Beauty-accompanying Manual



1 p Yun Long took the Amputation Path's "fight quickly with speed"    


He hit Dawa Yangzhen's wrist with his palm, knocking her weapon to the ground. In addition to the crossbow arrow, there was also a sharp hidden blade with a crescent-shaped blade.    


Dawa Yangzhen was shocked by Yun Long's strength.    


Only after taking three steps back did he manage to stand firm on his feet.    


Yun Long didn't chase after them and just chuckled, "You don't need to fight anymore!"    


Dawa Yangzhen nodded her head and said to him in a respectful tone, "You're really amazing. I'm not a match for you even as a secret cultivator."    


/p p "Um..." You are a secret cultivator? The warriors of the secret sect? "    


Yun Long asked in surprise.    


"Yes, my identity is that of an Ando Mage, Master is a Magister Aegon."    


Dawa Yangzhen nodded again.    


/p p "Oh!" Nice to meet you! "Nice to meet you!"    


Although Yun Long didn't know the origins of the Ando Secret Sect, but Dawa Yangzhen was indeed the fastest expert that he had ever seen.    


Besides, Dawa Yangzhen's combat power was known as the "Bone Crusher Demon King" in the Siberian training camp.    


Aside from Ralph, he was also the strongest person that Yun Long had ever seen.    


With this, Yun Long, who was originally mistaken for a Secret Sect cultivator by the Liu siblings, actually encountered a real Secret Sect cultivator like Dawa Yangzhen!    


"Your skills are definitely not inferior to my Master. May I ask which sect's disciple you are?" Wu Dang? "Shaolin?"    


Dawa Yangzhen asked Yun Long curiously.    


/p p "Err..." I, I don't have a sect, I taught myself. "    


Yun Long waved his hand and said.    


/p p "Self-study?" How is this possible!? The move you used just now was clearly some kind of martial arts. "    


Dawa Yangzhen shouted.    


/p p "Oh!" If you want to count us as sects, then mine should be considered a Amputation Path! "    


Yun Long said.    


"Amputation Path!?"    


Dawa Yangzhen had obviously never heard of it.    


/p p "Ah!"    


Yun Long cried out in surprise and made a sign like Bruce Lee. He said to her with a smile, "It was Xiaolong Li who started it!"    


/p p "Err..." Who was Bruce Lee? "I don't understand …"    


Dawa Yangzhen still shook her head to show that she didn't know.    


/p p "Err..."    


Yun Long was speechless. It was only then that he realized that Dawa Yangzhen knew very little about the outside world.    


It was no wonder why she was like this. After all, most of the cultivation time was spent by the cultivators of the secret sect. Therefore, they didn't have much understanding of the outside world.    


/p p "Oh!" Bruce Lee! Dragon! So you know Bruce Lee's martial arts! My God, I adore him! I'm his fan! "    


Harry, who had been keeping an eye on Yun Long, shouted excitedly the moment he saw Yun Long put on Bruce Lee's pose.    


/p p "Hur hur, is that so?"    


Yun Long was stunned, he didn't expect Harry to be a martial arts fanatic.    


/p p "Yeah!" I like the way he punches others the most. It's simply too cool, especially when he's stepping on someone, he let out that cry … Wow … "Ahhh!"    


When Harry got to the point where he was excited, he couldn't help but dance for joy. He accidentally pulled the wound and immediately cried out in pain.    


/p p "Harry, don't move recklessly! "The wound will be even larger …"    


Seeing this, Lina hurriedly walked forward and said.    


"Uh, Harry's injury has to be treated immediately, but there's no drug to stop the bleeding right now!"    


Yun Long also said.    


After all, Yun Long was skilled in medicine. He could tell that injuries like Harry could only be treated after stopping the bleeding, but there were no drugs in this wilderness. This made Yun Long very troubled.    


/p p "Let me do it, I have some hidden medicine with me!"    


Dawa Yangzhen walked up and took out a small, thick, oily bag from the small bag. She opened the bag and took out a unique looking black porcelain bottle.    


Dawa Yangzhen walked in front of Harry and squatted down first. After looking at his wound, she opened the lid of the small porcelain bottle in her hand. Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance wafted out along with the rich fragrance of the medicine.    


Then, Dawa Yangzhen carefully tilted the bottle and poured out a thin, light green liquid.    


The liquid slowly dripped onto Harry's wound, instantly, a refreshing and comfortable feeling spread across his wound. Soon, Harry's bleeding wound, as if it was coated with a special gelatinous substance, quickly closed up and coagulated. That unbearable pain actually weakened a lot!    


/p p "Oh!" My wound immediately stopped bleeding, and I stopped hurting. Oh my god, this medicine was amazing! It's even more powerful than our Mi Country's special medicine! "    


Harry could not help but shout out in surprise. Then, he stared at Dawa Yangzhen with an expression of infatuation and muttered his gratitude, "Oh! "My goddess, you are definitely an angel sent by God to save me!"    




Harry could only furrow his brows and glare at her. However, he obediently shut his mouth and listened to her stare like a child who was listening to his teacher's advice … "Heh heh …" Harry, you seem to be completely submissive to this sister's actions?     


Lina couldn't help but laugh when she saw this.    


She's my savior, my goddess. There's nothing wrong with me listening to her!    


