Beauty-accompanying Manual



4 p At this moment, 'Evil Spark'     3


That electronically synthesized music suddenly rang in Yun Long's ears, carrying a kind of indescribable excitement … Congratulations, you have conquered the first female, 'Liang Xiaoxia'. You have successfully conquered her body and mind, and have completed the system's compulsory mission. "Please do your best to conquer more women's bodies and minds!    


Yun Long's heart skipped a beat as he quickly entered the "Ark world".    


In the middle of it all.    


/p p Evil Spark    


Floating in the air, its strange body flickered. At the same time, the number '20' had already appeared on the display screen in front of them. This meant that Yun Long had obtained 20 new points!    


Along with the remaining points, there were a total of 25 points remaining. He had a total of 20 skill points. "So powerful!"    


Yun Long couldn't help but sigh emotionally.    


/p p You have to know, in order to obtain the "Beginner's Level", he did not need to use the "Beginner's Level" right before this.    


Skill "Lifting Yin Leg"    


He had already used up the 3 points that he had accumulated with great difficulty. But now, he had recovered a total of 20 points. He was like a beggar who had suddenly won a prize of 1 million!    


/p p "Gaga..." Esteemed master, as long as you properly arrange for these points of improvement to be used, constantly improving your own skills, and increasing your overall strength, you will gradually become a powerful human pioneer! "With power that is revered by hundreds of millions of people …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He didn't forget to cheer Yun Long on.    


/p p "Really?" That would be great! I'm going to work harder... Get more points! "    


Yun Long was excited by its words.    


/p p "Yun Long..." You, what are you laughing so foolishly for? "    


Liang Xiaoxia raised her head and glared at Yun Long coquettishly.    


/p Yun Long was stunned and hurriedly brought his consciousness out of the "Ark world".    


Outside, back to reality.    


He looked at Liang Xiaoxia, who was in his arms, and said smugly, "Hehe, I was thinking about it. I didn't expect that my first time as poor as this would be so successful in pushing down a beauty."    


/p p "Aiya!" I hate it... In my eyes, you are not poor at all! "    


Liang Xiaoxia said coquettishly.    


/p p "Oh!" "Then what do you think I am?"    


Yun Long asked curiously.    


/p p "You're my man!" Liang Xiaoxia's man, Yun Long, may be poorer now, but he doesn't have any social status... But... I believe that you will change all of this through your own efforts! I, Liang Xiaoxia, would never be mistaken! "    


Liang Xiaoxia looked at Yun Long seriously and said.    


/p p "Mmm..." Elder Sister Xiao Xia, don't worry! I will definitely not let you down! "    


Yun Long felt her concern and love, and thought about how he owned a Beauty-accompanying System!    


This thing was a heaven-defying weapon. He believed that as long as he could acquire a point to level up and master the skills of a Beauty-accompanying System, he would be able to create a glorious future … Thus, the two of them began to chat intimately, talking about life, ideals, and the future … As they chatted, the two of them unknowingly slept in each other's arms.    


A few rays of sunlight shone through the window of the bedroom, brightening up the interior of the room.    


Yun Long opened his eyes in confusion. A few wisps of mischievous hair entered his nose, carrying a faint fragrance. This was the fragrance from Liang Xiaoxia's hair.    


He turned his head and saw Liang Xiaoxia lying on his right arm with her voluptuous and sexy body in his embrace. He could clearly feel the softness and cunning of Liang Xiaoxia's delicate body, as well as the elasticity of the original person. His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but turn around slightly and embrace her body with his arms.    


/p p "Mmm..."    


Liang Xiaoxia, who was still asleep, mumbled as she placed her right leg on Yun Long. Her left leg stuck out beyond the thin blanket, greatly attracting the visual senses of any man.    


/p After the excitement passed, Yun Zuiyu finally relaxed … /p Looking at Liang Xiaoxia, who had turned into a soft puddle in his arms, Yun Long felt extremely satisfied. He found that the feeling of conquering a woman, especially a virgin, was indeed enough to produce an indescribable sense of satisfaction.    


The people from the Roca Faction were also very happy.    


/p p "Um..." "Elder Sister Xiao Xia, I have to get up now. I'm going to report to school today …"    


At this moment, Yun Long suddenly remembered that the seven days' leave he applied for had expired today.    


Oh, okay. I'll get up now and give you something to eat before you go to school …    


Liang Xiaoxia nodded gently and stretched out her hand to prop it up.    


Unexpectedly, just as she propped up her body, she felt an indescribable tearing pain coming from under her body. Her delicate body went soft, and she couldn't help but frown. "Aiya!"    


He sat back down.    


/p p "Err..." "Elder Sister Xiao Xia, you, what happened to you?"    


Yun Long asked while supporting her delicate body.    


/p p "Yun Long..." I, I have a few... Pain... Wait for me to rest first... "Let's get up again."    


Liang Xiaoxia said with a flushed face.    


"Oh, Elder Sister Xiao Xia, don't get up yet. Rest well …" That … "I've read that a woman's body has just been broken. The best way to recover is through rest. I'll cook something for you and eat it …"    


Yun Long saw Liang Xiaoxia's bashful expression and quickly understood what was going on.    


