Beauty-accompanying Manual



1After witnessing Ralph's violent and terrifying moves, Zhao Zegang and Yun Long both felt their scalps explode and their spines turn cold.    


Only then did Yun Long know that there was still such a powerful fighter in the world. With his current strength as a Amputation Path Ranker, if he met Ralph, he might be able to contend against him for a while, but the result would definitely be death!    


Zhao Zegang muttered: "This guy is really amazing! "He really is an expert from the Siberian training camp!"    


"Brother Zhao, what kind of place is the Siberian training camp?"    


Yun Long was stunned when he heard this. He had already heard of this term twice.    


/p p "That place..." "This is a true hell on earth …"    


Zhao Zegang's voice started to tremble.    


Then Zhao Zegang continued, "The Siberian training camp is the most brutal training base in the world. There are martial arts experts, killers, bodyguards, and even the most outstanding special forces in the world today. Almost all of them have been trained there, including our Hua Xia Country's blue-clothed special forces! "But the black clothed special forces are not qualified to enter …"    


Yun Long immediately interrupted him out of curiosity. "Brother Zhao, why do you say that, our Hua Xia Country special forces are divided into blue and black?"    


/p p "Yes..." This blue shirt and black shirt are hidden nicknames for our Hua Xia Country Special Forces. The elite soldiers of the Special Forces are called "Black Robe".    


It was already very powerful, like "Dragon Tooth".    


Special forces like the Battalion belonged to the elite team under the black coat, and special forces of the blue shirt rank were almost legendary figures, also known as "god of war".    




He was a natural born super warrior!    


Very few in number, classified as top secret!    




Zhao Zegang's face reddened as he said, "Actually …" "I can be considered a blue shirt, but I was fired …"    


/p p "Oh..." No wonder Big Brother Zhao is so skilled! So you're the legendary highest level special forces! "    


Yun Long suddenly understood.    


/p p "Alas..." If it was in the Siberian training camp, with my skills, I would only be considered a normal person! The people inside. "They are simply inhuman …"    


Zhao Zegang said.    


/p p "Err..." Nonhuman... "What do you mean?"    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


/p "It's just that the training methods and environment are too cruel. As Siberia is in a cold area, its temperature is often below 40 degrees. The living environment is extremely harsh, which is a great test for the human body.    


/p In the early days, Siberia was just a special forces training facility in the former Soviet Union. The security measures were very strict, and no one knew about it.    


/p With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, Russia's financial system had almost collapsed. They could no longer support the small but expensive training base. Many of the people in the training camp had left the army, become mercenaries, or gone on to become killers.    


These people from the Siberian training camp had all become the leaders of their respective industries. Thus, the Siberian training camp had unveiled its mysteriousness to the world, and their training methods had been gradually spread throughout the world.    


/p However, this kind of training required the help of Siberia's cruel natural environment. Thus, after some consultations, many countries had reached an agreement with the Russian side on the reconstruction of the Siberian training camp with funding from these countries.    


The rebuilt Siberian training camp was no longer solely owned by Russia. They had hired instructors from that year to train special forces of war for all countries. In the training camp, it was possible to see humans with all kinds of skin, from white yellow people to black people, and even Indians.    


After a few years had passed, it had gradually become a practice. As long as they had enough money, the training camp, after a preliminary screening, would also help some non-military organizations train the talent they needed.    




It had to be said that the elimination rate of the Siberian training camp was extremely high. For example, a batch of one hundred students might only have ten students left by the time they graduated.    


/p Because the instructor's authority is so great, he even has the right to kill any disobedient student on the spot!     


/p Under such harsh conditions, of the 90 people who were eliminated, at least 70 had already died. The remaining 30 people were probably disabled for life, so the Siberian training camp had another name, Death Training Camp.     




However, everyone who came out of the Siberian training camp was a top existence in every country or organization. Ralph's strength could be imagined for him to be able to become a warrior king in the training camp.    




Zhao Zegang sighed.    


"Oh, that Ralph is able to become a warrior king of the Siberian training camp. Looks like he is indeed a powerful character!"    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


"Of course, I matched blows with him. This guy's leg whip was very powerful, and his leg strength was at least 1000kg!" If an ordinary person were to suffer such a blow, their bones would burst apart. Even a well-trained fighter would suffer a great deal of damage if they were struck by such a force! "My arm is still numb even now …    


Zhao Zegang said with fear still lingering in his heart. Then, he stretched out his right hand for Yun Long to see.    


Sure enough, there was a dark crack on the skin on the back of Zhao Zegang's right hand. There were traces of blood on the skin, as if a huge force had ruthlessly rubbed against it.    


