Beauty-accompanying Manual



0 p "Okay, now Indexer"    


Master, your DNA has been confirmed, you can now enter the base from within!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p Therefore, Yun Long nodded and walked towards the "Indexer" that was opened.    




/p p "Buzz!    


Once Yun Long entered, the "indexer"    


He then wrapped Yun Long within it and quickly moved to the middle of the lake. Then, he sank down …     


In the inner space, there was no feeling of sultry heat, and the blue light in the surroundings constantly flickered, making it impossible to see its internal structure clearly.    


/p p About ten minutes, Indexer    


He suddenly stopped and let out another "Weng!".    


and then automatically turn it on.    


Suddenly, a green light shone into Yun Long's eyes. When he finally got used to it and opened his eyes, he was once again dumbfounded by what he saw!    


It turned out that what was in front of Yun Long was a magnificent palace!    


This hall was very spacious. Yun Long estimated that it should be at least a hundred mu in area!    


Around the palace, there were many geometric designs of strange buildings, such as arches, and the like. The main structure was made up of eight petals.    


The same architecture, with a strange style that was completely different from the buildings on Earth, yet very majestic and gorgeous.    


The surroundings, in particular, were filled with huge pillars shining with a mysterious green light. On these pillars were carved many tadpole-like hieroglyphs, as well as many strange symbols, revealing a deep, ancient, and mysterious aura!    


In the middle of the room, there was a weird rectangular metal box. There were a lot of things that looked like rays of light around the metal box.    


What shocked Yun Long the most was that there was a diamond-shaped object that was half the size of a football field hanging on the ceiling of the hall!    


This rhombus-shaped object was dark green in color. There was no support point in its surroundings, and there were no gaps in the area. It simply 'floated' like this.    


At the top of the hall, it was like a giant monster!    


/p p "This..." Is this the inside of the base? "    


Yun Long asked.    


"That's right, this is the core of the base. This place is also known as the 'Holy Hall'."    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Hm?" Holy Hall! "    


Yun Long was shocked.    


/p p This name was given to him by Jiang Boxing's scientists because the theme structure of this palace was not built by them, but rather, by the "pioneer".    


A relic left behind!    


They were only users!    


in order to express that this was for the "pioneer."    


This was why he called this place the "Holy Hall".    


It was the meaning of the sacred scripture of the First Sage!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Oh!" "So that's how it is!"    


Yun Long suddenly understood.    


"Master, the rectangular shaped metal object in the middle of the hall is the Gene Modification Chamber. Master, you can go over now. After you verify your DNA, you can enter the cabin."    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"Oh, so that thing is a Gene Modification Chamber!"    


Yun Long got excited.    


After a long and arduous journey, Yun Long was finally about to complete this crucial step. With an incomparable excitement, he walked to the center of the hall.    


Very quickly, Yun Long arrived in front of the rectangular Gene Modification Chamber. He started to carefully examine this object that was many times more advanced than Earth's technology.    


The entire Gene Modification Chamber was rectangular shaped, at least three meters long and at least fifteen meters wide. It was made from a light green metal that Yun Long couldn't discern, giving off a mysterious light green metallic luster.    


On the body of the Gene Modification Chamber, there was a circular groove. It seemed like it was some sort of device.    


However, Yun Long found out that if it wasn't for the fact that there were a lot of emission lines connecting the Gene Modification Chamber to the surrounding, it looked more like a metal coffin!    


/p p "Okay, Master, you can now put your hands on the DNA verification slot! That groove is it! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Tell him.    


/p p "Oh!" "Alright!"    


Yun Long finally realized that the device was a DNA verification slot. He quickly put his hands into the slot.    


/p Soon, a green light flashed from the DNA verification slot. It shot out a green light that enveloped Yun Long's entire body. Then, Yun Long felt that his entire body had been exposed by the green light.    


/p p "Crack!"    


After finishing the irradiation, the green light from the DNA verification slot disappeared, and the Gene Modification Chamber made a noise.    


Yun Long looked inside and found that inside the Gene Modification Chamber, there was a ball of green light. It was like an open cotton ball, and on both sides of it, there were needle-like devices that were connected to external equipment!    


/p p "Master, the DNA verification has been completed. You can now lie down!" In a while, I will connect to the energy source from the Star Core and activate the Gene Modification Chamber! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Suddenly, he said.    


/p p "Hm?" You mean, to activate this Gene Modification Chamber, you need the power of a Star Core? "    


Yun Long couldn't help but ask curiously.    


