Beauty-accompanying Manual



3"Master, let's go!" Now that we've entered the interior of the glacier, we can see the legendary meteorite. I … I've been looking forward to it for a long time! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


His tone was filled with excitement and trembling.    


"Oh, where should we go in?"    


Yun Long was also very excited.    


/p p "Just follow my directions and walk forward!"     


"Evil Spark!"    


She sounded a little impatient.    


/p p "Okay!"    


Yun Long nodded.    


/p p Thus, at "Evil Spark"    


Under Yun Long's guidance, it took him about half an hour to traverse through the huge cave of ice. After he passed through a long and narrow passage, he entered a spherical dimension!    


Soon, Yun Long felt an entirely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!     


What appeared in front of Yun Long was a dreamlike crystal kingdom. What was different from the glacial world outside was that the ice crystals inside were actually rows after rows of purple crystals, like giant pillars. They stood tall and scattered, emitting a gorgeous light, and spread out in an arc, as if a goddess was holding the crystal kingdom in her arms!    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    


The surroundings were dotted with tiny crystal shoots and crystal flowers. Through these resplendent amethyst pillars, one could see that in the middle, there was actually a lake!    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    


The area was quite large, and at a glance, it should at least be over a hundred mu!    


Moreover, the lake water was milky white. The limpid lake water was boiling and bubbling. On the surface of the lake, there were strange little bubbles everywhere.    


The warmth that was as warm as spring was surprisingly emitted from the small bubble in the lake!    


/p p "This..." "What is this place?"    


Yun Long was shocked again.    


"This lake is actually the cooling agent for that piece of ice. If it wasn't for this coolant, the energy produced by that piece of ice would have been enough to burn the entire Tangula Mountains into ashes!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Ah!" Coolant! That piece of ice … Is it under this lake of coolant? "    


Yun Long was shocked again.    


"Yes. However, although this piece of meteorite was discovered and used by scientists like Jiang Boxing, it was captured by another race!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Hm?" Another race? "What do you mean?"    


Yun Long was confused again.    


"In other words, scientists like Jiang Boxing only discovered and used the energy of this meteorite, but the one who captured this piece of ice onto Earth and used these coolant to control it isn't the Jiang Boxingo people, but a more advanced race!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Ah!" More advanced races? More advanced than Jiang Boxing? "    


Yun Long was shocked.    


"Yes, this race's level of science and technology has already reached as high as level 10, and even higher!" It was even two levels higher than Jiang Boxing's level 8! They can also be said to be the highest-level super intelligent species in the Milky Way! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Ah!" So powerful … This race... "What's your name?"    


Yun Long was shocked once again.    


/p p "They are honored by the intelligent species of the Milky Way as the 'pioneers'"    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    


As the name implies, they are the oldest and most powerful intelligent species in the Milky Way!    


They are the masters of the Milky Way, they are omnipotent, they created the most glorious civilization in the Milky Way, they... is the real "god of heaven.    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    




"Evil Spark!"    


It was almost a whisper of adoration.    


/p p "Oh!"    


So according to what you're saying, these "pioneers." "So he's the real master of the galaxy?"    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


/p p "Yes..." However, according to the information I have, the "pioneer"    


"It seems to have disappeared or left the Milky Way …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Hm?" Not in the Milky Way anymore? Where did they go? "    


Yun Long was curious.    


/p p "This is a mystery..." No one knows about the "pioneer."    


Where did you go …? Ever since the day I was created, there has been no news of them!    


So I can't get a glimpse of them!    




"Evil Spark!"    




The Jiang Boxingo made you later. You never saw the "pioneer."    


It was very normal!    




Yun Long said.    


Master, I'm not made by Jiang Boxing [1]. I'm a 'pioneer'.    


Made with their technology!    


"Jiang Boxing's Roca Founder is just a partner I chose …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Ah?" What was going on? You... Aren't you Jiang Boxing's artificial intelligence? "    


Yun Long was shocked.    


/p He suddenly realized, "Evil Spark …"    


"I am an artificial intelligence, but I am not Jiang Boxing's product. I am the 'pioneer'    


Since it was created, it had been sealed in the 'database'.    


Later on, Jiang Boxing's genius scientist, Luo Ka, discovered me during the interplanetary archaeology and deciphered the 'database'.    


The indexer in the middle started me, and then I chose to work with him and help him invent the "Beauty-accompanying System".    


"After conducting a planetary intelligence transfer experiment, I was sent to Earth like a wormhole, until I met you, Master …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He revealed his origins.    


