Beauty-accompanying Manual



4"Oh?" Is that so … You... "Do you really want me to take Xiao Jie as well?"    


Yun Long could only helplessly ask Murong Yingying.    


Hee hee …" "Fertile water does not flow to foreign lands.    




"I think it's quite a pity if a beautiful woman like Xiao Jie falls into the hands of another man. Since she's a good sister to her sister, then she can be considered my sister. Since Meng Jie and I can accept this kind of relationship, then Xiao Jie might as well let you off …"    


Murong Yingying said with a smile.    


/p p "Heh heh..." If she knew that you had this thought, she wouldn't have dared to come to your place! "Isn't this obviously delivering food to me …?"    


Yun Long couldn't help but tease her.    


/p p "Hee hee, it's giving me meat!" Xiao Jie had good meat on her body, and she was a virgin at that! The conditions are pretty good in every aspect. To be honest, I hope you can take her down as well. This way, we sisters will have the chance to spend time together. Hahaha … "    


Murong Yingying couldn't stop laughing.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Ying Ying, I did not expect you to be so bad …"    


Yun Long laughed.    


He knew that Murong Yingying had already seen through his innermost thoughts. However, Murong Yingying did not seem to resent it. On the contrary, she seemed to have this kind of 'awareness'.    


For Yun Long, he naturally agreed with Murong Yingying's suggestion!    


/p p "Am I bad?" Don't you think so? You're the big bad guy, at most, he's just your accomplice … "Heehee …"    


Murong Yingying rolled her eyes at Yun Long coquettishly and then chuckled.    


/p p "That's right!"    


Zhou Mengjie had already been taken down by me. If I could take down Zhou Bingjie, I would have this pair of top quality sisters along with Murong Yingying.    


"..." Wow... That feeling must be super cool!    


Hee hee …" "Fertile water does not flow to foreign lands.    




When Yun Long thought of this possibility, his heart burned with excitement and anticipation!    


Furthermore, Yun Long discovered that Murong Yingying was a really interesting woman. After being conquered by him, even his good sister tried to give her to him as a gift.    


These words!    


/p p "Hee hee..." Seeing your happy expression, I can tell that you're thinking about those bad things! "    


Murong Yingying glared at him coquettishly and then said, "She's been tormented by you until she's almost out of energy. I'm also going to the cafeteria to eat."    


"Oh, I'll go with you!"    


Yun Long hurriedly said.    


/p p "No!" You should tidy this place up first! "    


Murong Yingying pointed around with a blush. "Battlefield!"    




Thus, Yun Long revealed a proud smile at the corner of his mouth. He started to bend down, picked up his clothes and put them on before tidying up the surrounding items.    


After Yun Long cleaned up the place, he intended to take a break and head to the small restaurant on the opposite side of the swimming pool.    




A golden light flashed before his eyes. "Evil Spark!    


Appearing in front of him, she spoke excitedly to Yun Long in her metallic voice, "Hehe, congratulations, my respected master. This time you have succeeded in conquering a beauty: Murong Yingying! I have obtained 30 system upgrade points! "    


/p p "Wow!" 30 System upgrade points, looks like Murong Yingying's level is quite good! "    


Yun Long became excited when he heard this.    


/p p "Yeah!" Her overall quality score is indeed quite high. Your system upgrade has now reached 60 points! "Hee hee …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He was especially excited.    


/p p "Wow, I already have 60 System Upgrade Points!" Wouldn't that mean I can master a few more skills now! "    


Yun Long said happily.    


/p p "Respected Master, this is actually not the key!"    


The reason I called you into the Ark World is because of you.    


I'm here to tell you a huge piece of news!    




"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Oh!" Extreme news? Is it good or bad? "    


Yun Long started to get nervous.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Guess? "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Laughing strangely, this thing actually learned to purposely keep others in suspense.    


/p p "Guess your sister!" Hurry up and tell me! "    


Yun Long did not have the time to bullshit with this thing. After a period of understanding, he was very clear that this was the "Evil Spark".    


A chatterbox.    


Artificial intelligence (AI), once the topic was brought up, it would definitely go on for a long time!    


/p p "Aiya, Master, you're not funny at all …"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He let out a depressed sigh, then suddenly raised his voice and said, "My respected master, congratulations to you very much. Your current conditions can already allow you to attain the second stage of genetic modification and strengthening!"    


/p p "Oh!" True... "It's done?"    


Yun Long did not expect this news. He was surprised, but also pleasantly surprised.    


/p p "Yes, your requirements have been met. Furthermore, the system has accumulated enough points to be able to start up Level 2, Genetic Engineering!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Wahaha..." When can we start? "    


Yun Long asked impatiently.    


