Beauty-accompanying Manual



1After the three of them went in, Mu Yingxue walked straight to Long Xingyun's side and sat down. She stretched out her hands to pick up the bowl of porridge and personally fed it to him.     3


Yun Long and Miao Kexiu looked at each other and stood on either side of the table in tacit understanding, indicating that they didn't want to get too close to each other … It was just that Yun Long was sitting while Miao Kexiu was standing.    


Long Xingyun stopped after drinking a mouthful of hot porridge. His gaze was like a sharp sword. He glanced at Miao Kexiu at first, but he didn't say anything. It made her feel a sense of fear and trepidation.    


Subsequently, Long Xingyun looked towards Yun Long and asked with a smile, "Little Brother Yun, Vice-Captain Miao did not injure you, right?"    


/p p "No!" She's not that good yet! "    


Yun Long shook his head and said.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Really! I never thought that not only is Little Brother Yun's medical skills outstanding, you're also quite good! He's definitely a talent! "    


Long Xingyun said with a smile.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Old Master Long, you're too kind!"    


Yun Long smiled humbly.    


/p p "Hee hee..." "Yun Long, I rarely see Uncle Long praising others. It seems that this is indeed your ability!"    


Mu Yingxue said with a charming smile.    


/p For some reason, Yun Long's praise by Long Xingyun made Mu Yingxue feel happy. She felt as if he was praising her … /p Hehe Little Brother Yun is indeed capable! "    


Long Xingyun nodded, then said, "This time, little brother Yun saved my life, so I will not say thanks for this favor. If you need this old man's help in the future, as long as it is not against the country's laws, feel free to say so."    


/p p "Heh heh..." Honestly speaking, if it wasn't for today's incident, I really wouldn't have had the chance to meet the Golden Silkworm Gu and hone my medical skills! "So, I can have dinner at Old Master Long's place!"    


Yun Long said with a smile.    


/p p "Hahaha..." Good! Good! Little Brother Yun is indeed an interesting young man. In the future, if you want to come eat here with me, you can come anytime.    


Long Xingyun laughed.    


/p p "Haha!" It's good as long as you're full, then I won't be polite! "If you don't have any food in the future, then come and get something from Old Master Long!"    


Yun Long also laughed.    


/p p "No problem!" You are always welcome here! "    


Long Xingyun laughed.    


"When I see the food on this table, I immediately feel very hungry. Let's …" "You can start eating now!    


Yun Long smiled and asked Long Xingyun.    


/p p "Yes!" Of course you can! Let's eat! "Haha …"    


Long Xingyun laughed and waved his hands as if giving an order.    


/p p "Time to eat!" Big Brother Deng, let's go together! "    


Yun Long called over Lao Deng, who was beside him, and started to eat with the bowl in his hand. He was indeed hungry.    


Lao Deng hesitated for a moment. Long Xingyun, who was standing beside him, said, "Deng Guangliang, you've worked hard. Also, vice-captain, you guys sit down and eat with us."    


/p p "Yes!"    


Lao Deng and Miao Kexiu saluted at the same time and sat down to eat.    


This meal ended in a strange and harmonious atmosphere. Since Yun Long still had to go back to school to attend class, after a long meal, he took his leave from Long Xingyun, and together with Mu Yingxue, he left the mysterious military sanatorium together with Lao Deng.    


After sending Yun Long back to the Southern University, Mu Yingxue told him, "If I have time in the future, I'll come and find you!"    


With that, Mu Yingxue's face turned red and she waved her hand, telling the driver to turn around and leave.    


After Mu Yingxue left, Lao Deng didn't leave immediately. Instead, he got off the car, took out a red book from his pocket and handed it to Yun Long: "Little Brother, this is for you."    


/p p "Oh?" "What is this?"    


Yun Long curiously reached out his hand to take it.    


"When I see the food on this table, I immediately feel very hungry. Let's …" You can start eating now!     


There were three words, followed by some numbers that he could not understand, and three black "A" words.    




"In the future, with this book, you'll be able to freely enter and leave the sanatorium and most of the Southern Military Region."    


Lao Deng gave a brief explanation, then reminded Yun Long, "This book is a bit special, so little brother, you must not miss it!" I'm leaving first! We'll meet again if there's a chance! "    


Saying this, Lao Deng got into the Audi and drove away quickly.    


He turned the book over and over again, but he couldn't find anything special about it. Therefore, he didn't bother to study it, and just walked straight into the school.    


When he returned, it was already afternoon. Yun Long rushed back to the classroom, but he did not miss the class.    


Just like this, Yun Long spent the afternoon studying. After class, Yun Long wanted to find the three animals in Room 343 to go have a meal together, but they seemed to have some programs to busy themselves with. Leaving Yun Long alone, they slipped away to who knows where.    


In his boredom, Yun Long planned to go back to his dorm room to take a shower and then eat. However, he suddenly remembered that he had a small villa in the garden district.    


Therefore, Yun Long didn't return to his dorm. Instead, he walked out of the campus and headed towards the garden area.    