/p p "Ah!" You... "This destiny is really wandering …"    


Yun Long was surprised and asked, "You... With such high intelligence, couldn't he go back?    


Or, you can understand that the "pioneer"    


Where did he go?    




/p p "Heh heh..." My database is severely damaged, and there are a lot of important information inside. I have to use a special activation method to open it, but I have no way of opening it myself! And in my program, there is a command program that cannot be changed, and I have to execute it. "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Programs that cannot be changed?" "What is it?"    


Yun Long became curious again.    


/p p "Looks like it has something to do with you..." However, the data was severely damaged, so I'm not too sure right now... When my database is completely restored, you will know … So, I hope that you, Master, will work hard! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "It has something to do with me?" "So magical?"    


Yun Long found that this matter was getting more and more mysterious.    


/p p "Err..." "Master, let's not talk about these anymore. We can slowly study them in the future. It's more important to get down to business first!"    


"Evil Spark!"    



He suddenly reminded Yun Long.    


/p p "Oh, okay!" What should we do next? "    


Yun Long saw that he couldn't get the answer, so he followed the "Evil Spark" rule.    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    


The Second Level Gene's transformation cabin was inside.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." This "Spatial Rift"    


What does that mean?    




Yun Long had no idea about this.    


/p p The universe is made up of multiple spaces, each space has its own characteristics and rules, and space and time intersect.    


It was the spatial rift!    


Actually, it's a kind of wormhole with a special gravitational field.    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Hm?" Wormhole! Isn't this thing capable of swallowing matter? "    


Yun Long was stunned.    


"Hehe, master, you misunderstood." "Wormhole!"    


They exist in different states in space, even around us, but only so small that it is hard to see with the naked eye. They exist in the crevices of space and time.    


As in a three-dimensional space, time also has fine cracks, and space even smaller than molecules and atoms is called a "quantum bubble."    


The wormhole was inside!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." "I don't understand …"    


Yun Long shook his head. To him, this knowledge was too profound. Wanting to understand it thoroughly was not something that could be done overnight.    


/p p "Gaga..." To put it simply, we're going to enter the "space fissure."    


Gene Modification Chamber could only be activated and used by such a strong magnetic field through this strong magnetic pulse.    




"Evil Spark!"    


Ye Zichen smiled.    


/p p "Oh, so it's like that!" "Then can we go in now?"    


This time, Yun Long finally understood the "Evil Spark".    


It meant …    


/p p "Mmm..." I'm activating the biological pulse. It's going to be ready soon! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


As he said that, he suddenly burst out a dazzling light, shooting towards the mysterious "coolant".    


He shot down from the middle of the lake.    


/p p "Buzz Buzz..."    


A strange buzzing sound could be heard as a strange metal object appeared on the surface of the lake.    


The metal object was oval shaped and only a few meters in diameter. It had a faint blue luster to it, more like a large piece of metal, but there was no other apparatus around it.    


"Buzz! Buzz!    


The sound came closer to the shore.    


/p Then it stopped in front of Yun Long and spun a little. Suddenly, a blue pillar of light shot out from it, enveloping Yun Long's entire body!    


Yun Long only felt the blue light in front of his eyes growing brighter. It was as if his entire body was being penetrated by this blue light, and he felt as if every cell in his body had been scanned!    


/p p "Buzz Buzz..."    


The metal object completed this step very quickly and let out a strange buzzing sound again. Then, it suddenly cracked open beside Yun Long.    


It had turned into a petal-like shape!    


/p p "Err..." It... What is it? "    


Yun Long asked worriedly.    


/p p "Oh, it's called the Indexer."    


Soon, Yun Long felt a completely different kind of warmth. The temperature here was completely different from the cold outside!    


It's also an artificial intelligence inside the base. I just used master's biomagnetic pulse to send the signal, that's why I was able to draw it up.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Oh!" This thing... "What do you want?"    


Yun Long asked again.    


/p p "Load us into the interior of the base!" Among the coolant components of the lake, there were liquid nitrogen! This kind of material is enough to let master's body, which is made of flesh and blood, be condensed into a piece of glass! Therefore, without any special device, you will not be able to enter the lake! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." "So that's how it is!"    


Yun Long was speechless.    


From his knowledge of chemistry, Yun Long naturally knew that liquid nitrogen was a dangerous substance. If the human body directly came into contact with this substance, it would be severely injured, or even die!    


/p p     


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