/p p "Err..." Close to 1000 kg of strength, then this kick had a ton of strength. Damn! This guy is really inhumane! "    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


It should be known, the strength that an ordinary adult uses all of his or her body's strength to strike is usually around 90-120 kg, and a fighter who has undergone professional combat training only has a maximum strength of 250-300 kg. This Ralph, with just a whip kick, is able to exert strength several times more than a professional fighter.    


/p p "Alas..." This Ralph is not only strong, but his fighting techniques are also very profound and he has a lot of experience. With my current level, if I were to fight with him, it would definitely be a disaster! "    


Zhao Zegang sighed.    


/p p "Um..." Brother Zhao, luckily you are not going to fight anymore. Otherwise, if you really meet an opponent like Ralph, it would be really scary! "    


Yun Long also nodded and said.    


Zhao Zegang also nodded and said, "If someone like Ralph can be invited, the backstage owner of the Night Emperor must have a very deep background!"    


"Oh yeah, is there really no one like Ralph that can deal with him?"    


Yun Long asked curiously.    


People like Ralph are already considered the ultimate killing machine in the world of martial arts. The only way to deal with him is …    


Zhao Zegang stopped here.    


/p p "Err..." Unless what? "    


Yun Long immediately asked him curiously.    


"Training in the Siberian training camp is extremely cruel. The fighting techniques Ralph has mastered are almost all powerful and practical techniques. The only way to deal with this kind of top fighting technique is our Hua Xia Country's ancient martial arts!"    


Zhao Zegang said.    


/p p "Ancient martial arts?" "For example, Eight Trigram Palm, Taiji Fist, Shaolin Fist, and the like?"    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


/p p "Yeah..." That's about it! "    


Zhao Zegang actually nodded.    


/p p "Err..." The martial arts of those sects... Are they all for show? Can he really use fighting techniques to kill people? "    


Yun Long was no longer a rookie in combat, which was why he had such doubts in his heart. Thus, he asked out of curiosity.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Little brother, aside from those martial arts used in performances, there are also martial arts used in actual combat. Our Hua Xia Country has such a long history, and every generation of wars occurs, especially in the era of cold weapons, and we are often attacked by outsiders.    


Zhao Zegang said with a smile.    


"Oh, Big Brother Zhao, you're right..." However … Can our ancient Hua Xia Country martial arts really have that much power? "    


Yun Long was still full of doubts.    


/p p "Um..." Martial arts training was divided into demonstration and fighting techniques, and all of these were related to training techniques … Martial arts were generally used for acting, which was also commonly known as floral martial arts. It had no actual killing power, and fighting martial arts was the core of ancient martial arts! Of course, this is related to training methods. Only the inner disciples, elders and the hidden experts of the ancient martial arts sects know the cultivation method of this ancient martial art — — Uh, let's put it this way — the power of our Hua Xia Country and ancient martial arts are much stronger than what you can imagine! "    


Zhao Zegang explained.    


/p p "Oh..." Could it be that Big Brother Zhao has seen it before? "    


Yun Long asked curiously.    


/p p "Um..." Yes! When I was serving in my blue shirt, I had the chance to see an ancient martial arts master reveal his skills. Separated by a piece of tofu, he was able to break a piece of hard blue brick into pieces, and the tofu didn't even budge an inch! "    


Zhao Zegang said.    


/p p "Wow..." This... What kind of power is this? "    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


I don't have a chance to learn the specifics... It wasn't long before I was expelled from the military. Sigh … "Thinking about that ancient martial arts master's Internal Martial Arts, it is truly amazing!    


Zhao Zegang sighed with regret.    


/p p "Wow!" Who would have thought that such a martial arts actually existed in this world! "How amazing …"    


Yun Long's heart was filled with excitement when he heard this. His heart was filled with yearning!    


/p p "Heh heh..." There were many miraculous things in the world, and why was it that China was a five thousand year old ancient country with many experts hiding in the north and south of it, controlling and inheriting some of the ancient secrets that were not passed down from generation to generation … In short, it is not as if such a person does not exist! "    


Zhao Zegang said.    


"Oh, it feels like wuxia novels!"    


Yun Long sighed.    


/p p "Heh heh..." That's more or less what you mean! "    


Zhao Zegang laughed.    


At this moment, the stage hosts announced the end of the match. After witnessing the bloody and ruthless match, although the audience didn't want to finish, they also didn't continue to jeer. After all, this match was already an additional match.    


Therefore, when the host announced the end of the match, the audience members began to leave the stage. However, most of them left the stage through a different passage.    


/p p     


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