Daoist Master Jiang Tao had noticed the traces of the remaining disciples of Heaven Shaking Sect. In fact, before entering Chenyu County, Taoist Master Jiang Tao had detected the traces of the remaining disciples of Heaven Shaking Sect.    


But just as he was about to enter the land of the Xi Men, he was stopped in midair by someone.    


"Who are you? Why are you blocking my path?"    


Apart from the repulsive aura all over his body, the man's vertical eyes gave off a hair-raising feeling. At the same time, the way he swayed his triangular head from side to side made people feel extremely disgraceful. The way he spoke also made people feel displeased.    


"Ha ha, I am too naive. I would like to ask for your advice. Heh heh, please do not hesitate to give me your advice!"    


However, he did not discover such a strange behavior from a person named Taize. Hence, he said coldly, "This old man has an important matter on me today, if you need anything, you can personally come to my Damascus Seal Faction in the future. This old man will clean the floor and take my leave!"    


After speaking, Adept Jiang Tao even steered the light to bypass the position of Adept Taize and was about to leave.    


However, out of the corner of his eyes, Jiang Tao discovered that there was a black and yellow shadow wriggling around where Taoism was originally standing. However, out of the corner of Jiang Tao's eyes, he discovered that there was a black and yellow shadow wriggling around where Taozi was originally standing.    


"What a brilliant escape technique!" The fear in Adept Jiang Tao's heart grew even stronger as she spoke in a low voice, "What is the meaning of this? Do you really have to do this with me?"    


"Sigh, heh, this is great. I am happy to do so, please advise me!"    


Adept Taize shook his head, a look of extreme joy on his face.    


Before he could finish his words, Sage Jiang Tao had already brought up an iron seal and threw it towards Sage Tai Ze.    


"Ha ha, despicable, how dare you sneak attack me!"    


Daoist Master Taize gave a loud shout and a double-pronged spear appeared in his hands. He flicked the spear toward the iron seal in the air. Unexpectedly, the iron seal did not move, but the long spear was bent to the point that it almost broke.    


When Jiang Tao saw that Taoist Taize actually dared to use his own spirit treasure to move his iron seal, he was immediately overjoyed. He decided that Taoism Taize was simply courting death.    


However, Daoist Master Taize borrowed the long spear's tenacity to dissolve the tyrannical power of the iron seal time and again, and once again pushed the iron seal down, knowing that he had completely dispelled the might of the iron seal.    


"This is impossible!"    


One must know that the treasure in Sage Jiang Tao's hand was a treasure that could be used by all of the Damascus Seal Faction as a sect foundation treasure. However, the double-pronged long spear in Sage Taize's hands was at most a middle tier spirit treasure, but Sage Taize had used this long spear to block the attack of the iron seal.    


"Heh heh, it's black." Grandmaster Taize laughed strangely as the spear in his hand flew out. The tip of the spear swayed unsteadily, as if dozens of spear heads had instantly covered every direction of Jiang Tao's true body.    


With a grim expression, a short blade that was neither gold nor jade suddenly appeared in Jiang Tao's hand. He slashed the short blade through the air and shouted, "Shattering Gold Jade Slash!"    


A beam of golden jade light hacked down horizontally, completely extinguishing all of the densely packed spearheads in front of him. Only a muffled "puchi" was left behind. The distant Daoist Master Taize suddenly let out a miserable cry.    


The long spear was sent flying backwards. An inch deep cut appeared on the point where the two-pronged spear was connected. Another half an inch and one of the spear heads would have probably been cut in half.    


He was already injured, but this Taoist Taize's cultivation was not as high as his, but his battling methods revealed many oddities, causing him to be very uncomfortable. Earlier, when the Iron Seal struck the air, it caused the true essence within his body to boil, and he almost lost control of it.    


Currently, he was forcibly using the precious technique, "Broken Metal Jade Slash". Even though one strike had damaged Taozi's spiritual energy, it had also once again affected his internal injuries.    


Taoist Jiang Tao only thought of returning to the Damascus Seal Sect as soon as possible, and once again using the subway seal to suppress Taishang Taishang.    


However, this time, he seemed to be somewhat unable to do so. Although in the end, he was still able to avoid the suppression of the iron seal, the spear head on the spear could no longer endure and broke completely.    