"Master, don't get so excited yet!" Starting up the human body's second level, Genetic Engineering, requires a special set of energy conversion device. The Beauty-accompanying System's own electromagnetic pulse is not strong enough to complete this project! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." "What does that mean?"    


Yun Long was stunned and asked.    


"Simply put, the Beauty-accompanying System does not have enough energy on its own, and can only help you start the Second Level Gene transformation process. It cannot provide the special energy that is needed to carry out the project! "So, you must have another special energy conversion device to be able to complete this stage of the transformation!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Ah?" So it's like that … Then where can we get this special energy conversion device? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked it.    


"This special device doesn't belong to anyone from Earth!" The amount of technology in it has exceeded that of the current Earth by about 10 eras! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Ah?" This thing isn't on Earth? Then how do I transform my Second Level Gene? "Don't tell me you want me to fly to another planet and mess things up?"    


Yun Long was astonished. After a long pause, he recalled the so-called "special energy conversion device".    


Master, don't worry, this set of special energy conversion devices might not be something that Earth's current technology can produce, but it's something that's left behind on Earth.    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." Remaining? "What do you mean?"    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


"The thing is, in ancient times, according to the earth calendar, roughly 100 thousand years ago, Jiang Boxing had a space science exploration team explore the planets in the Milky Way and discovered Earth!" and we're going to do a long-term study of the life of the planet. "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "And then?"    


Yun Long was captivated.    


/p p "Due to the Earth's atmospheric environment and gravity, it's not suitable for these Jiang Boxing scientists to live in, so they created the special energy conversion device." /p /p "Because of the Earth's atmospheric environment and gravity, it's not suitable for these Jiang Boxing scientists to live on.    


By absorbing the electromagnetic pulses in the universe and converting them into special energy, the system could modify the gene chain of the cells in the body, and the genes could be transformed into the best condition to adapt to the gravity field and atmospheric pressure of the Earth.    




"Evil Spark!"    


The introduction said.    


/p p "Oh!" "After this thing has been modified, what kind of state will my body reach?"    


Yun Long quickly asked.    


/p p "This" special energy conversion device "     3


The resulting energy field would make up for the deficiencies in the genes and allow the body to be able to adjust itself to its optimal state.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Wow!" Gene self-regulation function? Wouldn't that make it hard to get sick? "    


Yun Long understood this and became excited.    


/p "This is more or less what I mean, because after the modification, the cell genes will carry a special energy field, which will have an extremely strong resistance to all sorts of viruses on Earth. In addition, the genes for certain functions can also be optimized!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Wow!" That's good! "Then what are some of the genes that can be optimized?"    


Yun Long became even more excited.    


"The Jiang Boxingo people and humans are very similar in that they are all calcium lifeforms, so Jiang Boxingo people and humans belong to the same species. According to the Milky Way's" Star Alliance "    


The Codes of the Planetary Intelligent Life Convention, the Jiang Boxingers cannot invade the planets and resources of mankind, otherwise they will suffer the Star Alliance.    


The condemnation and sanctions!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." There really is a Star Alliance in the Milky Way.    




Why does it sound like science fiction?    




Yun Long was speechless.    


/p p "Gaga..." Originally, I didn't call it that. I translated it into the language expressions on Earth to narrate it. The reason I did that was to make it easier for you to understand the meaning behind it. "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Ye Zichen smiled.    


"Then are there really that many intelligent aliens in the Milky Way?"    


Yun Long couldn't help but to ask curiously.    


"Of course there are, the Milky Way is so vast, there are countless planets spawning life forms, and there are quite a few that are suitable for intelligent life to evolve. Moreover, the level of evolution of these intelligent life forms and the development of cultural science and technology are all different, some are many times more advanced than Earth, and some are even lagging behind Earth!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Oh?" "Then how are these different planets' intelligent life forms distinguished?"    


Yun Long continued to ask.    


/p p "In this regard, Star Alliance"    


There were 10 levels according to the level of technological development and the ability of interstellar travel. Jiang Boxing, for example, was considered level 8. Earth's current level of science and technology could only be considered level 3. There was still quite a long distance between level 4 of the entry level!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Err..." Why is the entry level only at level 4? "    


Yun Long was puzzled.    


"Oh, because level 4 is interstellar space exploration technology, in this aspect, you humans have just started, the furthest you can go is the moon. If you want to leave the solar system and explore the outer space, you still have a long way to go!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Oh!" So that's how it is! "    


Yun Long nodded.    


/p p "Evil Spark"    


What he said was indeed the truth. The development of human science and technology was' swift and violent '.    


At his level, however for technology that left Earth and entered the universe to explore, it was just the beginning.    


/p p     


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