Beauty-accompanying Manual



3The diamond-shaped object in the dome of the hall once again emitted an even more dazzling green light, which condensed into a huge pillar of light that covered the Gene Modification Chamber from top to bottom.    




Once he entered the green pillar of light, he began to spin at a fast speed. Very soon, before Yun Long completely fainted, he felt like he had entered an indescribable space with the Gene Modification Chamber!    


In this space, time seemed to have frozen. Yun Long even noticed that even if his muscles slightly trembled, they would be slowed down infinitely, just like a long shot with a cup, followed by an extremely slow playback … /p Following that, the great pain brought by his body instantly rushed into Yun Long's head. He only heard the sound of "weng!"    




At this time, it was completely enveloped in a green light. The diamond-shaped object in the dome continued to emit an incomparably powerful energy. This energy rapidly caused a massive change in the gravitational field!    


The gravitational field had also changed. The geometric buildings and the green pillar of light in the hall started to float and hover in the air, surrounding the Gene Modification Chamber and rotating counterclockwise.    


These objects rotated as they emitted an incomparably dazzling green light. Within this green light was an incomparably powerful energy field!    


This kind of energy field actually forcefully formed an oval-shaped black hole in the air!    


When this black hole appeared, the Gene Modification Chamber was quickly engulfed by it and disappeared from the "Temple".    


In the middle!    




The space inside of it created a "rift in time and space".    


It was the black hole!    




Inside was a completely different space. In this space, time seemed to have frozen, and there was only the endless darkness, and there were no signs of life here. There were no planets flashing or moving, and Gene Modification Chamber floating in this "Space and Time Rift."    


It was almost motionless, as if it had existed in time and space since ancient times. It was a desolate and ancient feeling, as if it had existed in time and space since ancient times.    


These eight tentacles emitted a faint metallic green light, and the front part of these eight tentacles actually did not exist. They seemed to be formed in the darkness, as if they were a strange species, a special species that was between living beings and non-living beings!    


These eight strange ancient tentacles appeared from the darkness without a sound. Then, they extended towards the Gene Modification Chamber and quickly wrapped around it.    


Afterwards, strands of magical green light were transmitted from the eight tentacles into the Gene Modification Chamber, and slowly entered Yun Long's body through the needle holes.    


"Sizzle …    


The eight tentacles that mysteriously appeared contained a miraculous power that turned into a stream of energy that broke into Yun Long's body.    




Even though there was a change, Yun Long did not feel anything. He was lying inside the cabin with both of his eyes tightly shut. He was as steady as Mt. Tai, not moving at all!    


However, due to the changes in Yun Long's body, the potential that he had accumulated was being stimulated nonstop. The energy that entered his body was like mercury, flowing continuously into his blood, meridians, and bones, condensing into green light. After exploding in Yun Long's body, it shrunk and condensed again.    


/p p This is a strange 'biological nuclear explosion'.    


Phenomenon, according to the Earth's energy formula, would create energy comparable to that produced by the explosion of atomic bombs. However, in this "Space and Time Rift"    


The eight tentacles, however, were tightly controlling the energy waves inside the tentacles!    




The energy waves from the explosion seeped into his blood and tendons, and Yun Long's entire body was like a human sponge, slowly absorbing these energy waves. As a result, his genes were subtly being modified!    




Outside of Earth, three days and three nights passed quickly.    


because of the fact that we are being rotated at the speed of light.    


With its special effect, time had already passed over 30 years and 6 months!    


At this time, the mysterious eight tentacles, which were flickering with green light, had already finished imbuing the energy into the microwave, and then slowly loosened their entanglement with the Gene Modification Chamber. They then silently disappeared into the dark space, as if they had never appeared before, and the Gene Modification Chamber's hatch gently slid towards the top, automatically lifting the metal seal cabin … At this time, Yun Long's consciousness began to return. He still had his eyes closed, and discovered that he had inner vision.    


Yun Long could even see that the bones in his body were emitting a bronze glow. Under the influence of the purple blood, Yun Long felt an ancient yet noble feeling!    