The expression on Spiritual Master Taize's face distorted as he spat out a mouthful of cold blood. On the other hand, Spiritual Master Jiang Tao showed no mercy and once again used his short blade to slash through the air.    


Daoist Master Taize had suffered the short blade's disadvantage. Seeing the other party slashing at him once again, he immediately shouted out loudly. The long spear broke a spearhead, creating a huge arc in the air before striking the hilt of the short blade and sending it flying.    


The moment the short blade's hilt collided with the long spear's head, black smoke erupted out from the broken end. The black smoke transformed into a long black snake in the air and bit straight at Jiang Tao's face.    


At the same time, Spiritual Master Taize opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of cold blood. His entire body turned into a black-yellow light as he fled towards the ground. A moment later, he entered a distant black water swamp.    


Daoist Master Jiang Tao knew that this black smoke snake was different from the others. He opened his mouth and spat out a burst of True Divine Force, instantly destroying the black smoke snake. However, a trace of the black smoke still seeped into Daoist Jiang Tao's body, and a thick black heat flowed out from his nostrils.    


Spiritual Master Jiang Tao was startled. He never thought that the black smoke would be so toxic. He hastily gathered his true essence to suppress that trace of poison. However, it was slowly being expelled and then dissolved.    


For some inexplicable reason, he fought with an unknown cultivator, causing the injuries within his body to worsen. By now, Dao Master Jiang Tao was already ready to return home at any time.    


But just as he entered the Xi'an, three rays of light suddenly flew across the sky. Taoist Master Jiang was unexpectedly unable to avoid them. As the light descended, Daoist Master Yan revealed himself first and said with a smile, "Taoist Master Jiang, what a coincidence, I actually ran into you here …"    


After Tigress had dispersed the crows, Yang Junshan met with Tigress and Bao Yu'er very quickly. Once they met, Bao Yu'er threw a storage bag into Yang Junshan's hands and said, "These are all the harvests from this period of time."    


Yang Junshan opened it and was shocked, "So many? Eh, there are two high-grade immortal spirits?"    


Bao Yu'er glanced at Tigress and said, "Recently, there have been more and more beasts carrying demonic energy in the forest. These are all immortal spirits that Tigress found after hunting her …"    


Bao Yu'er paused here, and then said, "But Hu Niu also said, demon beasts that haven't advanced to the Spirit Demon Realm don't have intelligence, and can only rely on instinct to nurture their demonic energy, so they can't be considered as demonic cultivators. That's why we can kill them as we want, but those demon cultivators that have advanced to the Spirit Demon Realm are the same kind, so we can't attack them as we wish!"    


It was obvious that Tigress wanted to tell Yang Junshan these words. After Bao`er finished, Tigress snorted loudly and nodded her huge head, indicating that she was right.    


He must respect her. Of course, if he were to hunt down an advanced level Demonic Beast, Tigress would not feel that it was inappropriate either, as the Demonic Clan treated these kinds of things much more seriously than other races. In fact, Tigress not killing other Demonic Cultivators was already surprising to him.    


Yang Junshan said, "I called you two out this time for two reasons. One is to let you see the world outside of Mengyu County, so that you won't lose your initiative in that small area. Two, to give you a general idea of the distribution of Yu County's Demonic cultivators and their cultivation progress."    


After sending the two of them off, Yang Junshan set off again. This time, there were no other troubles until the entire trip to Yu City.    


Before the Yu City appeared, Yang Junshan saw the collapse of the Heaven Shaking Peak as if it was a huge grave.    


Although Yang Junshan had seen this scene many times in his previous life, he had never seen the Heaven Shaking Mountain before it collapsed. Therefore, the feeling of this change was not as strong as it was now.    


Before the Heaven-Shaking Peak collapsed, even though there were more than twenty Adepts from the Jade Province, how many things could they have taken?    


Perhaps they had taken away the most valuable part of the treasure, but to an ordinary Martial Disciple, the buried treasure on the collapsed Heaven Shaking Peak was still a fatal attraction.    


In fact, seventy to eighty years had passed since the collapse of the Heaven-Shaking Peak on the eve of Yang Junshan's fall. However, there were still Martial Cultivators from all over Yuzhou who entered in search of the various treasures buried within.    


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