Taking a hot bath in his small villa in the middle of the building was definitely a super enjoyable experience. Besides, maybe Zhou Mengjie was there too. If that was the case, then he could have fun with her!    


When Yun Long thought of this, he became even more excited.    


Yun Long quickened his pace and entered the garden area. He was in a good mood as he rushed to his small villa in the middle of the building.    


Soon, he reached the third floor. Just as he took out his key and magnetic card to open the door, he realized that the door wasn't completely closed. He could easily open it with a swipe of his magnetic card.    


Yun Long walked into the room and saw several new slippers in the living room. He was stunned at first, but then he heard the sound of water splashing in the bathroom.    


/p p "Oh..." Meng Er is back! She's bathing inside. That's great, hehe … "    


Yun Long immediately thought of this scene and became excited.    


Thus, Yun Long quickly took off his clothes and walked to the bathroom. He reached out his hand and found that the door was not completely closed, revealing a gap.    


Thus, he peeked through the crack in the door and immediately saw an incomparably beautiful body with its back facing him. It was as white and sparkling as porcelain and its cloud-like hair spread out over her smooth shoulders, filled with boundless beauty and temptation.    


The beauty in the bathroom was soaking in the bathtub. She seemed to be in a very happy mood and was humming a little tune. The sound was especially pleasant to hear.    


Yun Long's heart was instantly set ablaze with excitement. He immediately decided to give the beauty inside a "surprise".    


"When I see the food on this table, I immediately feel very hungry. Let's …" You can start eating now!     


Therefore, Yun Long carefully opened the bathroom door, walked in with his back bent, then quietly climbed into the bathtub, opened his arms wide and hugged the beauty in the bath with all his might … … With his arms wrapped around her, the soft and warm fragrance, the smooth feel of her hands, and the amazing elasticity immediately filled Yun Long's hands and the entire embrace, especially the full and special touch brought by the beauty, made Yun Long even more excited, even 'beastly'.    


Get up.    


/p p Therefore, he increased the strength of his embrace and pushed his body forward, pushing the beauty to the edge of the bathtub... /p p "Ah!" "Save me …"    


At this moment, the beauty in his embrace cried out in alarm and began to struggle with all her might.    


"Meng Er, it's me!" Don't shout, it's me! I'm scaring you... "Haha …"    


Yun Long said excitedly, then he turned her over and opened his mouth to block her.    


/p p "Me, Me..." Not... Don't ah... "Mmm mmm …"    


Just as the beauty wanted to speak, her bright red mouth was sealed by Yun Long's mouth that came close to her!    


Furthermore, Yun Long was very outrageous. Not only did he kiss her small mouth, his two hands even reached underneath her without any hesitation and hooked up those two snow-white beautiful legs. He actually wanted to directly enter the "battle".    


"When I see the food on this table, I immediately feel very hungry. Let's …" You can start eating now!     


/p p "Oh wow..." No, don't wow... "No …"    


The body of the beauty in her embrace stiffened and she started to struggle with all her might again. The struggle was even more intense than before. Her body was even desperately twisting as she tried to avoid Yun Long's' firepower '.    


An attack from a powerful weapon!    


It was to prevent him from "breaking down the door and entering the house".    


"When I see the food on this table, I immediately feel very hungry. Let's …" You can start eating now!     


This abnormal action caused a large portion of Yun Long's surging passion to subside. His hands relaxed, allowing the beauty to heave a sigh of relief.    


The beauty immediately pulled out her hand and fiercely grabbed Yun Long's chest!    


/p p "Ah!" Meng Er, you … What are you doing!? "    


Yun Long's chest was in pain, and it was burning hot again. He looked down at his chest, and saw that she had scratched a few bloody scratches!    


/p p "You..." You hooligan! You're … "Bastard!"    


The beauty cursed loudly and hit Yun Long with her hand.    


At this moment, Yun Long realized that something was wrong with her voice. It sounded different from Zhou Mengjie's. He was shocked and quickly let go of the beauty in his arms.    


The two were too close to each other, so Yun Long couldn't see her face clearly for a while. Thus, Yun Long kept a distance from her before he could clearly see the beauty's appearance.    


This woman was not Zhou Mengjie at all, but her eyebrows looked a little similar to Zhou Mengjie. Furthermore, she was just like Zhou Mengjie, extremely beautiful and young, around 20 years old. Her facial features were picturesque, and her cloud-like hair was covered with droplets of water.    


Especially the part of her body in the bathtub, which was faintly discernible, with its enchanting whiteness and smoothness, as well as the beautiful curves that made it difficult for Yun Long to accelerate his gaze to leave. It was really too beautiful!    


It was just that at this moment, due to anger, her pretty face was covered with a beautiful blush. Her mouth was full of anger, and she looked very beautiful, which made Yun Long secretly exclaim in admiration. This woman was truly a beauty, she even looked so angry!    


/p p "This..." You, who are you? Why is it here?! "    


/p After a brief moment of shock, Yun Long finally remembered to ask her this question.    


/p p     


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