At the same time, Yun Long finally understood. The Genetic Engineering this time was definitely much more thorough than the first time, even his blood and bones had completely changed!    


/p p As a result, "rebirth"    


This adjective definitely fit Yun Long's current condition!    


Because Yun Long's current situation had already taken into account the basic biology knowledge he had. This gave Yun Long a kind of body that had transformed from a mortal body into a human. He didn't even know what kind of 'human' he had become.    




/p Therefore, Yun Long sat up from within the Gene Modification Chamber. Due to his consciousness, he was still in a state of confusion due to the current situation, his mind was still a little sluggish … "Master, you finally woke up!"    


While Yun Long's mind was still in a confused state, he suddenly heard the sound of "Evil Spark".    


The sound.    


/p p "Oh!" Yeah, I... "What's my situation right now!"    


/p p Upon hearing "Evil Spark"    


Hearing that, Yun Long's consciousness immediately woke up.    


/p "Master, your level two Genetic Engineering is almost finished. He has recovered very well, but now that you are about to enter the final critical phase, I have come to remind you. I hope you can make your final preparations!"    


/p p "Evil Spark"    


His voice was filled with excitement and a trace of nervousness and unease … "There's still the final stage?    


Yun Long asked.    


/p p "There is!"    


This was a very important step. It was called "Gene Coagulation Nuclear Explosion."    




You must hold on!    




/p p "Evil Spark"    


With that, he disappeared in a flash in the air.    


/p p "Ah?"    


What do you mean by "Gene Solidified Core Explosion"?    








Yun Long was shocked. He felt that this term made people feel that it contained a very scary feeling!    


/p p However, Yun Long soon found out the answer... /p p "Crack!"    


A dazzling green light flashed in the dark like a bolt of lightning, bombarding Yun Long's body with an unparalleled amount of energy!    


/p p "Ah!"    


Yun Long let out a strange roar and his entire body was engulfed in lightning!    


The dazzling green lightning completely enveloped his body, and at the edge of the Gene Modification Chamber s body, a violent physical change was actually produced by the green lightning. A layer of glass-like crystal appeared on the body of the cabin.    


/p This process was incredibly soul-stirring, but Yun Long's change was even more hair-raising!    


Yun Long was blown back into the center of the cabin by the sudden green lightning bolt. On his body, a rotating ball of green light appeared, enveloping his body and flashing like a rainbow. It was these green light threads that quickly transformed the green lightning's power into his body!    


The cyan light surrounding Yun Long's body was thick like silk, and it flowed faster and faster. Even when he was breathing, the cyan gas could gush out.    


After that, Yun Long's entire body was once again tempered by the high-intensity energy waves. His flesh, internal organs, and bones have all become as tough as a shape!    


/p Under such intense changes, Yun Long's clothes were completely shattered by the energy waves and turned into ashes. At this moment, he was completely naked!     


However, his white skin had already faded and was replaced by a bronze-colored aura. It was so perfect that not a single blemish could be seen on it. It was as if his entire body had been carved out of bronze.    


Furthermore, even though Yun Long was naked right now, he still gave off a calm and steady aura that was as calm as a mountain!    


/p p After a long time... /p p "Ga Ga!"    


Congratulations, you have finally survived the "Gene Solidified Core Explosion".    


In the second stage, he successfully completed the entire second stage, Genetic Engineering!    




/p p "Evil Spark"    


That incomparably excited voice rang beside Yun Long's ears, waking him up at the same time. Otherwise, he would still be immersed in that soul-stirring memory from before!    


Yun Long opened his eyes.    


He noticed that his body seemed to have grown taller and more muscular. His skin was a particularly healthy shade of bronze, and he looked as perfect as a gladiator from ancient Rome!    


Especially since Yun Long could feel that the power in his body had suddenly increased by a lot, as if there was an endless force filling his body. Yun Long even felt like he could easily break a hard rock with a single punch!    


This feeling made him very excited. It had to be known that a man's desire for power was just like a woman's desire for beauty. It was an innate instinct!    


/p p     


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