After all, Liang Xiaoxia had experienced the pain of having her melon broken and had spent the entire morning passionately with Yun Long. After enduring Yun Long's torrential downpour, what was left was the "amount of work".    


She was quite large and was not a woman with a good constitution. Therefore, it was normal for such a situation to occur.    


/p p "Um..." "Alright then …"    


Liang Xiaoxia didn't force him. She knew that if she struggled, she wouldn't be able to stand steadily, so she said to Yun Long, "Yun Long, there's some noodles and eggs in the kitchen. You can cook them and eat them."    


Esteemed master, the music for electronic synthesis suddenly rang in Yun Long's ears, carrying a kind of indescribable excitement." Congratulations, you have conquered the first female, 'Liang Xiaoxia'. You have successfully conquered her body and mind, and have completed the system's compulsory mission. "Please do your best to conquer more women's bodies and minds!    


Yun Long nodded, got up and put on his clothes. He then went to the small kitchen outside and started to play with it.    


Yun Long was pretty good at cooking noodles. After a while, he cooked a small pot of egg noodles and carried a bowl to Liang Xiaoxia to eat.    


Liang Xiaoxia initially felt embarrassed, but under Yun Long's insistence, she obediently let him feed her a bowl of egg noodles.    


By the time she finished eating, it was already almost 12 o'clock. Yun Long thought that there should be a class in the afternoon, so he carefully instructed Liang Xiaoxia to take a good rest. As for her work, he temporarily put it aside and waited for her to agree before reluctantly leaving her rented apartment.    


As soon as Yun Long left, Liang Xiaoxia felt an emptiness in her heart. She actually missed Yun Long so much that she knew she had fallen in love with this man … Could it be … "This is the feeling of really falling in love with someone …    


After leaving Liang Xiaoxia's rented house, Yun Long walked out of the Dagong Village. Due to the heavy rain and the mud on the road last night, it took him more than 20 minutes to walk out of the Dagong Village.    


They walked along the highway for another five minutes or so before they finally found the stop sign for number 309.    


There were already a lot of people waiting for the bus under the stop sign. Yun Long looked over, most of them looked like workers, obviously they were outsiders living in the rental house in the Dagong Village.    


Yun Long went up to take a closer look at the stations passing by. There were quite a lot of stations passing by, including the train station. However, Yun Long was pleasantly surprised to find that the final stop turned out to be Southern University.    


Coincidentally, a bus with black smoke spewing out of its butt arrived at this moment. It was the bus No. 309 that everyone was waiting for. When the bus stopped, the people who were waiting for them all crowded up and Yun Long squeezed to the back of the bus with great difficulty.    


Only after getting on the car did Yun Long realize that the limited seats in the car had already been filled up. Helpless, he could only stand like a few others.    


After starting up the car, they drove all the way into the city. After stopping, they arrived at the train station.    


The Naiming City could also be considered as a provincial capital, so the size of the train station was naturally not small. Thus, not many people got off the train at this station, but there were quite a few passengers who got on.    


Yun Long saw that quite a few passengers were on the bus, so he naturally knew that the back of the bus was always a bit less crowded than the front.    


However, because there were too many people on the train, the already crowded car became even more crowded. For a moment, the car really did have a chest and back.    


At this time, the weather was hot and the carriage was so crowded that the air in the carriage was naturally quite hot and stuffy. However, Yun Long encountered this kind of situation quite a few times, so he had no choice but to endure it. After all, they were still at least a dozen stations away from the Southern University, and suddenly, Yun Long smelled a very nice fragrance wafting into his nose. Wow!    




It turned out that the person who squeezed into the car at the front was a beautiful woman with long hair and a cool clothing. Behind her was a small, exquisite backpack and a pink suitcase in her hand. Clearly, she was also the passenger who just got off the train.    


The face of that great beauty looked very much like the face of the Korean actress Lin Yun'er that Yun Long had seen in the movies. She was Yun Long's dream lover... In the hot weather, she dressed very coolly.    


It was even possible to see the small black undergarment underneath. The size was really not small … Especially her smooth skin, snow-white like congealed cream. Her slender figure filled her with an enchanting sexy charm.    


The worst part about her was that her chest... It was too exciting!    


Too "surging wave"    


It was done!    


The black underwear that was already pressed down was about to burst. What was even worse, as she slowly squeezed into the carriage, the two mischievous white rabbits in front of her started to tremble, making Yun Long's heart jump up and down.    


Coupled with the fact that she was wearing light blue denim shorts that were way too short!    


As she walked, her long, white, and beautiful legs were so captivating that it caused many men to daydream about her. In just a short time, most of the men in the carriage had turned their attention to that sexy beauty.    


However, the beauty seemed to be accustomed to this phenomenon and was not surprised. She calmly held her pink suitcase with one hand as she squeezed towards Yun Long.    


Yun Long's heart jumped wildly as he immediately moved backwards, opening up a small space. The moment the beauty saw a spot in front of her, she stood up.    


" /p Because the beauty was packing her belongings, she didn't seem to realize that something was wrong … "/p Because the beauty was arranging her belongings, she didn't seem to realize that something wasn't right …    


/p p     


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