/p p "Yes!"    


This was because the Gene Modification Chamber wanted to enter the "Spatial Rift".    


In order to complete the superluminal circulation and enter the wormhole's gravitational field, one needed to have enough powerful energy to support themselves.    


Genetic Engineering, you have to follow your master's instructions to start the operation!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"Why do you do this?    


Yun Long asked in surprise.    


/p "Because you are a human, and according to the time on Earth, if you want to make Genetic Engineering successfully complete the second stage, you have to slow down. Only with your modified body can you have enough time to withstand such a huge change!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Time slowed down?" How can that be? "    


Yun Long asked again.    


/p p "If the object is moving at the speed of light, it can do it!" Because level two Genetic Engineering, if you want to operate according to the time on Earth, you need to have a 30 year period and a half year recovery period. You don't have enough time! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Oh, so that's the case..." Could it be that they want me to lie in this Gene Modification Chamber and fly into space? "    


Yun Long asked nervously.    




It was done!    


/p p "No need to enter space, just enter the" Space and Time Rift "    


It was fine, because the speed of the Gene Modification Chamber was close to that of a spaceship that was approaching the speed of light. If the spaceship could not violate the law of the speed of light, which was the greatest speed limit, and the time inside the spaceship became slower, then flying in space for a week was the equivalent of 30 years on the ground, which was also equivalent to slowing down time.    




"Evil Spark!"    


After explaining again, he said to him, "Master, you can lie down inside now. I'll start the engine of the nucleus energy right now!"    


/p p "Oh, okay!" "Then I'm going in!"    


After he laid down, he suddenly felt a flash of golden light in his brain, and a biological pulse shot straight to the top of the hall, entering into the strange diamond-shaped object at the top of the hall!    


/p p "Buzz..." "Buzz …"    


In an instant, the diamond-shaped object burst out with a dazzling green light, illuminating the entire hall in a magnificent and bizarre green light!    


The huge green pillars surrounding the hall also started to emit the same green light. The green light quickly gathered at the center of the hall, forming a thick green electronic cloud, the entire "Holy Hall".    


Inside, it was completely shrouded in a dreamlike, illusory, sparkling, and dazzling green cloud!    


Yun Long, who was lying in the Gene Modification Chamber, was so shocked that his mouth was wide open when he saw this magnificent scene!    


/p p "Buzz..."    



That rhombus object suddenly let out a hum, and Yun Long only felt a tremor in the Gene Modification Chamber, the hatch automatically closed up, completely sealing Yun Long inside!    


Yun Long knew that Genetic Engineering was about to start. His heart rate sped up with nervousness because of the "painful memories" that Genetic Engineering brought him last time.    


They were still fresh in his mind!    


/p p "Master, it's starting!" Endure it for a bit! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


His voice sounded beside Yun Long's ear, sounding both nervous and serious.    


Yun Long could only nod his head. At this critical juncture, other than accepting this fate, what else could he do?    


/p p "Buzz buzz …"    


/p p "Holy Hall"    


The diamond-shaped object in the ceiling began to emit a strange buzzing sound. The green electron beam that filled the hall actually shot out an even more dazzling green light.    


Although Yun Long could see the situation outside through the cabin, he couldn't open his eyes because the intensity of the green light was too intense. It was like countless little suns emitting green light!    


At this moment, the entire Gene Modification Chamber began to spin and rapidly rise into the air. The green light, like a tide, completely enveloped the Gene Modification Chamber!    


Just when Yun Long was feeling nervous, a green ball of light suddenly moved inside the cabin and tightly wrapped around Yun Long. Then, the needle-like instruments on both sides of Yun Long's body pierced into his body like a group of octopus!    


/p p "Wow …"    


Yun Long opened his mouth wide and let out a miserable scream. The pain was caused by the needles stabbing into his body. It was impossible to describe the pain!    


/p p What's more painful is still to come..." After the needles entered Yun Long's body, as if they had eyes, they quickly found Yun Long's arteries and injected different liquids into them …     


The needle pierced crazily and injected an unknown liquid into Yun Long's body. The pain he brought to Yun Long was like a helpless child being forcefully injected by dozens of nurses!    


Yun Long's body could not bear the intensity of the pain. After holding on for two to three minutes, he fell into a trance, and gradually lost consciousness as the liquid spread inside his body... Weng! * "Buzz!"    


/p p     


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