Harry's face turned hot, but he immediately said in a righteous tone.    


/p p "Hee hee..." "Harry, I think you have fallen for her, right?"    


Lina said with a smile. Lina was familiar with her brother's personality.    


/p p "Err..." Lina, you … Don't talk nonsense! "I don't even know her name or what she said …"    


Harry panicked and tried to cover it up.    


/p p "Heh heh..." These were not problems at all! A great love can surpass everything! "    


Lina laughed.    


She originally had a straightforward and direct personality like the Mi Country girl, so when discussing these emotional issues, she was not as reserved as the women of the Eastern Kingdom.    


/p p "Cough..." Lina, didn't you also secretly like this guy? "    


Harry glanced at Yun Long and said.    


/p p "Aiya!" "Let's not talk about this for now …"    


Lina immediately blushed and changed the topic, "Harry, can you stand up now?"    


Seeing that he successfully defeated Lina, Harry grit his teeth and smiled. Then he supported himself with both hands and stood up from the ground. Although the wound was still quite painful, he could still barely walk.    


/p p "Oh!" I can actually walk, the medicine of the goddess is really magical! "    


Harry cried out in surprise.    


When Dawa Yangzhen saw that Harry was able to stand up and move around, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. Then, she unscrewed the stopper of the black porcelain bottle and was about to put it back into her bag.    


"Miss Dawa Yangzhen, I can see that your medicine is really not bad. Can I take a look at it?"    


Yun Long asked her.    


It turned out that Yun Long already had a profound medical skill. After witnessing the process and effects of using Dawa Yangzhen's medicine on Wu Tie, he immediately knew that this solution was definitely a pretty good medicine. Naturally, he was very happy to see it, so he became very interested in the black porcelain bottle in her hand.    


/p p "Oh, no problem."    


Dawa Yangzhen passed the small black porcelain bottle over to Yun Long.    


Yun Long stretched out his hand to take it, opened the stopper, and smelled it carefully. Then, he muttered the names of quite a few medicinal ingredients: "Oh! "Tibetan border rhubarb, saffron, wild star grass, dragon's head, blood …"    




If you can smell the main ingredient, you must be really capable!    




Dawa Yangzhen couldn't help but say in surprise.    


Oh, this medicine is called 'Hidden Flare Ink Jade'.    






Yun Long hurriedly asked her.    


/p p "Yes, this kind of 'Brilliant Ink Jade Dew' …"     


I helped her find many of the medicinal herbs, so the moment you mentioned the names of the medicinal herbs, I knew about it.    




Dawa Yangzhen said.    


"Oh, so that's the case. However, there are a few other special medicinal ingredients that I know of …" they should all be medicinal ingredients unique to Tibetan Plateau, right? "    


Yun Long couldn't help but to ask curiously.    


" /p Originally, Yun Long was surprised to find that there were several very unique but very rich medicinal auras among them. He actually couldn't tell them apart … However, Yun Long knew that this was the "Brilliant Ink Jade Dew".    


The most important and effective ingredient!    


/p p "Heh heh, these ingredients, are called zotti.    


It is the most important ingredient in all the expensive ingredients of Tibetan medicine.    




Dawa Yangzhen said.    


/p p "Hm?"    




"..." What kind of medicine was this?    




Yun Long was stunned, he had never heard of this name before.    



/p p "Oh, Zotas"    


It is Tibetan language "Qing Ou Qu Zhuo Zu Qing".    






It was a refinement, a 'stage'.    


Finger ash, powder, means burned to ashes, therefore, "zoti"    


It didn't refer to a specific kind of medicinal herb, but rather a substance made from various expensive medicinal herbs, including minerals, that had been refined through a very special method!    


In the Tibetan area, only the most talented and famous pharmacists would be able to concoct the medicine named "Sotta".    


The mystery!    




Dawa Yangzhen explained.    


/p p "Oh!" "I did not expect it to be like this …"    


Yun Long could not help but exclaim in surprise. He was also surprised in his heart. The art of medicine was indeed profound and profound. Just the concealment of medicine by a doctor had such a mysterious origin and effect.    


/p p "That's right, and" Saute "    


The crafting process was very strict. During the crafting process, a special Buddhist ceremony had to be held in Tibet, and the craftsmen's identity had to be strict in order to ensure that "Zoji" was present.    


This was the true form of the creator's absolute devotion to the Buddha!    


Its entire production process is complex and time-consuming.    


Because the refiner had to use a special process of processing mercury to turn it into a non-toxic, special and effective medicine, which also had to seep into a variety of metal minerals and hundreds of original and auxiliary materials, and through rigorous and complex processing techniques, the refiner could finally successfully refine it.    


/p p So, does the drug contain a "zooty"?    


Often, it became the standard by which the Tibetan people judged whether or not it was an authentic medicine!    




Dawa Yangzhen had always respected the strong, so she didn't hide much from Yun Long.    


That's right, you said this' Brilliant Ink Jadeite '…    


If it was made by your sister, then she must be a famous Tibetan doctor, right?    




After hearing Dawa Yangzhen's words, Yun Long couldn't help but have a strong curiosity towards her sister.    


"Hehe, my sister isn't very famous, but the medicine she concocts is very famous!"    


Dawa Yangzhen laughed.    


/p p     


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